Chapter 9: Cake

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After a short walk, Bell and Ryuu returned back to the Hostess of Fertility. Their mission was to find Syr and sort out all of their feelings. That was the plan, of they could find the girl. A few days passed and the timing was poor enough that Syr was nowhere to be found. Apparently, the girl had asked for a few days off which Mia reluctantly allowed her. Ryuu and Bell grew worried for their friend as her absence went on.

Meanwhile, Syr, now Freya,

The Goddess was flailing her arms around while sitting on her throne. In her hand was a glass full of wine and her red face showed she had already had a lot to drink.

Freya: *Drunk* Ish not fair!! How much longer do I have to wait?!

Ottar: Lady Freya, I'm sure everything will work out. Just be a little more patient.

Freya: *Crying comically* I've been waiting for sho long now, and those two haven't come back to me about sharing my bunny!! *Gasps* What if she doesn't want to share?!

Ottar: *Shaking his head* Nonsense. They will come around eventually.

Freya: BWAAAAHH!!!

She internally panicked at time passed, and the couple had yet to come to her about sharing Bell. Freya grew more concerned that her plan would backfire and she'd have to take drastic measures. Ottar simply did his best to comfort the drunken goddess.

With Bell...

As the boy went off to do something, Welf and the others sat Lili and Hestia down to talk.

Welf: Alright, how much longer is this crap gonna go on?

Lili: What?

Mikoto: He's referring to you two avoiding Sir Bell. This has been going on ever since he came with Lady Ryuu and it's having more than a negative impact on our Familia.

Hestia: That thieving elf is to blame. None of this would've happened if she'd kept her hands to herself.

Welf: Oh gods, not this again. Are you two really not going to grow up? He's taken already. Just let it go.

Lili: Easy for you to say! You're not the one who's love got stolen from them!

Hestia: I'd like to see how you'd act if someone got Hephaestus instead!

Welf: Hey, leave her out of this! Plus, we aren't even a couple! You don't see me acting like a possessive child any time she's with another man!

Haruhime: Master Welf is right. You two need to move on before you push Master Bell away.

Hestia: Push him away?!

Lili: How can you even say that?! I thought you were on our side?! You've told us you'd gladly be his mistress!

Haruhime: Of course I would! I'd accept that in a heartbeat! However, I could never ask that of him, not after lying to him for so long!

Mikoto: That's another thing. We have to tell Master Bell about his skill eventually. He already knows we're hiding something from him.

Hestia: That was for his safety!

Welf: That's up for debate at this point. He isn't helpless anymore and he deserves to know now. If not, you could at least accept his new girlfriend.

Hestia and Lili: NEVER!!!

Haruhime: Goddess. Lady Lili. Please, just think about this. You'll push Master Bell further away at this rate.

Mikoto: She's right. With how you're avoiding him, it's only a matter of time before he stays away for good.

Hestia: My Bell would never do that! I'm his Goddess!

Welf: What kind of Goddess won't accept his relationship?

Hestia: Are yous seriously taking their side?!

Welf: *Annoyed* I'm trying to help you two! We all are! If you don't get your act together, you'll do something you'll regret for the rest of your lives!

That outburst caused the two to tear up.

Haruhime: *Sad* We have to face reality. We've lost Master Bell.

Lili: B-But we can still-

Haruhime: NO!

They flinched when the renard yelled at them.

Haruhime: *Crying* There is nothing left to do! If we can't move on, then Master Bell may not even see you as his friends, much less Familia!

Hestia: But that elf...

Mikoto: Lady Hestia, please. Just try to accept Lady Ryuu. You don't want to upset Master Bell. He wouldn't be happy with you two acting like you are. He may even think you hate him.

Lili: No, we would never!

Welf: Then pull yourselves together! After all this time, Bell just wants us all to be a Familia again. Can you at least give him that?

The two wiped their tears and did their best to compose themselves.

Hestia: Grr... as much as I despise that elf, I don't want to burden my Bell.

Lili: Me either. Lili only promises to try.

This made the three smile as this would hopefully be the step forward everyone needed to move on.


