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The automatic door opened along with a chiming sound as Agnes step out of the grocery store.

"Thanks for coming! Please come again," said the cashier happily. Agnes waved his hand as a response. There's no one besides him in the store when he got in before.

"Weird. Where did everyone go? The store usually packs up at times like this." He mumbles to himself with his right hand holding the plastic bag of the things he bought.

The area was quiet. Too quiet, to be exact. Only the noise of the lamp lining across the road accompanied his walk.

He looked at his wristwatch; 7.10 p.m.

He better hurry if he didn't want Eva to throw a spatula over his head. Seeing her mad is a nightmare. As if you've awaken a dragon from its sleep.

Agnes started to speed up his pace.

The walk home literally gave him a horror movie vibe. There's an eerie aura surrounding the area he went. He could feel a piercing gaze behind his back, yet chose to ignore them. A loud crashing sound made him jumped.

"Who's there?" He turned his head around and saw nothing but a white cat playing with a piece of ribbon that was out of a trash can.

He sighed in relief. There's nothing weird going, gladly.

He continued his walk with a soft tune when confirmed that nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

On the alleyway he passed by just now, a figure leaned against the wall while their hand covered their stomach that was painted in red.

They hissed in pain when a hand tying an antiseptic gauze over the wound with a tight knot.

"Ouch! Can't you be a little gentle? It hurts, you know," complained the figure.

"Be grateful that I'm willing to help. If it were anyone else, you would be rotten here." The other furrowed their brow.

"Consider yourself lucky that it was me who found you. What if it was a Dream Catcher? Or a Chaos? How can you defend yourself at that time?" They continued.

The figure silenced as he knew that the possibility of those things could happen are large and he couldn't help but feel guilty about it.

He gazed at the person who helped him and turned his head down at his injury yet again.

"Sorry..." was all he could say.

The movement paused for a moment.

"It's... nothing. Just promise me you won't lead yourself to danger ever again." The nod from him was all they needed.


A rushing footsteps echoed through the empty hall. Leena ran as quickly as she could when she heard the first morning bell for the first period. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, her shoe laces didn't knot properly and her mouth was full, munching a piece of toasted bread she ate on her way.

"I'm late! I can't believe I overslept! Oh gosh, Sylvie will surely kill me," Her mind wandered off, thinking about what would happen if she had to face the school princess.

Leena didn't even realise there was a person in front of her, thus she accidentally crashed into them making her fall down and all of her belongings in her hands scattered. Her head buzzed from the impact.

"Ugh... my head..."

"Are you okay?" She tried to concentrate on the figure in front of her.

"Uh... yeah! Just... a bit dizzy, hehe." She shook her head and finally looked up.

Her mind went blank. In front of her was the most pretty guy she had ever seen, holding out his hand to help her. She was awestruck.

Her hand seemed moving on its own as she felt a grip that pulled her up.

"I'm sorry for being on your way. Here are your books. I gotta go. I'll see later!" The guy turned and went on his way.

"Yeah..." the second bell before the first period started rang, awakened Leena from her mind.

"Shoot! Better go to class now," said herself then she swiftly walked to her class.

When she arrived, she saw that there was no teacher inside. She let out a sighed of relief knowing that she will not get demerit for being late. She glided toward her seat and put all of her stuffs down.

"You're late."

The voice made her jumped. She looked to her left and saw Sylvia crossing her arms across her chest. She could only let out an awkward laugh while her eyes avoiding the girl that looked at her fiercely.

"Well? What's your excuse? This is the fifth time of this month. Is there anything that troubles you that made you come late?," said Sylvia, urging an answer out of her.

Leena whimpered knowing that she's been avoiding this matter for a long time. She looked down on the floor and took a deep breath.


"Hey, what are both of you doing? Talking about something fun without me, ay?" She was interrupted by Kyle's sudden arrival.

"Ah, no. It's nothing important, haha," replied Leena with a nervous tone.

Kyle gave her a suspicion look then turned to Sylvia who just shrugged, not going to say anything. Realising the tension between them, he shook his head and took Leena's hand, pulling her to sit down besides him.

"You seem nervous. What happened?" he asked, worried. Leena just gave a small turn and smile as a sign of reassurance.

'Looks like she didn't want to talk about it.' He taught himself and squeezed her hand lightly as if saying that he will be with her whenever she's ready to talk.

Sylvia at the back observed the two of them curiously. Something's going on with Leena, and Kyle knew about it. She must get to know what's going on between them.

As she focused on them, a snap of fingers brought her back to reality. She wanted to get mad at the person who dared to disturb her but chose not to when she saw Eva.

"You know, it's not good to stare at someone. People might get the wrong idea," stated Eva when she took a sit.

Sylvia huffed, crossing her hands. She glanced at Eva who took out her note book and other materials for the first period.

Sensing that she was being watched, Eva focused on her friend.

"What is it?"

"Do you know what's going on with those two?"

"No idea. I don't think we can just ask them to tell us directly." She shrugged.

"Ugh, I'm so frustrated seeing them act all loving yet denied when people asked if they're together." Sylvia complained, putting her head on the table.

Eva snickered when her friend fussed.

"Just say you're jealous that no one will treat you like that," teased Eva.

"What? I would never. I may be single, yes. But I would never be jealous of someone's relationship. Never." She objected. Eva just giggled at her statement.

"Yeah, right. By the way, I think the new students will be in our class. I just saw them with Miss Abigail just now." Once she finished speaking, the classroom's door was opened.

Their teacher entered the class followed by two students. The class president greeted the teacher and the rest of the class did the same.

Miss Abigail let them sit down and started introduce their new classmates.

"Alright, everyone. As all of you have known, today we received two new students. They will be your classmates starting today. Please be kind to them," told Miss Abigail.

She turned to both of the students and asked them to introduce themselves.

The boy went first.

"Greetings, everyone. My name is..."

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