Chapter 6

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Levy P.O.V

It has been a month since Gajeel and I have started meeting in secret. It would be the same every night, I would come, we would eat, we would make love an then we would talk about our plan for uniting Chimera and Sephrim. We knew where we would start recruiting like minded people, and we would all meet here at Ellias temple.

As any other night, I flew through the hole in the temples ceiling. Seeing me, Gajeel stood and held out his arms and I fell into them giggling. I kissed him quickly on the lips before hopping out of his arms. After we are and exhausted ourselves we started talking about our fight for peace. "There is one thing though," He said as he stroked my bare back. "Hm?" I looked up at him.

"If this is going to work, we have to get rid if the white wolf." I sighed a little but nodded. He was right, the only way for there to be peace, would be to get rid of Thiago. "Your right. But honestly, I'm not that upset." He grinned a little and ruffled my hair. Thiago was a slimy disgusting man.

"Is that right?" A voice said from the darkness. Gajeel was on his feet, and I lept into a crouch, hissing. I felt my blood run cold as the white wolf emerged out of the darkness. There was a brief silence, in the span of a heartbeat. Thiago raised his hand.

And all hell broke loose.

Over a dozen soldiers stepped out, including my own sister Haveth. I immediately knew she was the one to lead them here. Her jealousy over me and Thiago drove her to follow me. She did this to earn his favor.

Gajeel double over as dozens of hamsas were aimed directly at him. "Gajeel!" I cried. As I tried to rush for him and foot met my gut. I gasped as I was sent flying backwards and skidded across the ground. "Levy!" Gajeel choked out. A soldier approached him and slashed with his sword. Gajeel grunted in pain but did not fight back. The sickness from the hamsas barely allowed him to defend himself. I cried out as Thiagos foot again made contact with my skin and I had to cover a blow to the head.

The soldiers mercilessly beat us bloody. The stream in the temple was dyed red. The Evangalies screamedas the trees and the temple were set a blaze. I was barely conscious as they dragged our mangled bodies back to Loramendi.

When I woke back up I was lying on a stone floor. My arms were chained behind me and my wings were pinned together, making them throb with pain. I groaned a little a I struggled to sit up. Someone had thrown brown rags on me so I was atleast clothed. The silence was suddenly broke by a bloody pain filled scream. It was Gajeel.

I scrunched my eyes closed as I tried not to hear. The sound tore at my heart and all I wanted to do was run to him. His screams echoed across the dungeon to me and they reverberated around in my head. Tears pricked my eyes as they continued. Soon there was only silence. A door opened and heavy footsteps echoed. Someone with large hoofed feet. Soon Brimstone was standing in front of my cell. I looked up at him, tears still in my eyes. I waited for him to tell at me, scream at me. Tell me I was a fool. Me eyes locked with his dark ones. "B-Brimstone... I..." I was going to apologize. I don't know what for but that's all I could think to do. Before I could continue he knelt in front of me and reached through the bars. Next thing I know his large arms were around me and he hugged me the best he could through the bars.

I finally let lose and cried into his chest. He held me for a long time while I cried before I pulled away. I tried to wipe my eyes on my knee but I couldnt. He gently wiped my eyes with his large hand. "Do you love him?" He asked quietly. His question caught me off guard but I smiled a little. "Yeah... Yeah I do... We only wanted to create a world of peace... A place where... Where Chimera and Sephrim could live in unity and peace. We were both so tired of the fighting." I sighed a little as I rested my head against the bars of my cell. "And this is where it gets us..."

He pat my shoulder. "You both had hope that fueled your dream. And that hope can create miracles. You never know, you may get your peaceful world after all." I looked up at him confused. Before I could ask what he meant the door down the hall opened again. Brimstone stood and turned, his face impassive. "What are you doing here resurrectionist?" I heard Thiagos deep growl. I glared in his direction since he was still out of sight. "That is my business Commander." Brimstone said.

He simply huffed as he stepped into view. He was wearing his usual white attire, but this time, it was splattered in red. The sight made my stomach turn and he gave me a sickening smile. "Tomorrow is the day of punishment for you, Angel-Lover." He said the last part like it was sickening. "And what is my punishment?" I asked. He spat at me and I growled. "Public execution of be-heading, followed by Evanescence." I felt my blood run cold. Evanescence was true death, eternal death. There would be no gleaning. No resurrection. He smirked as I lost all of my venom and steel. I sat back on my haunches as I digested it. He smirked and simply walked out.

Brimstone knelt down again in front of me. We were both quiet as the news sank in. "Can I see Lily?.... You know... Say good bye and all... Issa too?" "I will see what I can do." He stood and strode out of the dungeon. I sat against the wall and cringed when Gajeels screams started again. I started to feel sleepy when the door opened again. I heard some foot steps and the sound of hissing. I leaned against the wall and struggled to pull myself to my feet as Lily and Issa came into view, Brimstone behind them. I walked to the bars and Lily hugged me through them like Brimstone had. This time I kept myself from crying, even as a teary eyes Issa hugged me. The snake around her neck and in her hair lightly licked me and rubbed their heads on me. "Sweet girl, you are so strong. I know you did what you did out of love, so no matter what anyone says, I have faith that one day that world of peace will be. Just like you and that boy dream of." I smiled a little and nodded at her. We talked for a long time about nothing, I couldn't say good bye. I would only break down and I knew I couldn't.

Tonight, I only wanted to be with those I love. Even though the one I loved the most was far away.

///Time Skip-Morning\\\

I woke up to someone painfully yanking me to my feet. Along with the arm and wing restraints they chained my feet together, making it hard to walk. They drug me along the stone corridors and out in front of the stone place. A platform had been made that held Thiago and the Warlord along with the executioner. His large black ax made me sick. As they pulled me to the top of the platform, I stared out across the sea of faces. Everyone in the city was here, I knew most of these people. They were friends, family and comrades. Yet they spat names like Angel-Lover and some even threw stones though they didn't reach.

But they didn't hurt me as much as what was directly across from my platform.

In the middle of the crowd, on a platform of his own, was Gajeel. He wore only ragged pants and his chest and face were bloody. His wings were pinned like my own and his arms chained behind him. Dozens of guards had there hamsas trained on him and he looked like he could pass out. He beautiful long black hair was plastered to his sweaty face. Our eyes locked and I tried my best to smile for him as they moved me in front of the executioner.

Thiago stepped forward. "Today, Levy of the Sava will be executed for treason, fraternizing with the enemy and plotting against the Warlord." There were boos and jeers and more stone were thrown. One managed to bust just above my eye and I tried not to flinch. My eyes never left Gajeels as they forced me to my knees. My heart tore at the sound of his cries for me. He screamed my name and begged them to stop. I smiled at him as best as I could, tears pricking my eyes. I laid my head on the hot stone block and glanced up as the executioner raised his ax. I closed my eyes as he swung down.

'I love you Gajeel.'

General P.O.V

The sephrims sorrow filled screams tore through the air as the head of blue hair tumbled across the platform. Even the soldiers holding him could feel the pain in their hearts. The black haired man double over on the platform and sobbed. He didn't care about the hundreds of chimera who watched him. He barely noticed when they drug him back to his cell. His heart was shattered and he felt numb. His very existence was for nothing now. He had nothing left to live for.

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