Summer Grounds

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@Pinkforest1 this is an amazing book trailer, hope everyone watches it's awesome. Thank you so much for this.

Burdened down.

Each foot is slowly placed in front of the other. Heads bowed down concentrating on foot placement on the uneven ground. Four days of trecking through lands that cannot accommodate motorized vehicles. Traversing rapids, only holding onto a thick rope that was tied by Odin at one end to the other. 

Odin is the first one into the water,  without the safety of any rope. Picking the crossing himself without guidance from his father. When he did find the perfect spot, his father very quickly had a smile pass his lips. Luna Bessa put her hand on Alpha Borson's shoulder before getting herself ready to cross the river with her heavy pack.

Odin making the crossing multiple times, he helped his sister first. She had one hand on the rope, and one hand gripped tight to Odin's shirt. Odin had Warson on his back, secured with a rope. When they were on the other side, Odin went and got several other pups, to little to make the crossing on foot. The ones that were old enough struggled no to let go of the rope. A special device was secured to their wrists and the rope so if they let go, they were still tethered to the rope. All juveniles, adults, and Elders were without a safety harness. 

Luki and Bryon had their rucksacks almost as full as Odin's and Alpha Borson's they struggled with the effort of carrying it, just like everyone else in the pack. Even the pups who could walk were made to carry something inside their tiny backpacks. 

Everyone is responsible for something no matter how old you are.

When it was my turn to cross, Odin grabbed my hand, squeezing it against the rope, "don't let go." The weight of my pack was making the effort of crossing dangerous. The smooth rock surfaces slippery and twice I almost fell, the rope acted as a steadying device and balance.

I could feel Odin's eyes on me, the entire way. It took two hours to have everyone cross. A relief settled in after the last Elder was standing on the other side.  I later learned that was the last and most dangerous one to cross. Odin leading the way with his sister holding onto the back of his shirt. Warson walking for as long as he could, when he got tired, Odin had a special place for him on his rucksack. The pup could rest his head on Odin's shoulder falling asleep under the sway of a body. 

That moment of them walking will burn into my memory, a sweet beautiful vision.

Elska struggling throughout the journey to stay standing upright, a toe tip feeling the ground before the pad of her foot crinkled new grass down. I know Odin could walk faster, but he's created a pace that his sister can keep up with. I think the Elders appreciate the pace as well, along with the very heavily pregnant females who walk with a stick to support their weight. 

Ryeson's heavy burdened down with things that the Elders discarded on the way, trying to lighten their load. 

I've noticed most juvenile males and females doubling back and picking up things discarded because they were too heavy to carry in. 

A brushing heat heavy on my cheek is always felt throughout the journey. Odin has a way of always knowing exactly where I am. 

Everyone's legs are aching with each slow step forward until we stand on a ridge overlooking a basin of prairie grass, this is the furthest south the Far North territory goes. A high mountain pass separating the North and Far North. I always wondered what was over the mountains, now I know. 

Odin comes to stand beside me, his bare arm presses against mine. 

Skin to skin

"See the ridgeline of mountains over there?" He points straight ahead and I have to stretch the sight of my eyes to make them out in the light of the high afternoon sun. 

"I see them." Pretending that's my focus and not how the warmth of his skin is soaking into the layering of me. The heat soaking into the hollows of bone so my marrow begs hotly for more. 

 His cheek brushes mine, a kiss placed just to the side of my hairline behind my ear. "I'm sleeping with you tonight." His eyes glance at mine, shamelessly darkening. A tumble of sound from the Wild housed within him, which indeed carries the edge of sinfulness in its toned vibrations. Throughout the journey here, Odin has slept very little having to run the parameter of the sleeping camp along with his brother Ryeson, Luki and Bryon. All males taking shifts to secure the outer circle so no threats can come inside the inner circle.

Sleeping beside Elska when the camp drops in their spots long enough to eat then tumble into dreams. She will wake at times with her ear angled upwards, the first time she did it I was startled enough not to be able to fall back asleep. She will call out to her brother directions of a sound she hears that I have no hope of hearing. All males would run into that direction before a fight of teeth and claw would sound out. No one moved from their spots, so secure in the fact that the leading wolves would dismantle any threat. 

