Mother Wolves (Part 1)

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Sound without noise

Grey columns of clouds are gathering, the cawing of crows litter the air with their sound. A hawk screeches through the body of them that are riding high on the thermals scattering them in all four directions.

Fixing their postures, my father and mother take me into their consideration as I walk my path forward towards them.

Their legs shake with the vibration of force that percusses from each footfall that touches the ground. Wolves that I have known all my life turn their shoulders down, even crunch within themselves, becoming smaller, less of a threat.

Obsidian eyes flash from both my parents, the Wilds within taking notice of a daughter's homecoming.

Another step placed deliberately towards them, speaking my volume of who I am.

My mother straightens to her completed full height, smiling without her teeth. My father is watching my movement taking me in, not as a daughter now but as a competitor. The Wild's eyes track his every shift and flex of muscle. She quivers within wanting to say her hello's to her parent's but also wanting to test herself against the Alpha.

He holds my eyes, the burn makes them water, the sharpness of pain shuffles along the length of my spine - it cracks into the marrow of my bones. A compression that is trying to hunch my shoulders to ease the pressure of what's happening inside my spinal column.

A harsh breath out, more of a whimper but I don't look away.

It's just pain.

Except, its too much pain, too much crushing force on a spine that wants to explode outwards to leave you to crumple on the ground in immobility. My mother is shaking at my father's side; she needs to grab onto his arm for support. Her knees are shaking, but she stays standing. I can see the back of her jaw clenching tightening in an agony that she's feeling. Her eyes are watering, a breath out from her before she looks down at the ground. My father does not look away. Instead, he rises to his full completed height. The magnitude of him stenosis my spine so severely that I have no choice but to fold down within myself, he's almost at the level Odin with the strength of will.

Posturing preliminaries completed.

"Charlie," my mother starts to run towards me with her arms open wide. I run into them, hugging her to me, lifting her off the ground, burying my nose into her mother scent. A cry threatens to choke the sound from my throat. She seems smaller to me, more fragile than I have ever remembered her to be. I can feel our tears mingling together, catching a glimpse of Odin from the periphery he's got his hand in the center of his chest, watching.

"When did you become so strong?" Mom's breaking voice in my ear as her arms crush my chest to hears.

"My beautiful, female. We have missed you." Tight words from a throat that seems to be burning with happiness. She places her cheek against mine, and I can hear the hiccupping breath that comes out of her.

My father has come to stand next to my mother, but he doesn't reach for me until she's had her fill. We stay held in each other's arms for a minute or five, just hugging while she tries to contain all her emotions but a sob and a cry slip out, while mine is buried in her neck. Putting her back down on the ground, my father smiles without his teeth.

"Charle," his voice cracks slightly, clearing his throat. My mother nudges me with her nose, the Wild within nibbling my cheek with her teeth. A whimper cries out from the center of her chest.

"You've grown so much," Mom says as she holds both my cheeks in her hands.

"I've missed you. Have they been treating you well?" My father stares directly into my eyes. He could scare off the bark of trees, but I know this is just my dad. Odin comes to stand beside me.

"It's been an experience." My words back to him because I'm not sure how he would feel about the line of retribution.

"You look different, Charlie. Stronger, older. You're able to walk all on you're own now." Mom's voice once again breaks apart.

"Mother wolf." Odin crosses his hands in front of his chest with a faint bow holding her eyes. He ignores my father completely. This doesn't look bristly my father's fur, he actually has a nod for Odin that, Odin chooses not to see how good my dad can be.

The Far North wolves are shuffling behind us; the entire pack has come to this gathering, a direct order from Borson. The first wolf that grumbled about it, Borson gutted him in front of everyone, then asked only once for anyone to speak up about their concerns.

Feet shifting back and forth behind us. Turning around, looking for Elska she raged her concerns to her parents. To the point, I thought that her father would give in to her tantrum, especially when she cried to her mother, kneeling in front of her, forehead to feet. Luna Bessa started to speak without being able to sway his decision.

