Chapter 2 - Khani

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This chapter has been edited and finalized.

Khani took pride in being the self-proclaimed best baker in the palace kitchens. She could whip up a meringue in three minutes flat and fill macaroons to perfection. She had given herself the job of making sure nobody needed help – there were always people cycling in and out, and Khani wanted everything for the royals to be as good as possible.

Khani had harbored an undying crush on the prince for years. She'd always volunteer to bring him his food when he was sick. They'd never exchanged words except for a "Here is your platter, Your Highness," and a replied "Thank you" in various shades of weakness. But Khani didn't mind. She knew that someday, something would happen, and everything would fall into place for her and Prince Henri to begin their fairy-tale lives together in a cottage by the sea.

Or a palace smack-dab in the middle of a mountain range. That'd work too.

Khani had spent hours and hours daydreaming about him when work got dull. She was only needed closer to dinnertime when the royals had dessert. Tonight she'd fix them brownie crumbles with ice cream and whipped cream and strawberries imported from Rised only this morning. It was one of Henri's favorites.

I'll never have a chance with him. Khani sighed. She tried really hard to be optimistic, but sometimes the annoying niggling voice at the back of her head butted in. It was like having her own personal storm cloud to rain on her.

She poured some flour into a sifter and watched as the clumps rattled around. I wonder how Sora's doing. Khani had lots of friends, but Sora interested her. She couldn't call Sora her "best friend", not when Sora had only worked at the palace for three months. It didn't seem appropriate quite yet. Especially since Khani had been in the kitchens for her whole life and had made many relationships with the people she'd grown up knowing. She could vaguely remember helping add chocolate chunks to cookie dough. That had been years and years ago.

"Hey! The holovision!" someone yelled. Khani turned on her heel, still holding the sifter over the mixing bowl she'd chosen. Immediately whispers spread through the kitchen. The royal seal – a mountain in front of the rising sun, with a prowling snowfox – appeared on-holo. It faded to black. Khani shivered and waited, motionless. What kind of announcement could this possibly be? The darkness then was replaced by an image of Merrick Reimer, the famous Arehlian comedian and talk-show host, who regularly interviewed the royal family. His dark brown hair was gelled back.

The sound system vibrated. "This interview is mandatory viewing," Merrick said cheerfully. Khani glanced at the chefs nearest her. They seemed confused.

"Has this ever happened before?" Khani asked. Her stomach clenched. Has something happened to Henri?

"He's WHAT?" a girl yelped.

Giggles and murmurs rippled through the crowd. Khani had missed what Merrick had said next, lost in her worries. She focused on the hologram, not wanting to miss a single word. The cameras had panned to the royal family, sitting fancily on velvet cushions in the studio. Khani felt a tug of longing as they zoomed in on Henri's face. His hairline had beaded with sweat.

"So, Prince Henri," Merrick teased, "tell me how this feels."

Henri let out a chuckle. "I feel that my father should have given me perhaps a bit of a warning before announcing this live to the kingdom."

A laugh burst from Khani and from the other chefs; if Henri was being so amicable, surely nothing was wrong!

"Now, now, Henri." King Ryan patted him genially on the back, many medals flashing in the studio lights. "Details, details!"

Henri rolled his eyes and Khani instantly fell in love with him a little more. "Well, obviously I'm a little apprehensive, let's say."

Merrick leaned forward and cocked his perfect eyebrow. "Apprehensive?"

"I mean, how many times have you hosted eight girls you don't even know?" Henri shrugged. "And did you have to marry one of them?"

Khani's breath disappeared. He's getting married? She nearly fainted. When did this happen?

I might have a chance. Eight girls.

Albeit eight out of a hundred million, muttered the pessimistic voice in the back of her head.

That's still a chance, she repeated determinedly. Someone was going. Why not her?

"Good point, Prince Henri," Merrick continued, as if nothing was wrong and he hadn't completely screwed up Khani's life plans. He laid an arm on the back of Henri's chair, talking to him as if he was the only person in the room. He executed the gesture without a hitch. "Has your father told you any specifics of the contest yet?"

Henri shook his head. His warm brown eyes, like melted chocolate, danced with a mix of suppressed anxiety and excitement. "No." He shot a pointed glance at King Ryan. "I'm hoping for a few after dinner?"

King Ryan laughed merrily, a deep, booming sound that resonated from his large chest. "And you'll receive, dear boy!"