Bell: I'm back!

Welf: So, what do you say?

Hestia: Huh?

Mikoto: About his skill?

Lili: ...Lili thinks we should just rip off the bandages now.

Haruhime: Then let's tell him.

The boy then opened the door and saw the serious expression on everyone's face.

Bell: Uh... everything ok?

Hestia: Oh, it's fine. We just thought now would be a good time to tell you about what you've been missing out on.

A tinge of anxiety was felt inside the boy as he wondered what it was they were hiding.

Hestia: However, if we're doing it like this, we may as well do it together.

Bell: Okay, then let's get to it.

Hestia: We can't. Not with one missing.

Haruhime: But we're all here.

Hestia: Not all of us.

Lili: You couldn't possibly mean...

Hestia: Yes. Bell, go get your g-girlfriend too. She was here when we broke the news so she may as well hear it.

Bell: Huh? But, Ryuu isn't, I mean, are you sure?

The goddess nodded as Bell smiled and grabbed something from his room before dashing for the Hostess. Meanwhile, Lili gave a questioned look to Hestia.

Lili: What are you doing?

Hestia: Getting rid of all the bandages. I may not like her, but I don't want Bell to hate me for acting the way I am. Even if it pains me to do it.

Welf: It'll be worth it in the end.

Lili: You better be right.

With Bell...

He entered the Hostess where he found Ryuu and went to Mama Mia. Both were taking a break after the elf's cooking lessons and were surprised by the visit.

Ryuu: B-Bell?!

Mia: Hey, we aren't open yet, boy!

Bell: I need to rent Ryuu!

Ryuu: *Blush* Wha?!

Mia: You can't just barge in here and expect me to let you have one of my girls-

He then slammed down an extra large bag of Valis. Bell got this from his room as he was willing to part with any amount of money to sped more time with his precious fairy. The dwarf only needed a glance before her decision was made.

Mia: *Looking at the money* Take all the time you need.

Ryuu: Mama Mia!

Bell: Thank you! Ryuu, I need you to come with me!

Ryuu: Wait! Bell! What are you-

She didn't get to ask as he quickly dragged her back home and everyone was ready in the living room. They sat down together while the elf was still in a whirlwind of confusion.

Ryuu: What's going on?!

Bell: Sorry, they just wanted you to be here while they told me about their secret.

Ryuu: You couldn't have told me that on the way?! And why did you have to drag me here?!

Bell apologized with a red face as he was just excited they would be ready to accept his relationship, albeit, very hesitantly.

Hestia: Now then, elf-

Bell: Ryuu.

Hestia: *Tick mark* Right, Ryuu. Do you swear to not let what is said in this room spread?

Ryuu: You have my word, Goddess Hestia!

The tiny goddess frowned, but nodded at the truth in her words. Seeing everything was in place, they were ready to tell the boy everything.

Hestia: Okay. Ready, Bell?

Bell: *Nods* I am.

Hestia: Mm.

She stayed silent for a few moments before speaking again.

Hestia: Liaris Freese.

Bell: What?

Hestia: That's the name. Liaris Freese. It's the name of your first skill.

Bell: My first skill? I thought it was Argonaut?

Hestia: *Shakes her head* No, that's your second. I'm talking about the first one you got back when you were Level 1.

Ryuu: Level 1?!

Bell: But I thought you couldn't get skills at Level 1?!

Hestia: Well, that was wrong because you had one. A powerful one at that.

Bell: How did I even get that?

Hestia: It happened after Wallenwhatsit saved you from that minotaur. I guess you wanted to chase after her so bad you manifested a skill for it. It basically improved your growth based on your feelings along with making you immune to charm.

The boy stared down with wide eyes at that.

Bell: So, all this time, it was because of a skill? W-Why didn't you tell me about it?

Hestia: Because I was scared. Bell, you were as green as they came. I wasn't sure how well you could keep a secret from people, but you'd have no control if a god asked you. If they found out, then they'd probably have Wargames made to take you for themselves. I did it to protect you. We all did.

Bell: You... you didn't think I could keep that secret?