He did not give into her wants.

When catching a glimpse of her getting into Ryeson's truck, she was dressed in the heavy black cape so the fabric of the hood shadows her face from sight. She has black gloves on, and I can smell the distinct scent of silver even from far away.

Luna Bessa stands to my right greeting my mother, cheek to cheek. "You've raised a beautiful soul." Praising words from a female who doesn't praise too often. Odin stiffens straighter as his father's footsteps approach.

"Thank you, she's my heart," Mom reaching for me again, hugging, kissing my cheek, her Wild's teeth come out once again to nip at my skin, love bites. Her Wild is always eager to have me all to herself. She doesn't like to share me with anyone but my father. She even lifts her lip to Odin showing a fang rudely before settling down.

"We're going to have a good visit right?" Her eyes beg mine; she can't let me go.

"We're going to stay for a while, mom." Not looking at Odin because I'm not sure I can leave today with him. I just got here, and I'm not sure I want to leave right away.

"Mother wolf, you will have your fill of your daughter. We're going to be staying the weekend." Now it's Odin that shocks me to the point I can't help reaching out to touch his cheek with mine, a tear coming down because I am so happy. Again Odin rubs his chest as if he's hurting from inside.

Borson comes to stand beside Luna Bessa; he doesn't say anything, I realize Odin and him wear the same look. Face straight lined, jaws shut, eyes taking in all the wolves of my father pack.

When I look into the eyes of my father's pack, I realize some are happy to see me while other's hold looks at how the Far North see me, an abomination. I can see it. Clearly, there is no hiding how most are looking at me. A raised lip, no teeth showing but they would if they could.

"Charlie, what are you looking at?" My mom is starting to get a little upset because I can't stop seeing what has always been in front of me but my parent's shadows have always protected me from this.

"I never knew they hated me so much. Odin told me, but I didn't believe him." Slender words are coming from my mouth.

"Why didn't I know?"

"Does it matter, Charlie?' Mom's voice is soft, tentative.

"It would have mattered to me." Still looking at wolves that don't want to look away until my father stands at my left.

"Charlie, you were never meant to be friends with those wolves, you were always meant to lead them." Odin's voice is directly behind me, my mother puffs out from them, and my Dad looks as if he is the only one who understands what I'm trying to say.

Aunt Meela comes over to hug me to her, pressing her cheek to mine. "We'll get this meeting over with and get them on their way so your mother can have her private visit with you." She whispers before turning politely to the Luna.

"Are you hungry, would you like a plate to take with you?" Aunt Meela always addresses the Lunas for my mother. My Mom has always had problems with sharing her food with anyone but her immediate family. Even pack celebrations its Aunt Meela who does it all. Leaving my mother to show up, say her hello's before slipping away from the oppressive crowd.

"I think we would like that." Everyone's movement stops as they look at Borson who just spoke the words as if something is stuck in his throat. Luna Bessa regards him up and down not saying a word. Their eyes lock on the other before she gives him a smile that makes her look beautiful, and his cheeks flush a subtle pink. She entwines her fingers with his, he looks down at their hands, and the faintest of a smile turns up his lips before they go back to the way they were a straight line.

My father leads the way taking a plate handing it to my mother. Borson is next followed by Luna Bessa; he fills up his plate with all the food that's been set out as a celebration. They follow my parent's to the picnic table; awkwardly he sits with my father at the same table.

Both Male's take a bite of food at the same time. The Far North Warriors start to get into line mixing with my father's warriors. Everyone is looking uncomfortable, but they follow the lead of their Alpha.

"I think it's time that we put the past behind us, start new, Finian." Borson projects his voice into the radius of the gathering. He's not loud just his tone is strong that it carries in the air.

Forks clatter on plates, a cough, spit out of drinks. Everything stops in the silence that follows his words. Odin's emotions are in turmoil.

No one breathes.

