Chap 21-33

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21. Familiar Surroundings

When Mark wakes to Jackson jumping up and down on his bed and yanking his blankets off he's more than ready to either crusify the boy or try and get back to sleep, regardless of his bed moving up and down.
But then Jackson begins yelling in excitement and Mark realises what day it is.

'It's game day Markie boy! Get ready to kick some private school ass!' Jackson shrieks, throwing Marks blanket across the room and bending to try and drag the red head from the bed.

Mark groans, but get's up anyway, a thrum of excitement running through him even in his tired daze. He shoves Jackson off of him, rolling his eyes before he rubs at them.

'There ya go!' Jackson yells, jumping off of Marks bed and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.'Thought I'd wake you up myself, today is the day I refuse to be late.'

Mark grunts in reply, still half asleep as he picks up his towel for a shower.'Just grab your damn stuff and get ready, and never get on my bed again.I'll end your life.'

Jackson grins, grabbing his own towel then ruffling Marks hair, eyes bright.'I love that you're such a morning person.' He says, and Mark doesn't miss the sarcasm.

'Yeah Yeah,let's go.'

'I can already see your hidden excitement so I'll let your shit mood go because I'm such a good friend.' Jackson calls, both of them heading out into the corridor.
'Man I can't wait for this, we're gonna win, I can feel it.'

Mark chuckles, passing a few other open doors.Hoseok's not in his room though his door is open, revealing a slumbering Yoongi hyung passed out on his bed.Everybody must be in the showers already, just as eager to get ready and onto the coach that'll be waiting for them outside.

When he enters the shower room he spots Namjoon heading out, towel wrapped round his waist.

'Ready for today?" He aks, eyes bright and Mark grins, patting his shoulder.

'I'm always ready.'

'Yeah yeah, be out by the coach in thirty or it's leaving without you.' Namjoon chuckles, narrowly dodging a half asleep Hakyeon and Sungjae as they barrell down the corridor.

Mark showers quickly, becoming more excited as he wakes up and watches the others mess around and shout out stupid chants. He's used to the thrill that comes with getting ready for major games, used to the chanting and the stupid dances and group talks to pump everyone up, but something tells him that today is going to be special.
Maybe it's because they have Jinyoung now.Suddenly he feel's invincible, excited to just get out onto the court and do his thing with his favourite people.
Also, it wouldn't hurt to be able to shove their win in those snobby guy's faces.

He dries himself off quickly and wraps a towel around his waist, calling out to Jaebum just as he wanders into the room rubbing at his eyes.

'Jinyoung already showered?'

Jaebum nods, towel in hand.'That kid is so excited he got up at six am. Fucking woke me up.'

Mark grins, using another towel to dry his hair.Cute.

'It's alright, I'll forgive him since it's an imporant day.' Jaebum sighs.'But I won't hesitate to rub my ass with his pillow next time, I need my sleep man.'

Mark laughs, shaking his head.'Dude, I'll give you Jackson's too, Jinyoung isn't the only one.'

Jaebum smirks,'Sometimes I think about how glad I am that I don't have to share a room with Jackson you know.'

Mark just rolls his eyes, stepping out into the corridor.'I'll gladly exchange.'

'No way-'

Jaebum's interrupted as Jackson practically leaps out of the room, eyes bright and wide and a massive grin on his face as he looks between the two.

'You know you love me, both of you. Though I'm unfortunately reserved for one boy, and one boy only.' He winks.'Now, We better see you guys at our game later, and Mark , get the hell back to the room I aint risking the coach leaving without us.'

'You can't force me.' Mark shoves his friend, but it proves to be a mistake as Jackson darts forward, glint in his eyes and suddenly there's an uncomfortable breeze down low and when he looks he lets out a yell, watching Jackson run away with the towel that had just been wrapped around his waist.

