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My friends, I simply can't believe it. I just downright can't! It seems amazing and unbelievable that Alex Hirsch, creator of Gravity Falls, rides a buffalo to work.

You know what else is unbelievable? It's unbelievable that Mr. RadiantSkies can not only make cool YouTube videos, but also plays piano like a boss!

And I can't believe, just can't believe, that I wrote the music for The Forgotten's theme song, as well as The Obsidian Gate and The Lost. They're not actually good, but still.

But, the most unbelievable of all, is that I, HonestMongoose, have 40 followers. 40 followers! And you're probably one of them! SO YAY YOU! Seriously, what is WRONG with you people? You're AWESOME! You enjoy my weirdness, laugh in my Gravity Falls T or D, and... well, The Lost has 386 views. Not bad, not bad. Well, compared to my Gravity Falls T or D, it's absolutely terrible, seeing as Gravity Falls has 6.22 thousand views, but still.

So, thanks to your weirdness (or, if that offends you... well, if weirdness offended you, you wouldn't be reading this, so never mind), I've decided to take up my quill, dip it in my ink, and throw it like a dart at random citizens of my pack. Then I roll around in the grass and laugh hysterically.

But anyway, thanks to your devotion, I've decided to grace you with a special chapter! I think I'll call it "40 Followers!"

First special thing: I bet you'd all like to hear me talk in weird accents, right? Alright. Ahem.

Hello, guys. How are you liking this accent?

What about this one?

Ooh, this one's pretty good!

Special thing 2:


Numero 3: List of things that I am!
-Possessor of demonic pigs
-Human? Nah.
-Professor and founder of my own university
-Part of the mysterious duo known as... THE CORNER
-Little brother. Big brother. Medium brother.

3.1: Some handy advice:

"One does not simply yodel at three in the morning."

"Do not, at all costs, trust Jim from Accounting. TheClarinetDood said so."

"Here is a recipe for a healthy life: Some eggs, some flour, a little bit of glue (preferably glittery), gravel, a cinder block, and purple paint. Heat all these at infinity degrees Fahrenheit for 96.2437 seconds. Then take it out, turn the pan/bowl inside-out, and serve it. Watch and enjoy as whoever you gave it to eats your life."

"It's all right-side, upside, left-side, bottom-side, my side, your side, best side, other side. There IS no other alternative."

And this has been my dandy 40 follower special! And now, breaking this book's tradition, let's be serious for a second. I really do appreciate all the follows and views. Thanks to all of you for your support, whether you vote and comment or just enjoy silently. I feel like I've come a long way from being the 11 year old beginner, and I hope to continue growing and improving. Thank you guys!

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