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The scorching heat was bright and intense, devoured everything in its vicinity. A mansion that was once stood high and mighty, now burned to ashes. Countless footsteps were running inside of the said mansion as if searching for something that supposed to be with them.

Inside one of the rooms, two children held each other's hand that were shaking up until now as they hid in the closet.

"Brother, promise me. You will never get out of the closet  in the slightest, okay?" said the older as he tried to get out of the closet.

The younger shook his head while hugging his teddy bear, not wanting the older to go outside.

"No... No! Brother, please. Don't leave me! You know it's dangerous." The younger held his brother firmly.

The older brother couldn't bear to see his younger brother like this, so he hugged him, let him cry his heart loud. His free hand didn't stop rubbing the younger's hair gently.

Truth to be told, even he, himself, didn't want to leave his brother alone. But he couldn't let those people get their hands on his brother's power. He had to at least do something about it.

Their mother and father had died in order to protect them by these kinds of people, and now, it's his turn to return the favour by protecting his brother.

The sounds of footsteps had become clearer by seconds.

The older one had to let go of their hug and put his index finger to his mouth, asking the younger to be quiet.

He closed the closet slowly and walked to the door whilst holding a sword he got from the bed.

Steadying his stance and breath, he waited for everything that was about to happen.

When the door burst opened, he was already surrounded by many people.

"Play time is over, child. Hand over your brother if you want to live on." The leader spoke.

"Never! You only want to bring nothing but destruction to this world by using my brother's power!" he responded. The gripped of his sword tightened.

The leader of the men sighed. He snapped his finger, commanded his minions that surrounded the older to get ready to fight.

They started to attack him. Swords finally clashed one to another.

Fear suffocated the younger one, making it hard to breathe as he heard the struggle tone from his brother. He knew his brother was outnumbered. He knew that even with a lot of practice, his brother couldn't beat every one of them alone. Of only... If only he was strong enough, maybe he could help his brother in the fight.

As the closet door opened slightly, he saw something he had feared in his life. 

His brother, the one who always with him, was stabbed by one of their enemy on his stomach from behind. Red fluids streamed down from his brother's mouth when he coughed. His legs were no longer able to withhold his weight, thus made him fall to the floor.

Seeing his brother started to breathe unevenly and being kicked, hard by those people, made his heart wretched.

"Brother!" He screamed on top of his lungs when his brother's beaten to death.






Tears streaming down his face, he woke up distressed from a nightmare that had been haunting him for the past few months.

"Just what was that dream all about?"

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