'Yah!' He cries out, hand moving to conceal his dick as Jackson bounds down the corridor, laugh at full volume as he waves Marks towel above his head. Unfortunately the sound only draws other students out of their rooms, their eyes widening as they take in Marks naked body and wide, angry eyes.
Behind him Jaebum laughs, now fully awake as he tries to cover his eyes.

'Yep, I'm definitely not exchanging.' He grins, before he's ducking into the shower room. Mark glares, cheeks burning and of course, of course it's the perfect moment for Jinyoung to poke his head out of his bedroom door and spot his boyfriend standing there stark naked, butt on display and hand over his dick with bright red cheeks.

'What are you doing?' Jinyoung asks, voice squeaky in embarrassment and Mark just groans, shaking his head. Jinyoung covers his mouth to try and hide his snicker and Mark wants to go over there and make him shutup, but theres no way he's moving his hands, not even an inch.
If he keeps looking at me like that i'm totally gonna get a boner.
Oh god no.

Jackson chooses that moment to stick his head out of his rooms door and wave Marks towel around, laugh loud and eyes teasing and Mark swears, calling a swift goodbye to Jinyoung before he's jogging past his amused fellow students to his room so he can strangle Jackson with his stolen towel.

What a perfect start to the day.

By the time they've filed outside to get on the coach nobody even bothers to ask why Jackson is wearing his underwear over his trousers.
Eventually after they've all stopped laughing Coach makes the boy take them off, rolling his eyes as he writes something on his clipboard and rambles about him giving the school a bad name.

'It's not exactly got the best name any-' Jackson begins, grunting in pain when Coach slaps him lightly round the back of the head.

'Just get on the damn coach Wang.' He nods up the steps and Jackson pouts, rubbing the back of his head as he scrambles on, underwear still in hand.

'So.' Jinyoung's voice sounds by Marks left ear, and the red head turns to greet him.'I'm guessing you forced Jackson to wear his underwear on the outside after this mornings incident?'

Mark nods, folding his arms.'Disobedient kids need to be taught lessons.'

'Hmmm.' Jinyoung grins, leaning into him.'I wasn't exactly complaining this morning anyway.' He murmurs as Coach checks their names off on the register and jabs his thumb in the direction of the coach to tell them to climb on.

Mark rolls his eyes, heat rushing to his cheeks.

'Dude you fucking thanked me!' Jackson calls from the back, pointing as they make their way over.

Jinyoung chuckles, sitting down next to him with Mark on his other side.

'You two really are gross.' Mark grumbles, but he can't help the small smile that tugs at his lips when Jinyoung laughs and squeezes his thigh in reply.

Of course they sit at the back of the coach, because according to Jackson it's common knowledge that the back is for ''cool kids.'' Mark's not complaining anyways , well not until Jackson starts mooning the drivers behind once the coach starts moving.

'Dude I swear, you keep flashing your ass and I'll kick you out the emergancy door.' He grumbles and Jackson laughs, tutting as he sits back down. They're lucky Coach didn't catch him, but the elder man seem's way too enthralled in his clipboard as he draws out plans for the court.

Bam Bam and the others will meet them at the game later, a second coach taking members from the school over for when the game begins after lessons. Usually on main game days they're excluded from lessons, getting the whole day to visit the school and get to know the opposing team and have one last practice before the game starts. Mark can feel his anticipation growing with every mile closer that they get to the school, eager to change into his uniform and get practicing.

It's always this way on game days, and maybe he should be used to it, but he doesn't think he ever will be. His blood is zipping through his veins, heart thrumming against his chest as nerves twist in stomach.'

Jinyoung looks just as excited next to him as the coach erupts into a chorus of some Kpop song being played on the radio. Everyone's happy, voices loud and obnoxious as Coach just sighs and rolls his eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips.

'Shit, Hoseok your singing is making me want to knock myself out.' Jackson complains, throwing his shoe at the other.

Hoseok yelps in pain and cackles loudly, sending Jackson an amused glare.'Atleast I know how to put my underwear on.'

