Chapter 3: New Feelings

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The day had come; it was time for Ryuu and Bell's date together. Needless to say, both were excited and nervous. After getting dressed, they set to meet at the fountain they met up at last time.

Ryuu: Sorry to keep you waiting!

She arrived in a new outfit that had Bell stunned.

Bell: I-It's fine, shall we?

She took his hand and they got their date started. The date was going well so far. Bell had taken Ryuu all over the city as well as enjoying some time alone together. Ryuu was too embarrassed to say, but she was having fun. They were currently sitting on the part of the wall Bell trained on. After finishing the food he bought them at a stall earlier, Ryuu noticed a slight change in Bell. He held himself higher than usual. He typically took the lead, as a man should, but wasn't expecting that from him. Truth be told, she liked it. It was a new experience for her while they enjoyed their date. What she wasn't prepared for, was for the rabbit to go even further. Now they were in one of the towers on the wall.

Ryuu: B-Bell, wait!! W-We can't!!

He had a small smile on his face.

Bell: We don't have to hold ourselves back any longer, you know.

Ryuu: B-But!

She tried to convince him otherwise, but he wasn't having it.

Bell: Ryuu, I told you I was going to make this the best date ever and as a man I intend to keep my word!

His face got closer to hers which was already beet red as he blew into her ear.

Ryuu: AH!!!

She paused a bit before looking into his eyes.

Ryuu: S-So, we're g-going to do it? Right here?

Bell nodded.

Ryuu: B-But, we're in public!

Bell: No one will know, I swear.

His determined look filled her with some confidence. Her face still red, they immediately got into an act reserved for only the most serious of couples. They stared into the other's eyes and whispered their name.

Bell: Ryuu...

Ryuu: Bell...


The elf rose from her bed with a scream. She was drenched in sweat as she recalled what happened.

Ryuu: I-It was a dream?

She sighed in relief at the thought of doing such an act, but she wasn't the only one awake.

Syr: Wow, that must've been quite the dream.

Ryuu froze when she heard the voice. Like a bunch of old gears, her head slowly creaked to her left where she saw Syr lying in the bed with Bell still asleep. She had a teasing smirk on her face while Ryuu's face got redder.

Syr: But you would never imagine anything inappropriate, especially before your date, right?

The teasing did critical damage as steam was coming off of the elf's head. Syr then began giggling at her friend.

Syr: Hahahaha! I'm sorry, I could help myself. You looked so happy in your dream before you started breathing fast.

Ryuu: I-I don't want to discuss it further!

Syr: Aww, okay then. It's still early, so you should wake him up.

Ryuu: W-Why me?!

Syr: Well, because...

She silver haired girl then quickly jumped off the bed and bolted put of the room, leaving the two there.

Ryuu: Hey, Syr!! ...*Sigh*

Not that she was alone with Bell, she see how peaceful he looked now. She felt happy seeing the boy slowly recover mentally after their ordeal in the dungeon. She had a smile on her face as she stroked his head before remembering what she needed to do. She began shaking his shoulders.

Ryuu: Bell, wake up.

The boy began to stir before opening his eyes.

Bell: Mmm...

Once he adjusted to the light, he saw a fairy looking down on him with a slightly flushed, but smiling face.

Bell: R-Ryuu?

A blush crept up on his cheeks as well.

Ryuu: It's morning, you need to get back quick.

Bell: Oh right! Um, I'll meet you by the fountain later!

She nodded as he grabbed his coat and left. He quickly made his way back home and jumped back into his room where he continued faking everything so it looked like he never left. He got up once everyone was getting up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Welf came in a little after, still a bit tired from waking up.

Welf: *Yawn* Morning, Bell.

Bell: Good morning, Welf. *Brushing Teeth*

They freshened themselves before heading down for breakfast with everyone else.

Bell: Morning, guys.

Haruhime: Good morning.

They ate their food as they discussed the procedure for the day.

Bell: So, you'll be leaving...

Lili: Right after we eat. I did a full inspection before coming down and everything is in order.