"Look at the queen," Khani heard somebody whisper. She forced herself to wrench her eyes away from Henri's face and gazed at his mother. She does seem odd, Khani thought. The usually smiling queen today wore a tight-lipped frown, almost a straight line slashing her chin. Her eyes, such a pretty turquoise blue, were shadowed with worry, and she had noticeable eye bags, like she hadn't slept well. Her dress was slightly rumpled and her tiara lay skewed a bit to the left on her simple up-do. Did the king plan this without her knowledge? A more disturbing question wormed into her brain. Or did he simply not care if she consented or not?

But the happy, chortling man was such a clash with Khani's thoughts that she dismissed them at once. Queen Regina was just experiencing the natural misgivings that came hand-in-hand with a child getting married.

"So, Henri! What are you thinking would be good in a future princess?" Merrick asked.

A hush fell over the kitchens. The few lingering activities ceased as all eyes turned to watch the prince.

Prince Henri cocked his head and blinked several times before answering. "A princess must be poised," he chose at last. "She must love her kingdom more than her own life. Whoever joins beside me as Queen of Arehlia should be caring and compassionate, but decisive and firm, and must be ready to take on the responsibilities of being royalty alongside the luxuries."

A murmur of approval quivered through the palace. On-holo, Merrick nodded; as did King Ryan, and Queen Regina, who showed teeth and dimples on her porcelain face. "That is very wise," he agreed. He then turned and addressed Queen Regina. "When and how will the girls be selected?"

Queen Regina lifted her chin elegantly, her gaze clear now of any doubt. "One girl will be chosen from each of Arehlia's eight districts." Her tone was crisp and businesslike but still held a trace of her usual softness. "Using the information from the last census, which was held six months ago, eight women aged fifteen to eighteen will be chosen by a randomizer. Letters will be sent out, and names and faces will be announced the night they arrive here in the Royal District of Laihara – exactly one week's time, with three days for paperwork and preparation."

One week! A thrill shimmered through Khani. In four days, she might find a pristine envelope with her name written in fancy script, and in seven, she might reside in the palace not as a servant, but as one of the prince's potential brides.

Shrill squeals emitted from the kitchen's younger employees and instantly Sora was there. Khani knew Sora loathed the easy life of being queen, but still her eyes were alight. "You might win!" Sora shouted. Khani had never seen her friend like this, but the change was very welcome.

"I'm not going to," Khani predicted, trying to crush the bud of hope before it blossomed. "It's such a tiny chance..."

"It's going to be you," Sora insisted. She looked radiant despite her messy hair and chipped nails. "It's got to be! There's no girl better for him in the kingdom!"

Khani just stared at the screen. The interview wasn't yet over.

"How can you be sure that, with such a small group, one of them will be right for our future king?" Merrick asked. Khani lifted her brows. I hadn't thought of that! Perhaps fate's sleight of hand would choose the girl. Perhaps it was just destiny, inevitable. She tilted her head. How were the king and queen going to answer that?

They exchanged a glance. "We don't," Regina confessed. "The system worked for my beloved husband's father, and has had an excellent track record with kings before him." Her lips lifted in a hopeful smile. "What we do know is that there's a woman out there for him, and that somehow, she's going to find him."

Four days later, Khani's intestines writhed inside her like snakes. She'd been hovering at her inbox all day, waiting, hoping, praying that someone would come by and drop that fateful note off. Even if she didn't win, it'd change her life forever. She'd be married off to someone important – maybe a rich royal advisor or a clever councilor – and be swept away in a new world of jewels and wealth. They could sponsor Sora and never have to work again. She could imagine sunsets on the beach and spectacular mountain vacations. They could travel the world and see other people and always be safe no matter what.

But dawn changed to noon, and the daylight faded into dusk. Khani's optimism withered as fewer and fewer messengers stopped by, and none of them even looked at her.

As the stars came out, Khani forced herself to admit defeat.

She would never marry the prince.


Oh, no, Khani!

Well. Yes. I mean, it had to happen! It said so in the description! 

*sigh* Sorry guys. Khani's my favorite character, too. I had to let her down. Eh, you'll see why eventually. I'm rubbing my hands together evilly as I type. Because that's entirely possible. But my dudes, don't forget to comment suggestions and stuff! Writing is rewriting and I need to improve!

That's it for this chapter!

It's Snowfall, and peace out!

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