'Hey! That's Marks fault..' Jackson whines, the coach bursting into laughter, shaking their heads as Jackson pouts.

'That's what you get for stealing a guy's towel.' Namjoon chuckles.

'Yeah, the last time that happened Hakyeon looked like he wanted to kill Hoseok.' Junho laughs, and Hakyeon glares, crossing his arms over his chest.

'I never did look at him the same way after he got me back.' Hoseok sighs, and Namjoon grins.

'What the hell did he do to you?'Sungjae asks, brows drawn together and Hakyeon shakes his head, smirk on his face as Hoseok pouts.

'Don't worry.'

'My next week's supply of pudding says he spanked him.' Jackson whispers, a little too loudly in Marks ear, and the red head snorts a laugh when Hoseok flushes and Hakyeon cracks his knuckles in reply.

'Good lord, and I thought private school was messed up.' Jinyoung murmurs, eyes wide. Everyone bursts into laughter, Hoseok unbuckling his belt and leaning over his seat to ruffle Jinyoung's hair and try and kiss the top of his head.

'You love it here really Jinyoung-ah, you know we all love you right-'

'Yah, get your filthy hands off my boyfriend.' Mark whines, shoving the other boy away.Jinyoung laughs, leaning into him as Namjoon grabs Hoseok by the collar and drags him back.

'Aren't you nervous?" Hoseok asks Jinyoung, suddenly turning serious.

Jinyoung shrugs,'About seeing my old teammates? I mean...I guess.Yeah.' he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck.

'When did you last see them?' Jackson asks.

'I quit the team when I was sixteen, but most of the guys are in my year so we hung out still. I saw my friends the night of the accident..' His voice trails off at the end and Mark doesn't miss the way his smile dissappears.

Jackson frowns, shaking his head.'Shit, and some of them haven't seen you since?They don't know where you are?'
Mark looks down at his lap at that, he doesn't know what he'd do if one of his friends just dissappeared without telling him.He'd probably go mad.

Jinyoung nods.'Well yeah, though I suppose that will all change by the time we reach the school though.Chanyeol definitely would have told everyone that I was hiding out at another school.'

'Jeez, you think they'll say anything to you?' Hakyeon asks,hands folded over his lap and Jinyoung bites his lip as he thinks.

'They always were dramatic, so I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get into my head a bit.'

Mark sighs, swinging an arm over Jinyoung's shoulders.'We won't let them.Just stick with us, you'll be fine.' I'll make sure of it.

Jinyoung hums under his breath, nodding as he rests his head on Marks shoulder.'Whatever, I'm just excited to be playing.'

'It's been a while right?" Namjoon asks, leaning over the chair as he rakes a hand through his blonde hair.

'Yeah.' Jinyoung nods.'Two years.'

'Well then, we better make sure we win this one.' Jaeho grins from up front, 'For Jinyoung.' He finishes,and the rest of the team lets out a cheer in reply.

Jinyoung laughs, shaking his head at them all.'For us.'
Theres another cheer, Coach joining in this time.

'Now that's the team spirit I always wanted.' Jinyoung grins, and Mark can't help but follow suit.

When they reach the school the team can't help but marvel at the building infront of them as they pass through the gates. The coach rides round back to what looks like a car park, and they can see a group of boys waiting outside the doors into the building, assessing the coach with eagle eyes that make Mark tense up.

'Who the hell are they?' Jackson grimaces, pointing at the group.'They look like they wanna sell us janky internet plans or something, what's wrong with that guy's glasses?"
Everyone begins muttering under their breath, eyes on the crowd.
Jinyoung snorts from his seat, standing as Coach does.'That happens to be my old team.'

'Well shit.' Mark murmurs, peeking through the tinted windows at them. Now that he looks harder he can make out a few of the boy's he'd seen at the restaurant, including Chanyeol. When his eyes land on the other boy his chest twists uncomfortably, tasting anger and jealousy on his tongue because even though he's told Jinyoung he's gotten over the fact that this Chanyeol kid was his first kiss, he sure as heck doesn't mean it.

