XXV - Tsydyth, First Born of the Dragon King

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The bathhouse had been empty, which Lorthrendel was grateful for. He needed the peace and time to clean out his thoughts, and calm down. Unlike the rest of the building, the large chamber had walls made of stone, with red colored roses carved into them. Torches lined the chamber, providing more than enough light for any late night visitors. A long corridor went down the middle, leading to the separate rooms. Finely woven curtains allowed users their privacy.

The room was warm, which the mage was also grateful for. He enjoyed being able to dry off and get dressed without freezing to death. He put his hair back into his traditional ponytail to try and keep it from getting his clothes wet and stepped out into the corridor, adjusting his glasses as he did.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he saw a woman leaning against the wall.

"For gods' sake, woman!" Lorthrendel slapped his hand over his face, his breath heavy and fast. He took a long, deep breath.

The woman had short black hair and dark red eyes that gazed at him with a hint of amusement in their crimson depths. She was tall, and dressed in a cuirass, a breastplate, leggings and knee high boots, all of which seemed to be made of black and red dragon scales. She held no weapon, or at least no weapon that the mage could see. She appeared to be human, but no human ever born had red eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Lorthrendel forced his breathing to slow as he regained his calm composure and returned his gaze to her. He was royally pissed off at her already, and he didn't even know who the hell she was.

The woman shrugged. "Names and labels matter little to me. But to mortals, I am known as Khristfire," she said in a low, and somewhat raspy voice. She sounded like she had smoked cigars all her life.

It took the fae a few moments before he could figure out the gravity of that name. He grunted, unimpressed. "Ah, I see. Tsydyth, the dragon who burned down Lyrenbel, and supposedly the Dragon King's favorite little pet." He smirked. "At least you the decency to clothe yourself, unlike your sister."

Tsydyth's eyes flashed. "Watch your tongue, smoothskin. Vadrioth is not my master, and neither am I his 'pet'. He's my father." She widened her stance, almost like a man. "There's a difference. And unlike my brainless siblings Demona and Vaniris, I do not mindlessly take orders from him," she added darkly. "They're idiots. All of them."

Lorthrendel's brows raised in mock surprise. "Ah, so a rebellious child who dislikes her powerful and controlling father. How cliche. I hate cliches, you know. So boring. So uncreative." He rolled his eyes. "But at least you're not as cryptic as your sister."

Tsydyth ever so slightly smiled a crooked grin. "You know, mage, it would be smart of you to at least try to not piss me off." She folded her arms over her armored chest.

"My apologies, lady Tsydyth." Lorthrendel dared a small smile. "It's in my nature, unfortunately. Now, may I ask as to why I have been visited by yet another immortal being? I'm not fond of you people being inside my head. It took me nearly fifty years to get used to hearing the voices of the dead. I'd rather not have nihilistic gods and terrifying dragons be included in my problems."

"You should have thought about that before you cast that spell in Rosepoint," said the dragon dryly, sticking her thumbs in her brown leather belt. "But I digress. I've only come to offer you a warning, Lorthrendel. My father has discovered a way to absorb the power of his siblings, thus killing them and making himself stronger. Zakan, the god of mischief, is already near death. Vadrioth is now more powerful than even Fibius and Hexi, and is thus virtually unstoppable. The other gods have given the young boy among your group a terrible burden to carry. This burden is supposed to be able to defeat my father, but the boy doesn't know how."

"You know about that?" Lorthrendel lifted an eyebrow. "How-"

"I know a lot of things, Lorthrendel," Tsydyth calmly interrupted. "I know he has it, and I also know Vadrioth is searching for it."

"Me and him had a lovely chat just the other day, actually," said the mage. He reached up and lightly gripped his throat, slightly grimacing at the memory. "He has an insanely strong grip, you know...."