"We would all like that very much, Borson." Eyes of Alpha's meet both nodding heads silently.

Borson catches and holds my vision. I give him a nod; he's just given me what I have asked for. It must have been soul gutting for him to do this, to make peace with his Monster.

"Charlie." Turning towards Shamus's voice. Closing my eyes, shaking because it's just been too long.

"Shamus," running up to one another he picks me up in the air, twirling us around. His nose is going into my neck, as his skin shuffles and flexes. The quality of Odin's sound rumbles the air around us is enough for Shamus to put me down.

"Stop it, Odin." Hissing it low, "it's Shamus." Giving him a look of disbelief. Shames crosses his arms in front of his chest, forearms as thick as Uncle Grey's. It seems weird now not to see tattoos that compliment the canvas of skin. When I do find Uncle Grey's eyes, he's watching his son keenly, while holding his youngest sleeping male in his arms.

"It hasn't been the same, Charlie." Shamus's tone is soft, and my heart hurt again.

"How has Mom been?" Asking him the biggest question.

"It's been tough on her," Shamus says this while I look at Odin with guilt, and also with a small judgment.

"How hard?" Not letting my eyes shift off Odin.

"She was a wreck; she would just look out the window and cry. But she had your dad, my mom to help her. These past few months all she could talk about is seeing you again."

"Too bad you can't stay here longer. We missed you." Shamus is sniffing the air, closing his eyes.

"I might stay longer, Shamus." Planting my feet on the ground, making a stand. My head is rising with what I just said, eyes focus on Odin who is looking up at the sky breathing out slowly.

"I need to talk with you." Odin is brushing past me directing Shamus to follow him out of hearing range. I'm left to look at the entire nation gathered. The Far North females finding relatives, laughing, talking showing off their pups to grandparents, parents, sisters, and brothers.

Why can't we just visit whenever we want? Why does it have to be only on the Exchange? When I'm in charge things will change.

I'm not able to see Keegan or Calla his mate. I see Paley who waves with a plate of food coming towards me. I notice Warson who is playing chase with a group of other pups his age, which are not from the Far North and he is tackling them down into the ground, in the glory of pretending War.

Looking for Elska I see a white nose sticking out of a window that has been cracked slightly.

Looking back between Odin and Shamus as they talk to together, quietly. I can't help the way my ears turn to them trying to pick up on any words, impossible. A handshake ends the conversation before they come back to stand by me. Neither saying a word of what they just said.

Shamus has his nose sniffing in the air, this time he leans himself into Odin who holds his body rigid at a blatant act of suggestion by Shamus.

"She's here, Charlie." Shamus is scenting, closing his eyes, again he sniffs at me, at Odin, vulgarly.

A step in one direction, a step in another direction, his body almost dropping on all fours as the Wild within threatens to overtake him.

His pupils, contorting within the space of his sclera until the grey of color is consumed in the black.

Complete focus is on the truck where Elska's nose is still visible in the crack of the window.

Shamus rises to his height; he's not yet done growing. He's still got some years before he reaches his completed length. He makes his way to the truck as another vehicle pulls into the driveway, it's Luki's.

My stomach heaves with what's going to happen. Eyes find Uncle Grey's who has a pup on his lap feeding him from his fork talking with Borson and Bessa because he's sitting next to my father on the edge of the table.

Shamus has made it to the truck, trying to open the door, but it's locked, so he knocks on it, "let me in." His words are loud enough to hear over my heart that's picking up its beat.

"Father!" A scream from inside the truck when Shamus has his fingers inside the crack trying to push the window down, to get access inside.

"Father!" Another terrified scream as Odin starts his walk towards Shamus who is now ramming the truck door leaving behind the indentations of his body. Elska doesn't stop screaming, not when Shamus busts through the window unlocking the door. Not when her feet are desperately kicking at his face, not when he drags her out to fall on the ground with him on top of her.

Odin runs when Shamus pins himself over top of her and Elska's movement has stopped.