'Everybody, shut the hell up and listen.' Coach yells from the front, clipboard in hand as usual.
They quiet down, though Mark can see everyone glancing at the boys outside every now and then, trying to get good look at their competition. He can make out what looks like the coach of the team, a tall, skinny man with greying slick backed hair and narrow eyes. He grimaces, deciding that he's suddenly thankful that they have their overweight, annoying and shouty coach instead.

'The other team is going to escort us around the school now, and I want you to listen to me when I tell you to be on your best behaviour. These guy's are going to judge us as soon as we get off the coach, and it's our job to show them that we're not useless parentless kids.We're not sob stories, though they'll have a few to tell by the time we're finished with them.'

The team erupts into laughter and cheers and Coach chuckles.

'I don't want anyone, Mark and Jackson, pulling pranks and disrupting , we're on out best behaviour and we're proving just how much we mean it when we say we are basketball players.Save your intimidating techniques for the basketball court, you hear me?"

'Hey, why did you just say our name-' Jackson begins, pout still on his face and Coach rolls his eyes, pointing his clipboard between the boy in the snapback and Mark.

'Because, last time you two decided to hide the other teams uniforms in the girls changing rooms. The time before that you drew obscene pictures all over the basketballs being used, and the time before that you both got into a fight with the whole of the opposing team.'

Mark and Jackson both shrug similtaneously, earning a few scattered laughs from their team and a snicker from Jinyoung when they give eachother a highfive.

When Coach turns away Jinyoung peers at them, brows raised.'You guy's really did that?"

Jackson grins, patting his shoulder as he passes.'Oh Jinyoung, you don't know the half of it.'

Jinyoung can't help but laugh at that.

Coach calls for the doors to open and then they're all filing out. As they near the doors Mark grabs Jinyoung's hand and squeezes, sensing they boy's nerves.

'Ready?" He asks, voice soft and a smile on his face and Jinyoung grins, nodding.


As they take a step down and out of the coach Marks eyes flit to the group of boy's infront, scanning and judging just as they're doing to them. They wear ugly distasteful looks on their faces as though they can't quite believe that they're being forced to play against them and it immediately pisses Mark off.
Are we not good enough?

He watches as Chanyeol's eyes trail down to his hand in Jinyoung's and smirks, tightening his grip on the younger.

'So it really is true.' A low, snooty voice sounds, and Mark looks to see the other team's coach pushing past the boy's to stand infront of Jinyoung, eyes narrowed and brows furrowed.
Instinctively Mark shoots an arm out, pushing Jinyoung a little behind him as he glares up at the man. Next to him Jackson edges forward, face serious.

'You joined an orphanage?'The man asks, eyes burning into Jinyoungs.'You quit my team, then joined one of a rowdy-'

'Excuse me sir, but we are certainly not rowdy-' Hoseok interrupts, but Namjoon elbows him the ribs, pulling him backwards. The whole of the team is now glaring at the Konjin students, faces serious as Coach tries to assess the situation.

'I joined a team.' Jinyoung finally replies, fists clenched by his sides.'An actual team, not just a group of guys that hate eachother yet cheat together like Konjin.'

The elder man looks shocked and disgusted at Jinyoung's words, fire in his eyes as he moves to speak but Mark get's there first, tone harsh.

'I'm not surprised you quit.Come on guy's, we have a game to win.' He says, eyes blazing and motions for the others to follow him into the school, the group of boys from Konjin watching them go with shocked faces. Coach just sighs and grumbles under his breath before following, patting Jinyoung on the back as they enter the reception area.

'You know,I did say behave, but after that you guy's can do what you want, steal their clothes and throw them in their posh lake full of fancy fish for all I care.' He looks at Jinyoung, small smile on his face.'Noone talks to my boy's like that.'