I've caught him before most of the pack wakes, drawing in Our Book against the bark of a tree. His eyes constantly scanning treelines before he continues to draw. I've snuck a glance at some of the pages, all filled with me, on various stages of the trip. Crossing the river, picking a new plant I never saw before. The name and plant sketched along with its medicinal properties it holds. He's drawing my smile as I am watching something, that he doesn't draw just my smile. 

"Those mountains feed a lake, it's just a few more hours of walking. Then we make camp for the summer." Odin peeks underneath the straps of my pack, where he put soft fur padding, looking relieved. He told me he didn't want my skin to rub raw from the weight of the straps.

The descent down the ridge is long, Odin and his sister climb down together while Ryeson helps Warson, catching him a few times from tumbling down the steep slope. I love to watch Odin with his sister or nephew. I love watching him leading his pack who have an unwavering trust in his abilities as Alpha. Odin looks up at me, ancient forest greens hold mine, he has a blush saturating into his cheeks as if he's sunburned. He smiles to me, and I have to smile back at him. He's getting easier to smile at. 

The travel here has me seeing Odin in such a different light. The care he had towards his sister, the pup on his rucksack sleeping contently in trust that he won't be dropped by accident. The way he made his wants turned into reality while the wolves follow his directions without question. I also noticed Alpha Borson had a pride in his eyes for his firstborn. He never once contradicted any of Odin's decisions. He let his male be in complete control. Luna Bessa actually held his hand for the briefest of minutes before she pulled away from him. 

When we reach the edge of the lake, grey geese in the hundreds take to air honking at the disturbance. Members of the pack dropping their packs. Poles going up, thick animal hides stretching across the frame so there is a hole in the middle, smoke to exhale out. 

The mood holds a joyous excitement, relief settling into all that made the long journey. 

"Charlie," my name's spoken from behind, his hand on my hip. He's just stepped into my radius. 

A breath out by the both of us.

His thumb pressing into the soft curve of my flesh, just underneath my shirt.

"Odin," Giving him the same sound he just breathed out against my neck.

A pause from him, while his pulse rises. I can sense it bounding in his system. When I look at his neck vein, it's dilated with fresh blood that's surging through his body. It's as if he forgot what he wanted to ask me. 

Looking around no one is watching, everyone too consumed by their own work. 

"Tonight." An anxious whisper that borderlines the hidden excitement of him. My excitement has just risen as well, licking my lips. 

A sigh out when he steps away. 

"Charlie, I want to set up Elska's tent first, then we can do ours." Odin takes my hand walking us towards Elska who is still standing where Odin left her.

"Why don't your parents help her?" 

"She's my responsibility, she's my sister, and I will always help her. As long as she stays in the Far North, she will be taken care of by me." He's serious; there is a tightness in his chest when he's thinking of Elska, I don't pursue that emotion. Letting it settle itself back down his spine before that feeling frees the hinges of his jaw open.

When standing in front of Elska, she has taken out lots the hide that will be stretched over the poles that Odin is cutting from the nearby trees. Looking around, Warson is with his grandparents, helping Alpha Borson pulls the hide over the poles. He's talking to the young male, giving him directions with a soft smile to his face. 

Elska looks troubled; her footing isn't sure as it is on the winter grounds. She takes the smallest tentative steps. Staying within proximity of her backpack. 

Hands are feeling for items that she pulls out, old fur bedding that has been rolled up impossibly tight. 

"Charlie, can you help me?" Elska's voice turned towards my body.

"Sure, what do you need?" 

"Can you walk me to the water edge?" 

"Sure." Getting close to her, she puts her hand on me before I walk towards the edge of the water. It's just a short walk, Elska concentrating the whole time before asking to go back. Then we do it a few more times before she does it by herself. When someone tries to set up a spot in the line that Elska just learned, Odin gives a low rumble of sound from his chest making it known that will not be the spot that wolf will set up his camp at. 

