Chapter 9

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"Get the fuck away from her." Zayan snarled at the guy who was holding her. When he didn't get off her Zayan pulled him from the back and threw him to the ground. He could only see red. 

He rushed to Maya who was crying uncontrollably on the floor. He knelt down carefully and saw that she wasn't even wearing a hijab. Her face was buried in her hands as she sobbed looking so helpless.

"Maya?" He called her cautiously but she didn't respond.

Zayan looked around to see where the guy was but he had left. Even though his logical sense was to run after the guy, he stayed. Stayed because he couldn't see her like this.

"He is gone. You're safe Maya." He muttered trying to reassure her. How was he supposed to calm her down within religious boundaries.

"N-no. He is going to destroy m-me. He-" Maya stammered but the end of the sentence was caught in her throat.

"No you are safe now. Calm down. Breathe in and out." He said to her.

"Thank you for saving me. H-he... I don't know what h-he would have done if you hadn't come..." She said and out of nowhere latched onto him and buried her face in his chest.

She needed to know that she was fine and the nightmare was over. She felt as if someone had brutally killed her soul. She didn't think that she wasn't allowed to touch a non mehram.

Zayan was startled that she was hugging him suddenly. She was shaking all over so he couldn't even push her away.

He awkwardly patted her back, trying to reassure her. He shivered to think what would have happened if he hadn't come.

She was still crying very badly. She couldn't her face was tear stained and he couldn't bear to look at her like this.

"Maya you're safe. Allah saved you from that bastard." He said patting her back comfortingly.

"T-thank you so much." She repeated as she squeezed her eyes tightly and buried her face un his chest. She was so scared that when she would open her eyes, she would see him again.

"Don't thank me. Thank Allah." He muttered and his faith in Allah reached to a whole new level. How He had helped her in time of need. Zayan had just been passing by from here so he had decided to collect some medical reports of one of his clients. He wasn't even planning to come here but Allah's plans are always greater than ours.

He rubbed her back soothingly to calm her nerves and her sobs subsided slowly. He just hoped Allah would forgive him for touching her. But he was helpless. He rubbed her back slowly and muttered things to comfort her. Maya refused to let go of him. She was sure that she was dreaming all this and he was still here. Her heart was thundering in her chest as shivers crawled up her back.

Zayan patted her back, trying to reassure her. He had no idea what to do.

Suddenly, the door flew open and before he had the opportunity to turn around someone took him from the collar and seperated him from Maya.

Before he could even look up that person punched his face. What if this was the same guy, Zayan thought and attacked back and quickly got up to shield Maya.

When he caught sight of the person's face he was shocked.

 It was Fawad.

Zayan stopped blocking his punches in shock.

"How the fuck did you dare to touch her?" Fawad yelled at him and Maya cringed. Zayan was still in too much shock to retaliate. What was he even thinking?

The pain of Fawads attacks didn't effect him. It wasn't until he coughed out blood that he realised what was happening. An excruciating pain developed on the side of his head. He slowly lifted his hand to his throbbing head before Fawad punched him again. He should have pushed her away. It was his fault.

"Stop it bhai! Stop." Maya cried trying to take her brother off from Zayan. Her savior. But all Fawad could see was red. He had come to pick up his sister and he was met with a whole new shock.

"STOP! You are going to kill him." Maya yelled and succeeded in pulling off her enraged brother from him.

"Zayan?" She gasped when she saw him bleeding. She attempted to step towards him but Fawad stopped her.

"You are coming with me." He snapped at her harshly.

"He is bleeding. How could you mercilessly hit someone?" She didn't know when her tears had started spilling. Zayan had saved her honor and that's how they paid him back? She was indebted to him forever.

Before she could go any closer to him, Fawad held her wrist and harshly dragged her out of the hospital. The guards were not even there which explains how that son of a gun got inside in the first place.

"Bhai stop." She cried after him but Fawad's hand on her wrist tightened more painfully. He didn't stop until they were by his car. He unlocked the car and harshly threw her inside.

Whsn her brother came to the driving seat and started driving, Maya tried to tell him to stop but to no avail. He was driving at an insane speed that made her scared for their lives.

"Bhai he was bleeding. He's going to die." She sobbed. Zayan was her savior. If he hadn't come anything could have happened. More tears spilled from her eyes at that thought. But if he hadn't come in the first place then atkeast he wouldn't have been in such a worse position. She felt her trachea constricting. She couldn't even open the window as he had locked them.

"B-bhai s-top." She gasped trying to breathe. He was still driving at a very high momentum.  She tried to hold his arm with her shaking hands.

Fawad finally looked at her and applied the brakes so quickly that she went flying towards the dashboard.

"What?" He yelled into her face ignoring her condition. "Why are you crying now? Let that fucker die there."

"N-no." Maya stuttered as a sob illicited from her numb lips.

"Why do you care about him all of a sudden? Are you in a haram relation with him?" Fawad yelled at her face with so much fury that she just couldn't take it.

"Yes I care about him b-because if it weren't for him.... " Her words died down in her throat. How could she tell her brother what would've happened then? It was embarrassing to tell your elder brother anything like that.

"That's why we have given you all this freedom?" He yelled at her face. The way she kept crying irked him even more. "You just tarnished your family's owner! Does that mean anything to you?"

Maya stayed quiet in shock. Her tongue felt too heavy and her throat constricted. What was he thinking? He was just making up things in his own brain.

When she didn't reply, Fawad opened the handbrake harshly and started driving again.

Maya mumbled duas under her breath to Allah to save them. What was he doing? Maya had never seen him this enraged. His grip on the steering wheel was so tight and his eyes were burning with fire. For the first time in her life she felt scared of her brother. 

The brother who had always been her shield. The brother who had promised to be with her no matter what. She started crying even more. She couldn't even see ahead as her vision had become so blurry. Her cheeks were wet with the tears rolling down them.

She never expected her brother to talk to her in this way. But then again life is unexpected. You don't plan it out. The Planners of all planners does. But humans always have a choice. A free will. And it is a person's choice that is what actually makes his life what it is. Destiny throws a situation at us and it is our choice as to how we deal with it.

Do we let the situation and the circumstances take control of our lives or do we change them according to our desire? Most of the time the attitude we have towards life is what determines whether it is good or bad. The people who think they can make their life the way they want to actually succeed just by having the right attitude.

She had dealt with the situation with the wrong attitude. She wished she had not taken it all on her own shoulders. She really wished she had trusted her brother and confided in him then he might have been able to stop all this but she had let her fears control her instead of the other way round. It was her fault. All her fault. 

She had never felt so weak and disgusted with herself. Regret was all she had.


The next chapter of 'Choosing Him' is published too. 

Fawads pov will be discussed there

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