Her hood is no longer covering her face when Shamus looks down at her. He's just staring into unseeing eyes.

Odin grabs Shamus by the throat, stretching his arm up to the sky so Shamus can't touch the ground. Odin's entire body is shaking as he squeezes the throat of life.

"Put him down," Uncle Grey's hard, threatening words hit Odin. Uncle Grey flashing teeth, bristling into a posturing offensive stance. It's enough for Odin to turn his War on Uncle Grey.

Shamus is thrown into my father who clamps him in a tight embrace; Shamus can't stop staring at Elska who does not move, does not cry or scream. It's as if she has gone catatonic.

Borson picks up his daughter like an infant, cradling her in his arms. Luna Bessa shaking, a silver knife laying on the ground. Her mother puts her hood over her face as more of my father's pack wolves start to gasp at the sight of her. Whispers lighting like wildfires begins to sear through the crowd. Shamus has contained himself, so my Dad doesn't have to hold him any longer.

No words from Shamus, I think he looks shaken. Warson runs towards his mother, crying, nuzzling into her chest, and a gasp comes out from my father's entire pack.

A pup, blind, cursed, words after words tumble out from the hoard.

A snap of teeth angled towards them, eyes that want to devour into the body of any that dare speak hurtful words, it's not her fault she was born that way. At least around my radius, I hear no more of the wolves truth they believe.

Even when Warson tries to make his mother speak to him, there is no response. Lana comes to stand beside my mom, and now is not the time for our hello's. If looks could kill, Shamus would be laying at Warson's feet. He picks up the knife to throw it dead center of Shamus's thigh. It doesn't hit him because Shamus has caught it easily.

His teeth are out, canines down as he gets on all fours, not in fur form but he stalks the young pup. Sniffing the air, snapping teeth. "Where is its father?" Shamus's muffled violence causes Borson to pick up Warson in his arms. Luna Bessa standing in front of her grandson and Alpha.

She takes the point.

"We don't know who his father is?' Luna Bessa says it low, but it still affects Warson as he puts his head into the crook of his grandfather's neck. Borson rubs his back, whispering words to him.

"We have lots to talk about when everyone has settle down." Luna Bessa says this as her shoulders straighten, head back walking towards my father, "I'll take my trade now, Alpha." The way she approaches my father, my mother bristles. No female approaches my Father as if he owes them anything.

"Who is that?" Mom's voice startles along with her body; it sways backward. Looking in the direction of where her finger is pointing. Morvared is standing there looking on. Two ravens in the trees looking like judges before the hawk swoops in to pick on up in its talon's carrying it away.

The wind starts to rustle the leaves on the trees, Lana stands beside my mother. Odin comes closer looking at Lana who shakes her head to him.

"I'm your Aunt, Victoria." Morvared's voice drips with the thickness of honey that I've never heard before.

"You're no Aunt of mine." Mom's hard eyes are looking into the older healer.

"If I had an Aunt she would have come for me; she would have helped me." Mom's voice holds a hurt to it. Dad starts to get close to mom, but Odin gets closer to dad.

"I couldn't help you."

"You're wrong, you could have helped her, you knew what was happening, and you allowed it." Lana stands on my mother's right, speaking accusations towards the older healer.

The clouds block out the sun, a hiss of wind bends the tops of the trees. The crows caw, as if excited about something, the hawk swoops in for the other Raven.

"Whose side are you on?" Morvared standing tall against Lana who does not bristle does not flinch.

"I'm on Charlie's side," Lana looks to my mother.

"Victoria, that healer needs to die, now." As soon as Lana's last words are out, my mother's Warpath is towards a healer who stands no chance of survival.

The atmosphere implodes.

Before my father can stop my mother, Odin steps into my father's path.

TheWild within my mother surges itself to break out of the cocoon of skin. Odin puts his hands on my dad as teeth sink into Morvareds throat of life tearing out.

Author's Not...

I know two parts, it had to be done...I'm going to hide now...runs away fast.

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