Jinyoung looks a little shocked but he grins anyway, rolling his eyes when the rest of the team starts making cooing noises and pinching his cheeks.

'So we're not getting shown around by the other team?' Jackson asks, seemingly clueless.

Mark rolls his eyes.'Obviously not.Why, you want to be?'

Jackson shrugs, peering around the fancy, dim lit reception.'I'm intrigued I guess. I wanna see what this place looks like.It's Jinyoung's after all..'

'I don't own it Jackson.'

'Obviously not.' Jackson rolls his eyes and shoves Jinyoung.'I just mean, it's where you grew up right?'

Jinyoung sighs, hands in his pockets as he glances around the room. 'Yeah, it is.'

They're all given visitors passes and told to make their way to the waiting room by the gym before they're allowed in for their schedualled practice. When asked if they need someone to show them the way Coach shakes his head, pointing at Jinyoung.

'Oh! Jinyoung Park.It's been a while since I saw you here..' The woman at the desk says, surprised.

'Oh, yeah. Um, there was an issue.Code red.' He murmurs, and she nods, immediately understanding.

'Well it's good to see you again, keep safe.' She smiles, before she's buzzing them through. Jinyoung moves upfront, leading them into the building and down corridors with wooden pannelled walls and plush deep red carpet.

'Hey, what the hell does code red mean?' Jackson asks, brows furrowed.

'A private school like this is usually targeted quite alot, theres more important people here than you'd think.People that are constantly in some sort of danger. The school came up with loads of codes eventually to save students or teachers from having to explain the situation and endanger themselves or other people.Code red basically means witness relocation.'

'Shit..' Jackson murmurs, half entraced by their surroundings.'What's witness relocation?'

'Basically if we witness a crime and need to be relocated to stay safe.' Jinyoung replies, voice low.'It's more common here than you think.'

Mark frowns, not liking the sound of the whole thing.
People here are constantly in danger? How do they even focus on lessons?
Jinyoung's grown up here, and he was one of those always in danger too.

He's got to admit though,the school is beautiful. Low hanging chandeliers and fancy oil paintings of past head teachers and famous student alumni, the classroom doors are all closed, but through the windows he see's classes of children or teens sitting placidly, expressions either bored or entertained.Their uniforms are smarter than theirs too, blue blazers with blue ties and an insignia of what looks like some kind of animal on the breast pocket.

'Hey, what are the insignias on their breast pockets of?' He whispers to Jinyoung, who grins at the question.

'Those would be our houses.There are four houses, all animals. Theres a lion, an eagle, a bear and a dove. They all hold special meanings.'

'What house were you?" Sungjae asks, now interested too.

'I was an eagle.' Jinyoung smiles, remembering the past.

'That fits, you're super fast.' Sungjae chuckles, and Jinyoung rolls his eyes but agree's nonetheless.

Mark watches Jinyoung carefully, the way the younger navigates his school so easily,like he never left. He smiles, trying to imagine what Jinyoung would have looked like in his school uniform.Eventually they reach the waiting room and enter, Jinyoung leading them to some plush brown leather sofas at the end of the large room.
There are huge floor to ceiling windows on their right side, exposing them to what looks like the sports fields outside. Mark can't help but marvel at the scene, eyes lighting up.

'You have tennis courts and football fields?' Junho asks, and Jinyoung chuckles.

'Yeah, also a basketball court of course, a running track and stables further back.' He says, taking a seat next to Mark.

'Wait, stables?' Hakyeon asks, wide eyed.

'Yeah, Jinyoung knows how to ride.' Hoseok says, voice hinting at something that makes Marks heart clench and his cheeks heat up.

Jackson's grin is wicked as he speaks, eyes lighting up.'Yeah he does.' He winks, throwing a glance at Mark.

Mark feel's himself flush as he rolls his eyes and kicks Jackson in the shin. 'Idiot.'

The others stifle their own laughs whilst Coach coughs into his hand and moves to the other side of the room to take a phone call.Jinyoung's looking out of the window, cheeks pink and eyes glazed over, it makes Mark swallow.