Welf: Bell, to be fair, you probably would've let it slip a little with how excited you would probably be.

Hestia: Like how you were when you got your spell for the first time.

The boy blushed a little at that.

Bell: I'm sorry I wasn't trustworthy enough to keep it secret.

Hestia: No! Don't apologize! It's partly our fault too for keeping from you!

Welf: Besides, you're not exactly a pushover anymore. I think you're a few jumps away from Level 5.

Hestia: Actually, he can already level up.

Bell: I can?!

Hestia: Whatever happened to you in the Dungeon was apparently enough to allow you to Level up whenever. Of course, your stats now don't compare to your other ones when you rose up.

Bell: I'm assuming there's also the problem with the Guild again?

Hestia: Yeah. You don't mind waiting, right?

Bell: Well...

He looked down before meeting Ryuu's eyes with his.

Bell: I still want to get strong as fast as I can, but I don't know if I'm in as much of a rush anymore. I mean, I can see know that I didn't really feel that way for Misd Ais. I guess I just admired her strength when she saved me.

The other girls sighed in reliefbat that while a certain blonde felt a small pang for some reason.

Mikoto: Wait, if Sir Bell's skill was based on the Sword Princess, what will happen now that his feelings have changed?

That made everyone stop and think.

Hestia: Well, let's see. Bell, let me update you real quick.

The boy quickly disrobed, causing Ryuu to blush while Hestia got the update underway. She finished and gave Bell the verbal results.

Bell: So, anything?

Hestia: Well, I'm trying to account for you being Level 4 and not doing anything strenuous in the Dungeon, but you did go up about 30 points. I updated you not that long ago, so I think its safe to assume the skill hasn't changed.

Welf: *Smirking* More like the conditions to activate its effects changed.

He eyed the albino and the elf, both of which blushed after connecting the dots.

Bell: A-Anyway, can we just not keep anymore secrets?

Hestia: Yes. I'm sorry again, Bell.

He brought her into a hug and forgave her while everyone smiled at the good recovery the Familia was having.

Hestia: Ahem. Remember, Ryuu, nothing leaves this room.

Ryuu: Of course. I've taken up enough of your time. I'll be on my way then.

Hestia nodded with a frown as Bell volunteered to walk her back.

Hestia: (You may have won this round, but I'm not giving up that easily!)

Lili: (Lili won't hesitate to take your place should you slip up, elf.)

While the two sort of accepted the elf, they still plotted to take her place next to Bell if the opportunity arose.


Ais was currently in her room thinking on what Riveria said. The conversation about relationships was fresh in her mind and that had taken up more time than she would normally use for training.

Ais: So, Riveria told me I should only do that with a boy I like. If I like Bell, which I think I do, then I have to figure out how to get him to like me back. Then we'll make a family together and live happily ever after like in the stories Mom read me.

She imagined what life with Bell would be like before her face went up in red. Sitting beneath a tree and resting in total bliss.

Ais: *Blushing* B-But Riveria also said I have to get pregnant for that! Mmm... how long would I have to kiss Bell for that to happen?!

She frantically calculated how much time it would take for that to work. As it turned out, Riveria couldn't bring herself to tell Ais the whole truth, so she told her everything in the God-approved version of how children are made for children. What Riveria didn't count on was the fact Ais would take it to heart and plan out how to get with Bell.

Ais: Maybe I'll ask to try and see how it goes? I can start with five minutes and go up more if it doesn't work.

She wrote this in a journal the elf would find and spend much time trying to correct the mistake she made prior lest she have Ais embarrass the both of them.

With Bell...

The boy was now walking through the streets and processing everything that's happened to him.

Bell: I can't believe that's what it was. I guess I can't blame them for how strong it is.

Ryuu: Mm, I wasn't expecting something like that either.

Bell: Now I just can't help but feel I've been cheating this whole time.

Ryuu: Hm?

Bell: I mean, I only got this far because of a skill. Without it, I'd probably still be a Level 1.

The boy sighed before he felt Ryuu grab hid hands and give him a stern glare.