Bell: That's good. Still, you guys take care of yourselves there.

Welf: We will, and you better not do anything dangerous either.

Bell: Haha. I don't think I'll be heading too deep in the dungeon for the next few days.

Hestia: At least you're looking out for yourself for once.

Bell: Hey...

They all laughed as breakfast was finished. The dishes were cleaned quickly before Bell helped them finish packing.

Mikoto: Lady Lili, I don't think you can carry all that by yourself.

Lili: Don't... mind... Lili! Lili... can... do this!!

Sadly, she couldn't carry everything even with her skill. The backpack was stuck on the floor while she kicked her legs in the air trying to find her footing.

Welf: *Sigh* For crying out loud, just split some of that with me.

The prum huffed in annoyance as they grabbed another pack and placed some of the items there. They arrived at the gates that lead them to Seolo.

Welf: We're heading off now!

Bell: Good luck and stay safe.

Lili: We'll be back soon!

They waved back at Hestia and Bell.

Hestia: Yup, do your best everyone!

Everyone: Yes, Goddess!!!

They started walking off leaving just Bell and Hestia there. The small Goddess then turned to her lone child and sighed.

Hestia: I need to head to work now. Hephaestus told me that I might have to sleep there in the worst case, so look after the mansion.

Bell: Right, you can count on me.

Hestia: And don't even think about doing any funny business!

She got into his face as he tried to pry her off.

Bell: I-I won't!!

Hestia: Hmph, good. Goodbye, Bell!

Bell: Bye, Goddess.

And with that, Bell was now on his own for the next several days. Realizing this, he remembered his important appointment today.

Bell: (Time to do some funny business.)

Take 2

Bell: (Right, Ryuu!)

He quickly ran back home to get ready for his date with her. He went through his wardrobe to look for something decent to wear before he finally found something good.

Bell: This should be fine, I shouldn't stand out too much.

AN: Pretty much what he's wearing here, but obviously bigger.

He arrived at the fountain and waited there for Ryuu to show. Bell recalled some of his Grandfather's teaching and he remembered that it was important to show first and show early. To be early was to be on time, so if she isn't here yet, then all would be well when she did. Thankfully, said elf did show up, stunning the rabbit in the process.

She had a light colored button up and a short skirt Syr had somehow gotten her to wear. Then some white high socks and brown shoes. Syr had helped her find the clothes beforehand, but Bell didn't need to know that. Bell's face was turning more and more red when he noticed he was staring without a word.

Ryuu: I-It doesn't suit me, does it?

She felt very awkward wearing as it was already too revealing for her than usual. The fact Bell hadn't said anything to her didn't hell as she looked to the ground. He snapped out of his trance and quickly gave his honest opinion.

Bell: N-No, you look great! It looked so well on you I couldn't find the words.

Now Ryuu blushed hard at his compliment, but she had a small smile hearing that he liked the look. As for Bell, she saw he still had the same black colored inside shirt, but had a green one outside rather than his brown coat. There was also his blue pants. Overall, it was a different look from him.

Ryuu: Thank you, you l-look nice as well.

They had an awkward moment of silence before Bell decided to take the lead.

Grandfather: (Remember Bell, the man should be the one taking charge in these situations.)

Bell: (I will.) Let's get started.

The elf nodded.

Ryuu: Did you have something in particular planned for us?

Bell: Sort of. Are you hungry?

Ryuu: We can go for some food.

They found a stand selling crepes that Ryuu thought looked good.

Bell: You want some of those?

She nodded sheepishly as Bell bought two. They sat at a bench and ate while trying to strike conversations with the other. They at least had some things from their daily life to talk about, like all the crazy incidents that happen in the Hostess during dinner rush.

Bell: I doubt it's ever a boring time during dinner.

Ryuu: Not if you're a waitress. Mama Mia makes sure you're always running around.

The two laughed before Ryuu asked Bell to go somewhere.

Ryuu: Bell, do you mind if we go somewhere?

Bell: Where?

Ryuu: Follow me.

