IV - Expensive Boots

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Ragnus's eyes narrowed in suspicion when the beam pinning down Aerysdren suddenly rose into the air and was flung into the rubble of the tavern, seemingly all on its own. It crashed into the fallen wood and caused a small fire to flare up.

Aerysdren slowly sat up, his eyes big with shock and amazement. He grinned and began clapping. "That was amazing! I've never met a mage before. You are a mage, right? Of course you are, what am I saying? Wait, are you an Eastern Fae too?" Aerysdren laughed and smacked his cut and bleeding hands together. He didn't seem at all bothered that he just experienced a very traumatizing event and just barely escaped with his life. "My name is Aerysdren Ravenshard, lovely to meet you mister Fae sir!" He began to stand up but was promptly overtaken by another coughing spasm and had to sit back down.

Ragnus, on the other hand, was far less energetic about this strange newcomer. He had harbored a bitter resentment towards all types of magic for the two hundred and fifty years he'd been alive, and that was not about to change anytime soon. In his less than humble opinion, the only good magic user was a dead magic user. He turned a wary eye towards the stranger.

The man, who was obviously a fae of the Eastlands at first glance, gazed down at Ragnus with red, almond shaped eyes that hid behind a pair of spectacles. Seemingly natural scarlet tattoo-like designs that glowed and pulsed with energy lay around his eyes, and Ragnus knew that they probably showed up all over the man's body. His cream colored features were youthful, handsome even. His long bright red hair that was pulled into a high ponytail fell to the middle of his back, and two strands in front of his slightly pointed ears came down over his chest. A mustache of the same color lay above his upper lip. 

The man turned his gaze to Aerysdren, who was laying weakly on the ground, breathing heavily. The coughing spasm had once again left him on the verge of unconsciousness.

"Oh dear. Is he going to be alright?" the stranger asked in dull tones. 

"He better be," Ragnus dourly returned. He crossed his arms over his chest. "And who might you be, laddie?"

Just as the fae opened his mouth to speak, someone else shouted at the end of the vacant road. Heavy footsteps could be heard running towards them.

"Ragnus!" Isendir ran up to them from behind Aerysdren. At the sight of the elf, the Highlander dropped to his knees and put a hand on Aerysdren's forehead. "Aerysdren, can you hear me?"

The Sylvanaar's ice blue eyes fluttered open. His grin promptly returned at the sight of the Highlander. "Isendir! I'm so happy to see that you're not a skeleton, unlike poor Cassian. Poor guy...." Aerysdren's eyes suddenly turned sad as he gazed upon the burning rubble next to him. He shook his head and sat up. "Oh well."

Isendir was still concerned. Aerysdren was covered in dry blood, and some areas were still bleeding.

"Are you certain you're feeling okay?"

"I've suffered a lot worse, sir," Aerysdren assured him with a slight nod of his head. He crossed his legs and put his hands on his ankles.

"Well...alright." Isendir was dubious but said nothing more. He stood up and looked at the fae standing next to Ragnus. He was very tall, taller even than Varenyl. "And who might you be?"

"I am Lorthrendel, of the Council of High Sorcery in the Eastlands," the fae responded smoothly. "You have me to thank for helping your...elf." He looked down at Aerysdren, who was staring at the ground like some lost child. "Aerysdren, was it? You know, I bet you'd look quite handsome if you would wash your face off."

"Um...thank you?" Aerysdren glanced up at Lorthrendel and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. He blushed bright red underneath all the soot and ash.

Ragnus made a low rumbling sound. "And what business might the Council of High Sorcery have in Dalyntarth, lad?"

Lorthrendel turned his scrutinizing red eyed gaze down to the dwarf. "They have sent me to investigate strange magical anomalies reported in the Silver Sea, dwarf. That is my destination, and a rather important one it is. I trust you understand. We have no desire in this land of humans and...other creatures. This land disgusts me and my kin."

Ragnus grumbled a very strong insult in dwarven and angrily turned his back to the fae. Isendir cast his friend a wide eyed glance, understanding what he had said.

Lorthrendel chuckled. "Old age has truly turned you into a curmudgeonly buffoon, dwarf," he coldly returned in dwarven. "I am three hundred years old and yet to my kin, I am still quite young. I doubt you'll even live to my age, hmm?"

Ragnus whipped back around to Lorthrendel, his green eyes wide. He exhaled deeply through his nose and resisted the urge to split this fool's pretty skull wide open, instead aggravatingly fidgeting with his helmet and turning around once more. His lips tightened. Even Isendir seemed slightly annoyed with Lorthrendel's statement, and the Highlander never truly gave a rat's ass about what people said most of the time.