Since last week's events in the classroom during detention after school Mark hasn't been able to take his mind off of it. He's more than embarrassed by the fact that he's woken up in the middle of the night atleast twice with painfully hard erection after dreaming of the day he'd gotten Jinyoung off.

Even being around the boy makes him hot, makes his skin tingle and heart race more than usual if that's even possible.
He ignores the heat spreading under his skin and leans back in the chair to talk to Jackson just as the door at the end of the room opens up and a couple of boys step in and look around with wide eyes.

Mark wouldn't pay any attention normally but suddenly Jinyoung's shifting away from him and standing, wide eyed himself. The boy's stop when they see him and Mark and the rest of the team watch in confusion as they stare at eachother.

'Shit.' One of the boys murmurs, stepping forward.'Jinyoung?'

'Daehyun.' Jinyoung says, shock in his voice.

'Long time no see buddy.' The boy suddenly smiles, and Mark watches as a grin of relief breaks out over Jinyoung's face.

Who the hell is this now?

22. His past

'I missed you!' The boy, Daehyun? suddenly shouts, eyes lit up as he grabs Jinyoung and pulls him into a hug.
Mark watches kinda wide eyed and confused when really he shouldn't be because he's becoming grossly aware of just how many of Jinyoung's past friends enjoy hugging the kid.
Next to him Jackson is looking between Mark and Jinyoung and his friend, eyes wide but obviously loving the no doubt look of jealousy flitting across the red head's features.

'Are you ok? What happened?Last I heard it was code red, everyone's been going crazy-' The blonde says, concern on his face.

'I'm fine, really.' Jinyoung interrupts.'There's not much I can say, you know that.But I'm safe Dae.' He pats his friends back, small smile on his face.

Dae? Mark thinks, wrinkling his nose in barely hidden jealousy.Why doesn't he have a nickname for me anyway?

As he's looking away he catches Jackson's eye and the other is grinning rather manically at him, eyes taunting and all Mark can do is kick his shin discreetly, his friend letting out a yelp and shooting him a death glare.

'I need this leg damnit.'

Mark just shrugs, feigning innocence. Unfortunately Jackson's whining manages to grab the attention of Jinyoung and his friend, and suddenly it's like it's the first time the blonde boy notices them there.

'Oh- wait.You're with them?' Daehyun asks, confused.'You were relocated to-'

'Yeah.' Jinyoung interrupts, voice clear.'I was lucky enough to be found by Mark, lucky enough to join the team too.' Theres a smile in his voice and when he points at Mark the red head can't help but feel a wave of affection wash over him because Jinyoung looks so damn proud as he points to each member of the team and introduces them, his smile the widest when he land's on Mark.

Daehyun's smile doesn't falter either, and Mark finds himself assessing the kid because half of him expects him to look down on them, on where they come from, especially in such a fancy school like this. But the look of disgust of disinterest never comes, and Mark can't help but feel a little thrown by it.
Judging by the looks on everyone elses faces they're just as confused to not be getting abuse.

''re Jinyoung's friend?" Hoseok finally asks, usual smile on his face. It seem's to make Daehyun feel a little more at ease infront of them all.

'Yeah, we've known eachother since we were six.' Daehyun grins back, slinging an arm around Jinyoung's shoulder. Mark's gaze zero's in on it and he clenches his jaw as something spikes through his chest.
They've sure known eachother a long time...

'So what was Jinyoung like here?Was he one of those nerdy-' Jackson begins, but he's rudely shutup by Namjoon slapping the back of his head.

'Hey! What is it with the abuse?' Jackson complains taking his snapback off to rub the back of his head and glare at everyone.

Daehyun laughs and looks at Jinyoung.'Well...he is a little nerdy.But Jinyoung was pretty popular here, still is.'

Mark doesn't miss the embarrassed groan Jinyoung lets out and everyone laughs.

