XI - The High Sorceress

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Amnestria Wintermourn was undoubtedly one of, if not the best leader the Eastlands had ever seen. She had been elected in when she was only three hundred years of age, the youngest in history. However, no one ever thought twice of it. She was extremely intelligent, wise, and powerful in her magic. Eighty years later, she was still looked upon with great respect by both the Eastern Fae and the other races.

Standing at six feet, Amnestria was tall like most fae women. As was traditional in Eastern Fae culture, she kept her soft, raven black hair cut short, framing her large, almond shaped violet eyes, and, as was natural of an Eastern Fae born with black colored designs around their eyes and bodies, her skin was milky and pale. She was beautiful, the very definition of perfection by Eastern Fae standards. But, of course, every Eastern Fae born had to be born with zero flaws and imperfections whatsoever. If they were, they were normally abandoned at birth and left to die.

Like Lorthrendel was, but Amnestria had been kind enough to look past his obvious imperfections and past life as a necromancer, and give him a second chance.

A chance in more things than one, however.

"You seem very upset, High Sorceress. And that is very unlike you, especially in human lands," Lorthrendel commented in a dull voice from where he leaned back in his chair, his legs crossed. "Pray do tell what has you so distressed."

Amnestria cast him a disdainful glance. "And pray do tell what has you in such a cynical mood. You can drop the formal title as well, Lorthrendel. We are alone." She took a sip from her wine glass.

The chambers the King had given her were very luxurious; with a large bed covered in comfy silk sheets, a small counter for wine and food, a table with two chairs, and a dresser adorned with a mirror. The walls were beautifully painted to match perfectly with the hardwood flooring.

"I am not being cynical, dearest Amnestria. I am just a bit...tired, that's all. It's been a long day, and well, let's just say that I am a bit nervous about meeting you here unexpectedly. I was very surprised when I heard of your presence here, and even more shocked that you had called an Almoran Council, of all people," Lorthrendel added with a slight nod of his head. His knee unconsciously bounced underneath his hand, the heels of his boots inceasently clicking against the floor.

Amnestria was silent a moment, her gaze downcast. She seemed very disturbed. After a while, she looked back up at Lorthrendel and ever so slightly shook her head. "I had...a vision, Lorthrendel. Not long after you left to investigate the anomalies in the Silver Sea. It was so real, and so strong, it genuinely scared me. I felt like it was a call for help," she added in a soft voice, her violet eyes wide.

Lorthrendel's brows furrowed. "From who?"

"The gods," she whispered. "I saw the Ebony God and the Father of Knowledge as if they were standing right in front of me. They were...talking. Though the topic of their discussion is hazy to me, I feel that it had something to do with the gods being unable to manifest their power onto the mortal plane."

"I have heard word that the clerics have been...powerless, of late," Lorthrendel commented.

Amnestria nodded. "As have I. What happened next in the vision shook me to the core, Lorthrendel. The Dragon God himself appeared. He said something that I could not understand. He was...not angry. He was happy. His lips were curled into a slight sneer, and before Fibius and Koros could react, Vadrioth impaled both of them, taking an essence of their power with him, almost turning the both of them mortal. I...I woke up after that. But it was so clear." She shook her head once again, her eyes wide with horror. "I know what I saw, Lorthrendel. It was real. Something is happening. Something terrible. I had to summon a council. The other rulers have to be made aware of this possible danger."

Lorthrendel reached up and gently twirled the ends of his mustache, his brows still wrinkled as he processed what Amnestria was telling him. He didn't want to believe her; her story was incredulous. However, this was Amnestria Wintermourn he was talking to. What she was telling him was absolutely true, and he knew it.

"Well, I can definitely understand why you summoned a council now," he murmured. His red eyes gazed at her intently. "Perhaps the anomalies in the Silver Sea are somehow related to this. Do you think that is possible?"

"We will not know for sure until you find out what is causing them," Amnestria returned. "Which I hope will be soon."

"It will be. My curiosity betrays me, however...do I have your permission to attend the Council? I would be most grateful."

Amnestria smiled crookedly. "Only because the others will be arriving within the week."

"Your kindness is much appreciated, then." Lorthrendel leaned back in his chair and stretched his long legs out to keep his knee from bouncing. He shut his eyes. "Gods, it's been a long day. That Joseph Murphy character is bloody disgusting."

"Isn't he? Humans are really lenient when choosing their leaders, apparently," Amnestria said as she stood up. "They should really be more careful. You know, Lorthrendel, if you want, you could stay here with me for the night."

Lorthrendel gave a short laugh. He looked at Amnestria from under half closed lids. The High Sorceress stood in front of her mirror, picking out more comfortable clothes to sleep in.

"Last time you told me that, darling, we did more than just sleeping," he returned with a smile. "I told you I have commitment issues. And for good reason, I might add."

Amnestria chuckled to herself as she picked out a black and blue nightgown. "Yes yes. You prefer your books and spells. Which is a good thing, of course. But I still care for you." She laid down the nightgown on the edge of the bed before walking over to Lorthrendel and planting a gentle, brief kiss on his lips. She smiled at him. "I have to go talk with Yenishrendril and a few others now. I'll be back shortly."

"Yenishdrendril?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "She'll keep you all night if you go to her at this hour. Good luck with getting her to shut up."

"You're too harsh on her, Lorthrendel," Amnestria said as she opened the door. "I quite like that golden eyed girl. She's adorable."

"She's a child. I still dislike the idea of her being on the Council."

"Now you know how others feel about you being on it as well." Amnestria raised her eyebrows at Lorthrendel. "Now, do behave yourself while I'm gone. I won't be long." She opened up the door and walked out, gently closing it behind her.

This chapter is dedicated to writer-being-trained. This dedication is long overdue xD I'm really sorry for not doing it sooner. You're such an amazing support and help to all this, that I can't express how much I appreciate you ❤️❤️ Thank you for everything.

This chapter could use a lot of work, so if you have any suggestions for me, please tell me. I feel like everything is kinda boring, and I hope it's just me xD

Until next time~

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