"It seems that your dwarven friend was not the only survivor, Shatterstorm," Varenyl finally commented from where he stood next to Aerysdren. He had watched Ragnus's and Lorthrendel's exchange with zero emotion in his eyes. He didn't speak dwarven, and in truth, he didn't really care. He looked down at the Sylvnanaar boy. "Never seen one of your kin with blue eyes before."

"Um...." Aerysdren's face briefly contorted and he quickly turned away.

"A Sylvari?" Lorthrendel noted with a slight cock of his head. "Judging by the fact you wield a two handed axe with much ease, and the style of your cloak and helmet, I'm going to make a wild guess that you're a part of the Sylvari High King's Royal Guard in Lyrenbel. Am I correct?"

Varenyl grimly leaned against his axe. He eyed Lorthrendel with a less than friendly stare. "I used to be."

"Oh?" Lorthrendel lifted a delicate eyebrow. "I did not-"

"Is this the dwarf who might be able to help me?" Varenyl impatiently turned to Isendir. He had no time to talk to yet another condescending fae.

"Yes." Isendir nodded. "Ragnus, this is Varenyl Jorona. He is looking for the black dragon that came here with the others. Did you see which way it flew off?"

"Why would I care which direction that monster flew off to?" Ragnus grumbled. He plopped down on the ground. He was in a sour mood, and he planned on making everyone well aware to leave him the hell alone. "To answer your question, Shatterstorm, no, I didn't."

"Neither did I." Aerysdren morosely shook his head. He looked up at Varenyl. "Sorry, cousin. Can I call you that? The Sylvari and Sylvanaar are supposed to be related, or something like that. Your people have  longer ears than we do, though." He put his slender hands in his short, soft black hair and ruffled it, trying to get the ash out of his tresses. He sneezed vehemently when a grey cloud of dust and ash fell into his face.

"Dragon? Is that what happened here?" Lorthrendel's eyes widened. It was the only thing that made sense, and he knew that. No other creature existed on Syrania that could do this type of destruction, but for a dragon to attack a city in that day and age was unheard of.

"You mean that you weren't here when it happened?" Isendir asked, somewhat surprised. He was suddenly very grateful that the sun was still behind him, otherwise he would be unintentionally glaring at the fae.

Lorthrendel chuckled. "Hah! As if a powerful fae mage such as myself would ever stop in this pitiful excuse for a town. Iksyn City is truly just one of many blights upon Dalyntarth's beautiful surface. No, I was not here when it happened. I saw the smoke from the road and came to investigate."

Ragnus stroked his beard. "A jackass through and through, I see."

Isendir cast Ragnus a warning glance before responding, "Well I thank you, Lorthrendel, for assisting my friend here."

"Do not mention it. To where do you plan to head now?" Lorthrendel questioned. His red eyed gaze never once left Isendir, and that made him somewhat uncomfortable. It was like he could see right through the Highlander.

"I was getting the idea of heading to Rosepoint, to tell the Crownguard what has happened. The King needs to know."

"Isendir," Ragnus growled.

"The Crownguard? Like they'll do anything," Varenyl scoffed with a scowl. His patience was beginning to run thin; he needed to find that dragon before it caused the death of even more.

"They're humans, my dear, what more could you expect?" Lorthrendel smiled crookedly at Varenyl and crossed his arms over his chest. The mage was wearing a long black coat with golden trims, and a red and black swallowtail styled tunic underneath. He was slender, and he filled out his clothes very nicely. His heeled, knee high black boots were travel worn and caked with dirt and what Varenyl thought looked like dried blood, but they were still obviously expensive and well made.

That fact alone made Varenyl continue to distrust and dislike the Eastern Fae as a whole.

"Isendir," Ragnus growled again. His green eyes narrowed.

Isendir ignored him and turned to Varenyl. "The King will take precautions, Varenyl. He needs to be made aware of this. You are welcome to come with us if you'd like."

"Then he also needs to be made aware of what has occurred in my homeland. But past experiences tell me that he would not listen," Varenyl added in a low tone. He tapped his fingers against his axe. "I will come with you, Isendir Shatterstorm. But...I only ask that you do not press me for answers. I am still healing from an event that I may never be able to recover from." He turned away, and that was the end of discussion.


This chapter is dedicated to BookAddictAR, who has helped me out a lot on my other book, Heart of the Winter King. She also has two books on here, The Quest and Donkeyskin, that I am a really big fan of, and that I definitely recommend❤️

I had to cut this chapter into two parts, so that is the reason for the double update. The final word count was 2,777 words, and that is waaayy too long 😂😂 That is why the next chapter may, unfortunately, lack much plot movement. 

I feel this one could use a lot of work, so if you have any criticism or suggestions for me, please tell me! Thank you so much, and until next time~

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