'I wasn't popular-'

'Yeah he was, he literally has this little fanclub here, the boy's used to watch him play basketball and they'd take pictures and upload them to the school website-'

'Dae oh my god, stop-'

'Once the school website went down after it was hacked and every picture was replaced with one of Jinyoung. Even the principles picture.'

'Oh my god, that is brilliant.' Jackson laughs, slapping the side of the sofa. Mark grins as he watches Jinyoung cringe in horror and embarrassment and Daehyun pats his back in mock sympathy. Mark decides that he actually doesn't mind Daehyun,he's not like the snooty posh boy's Mark's seen so far, and he seem's like an ok guy. He must be if Jinyoung's friends with him right?
As long as he stops touching Jinyoung so much though.

Everyone's still busy laughing at Jinyoung's fortune when Daehyun suggests showing them around.

'You're not in lesson?" Jinyoung asks, brow furrowed and Daehyun shakes his head.

'Free period.Follow me then, It won't take long.' Daehyun grins. The others get up and Jinyoung rolls his eyes, pulling his friend aside to speak to him. Mark's brow quirks up but it doesn't take much for them all to realise that Jinyoung's embarrassedly telling off his friend for revealing his ''status'' at the school.
He's scratching his neck and his cheeks are pink and Daehyun is snickering into his hand and all Jinyoung can do is playfully hit his arm as he realises that the whole team can hear him and are rather enjoying the moment.

'Yah.' He whines, shoving Hoseok in the arm as he laughs against Namjoons shoulder.'What is wrong with you all..'

He sighs and Mark grins, slinging an arm around his shoulders as they make their way out of the door, Coach waving a goodbye as he continues to talk on the phone.
'So you were popular?' He asks, voice low. Daehyun is upfront being quizzed by Jackson so Mark doesn't have to worry about the boy overhearing.

'Um..not really.' Jinyoung stutters, scratching the back of his neck.

'Hmmm, somehow I don't think I believe that.' Mark grins, pulling him alone. Jinyoung just scoffs, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend as he lets him lead and they make their way down the corridors.

'Where are we even going?' Hakyeon asks from behind them, and it's only when they've stopped that Mark see's recognition dawn on Jinyoung's face.

'This is the gallery..' Jinyoung murmurs,confused.'Dae why did you bring us-'

'Well my friend, I thought that what better way for your new friends to learn about your old life here?'

'Oh no.' Jinyoung begins, a look of dread on his face.

'Oh yes.' Daehyun grins, eyes lighting up.'Time to see some very old photos of Jinyoung.'

'Konjin education begins at the age of six, with nursery being the first year.' Daehyun explains as they enter the large room.'This room records every photo taken in the past twenty years, the older ones stocked in the store rooms.'

The team marvels at the room, the huge crystal chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling, the deep red carpets and mahogany desks and shelves and fancy cushioned chairs. There are what looks like hundreds of yearbooks and photoalbums, a projector and movie reels. The room looks like a large library exclusively for photographs.

Mark's kind of amazed.

'So are you telling me that in this room, there are pictures of Jinyoung growing up from the age of six?' Jackson asks, a glint in his eye and behind Mark Jinyoung groans, slapping a hand to his face.

'Please spare me, don't get the photo's ou-'

'Too late.' Daehyun grins, already heading over to a shelf at the back. Mark doesn't even bother trying to look casual as he practically fights Hoseok and Jackson towards the yearbook sections, watching Daehyun as he pulls one out labelled KONJIN NURSERY:2000 and moves to place it under the projector. He motions to the wall as the projector switches on and soon a large scaled image of the book is produced, everyone's eyes widening.

'You guy's probably don't know much about the Jinyoung before this year, so allow me to introduce you to six year old Jinyoung-ah.' Daehyun smiles, and Jinyoung sighs, flomping down onto the floor next to Mark, who know's he's looking a little too eager but hey, it's not everyday that you get to see your boyfriend as a toddler right?

