Chapter Five - Guy Candy

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Nelle was impaled on my cock, her honeyed skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat, her hair mussed, the moonlit locks sticking to her chest and the swell of her breasts as she came down from her orgasm, blearily blinking, her lips puffing out a long breath before her mouth curved into a crooked grin.

My hands were clenched into knuckle-burning fists, or else I was going to do something stupid like claim her before she'd even taken her next breath.

I was going to flip her over. Lick my way down the ripple of her spine. Plunge my tongue into that sweet fucking pussy, tease her into the cusp of another orgasm, before pushing into her heat. I'd have that petite body slide over the silken sheets while I took her from behind. And I'd fist that glorious mane of hair and bow her spine so I could hit her in the right sweet spot, deep inside, and she'd scream my name.

Reciprocation!—my sex-addled brain kept roaring.

Holy Zrenyth. I couldn't fucking wait.

Cool air prickled on my shaft as she pulled herself free and my cock, slick with her arousal, bounced on my abs. Then she pushed back to her knees and backed off the bed. Like a moron it still didn't click. I thought my little bird was just going to get something.

And she was—her panties.

I watched through a haze of lust and misfiring brain-cells as she slipped them back on, wiggling her pert ass, snapping the waistband as she gave me a cocky wink.

I levered up by my elbows, frowning. "What are you doing?"

She padded over to one of the sets of drawers and pulled the top one open, rummaging inside, pulling out one of my tee-shirts. She poked her hands through the arm sleeves and lifted it above her head. The shirt shimmied down her body, reaching mid-thigh. She took her time plucking at the gray fabric, adjusting it to sit on her shoulders properly.

She was getting dressed. Why was she getting dressed?

She turned to face me, running her hands through her locks, smoothing and twisting them into a rope she slung over her shoulder. She sighed—sated and replete. "Thanks. I needed that."

I watched like a dumbass as Nelle pirouetted, strode for the door ... and left.


As in ... left me here on the bed ... alone.

It wasn't until the door swung shut with a loud bang that it suddenly registered—she'd walked out.

The fuck?

I don't know how long I lay there staring at the door, blinking in disbelief. My cock was still hard as stone and ached like a motherfucker when I eventually swung my legs over the bed, stood, and made my way to the bathroom. I flicked on the shower. There was no way that this erection was going to fade, no matter how I tried to think of mundane things.

I braced my hand on the wall of the shower while water sprayed from above like rainfall. Hot water plastered long locks of hair to my forehead, my scalp, and sluiced down my body, swirling between my feet and down the drain.

I fisted my cock at the base. The water eased my slide as I stoked up and down, up and down, my breath catching. Steam billowed in clouds and as my hand pumped faster, harder, rougher—braiding together pleasure and pain as I twisted my fist at the tip and then glided back down. My shoulders rounded forward, head bowing as my mouth fell open. Rivulets of water ran down my face and slipped over my lips, my thoughts on Nelle, how it'd felt to hold her, be inside her after so fucking long apart. How she'd teased me and come all over my cock, taking what she wanted and using me shamelessly.

I squeezed my eyes shut, seeing only her in my mind, her pretty face framed in moonlit locks, the shadows of her long lashes dancing across the curve of upper cheeks as her eyelids lowered the moment the orgasm struck. I saw her body tense on top of me, spine arching as her head tipped back, mouth open on a silent scream, and her pussy clenched my cock in pulses that nearly fucking undid me.

My fingers, splayed along the wall, fisted as I rested my forehead against the back of my hand, breath coming in quick pants, just as quick as my strokes.

She denied me a climax.

Denied me like a naughty fucking school boy.

I didn't know if I should've been impressed, or flip her over my knee and spank her for it.

I ran my tongue along my bottom lip, teeth biting the soft flesh. The growl from my throat was low and rough, and the sound of her name bouncing off the white-tiles was a groan of desperation to be back inside her. And as my climax crashed through me in a blinding rush and stickiness spilled all over my hand, I realized in shock what my delightful smart-ass had done—bossing me around.

So cleverly and ever so easily she'd tamed me.

And willingly I'd submitted to her.

I threw back my head, hair spraying droplets of water, and laughed my fucking ass off.


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