chapter 5: family and friends

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(i am planning on making a little more than 25 chapters and probably some sequels.) (i am always in need of suggestions so please comment if you have suggestions and if you have ideas for a new story you wish for me to write just comment and i will try to write it.) 


It was about midnight when we headed home

Luna looked so tired even as we walked i saw her head droop and sping back up i noticed her get scared each time because she remembers she is in the dark and she is scared of the dark

"You tired" i laughed softly

"Ye...ah" she said shivering in fear

I stopped kneeled down

"Come on sweetheart i will carry you the rest of the way if you want"

She nodded before gently climbing on my back

(She is so freaking light does she eat at all) i wondered

Luna is alot shorter than me with brown sholder length hair,green eyes, tan skin, her body was very skinny, her hand werent very big either i could hold them both with one hand she almost looks fragile and weak but that would be an understatement because how she grabbed that dude by his shirt with one hand

I looked at her arm where he got her with the knife

"Before we go to bed i am going to have to clean that"

Her response was a small snore putting her forehead into my neck it was really cold out so it actually kept the right side of my neck warm, she still wore my scarf around her neck so of course my neck was cold

I sweat dropped (and of course she is already asleep)

then i chuckled (i will have to wake her when we get there)

(should i have mom look at her cut?)

-------later that night

when we got there i laid Luna on my bed

(i think i should introduce her to everyone i mean they should know she will be staying here and that she isn't a threat to us)

(i know that some people will be mad and some may possibly cause problems but i need to tell them that she is now family no matter that she isn't like us.)

I had my mom check her arm before we went to bed

-----the next morning

all angels were in the prism castle arena which we were discussing what happened yesterday in town my friends were there as well

"i know that a lot of you guys lost your homes and loved ones and i am truly sorry for that" i heard my father say 

my family was standing in front of everyone because we are the royal family and we have to 

"i would like it if the people that lost their homes to stay in the castle" father said

i looked over at Luna who was standing at the front of the crowd

"Well i saw a demon help us yesterday is she really someone we can trust?" the girl with the baby i noticed from yesterday had spoken up

"Demon girl?" my father asked

"Yes" i spoke up "She is a friend of mine her name is Luna she is really friendly she wouldn't hurt you" 

"Yeah right where is she now reporting us too the demon king?" a man shouted

"no shes in the crowd with all of you" i said smirking

"w..what?" the dude questioned

"Luna come here" i said 

Luna jumped at me i caught her, she rubbed her cheek against mine giggling like a little child

"That girls a demon" "yeah she doesn't look like a demon" "she's cute"

i heard all the different questions and comments in the crowd

"so what if shes cute shes still a demon remember we are enemies with them we can not allow her to be here" i heard that girl Liza from before

"yeah shes right" i heard many people in the crowd reply

"yeah she could get bored with us and turn back to their side"

"i wouldn't do that" Luna said from her position beside me a sad look in her eyes her bangs covering her eyes to hide her shame of what she is 

"she would never do that" i shouted 

"yeah right just make her scram prince Jason" Luke shouted "she is only gonna cause trouble around here"

"Calm down everyone" my father tried controlling the crowd

i glared at him, i looked at Luna when i felt her tighten her grip on my jacket sleeve

"its ok, they just don't understand" i whispered

she just rested her body against my arm 

(i didn't think this was going to be their reaction i mean she even helped save the town why are they giving her grief)

i patted her arm soothingly 

(wait can my dad make her into an angel?, he does have those amazing powers that can do so much)

"hey dad?" i asked

"Yes?" he asked walking over after he had the people talking about other things at the moment 

"i was wondering could you possibly turn Luna into an angel?" i asked

"i am sorry son i do not have the power to change a demon into an angel, sorry that's just something i cannot do" he said "i am sorry Luna"

"It's ok sir" Luna whispered

all of a sudden my father put his hand on her head, she looked up

"you are family now kiddo, it doesn't matter whether you are demon or angel, i trust you with my life and you can stay with us as long as you wish" my father said

it was a surprise to me and her but we recovered quickly

"thank you sir" she said hugging him crying tears of joy

he rubbed her head soothingly

before he turned to the crowd

"now everyone welcome Luna to the family she will be here from now on and i will expect you treat her with respect she isn't a threat i promise you that" father shouted "i don't wanna hear that anyone of you miss treat her"

i smile (thank you father)

----after the talk

my friends ran up to me 

"so this is Luna" my friend Ethan walked around her as though she was a new specimen 

"stop it she isn't animal" i said kinda coldly

"sorry dude" he said moving back hand up in defense 

"wow shes really cute" Linsey said in aw

"why did you say it like that she is right in front of you?" i asked 

"ops sorry Luna, you are really cute" she said 

"it's ok and thank you" Luna bowed her head 

"ok introductions this is ethan, linsey and the other two over there are jackson and emma" i told her "and everyone this is Luna"

Luna bowed her head "it's a pleasure to meet all of you"

"its nice to meet you as well Luna" Ethan and Linsey said politely 

Emma just waved and Jackson didn't say anything

(he is kind of cold, there is a reason behind that but i will save that for a different story)

we had fun the rest of the day (well of course without Jackson)

next chapter: chapter 6: loss of a loved one

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