Mirror Image

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Usually, when I look at myself in the mirror, I see myself staring back at me. A exact copy of me, doing what I do. Of course, the me in the mirror isn't alive. He's simply a replica of me. My mirror image. I think nothing of him, and he doesn't think. Simple.

But some days, I look in the mirror and I see someone else. My reflection is gone, replaced by a stranger. Somehow, I know that I am that stranger. We study each other when we meet, and my mirror image doesn't copy me. He moves freely, although still in my mirror. He wears darker clothes than I do and has a sinister feel about him. When I exit the room, my mirror image reaches the edge of the mirror and disappears. I always poke my head back into the room, just to make sure my mirror image is gone. All I see in the mirror is my own face staring back at me. I leave the room, wondering where my other self went. But wherever he goes, he always returns sooner or later, for us to study each other again.

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