She started running and Bell followed. They jumped from roof to roof until they found a church where they climbed up to reach a balcony that gave a great view of the city. High, but not so high that you couldn't see the people interacting with each other on the streets. Bell was amazed she knew of this place.

Bell: Wow, this view is amazing!

Ryuu: I think so too. Syr took me here back when I recently joined.

Bell: Really? That must have been a weird time for you. With the fact you were forced into working there.

The elf grimaced a bit remembering how Mia and Syr had tricked her into eating a dish so that the dwarf could put her into debt and force her to work there.

Ryuu: It worked out in the end though. I found a new life for myself as well as new people I can call family.

She had a genuine smile on her face as she stared off into the distance of the city. The clear blue sky and the gentle breeze letting her short hair follow it.

Bell: I'm really happy for you.

Ryuu: Thank you, Bell. So, how was life like for you back before you came here?

The boy had a small smile on his face as he looked to the sky remembering the happy moments he had in his home village.

Bell: It wasn't anything exciting. I just lived in a small town with my Grandfather.

Ryuu: Really, no parents?

Bell: No, I never met them. Grandfather never liked to talk much about them either. I guess he was still hurting from losing them.

Ryuu: I'm sorry to hear that.

She had a sad look on her face, but Bell reassured her.

Bell: Don't worry, my Grandfather was more than I could ask for. Plus I had a lot of other friends in the village too.

Ryuu: What made you come to Orario?

The smile on his face disappeared as he recalled one of the most painful memories of his life.

Bell: It was when my Grandfather died. I wasn't there when it happened. One of the villages came to my house one day. He was one of the ones who would go with my Grandfather when they went hunting. He said he was attacked by a monster before falling. We couldn't even get his body.

He trembled slightly as Ryuu put her hand on his shoulder.

Bell: Thank you. I was stuck in our house for days. I would look over some of the hero books he'd read me when I was younger. Those time were some of the best with him. I looked at their covers and remembered why I liked them so much. I wanted to be a great hero just like them. That's why I came here. I swore to be a hero like the ones I read about with my Grandfather.

His face had brightened again as he recalled his wish. He looked at the sky once more with a smile as Ryuu had one of her own as well, along with a small blush on her cheeks.

Ryuu: (You're already my hero.)

Bell: That was my dream, but things hadn't turned out like I hoped.

She was curious what he meant by that.

Ryuu: Why do you say that?

Bell: Well, I spent a long time searching for a Familia to join, but no one wanted me. They said I was either too weak or that they didn't have the space for another.

Ryuu was upset to hear this, but couldn't help but see it like that. When she first saw him, she had to agree there wasn't anything special at him at first glance.

Ryuu: I still think they should've given you a fair chance.

He rubbed the back of his head.

Bell: Maybe, but then I wouldn't have met my Goddess. I wouldn't have the great Familia I have today.

He recalled all the hardships he faced and all the friends he was able to make along the way.

Bell: The way I see it, I think all that was worth it to get where I am now.

Ryuu was impressed he thought like that.

Ryuu: You certainly are lucky.

Bell: Hehe. I guess I was in a way.

Ironically, he has an ability called luck, which would have been helpful at the start.

Bell: Well, you know most of the rest. How about you, what made you come to the city?

Now it was the elf's turn to recall some painful memories from the past.

Ryuu: It was all because of my childhood. I grew up in Ryumilua forest; my family was in charge of looking after the sacred tree.

Bell: Wow, that sounds impressive.

She scoffed when she remembered them.

Ryuu: As if. From the beginning, I hated how everyone acted. They thought they were superior to everyone else and wanted me to be the same. I thought about how ugly and disgusting it was so I ran away from there.

This shocked Bell when he heard she left.

Bell: You left your family behind?!

Ryuu: I couldn't stomach seeing people like them as family. But once I came to Orario, I realized that I was actually no different from my kin. I rejected any person who tried to connect with me. Figures my elven lineage would do this to me.

Bell: Come on, you aren't like that! Sure you've slapped people away before, but they were asking for it!

She laughed a little.

