Our Sacrifice

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Disclaimer there is triggering scenes in this chapter. It's the claiming ceremony of Odin's Prize. If you don't want to read what happens to Charlie during this, please skip this chapter.


The drums pulse...

Feet Stomp

Odin stands bare facing the gathering. The canvas of his skin shines. I can't help looking at all the tattoos that are shifting effortlessly around his body. Is it because he's shaking so bad or can he feel the music like I can?

All of his hair has been shaved off, and when he bows his head to me I can see my eyes regarding me. They seem to look hard, challenging and I flash fang at them for the provocation they bring. When his eyes find mine again I realize the Moon now has to see those eyes resting on top of My Half's head.

Odin's hand stretches out for me.

Slow motion vision tries to keep up with the twisting dancing bodies on all sides of me along the path forward. Great billowing clouds of grey-white smoke veil the clearing in the saturation of sage.

The scent clings to everything.

Torches try to trap me with the visions of flames that are stretching themselves up to the darkening sky.

The full Moon shines...

A rumble disturbs the air from far above...

Thick slate rocks stacked overtop the other leads the stairway upwards to My Half.

Pine trees sway in the wind that's fanning the flames sideways. Crows gathering in caws that only enhance the chanting of the wolves dressed in furs, who beat against the drums.




Eyes are on my skin that is covered with ink, I feel fully covered by his canvas of art.

Further up I ascend, the shadows creep closer, whining out and this time I can understand what the Wilds are saying, help us...

A falter in my step as I look at the shifting air to the sides of me. I almost fall backward with an inability to move forward.

Massive amounts of eyes from within the deep forest focus on me as if I am their savior...their Moon...

"I have honored myself, my pack, and my mate." Odin addresses the pack who sways as one body. Unfamiliar faces in the crowd, some have undilated eyes and they don't sway with the other wolfs, they stand rigid, unaffected by the atmosphere.

Shamus's eyes find mine, a paleness glistens over his skin that still holds bruises on his face. He looks to be sick. He only is focusing on my eyes, his vision never wavering down. His jaw tightens, while tears come down his face, why would he be crying?

When standing at the top of the stairs Odin reaches for the ring in my nose pulling me harshly by the silver that makes me stumble from the roughness of his touch.

A cry escapes out then soothes down when his cheek nuzzles into mine.

Skin against skin

The sharp edge of silver slices into the rise of my cheekbone creating a second line down my face. A small white fur with stinging cool heat is applied.

The blood stops when he pulls it away. There is a pride that consumes Odin's face when he looks at my markings.

A breath of relief from him.

His nose goes against my neck, a tongue tasting where my musk has been put on like perfume for my half to devour in the scent of me.

Odin hooks his pinky finger around mine, turning us towards the crowd.

"I have been tempted; my greed has been put to the test. I have come close to failing myself, my pack, but most importantly my mate." The drums pulse, my thighs start to shake, and I can feel Odin's musculature shifting within himself as well.

"Temptation is all around us; greed is the evil of this world. Only take what is yours to take. Save yourselves for your half. They are waiting for you and honor them with your wait from the flesh of temptation." His voice vibrates with a chorus of feet stomping claps.

The bodies sway, and I can't see the colors of air anymore, the visions that are clinging to my peripheral are fading fast. An altar is made of thick wood, a carved head of Odin's wolf is in the center of it with green eyes glowing outwards telling everyone in the gathering that he is the hierarchy here.

Odin walks me to the Altar where steps have been made for me to climb up on, the bells chime out while my breath starts to stutter itself in a tightening chest.

A shake of legs refusing for me to walk any more.

The ring in my nose is pulled, tears rise instantly, sharp pain makes me do what he wants. I lay belly down on the surface of the altar.

Pain is all-encompassing as a silver chain is once again attached to the hoop in my nose, my septum feels on fire if I try to pull away. So I lay my cheek flat against the cool surface looking at all the wolves watching on.

There are wooden spikes lining the bottom of the platform.

"Odin, I'm afraid."

"I'm right here," the chain that's attached to my nose pulls taunt if I try to lift my head up. I think about tearing the silver out of my septum, but as soon as I try to do it, the pain stops me instantly.

Shifting my head to the side.

A cry comes out, a clarity of everything is making me start to struggling in my bindings.

He brings the braids of my hair to the side of my head, exposing the hollow of my neck. Again he smells, letting his tongue lick my flesh exactly where males mark females.

Nails anchor into my flesh that is over my hipbones. His grip is on the bones.

I shake, whimper...

A tightness controls all my muscles flexing them rigid without any give.

I'm scared.

The sound of drums are fevered.... the wolves are holding their breaths like I am.

My breath is let out in a long cry of agony when teeth skin into flesh.




Eyes are rolling back in my head.

The Claiming Ceremony is complete...

When my head lifts up, the cartridge of my septum is torn through. The silver hoop lays attached to the chain on the altar.

I bleed and bleed.

My bladder just released on its own.

Turning my head away from the crowd, looking out into the blackened forest there are no more shadows that are stalking my vision.

Odin holds up a white fur that must have been placed underneath my hips. The blood of my Virtue will forever hold stains on the fur.

I can't stop crying even when he lifts me up in his arms. I won't stand on my two feet when he tries to place me on the ground.

I just crumple.

He picks me up from the rocks that I'm bleeding on.

The white fur wraps around my body; I can't look at my half's face anymore. Even when he asks me to look at him, I just can't do it.

"Cover my head. I don't want anyone seeing me." Pressing my nose into his bare chest the perfumed oil stinks, it doesn't hold the scent that I thought it did. I can't stop crying.

"Shh, it's okay. Please stop crying." I feel him pressing me against him. I want to move away, but somehow I just can't move.

"Please cover my face." It's the only thing I can ask as he takes a step down the rock stairs.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of." He says this and I take a breath as the fur covers my eyes from the sight of the wolves looking on.


Author's Note.

If you want a detailed version of the chapter Our Sacrifice please go to the private chapter book the chapter is made private so you have to follow me to read it....

Disclaimer the chapter is rough, raw, tragic...it will have triggers, she has given her content to be claimed by Odin...

I will only answer questions here in this chapter if you have any about, Our Sacrifice chapter

Thank you for reading this far into the story.

One chapter left then it is the end of the first part of Odin's Prize. The second part will be The Blood Red Path.

Elska's book will be coming in between this story. Everything being put in their places.

Don't forget if you want to read Bessa and Borson's story it's available on Radish...

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