Mystery Dungeons

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To all those to don't understand the joy of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon... get out. Come back when you are ready to appreciate an amazing work of brilliance. I'm not talking about Mystery Dungeon Gates To Infinity. That is garbage. I'm talking Mystery Dungeon Red, Blue, Explorers of Time, that stuff. And if you know the joy of those games, then please enjoy.

I'm tired," Squirtle yawns. I nod my agreement. We've had a long day of traveling. "Let's get some rest, okay, Evee?" Squirtle retreats into his shell as the brilliant moon rises. Although I'm tired, I stay awake a bit longer, studying the moon.

It sure has been a crazy day, I think. I can't believe how fast everything is moving. I remember earlier that day, at our Guild...


"Huge news, huge news!" Officer Magnezone beeped.

"What is the news?" Chatot asked, a bit annoyed at the noise.

"There's been a kidnapping!" Officer Magnezone cried. "Xatu has been kidnapped!"

"WHAT?" Chatot shrieked. "But- but Xatu is a wise pokemon who sees the future. If he's gone missing, then... ATTENTION!" Panic gripped the Guild, and no one payed him any mind. As pokemon scrambled around in fear, Chatot sighed and nudged Exploud.

"LISTEN UP, YA HEAR???" Exploud bellowed. The panic immediately died, the only sounds being the ringing in our ears.

"Ahem. Thank you," Chatot began. "Now, I know this is bad, but we must not panic. We are Rescue Teams, are we not?" The gathered pokemon murmured their agreement. "Then rescue we shall!" The Rescue Teams cheered as Chatot turned to Officer Magnezone.

"Okay, officer. Do you have any clues as to where Xatu might have been taken?"

"Indeed," the pokemon buzzed. "Magnemite, please bring the evidence."


In the morning, Squirtle and I continued on our journey. I'd become used to the enraged pokemon we found, and they weren't much of a challenge in the dungeon we were in. After traveling through the dungeon for a while, we reached a small room, perfect for resting in and getting reorganized.

"This has been tough," Squirtle panted. "You doing okay, Evee?" I nodded, tired but not hurt.

"Great," Squirtle smiled in relief. "I'm going to look at my Relic Fragment again. I wonder how it's related to Xatu's kidnapping?" Squirtle reaches into his bag and pulls out the small stone with symbols on it. The room we're in seems to fade away as my memory relives the last time I saw those symbols...


"What odd symbols," Chatot mused. The evidence that the Magnemite brought was a piece of paper with symbols on it. "It isn't any kind of writing I understand..." Squirtle turned to me in alarm.

"Evee! Those symbols are on my Relic Fragment!"

It's true, I thought, puzzled. Does Squirtle's Relic Fragment have something to do with Xatu's disappearance?

"Do you know anything about this?" Chatot asked Officer Magnezone.

"Only a little," Magnezone beeped. "It is linked to a place called Temporal Tower." Chatot's face looked completely shocked for a moment.

"Chatot? Are you okay?" Squirtle asked.

"Th- that place," Chatot whispered. "I can't... I'm simply..." Chatot looked back at Officer Magnezone.

"So you know about this place?" Magnezone asked hopefully.

"Yes," Chatot said firmly. "And I officially forbid any Guild members from going there, or even talking about that place!" Chatot flew into his room and slammed the door, ending the conversation. Questions and whispers flew around the Guild at alarming speed. Squirtle turned back to me.

"Evee, we might have an important clue to finding Xatu, but Chatot forbid us from helping. What will we do?" I glanced around the Guild. I didn't know anything about that Temporal Tower place, but it sure scared Chatot. Then again, Squirtle did have a clue to solving the mystery of Xatu's disappearance. I looked back at Squirtle and shared my plan.

"You're right," he agreed. "I respect Chatot, but we have to disobey him, to save Xatu. Let's go get prepared to leave, while everyone is still talking." We slipped out of the crowd and to our room.


Squirtle put his Relic Fragment away.

"Well, I can't explain any of this. Hopefully once we reach this Temporal Tower place, we'll learn more..." Squirtle trailed off. "Do you hear that?" I listened, and I heard footsteps, coming toward us. And voices!

"Let's move," Squirtle said, and we sped out of the room, back into the dungeon. A moment later, a few pokemon entered the room.

"So, do you really think that Squirtle and Evee are headed to Temporal Tower?" a Toxicroak asked. Toxicroak was from the Guild, as were all the other pokemon in the room.

"Maybe," said a Dugtrio. "But really, I was just using that story as an excuse to go to Temporal Tower myself."

"I need to see the place where..." Sunflora couldn't complete the sentence.

"Golly, I hope Xatu is okay," a Bibarel worried. "Who knows what's going on if Temporal Tower is involved, yup yup!"

"Yeah," an Exploud agreed. "I SURE HOPE we can find a RELIC FRAGMENT!"

"No need to shout," a Chimecho chimed softly. "I'm sure there will be a way to reach the tower... or what's left of it."

"We better get moving," a Crawdaunt suggested. "If those kids really are going to the Tower, they're going to need to be stopped." The other pokemon agreed and rushed out of the room, headed for Temporal Tower.


"Where is it?" a booming voice yelled. Xatu gazed calmly at the speaker.

"You will never find it."

"You doubt me, Xatu," the voice laughed. "The whole world doubts me. Well, never again! Once I have my hands on my Prison Bottle, I'll show you all!" The voice paused for a moment. "And this is where I will begin my reign. Here, in the ruins of Temporal Tower. You must have sensed it, Xatu. Dialga's plan might have failed, but I will succeed. Now, I ask you again: Where is my Prison Bottle?"

"You will never find it," Xatu repeated calmly.

"Very well. Hypno, do it." A Hypno approached Xatu, who remained motionless. Xatu's calm face twitched as Hypno moved his hands around Xatu's face. Xatu was struggling, and finally, fell to the ground, although Hypno hadn't touched him.

"I found the Prison Bottle's location in his thoughts," Hypno murmured to the booming voice. "I'm afraid it really is out of reach." Hypno whispered a few things.

"Out of reach?" the voice asked. "OUT OF REACH? Nothing and nowhere is out of reach. I don't care if that stupid Grovyle has it. I will find him, whether he's in our dimension or not. The voice laughed again, and his terrible voice echoed over the ruins of the Tower.


"Grovyle? They're coming."

"I know, Duskinor."

"What are we going to do?"

"What we've always done. Survive."


That was a bit of a mashup from different parts of different games, plus a lot of my own little touch. If you are a Pokemon story writer and you want to turn this into a full book, then PM me or comment.

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