Ryuu: You weren't there when I started working at the Hostess. Mama Mia yelled at me a lot because I punched people when they were only trying to help.

She smiled at those new beginnings before continuing.

Ryuu: Anyway, I eventually found a person my body didn't reject.

Bell: Was it?

She nodded.

Ryuu: Mhm, it was Alise. She became a dear friend to me and helped introduce me to the one who would become my Goddess. Lady Astraea and the Astraea Familia. I was the newest member there and they would become some of my most cherished friends in the world.

She was close to crying when she recalled how they all left her alone while trying to save her, the little sister of the family. She felt Bell place his hand on her leg with a look that spoke of his support. She composed herself again as the memory came and went.

Ryuu: Thank you. I'm sure you know how the rest went.

Bell: Yeah.

They enjoyed the peaceful silence there on the balcony before Bell's stomach grumbled. His face turned red causing Ryuu to laugh.

Ryuu: Hmhmhmhm!

Bell: Hey, d-don't laugh at me!!

Ryuu: S-Sorry I-


Karma is a funny mistress, and Ryuu learned that quickly once her stomach growled as well. She held it with her hands as her face went red before Bell had a smile on his face.

Bell: We were talking for a while, let's find some lunch.

Ryuu: Okay.

They calmed down and found a restaurant to eat at. They sat at their tables and looked at the menus before a waiter came to them. Ryuu saw them and immediately recognized them as Anya who was in disguise as a chienthrope.

Ryuu: Anya, what are you doing here?!

Anya: Anya? Who is that? My name isn't Anya, woof.

Ryuu: (Woof? Does she really think we'll fall for this horrible act?)

Bell: I'll have the lunch special and a water. What about you, Ryuu?

The elf turned to him with a look of disbelief before sighing and putting in her order.

Anya: Thank you, you're food will be here shortly, woof.

They ate their food while Anya went to the back where several other familiar faces were.

Chloe: So, how do they look?

Anya: I think they were enjoying themselves, nya.

Lunoire: They better, it wasn't easy for us to put up this fake restaurant on such short notice.


Mia: I'm taking over this place for today.

Owner: W-Wait, you can't just-

She back handed him across the face as Chloe tied him up and threw him in a closet while they got to work.

End of Flashback...

Mia: The pub had to be closed until dinner so I expect everyone to be on their A game tonight. I'm making sure we make up for our lunch losses today.

Everyone: Yes, Mama...

Back with Bell and Ryuu, they continued enjoying their time together. A certain silver haired Goddess took peek at them and saw how brightly their souls shined.

Freya: (Oh yeah, it's all coming together.)

They finished their food and left the payment before walking outside. A few more hours passed before signs of the sun beginning to set showed themselves. Ryuu and Bell couldn't help but feel a little disappointed knowing that their date was coming to an end.

Ryuu: Looks like it's almost time.

Bell: Yeah, today went by really fast, but I had fun.

Ryuu: I did too.

Bell: I guess I'll see you again tonight?

Ryuu: S-Sure...

Her face was flushed and her eyes were hidden by her bangs as she put her gaze towards the ground. She built up as much courage as she could before giving Bell a big hug.

Ryuu: Thank you for today, Bell!! I'll see you later!!

She was embarrassed beyond belief at what she did that she quickly ran after letting go of the boy who was a lost look on his face after what happened. Once his mind processed what happened, his face too exploded red before an immense feeling of satisfaction took over. He threw his fist to the air while a smirk grew on his face.

Bell: (YES!!!)

After today, he felt his heart leaning more towards a golden fairy rather than a golden princess. He had a smile on his face for the rest of the day while he waited for dinner so he could see her again. Meanwhile, said elf's friends were teasing her nonstop about what she did while she tried to dodge their questions.

Without a doubt, this was a major leap for the two of them. Freya had been giddy all day watching them before it increased when she realized she was next. Her mind was in overdrive as she dreamed of what Bell had planned for her.

AN: And that's Ryuu's date done. Syr is next on the list, hopefully Bell has a good plan for her that doesn't involve proving the demigod theory.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one.

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