"Listen to me, Lorthrendel." Tsydyth took a step closer to him. "Whatever you do, do not tell him where the Amulet is," she whispered fiercely. "I don't care what he said he'd do to you-"

"Darling, please do not take me for a fool, or a coward." Lorthrendel heaved a mock sigh. "I have a job to do, and I damn well plan on finishing it. However, I am curious to know why the first born of Vadrioth is now trying to bring him down...." He questioningly cocked his head at her.

Tsydyth was silent a moment before smiling ruefully up at him. "Do not think that I am trying to help you, mortal scum. I am doing this to save my own hide. I fear that Vadrioth's foolish actions have a large possibility of bringing down the wrath of the Father of All. Unlike Vaniris and Demona, I understand that. I quite like my existence. I'd rather not be punished for my father's uncontrollable hatred and lust for power."

"Then why do you continue to follow his orders? I think you're afraid of him," Lorthrendel commented with a slight closed-lipped grin.

Tsydyth's eyes glinted. "Only a fool wouldn't fear the Dragon King, Lorthrendel. Perhaps you should remember that next time he pays you a visit. And to answer your question, I only ever follow a few of my father's orders anymore. Those that excite me, anyway." She sauntered past the fae. "Burning down Lyrenbel with the Mydrahkgnyrs was very exciting for me. I tend to hate elves.

"But I have nothing more to say. Vadrioth is blind to everybody but you in your group. He will make your life a living hell, mage, but you must not give into him. The Amulet the elf carries is the key to defeating him. Please heed my warnings. Oh, and if you see my father," she glanced over her shoulder at him, "don't tell him you ever saw me."

"As you wish, my dear." Lorthrendel gave a slight bow from the waist up. "Do tell your sister I said hello. And to stay out of my dreams."

The torches were suddenly blown out, and Tsydyth disappeared in a flash out white light, leaving Lorthrendel behind.


Aerysdren awoke early that morning, long before anybody else did. It was still dark out; luminescent stars glittered and twinkled in the dark sky, but Juliec was a city that rarely slept. A few people still walked the streets, but they were either drug dealers or prostitutes.

Varenyl and Lorthrendel were quietly asleep. Since the Sylvari had fallen asleep on the bottom bed, Aerysdren had taken the top. It was rare for Varenyl to sleep for more than thirty minutes, and nobody had wanted to bother him. Lorthrendel sat in the chair, his legs propped up on the table he had pulled in front of it. Occasionally he would murmur a few things in his sleep in a language that the Sylvanaar did not understand.

Bored and unable to fall asleep again, Aerysdren pulled out the Amulet the gods had given him from underneath his shirt. He gazed at it through the dim light of the moon, running his thumb around its finely cut edges and turning it around in his hands. It was beautiful; a large black diamond entwined in silver that seemed to swirl with energy and power. As he gazed into its depths, he felt...drawn to it somehow. Almost as if it were calling him...telling him to use it....

He suddenly got the feeling that the Amulet was putting him into a trance. Scared, the boy tried to unclasp the chain that held it around his neck. He furrowed his brows as he searched for the hook, his breath quickening.

He kept turning the chain around, but he just couldn't find the hook. When he realized why he couldn't find it he felt as if somebody was smothering him with a pillow.

The chain didn't have one.

"What the-?" He tried to pull it over his head but the chain was not large enough. He attempted to pull it apart, but it was too strong, and he only ended up causing bright red marks to appear on his palms. He pulled it until his hands bled before he finally gave up.

He sat there, trying to muffle his heavy breathing. Eventually, he slowly put the Amulet back underneath his shirt, tears welling up in his icy blue eyes.

It was stuck to him.

And he was stuck to it.


hey yall! thank you so much for reading! this chapter is dedicated to a new friend of mine on here, Kurts_Smol_Bean. please go follow him and show him some love. he really deserves it XD he's really sweet and awesome❤

as always, please tell me any criticism or suggestions you have❤ i know this chapter doesn't have much any plot movement, but it was necessary to the plot so it had to be done xD

thank you so much as always❤

until next time~

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