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Hi guys! I know it's been about a year since I last updated this... and I am very sorry. A lot has happened, and I've changed a lot. I lost all motivation for this story and writing in general a while ago, hence my rather sudden disappearance from here.

Unfortunately, this story will not be continued, even though it only had a few chapters left in it. I am sorry.

However, my will to write has returned somehow, and my new story,  Winter's Mourn, has some familiar charecters in it. Writing isn't my passion anymore, simply something that I still want to improve in and keep as a side hobby.

I would love if you would check out my new story, however. Updates will be sporadic lol. Work keeps me busy, and my short attention span and my seemingly random depression spells seem to get in the way of things.

But, life is good, and I am back once more. I love everyone that read this and who gave me so much support... it never fails to make me happy. Writing this always gave me so much joy.  Thank you, from the end of my heart❤

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