Ryuu: Do not say that about yourself. There was no foul play. You got this far because of your hardwork, never forget that.

Bell: But-

He lost the strength to argue once he felt Ryuu's menacing aura.

Bell: N-nevermind...

Ryuu: *Smiles* Good. Ah.

She realized what she was doing in public and brought her hands behind her back as her face and ears grew red.

Ryuu: S-So, what now? I don't have to go to work today.

Bell: I still want to talk things out with Syr. I feel bad making her wait this long.

Ryuu: *Nods* Then let's try and find her.

It would take several hours, but they eventually found her sitting in a park bench I'm casual clothing as she stared at the sunset.

Syr sighed as she wondered if her plan was even a good one. As it stood, she effectively threw her man to her best friend and the thought of losing him like that made her stomach sink. Her mind continued to wander until she heard the familiar voices she'd been wanting to and had been slightly afraid to hear.

Bell: SYR!!!

She widened her eyes and turned to see Bell and Ryuu running towards her.

Bell: Thank the gods. We finally found you.

Syr: Found me?

Ryuu: Y-Yes. We were looking for you for days.

Syr: You were? Sorry I made it so hard for you. What did you need?

Bell: Uh, we were looking to talk to you about, um... "that."

Syr: What?

Ryuu: *Blushing* A-About... sharing B-Bell...

The girl's mind went blank for a second as she processed what the elf said.

Syr: *Shocked* (It's finally happening!) O-Oh, right. What d-do you think now?

Bell: We've both thought on it for the last several days. Syr, you've been an amazing person and a great friend to the both of us.

Ryuu: I wouldn't be the person I am without everything you've done for me.

Bell: *Nods* Yeah, I agree. You even helped bring me and Ryuu together.

Syr: *Giggles* You're welcome, by the way.

Bell: Yeah, but... I still don't exactly feel the best with you and Ryuu.

This made her heart sink a bit.

Syr: I-I see...

Bell: I know you said it would be fine with you, but I can't shake this feeling off being unfaithful to Ryuu and then you as well.

Ryuu: I admit, I would be a little uncomfortable, but with all you've done for us and being my friend, I want to at least try.

Bell: And besides, I can see your actions made more sense after recalling them. I feel a lot better knowing you weren't messing with me all that time.

Syr: Y-You mean...

Her eyes turned a bit glassy as she tried to hold her feelings back until they confirmed.

Bell: Y-Yes. I like you too. W-Would you be my girlfriend as well, Syr?


Bell bowed slightly and kept his eyes closed. When he didn't hear anything from Syr, he feared he offended her or something so he was quick to explain further. He also felt a great amount of anger coming from several other places directed at him. He felt intimidated enough to elaborate to the girl who had yet to respond.

Bell: I-I mean, if that's fine with you. We can-

Syr: YES!!!

She hugged him tearfully and almost knocked him off balance before he caught her.

Syr: Yes! Thank you, Bell!!

Ryuu watched the two have their moment. Much of her was happy for her friend, but she still felt rather awkward about all this. She still remembered all the talks she had with Bell on the subject and the two were leaning towards letting this happen.

Syr: You're really fine with this, Ryuu? I-I...

She composed herself a little before continuing.

Syr: We c-can try this for a little and see how you feel.

She hesitated to say the last part, but she knew she had to.

Syr: If you don't like it, then you have the say and we can break it off.

Bell: Syr!

That sounded fair enough to the elf. Ryuu would still give her an honest chance and they would see how this turned out.

Ryuu: A-Alright then.

Syr: Yay!!

She hugged the both of them before kissing Bell on the cheek.

Syr: Thank you, both! I promise I'll do my best to make sure neither of you regret it!

She then bowed before running away. Syr said she had to go home for something and that she would see them at work tomorrow.

The next day, the trio broke the news to Mia and well...

Mia: Run that by me again. You're saying rabbit boy here is dating the both of you?

Syr: *Beaming* Yup!

Ryuu just nodded sheepishly while Mia sighed. She had a feeling it would come to this with the girl's scheming, but it was still a headache regardless.

