A Piece Of Flesh

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The Silence seems to be infected, spreading, soaking into the very marrow of the pack. The crows even seem to be affected by it, nothing in Nature moves, not even the current of air.

My Wild plants herself solidly with the inability of movement, she will not be moved from her spot.

Maddening thoughts,




the Wild's mind.

She is without control.

The Wild will not move for anything, even me. Her posture dictating to all the kneeling around her she is to now to be taken into great consideration.

She will not have female wolves eye fingers her Half, she will not tolerate any kind of competition.

The Wild has set her natural bar without compromise, jump over that hurdle and you will be met with tooth and claw.

Ancient greens lock up with our vision...holding us to him. The barely there edge of a smile lifts towards the Wild as if he's impressed by her solid tone.

The language of the growl starting to form deep within Odin's chest is without restraint, it's dilating with a full, substantial thickness, that pushes the wolves deeper into themselves. The quality of his sound engorges, devours, and engulfs the radius of the clearing spreading outward in shock waves that consume everything in blasting path.

Odin takes off his fur jacket, dropping it on the ground, next is his shirt. It's as if he's getting ready for a battle. The musculature of him under the canvas of art start to shift and flex the layering of skin. His shoulders are back, head straight, facing the pack's eyes as he takes the Point protecting the Wild's neck.

To get to my Wild, the wolves have to go through his wall of teeth and claw.

When his father takes a step forward towards us, Odin shifts himself into that forward direction.

"You bring that abomination on our land, our soil, look what she has done! She will need to be held accountable for her actions." The voice of the Alpha has such a sharp cold edge of tone, that internally I flinch. The Wild takes a keen interest in this Alpha born.

There can only be One.

"Do you not remember what I did when I first was introduced to your females that were assigned to you?" Luna Bessa's voice rising towards Alpha Borson. When opening his mouth none of his sound comes out.

"You remember don't you, my mate." Her sound edges in cold determination that he will remember their past.

"It was different."

"How? Tell me how?"

"They were taunting you." His voice lowering.

"They are taunting her." She fires back, it's within any females right to protect what's her's. She was only doing what any Far North female has been taught and encouraged to do. Tell me I speak lies?" Luna Bessa is challenging her mate in a duel of words.

The Alpha takes a step towards the Wild.

Singular, an instinctual thought so primitive in her Nature that she can take what can be taken. Wolves will only follow leaders. For her, Alpha Borson is not her leader, her Alpha.

"She's my Half, if you come for her you go through me! It was in my right." Odin's fist hits against his heart where the blue flower tattoo rests.

"She's not worth your fight; you bring nothing but dishonor to this pack, Odin. You have been walking without your honor for a long time." Alpha Borson takes the silver blade with the Ivory boned handle from Luna Bessa hand. She tries to hold it in her grip, but she possesses none of his strength.

"It's my duty as Alpha to take away what you don't possess, hold your arm out Odin." Alpha Borson is looking dead in his son's eyes. The blade is catching the sun's reflection hitting the Wild's eyes in irritation.

In this moment Odin's stance falters in his spot. The body of him starts to shake, "I hold my honor." When Odin speaks those words they fall short now; they don't hold the same magnitude they once did.

"No you don't, you forfeited that the day you allowed her to live. You have been directed by the Moon's words herself yet you disobey them. You don't walk her path; you don't follow our God. It's my duty to uphold her teachings; you will give me your arm, now." He speaks these words as if it's hurting him to do this.

"Don't do this my male." Luna Bessa takes a stance in front of Odin, her shoulders squaring up, head held high. Looking at the Alpha with a force that only Luna's who are made can possess. When I see Elska, she is still on the ground curled up in a ball holding her ears as she is in great pain.

"Bessa, move. You know I am right. You now that this should have been done the night he came home telling us she still lives."

"Don't do this." Luna Bessa's voice is shaking, I can see a tear trail its way down her cheek before it falls off her jaw, it freezes in the arctic air that's starting to rise in a glacier fury of cold.

The knife held solidly in the Alpha's hand; he will not be moved in what he thinks needs to be done.

The wolves rising, all looking on with disbelief.

The Wild's heart is starting to pick up inside her chest I can feel the rhythm getting faster, heavier, pumping the blood through her veins as the fur starts to bristle upwards. Ridge fur along her spine standing upwards. Puffing herself up, shoulder muscles bunching up, hind legs digging into the snow ready for a spring.

Odin puts his hand on her neck, rubbing the fur down. He shakes his head no at her, another gentle scratch to behind her ear before he brings his cheek to her.

Fur against skin

"Put out your arm, Odin." The Alpha will not concede from his Moon given task.

Luna Bessa takes her coat off; her shirt is next leaving her in a bra. Her entire torso and arms, chest hold her kind of tattoos. She gives the Alpha her arm, "take my honor away then. Because I will not stand here and have this happen. He holds such beautiful honor. He has done nothing but honor you, his pack, himself, his mate. If he loses his honor so do I." She's serious, standing in the path of a silver blade.

"Stand aside, Bessa." Alpha Borson is trying to step to her side, but he is met with his brother's Luki's body.

He stands side by side with Luna Bessa, not touching, but he is on her left. "If you do this, you will take my Honor away too, this is without honor. What you are doing is wrong." Luki is taking off his coat, his shirt. His tattoos displaying all of what he has taken from Nature. He holds his arm out to ALpha Borson who looks on in disbelief now it's him who starts to wobble within himself.

Odin's hand is put back on my Wild's neck, fingers gripping into her fur.

A Beta with the one eye steps forward, standing on Alpha Borson's left now. "You deserve to lose your honor. Protecting something that should have been killed at birth. She will destroy our pack; she's already splitting it, pitting us against our friends. You are being deceived by her; she is the Night, you are just too blind to who she is." A finger points accusingly at me.

Odin's body is strumming now making the Wild stand taller. I don't like this pack; I don't like the Alpha, the one eyed Beta. I don't like it here. I don't like how a father treats his son.

The twelve females come to stand with Odin, Luki, Bessa taking off their fur coats, shirts, holding out their arm for the Alpha to take their honor away, they stand with silence.

Males of the twelve do the same as their mates. A few other pack members that I don't recognize have crossed the line to stand with Odin. He has gained more followers. None say a word just have their arms outstretched for the Alpha to take away their honor.

"This is my fight, not yours," Odin says this to the line that is standing with him. Bryon saunters up, he's standing to his completed height, on Odin's left. He makes himself rise within himself, he holds no honor tattoo on his flesh, but he is there to show his loyalty to Odin.

More wolves cross the line towards Odin in a silent show of their belief this is not right. While others take the stance that this is the right thing for a father to do.

This Odin now holds one-third of the pack to stand with him.

The Alpha has no choice but to continue forward on the path he started, and everyone else has no choice but to continue on the path they chose.

"I will not cut anyone else's Honor away but Odin's." The Alpha is looking directly into Luna Bessa's eyes. Ryeson comes to stand with his mother, his coat, and shirt also off.

The Alpha grips onto Odin's arm, the knife coming down angling into his flesh. Odin's hand grips the Wild's fur around her neck; he doesn't make a sound when the honor he holds is stripped away from him. He looks into his father's eyes the whole time.

The Knife drops bloody on the snow, with the piece of flesh of Odin's body. Luna Bessa is quick to take the knife cutting away her piece of flesh, Luki grabs the knife from her, cutting away their piece of honor. The knife is passing each wolf who holds that symbol before the knife rests back into Odin's hands.

Father and Son face each other eye to eye, neither one looking away until the Wild decides to take down something that has no Honor in her eyes.

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