It's quick work setting up her tent, Odin rubs into the hide, pressing his scent into it. 

"Why are you doing that?" Asking with curiosity. 

"So the wolves know whose protecting the entrance of this tent." The solidness to his tone holds power.

"But don't they know?" 

"It's different out here, Charlie. Elska is truly blind. She has never been to this spot before. She doesn't know her surrounds; she's defenseless in a way."

"Why not have her stay with us?"

"No," he's quick to say it, "she has her tent, now.  Just like I have mine, now. Boundaries are good for Elska. We did share a tent until this summer, but now that I have you with me, I don't plan to share my tent with anyone else but you." When I look at his eyes, the pupils have fully consumed the color of his ancient forest green irises. 

Desire, that emotion creeping out of him, towards me. 

"Odin, this is not the place." Elska is going to shove him but misses only for Odin to reach out and catch her before she trips over a pot. 

This is a different Elska I am seeing, one who looks clumsy and unsure. When Odin killed that male after telling me this is how you leave your mark. He yelled to Elska, "leave your mark."

Without any hesitation on her part, the War within her surged outwards. The female that was closest to her, she grabbed onto and within second her throat of life was spilled out to fertilize the tree roots that were raised slightly out of the ground.

Elska's chin dripped blood, while Odin roared his War out to all that were watching. So horrendous was his sound the wolves all dropped to the ground exposing their necks to him in whimpering apologies. Now I know why they fight Elska in hoards; she is without mercy if she wants to be. She just never wants to show her Nature, Odin has said. It hurts her too much inside, and the guilt eats her alive every time she goes for a throat. The females know this, and they capitalize on the fact, Elska has a conscious. Yet, they can only take her within a group, without the group, the lone female will stand no chance. I did ask Odin if males harass her? He flashed fang, before  saying,"the males have an understanding, none will approach my sister." 

"Charlie, take the hide and stretch it down." Odin gets inside pulling as well until the hide is taunted without creases or wrinkles. Once Odin feels satisfied with everything, he lets Elska do the rest but not before piling the branch shaving for her to use for firewood.

"Elska I'll get you a proper wood pile tomorrow. Charlie and I need to set up our camp." Odin already is marching towards our place which is the only one not set up. Everyone finished and are setting up a big fire in the middle of the Camp. Juveniles that still live with their parents are starting to fish at the lake's edge. 

It's quick work for Odin, getting long trees with the perfect diameter to shave down with his claws to turn into poles. He has several before he starts to take out an old hide from the top of his pack. Mine holds the furs and empty bags, jars, our clothes. It's hard to concentrate on his directions when we are inside the tent. His back muscles are shifting underneath his shirt, biceps rounding to balls before flexing back to normal. When he concentrates on something, just the tip of his tongue sticks out. Before I have time to react, Odin sweeps me up in his arms to lay me on the bed of furs I just spread out. 

He's on hands and knees. 

"Welcome to our summer grounds, Charlie." He presses his lips against mine. Hard, demanding, tongue seeking entrance inside my mouth. I grant him that entrance he's demanding. 

A whimper when he pulls himself away, I don't' want the kiss to end, raising my head up to claim them again. He lets me pull his lips to mine. This time it's gentler, slower without a rush. 

When he breaths out, I breathe him in. 

Greedy hands are touching greedy flesh. 

The axis of the world shifts as Odin demonstrates what those hands can do.

There is a primal feast of my flesh that Odin is consuming. 

When my breathing calms, Odin's arm is stretched out acting as a pillow. His other arm is circled around my waist. My fingernails are scratching the soft flesh of his inner arm. 

Content. I don't want to move, and I think maybe Odin doesn't want to either. 

"I want to tell you something, Odin." 

"What is it my Half?" His voice sounds on the brink of sleep.

"I want you to know you make a good Alpha. You're a leader the Far North should be more than proud." Spinning myself around in his arms, blood-rimmed eyes staring back at me. 

"My Half," whispering it low into the valley of his bare chest, before pressing my lips to the mark of his neck. It's a surprise when I feel a drop of a tear land on my cheek. 

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