Mia: *Menacing* So boy, what exactly made you think taking another of my girls was fine after the elf?

Bell: U-Uh...

He was fearing for his life and looked to the two for help. Unfortunately, Syr was too busy day dreaming and Ryuu was fearful of what Mia would do to her if she stepped in since this was partly her fault too.

Bell: I-I

Mia: You know Syr is gonna cause a lot of trouble for ya, right?

Bell: Huh?

Mia: Face it, even with all the good things she's done for ya, she's almost all flaws.

Bell: What are you-

He wondered whatvthe dwarf was getting at as Syr was sweating a little.

Mia: I mean, she's a bit of a klutz. She's a manipulator since that's how she got you in here the first time. She's lazy as hell and can't cook to save her life.

Syr was already face down with imaginary arrows driven into her back from all the insults. Meanwhile, Bell was getting annoyed by the one-sided insults Mia was unleashing.

Bell: That doesn't make her bad!

Mia: Oh?

Bell: Yeah. Even if that's mostly true-

Syr: *Dying*

Bell: She's also a good person at heart! I've seen it myself! She's willing to help random people she's never met before! She saved Ryuu's life and became an important person in mine! With all her flaws, I still like everything about her and I won't let you talk down about her!

Mia was silent for a moment before sighing.

Mia: Well, I guess you're serious about all this.

Bell: Huh?

Mia: I was testing you to see how far you were willing to go. Looks like Syr's gone and seduced the both of you.

Bell: Wha-

Ryuu: Mama! *Blushing*

Mia: I let this slide this time. But the same applies with Syr like Ryuu. Hurt either of them and...

She didn't need to explain further before Bell nodded fervently.

Bell: I WON'T!!!

Not just because it isn't in his character, but also because he'd face a fate worse than death.

Mia: Alright then, we're done here, but first...

*Bonk Bonk Bonk*

She smacked all three on their heads.

Mia: Hmph!

The three were now rubbing their heads which had bunps on them. Mia left the room as Syr grabbed Bell and Ryuu's hands.

Syr: *Smiling brightly* I'm looking forward to our time together!

Bell: M-Me too.

Ryuu: Nods.

Over the next few days, the three were finding their footing as a couple. While awkward at first, they eventually got used to it with Syr being the happiest of them and not just because she fingered herself silly every night since Bell told her how he felt.

Flashback to the night after Bell said yes...

Freya: *Fingering herself* I'm so fucking high right now!!

End of Flashback...

Today, he had another task to take care of.

Bell: Syr, what do you think?

Syr: I know you're nervous about telling your Familia about us. That's why I've come up with the perfect plan.

Ryuu: Let's hear it then.

Syr: Alright. First, you sit them down.

Bell: Uh-huh.

Syr: You look them dead in the eye.

Bell: Right.

Syr: And you say, "I have two girlfriends."

Bell: *Blushing* And you think that would work?

Syr: Trust me, Bell. When have my plans ever failed?


Bell: Thanks for hearing me out, everyone.

Welf: It's fine, I wasn't really that busy today.

Lili: Did you need something, Master Bell?

They all sat in the living room together. Bell brought Ryuu again, which was fine. The oddity was Syr also being there which put Hestia and Lili on edge. Admittedly, they didn't like the girl that much and she made them uncomfortable with how hard she was to read.

Bell: Yes. I wanted to sit down and talk with you all about something important.

Mikoto: And that is?

The boy took a deep breath and spoke with confidence while going along with the plan.

Bell: I have two girlfriends.


*Blink blink*

Hestia: The fuck?

AN: Alright, admittedly, I finished this maybe a few weeks ago and forgot to publish it. I went through it again and nothing else was really coming to me. I also didn't have the same track of thought as I did when I finished this, so a few things got me at first. Not really the best at making something like this smooth, but hopefully you guys found it alright.

Good news. Hestia and Lili are going to "try" and accept Ryuu. Bad news. Syr is here. The plot finally moves forward, so look forward to what comes next.

As always, thanks for reading. Check out StevenShower and his work(though he's been having some trouble, so show him your support to help him through his rut). See you in the next one!

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