Daehyun begins to flip through pages looking for his and Jinyoung's class photo, and when he finally reaches it it's way too easy to spot Jinyoung amongst the kids.

'Oh my god.' Jackson yells, voice high pitched as he points at six year old Jinyoung's face. All of the kids are in neat lines and wearing smart black blazers with red trims on the lapels. Mark can spot the eagle insignia on Jinyoung's breast pocket from here, noting that the same eagle is also perched on Daehyun, a wide smiling six year old to Jinyoung's left.

'You're so cute!' Hoseok calls, leaning to ruffle Jinyoung's hair. Jinyoung whines and bats his hand away, obviously embarrassed.

But Mark can't really find it in himself to care because he's having a hard time even looking away from the picture. Jinyoung is smiling in it, his short black hair gelled to the side and eyes bright with light. His smile is wide, teeth showing and he's looking straight at the camera unlike a few other kids.

Oh god. Mark thinks, trying to cover his pinkening cheeks with his hand.
He's adorable.

Daehyun continues to flick through the book, pointing out Jinyoung in class shots from field trips and birthday parties hosted at the school. In each one Jinyoung looks happy enough to light up the sky, and it makes Mark smile because it's wonderful to see.

Even Jackson stops teasing eventually as they move on to other school years, looking at Jinyoung when he was both ten and fifteen.
'Wow, this is the year you got onto the basketball team right?' Jackson asks, wide eyed with interest.

Jinyoung nods, eyes glued to the screen as he looks at a picture of himself, fifteen year old Jinyoung with his arm swung around Daehyun's neck and a basketball tucked under his arm. He remembers that day well, it'd been taken after school on a sunny day by the school's photography club, Daehyun had come down from last period to watch him practice.
It makes him feel oddly nostalgic.

'Lemme see where the team picture is.' Daehyun mumbles,flicking through the pages until he reaches the sports teams sections. Mark waits patiently, curious to see what Jinyoung looked like on his schools team. A team he'd eventually grow to hate.

'Ah, here it is!" The blonde is suddenly calling, pointing to a picture taking up the whole page. Mark stares at it, taking in the group of boy's. They're all standing in formation in a basketball court in their uniforms, green and white tanktops with the school's logo along with their individual insignias emblazoned on the front. They all look extremely happy too, and Jinyoung's standing right in the middle beside the captain, basketball tucked under his arm whilst the captain holds a large silver trophy.

He glances at Jinyoung, assessing the other boy's reaction. Jinyoung's sitting calmly, though the elder can see the almost solemn look in his eyes.
It must be difficult for him to see all of these...right before the game too.

'At this time Jinyoung was the youngest on the team.'Daehyun says proudly.'He was only fifteen, but he had alot of talent.Still does.'

Jinyoung chuckles, shaking his head.

'Mark and I weren't even scouted until we were sixteen.Though we were all aware of Konjin high.' Jackson says, 'How the hell did you join such a prestigious team at just fifteen man?'

Jinyoung rolls his eyes.'I practiced.'

'That's not even just it.' Daehyun grins,'Rumour around the school has it that Jinyoung was scouted at fourteen and trained for another before being allowed onto the team, which would make him the youngest team member in Konjin history.'

'Wait, seriously?" Sungjae asks, eyes wide.'Woa.'

'Why didn't you tell us Jinyoung-ah?' Junho jokes, patting Jinyoung on the back and Jinyoung groans, cheeks pink.

'What do you mean 'rumour' anyway?" Jackson asks, confused.

'Well Jinyoung's never confirmed or denied it.' Daehyun chuckles,shaking his head.'He's always liked the mystery.'

'Yah..' Jinyoung rolls his eyes, shoving his friend jokingly.'I told you what happened.'

'And did it happen?" Jackson asks, brow raised.

Jinyoung grins, crossing his arms.'Wouldn't you like to know?"

'Jinyounggggggg~' Jackson whines, voice loud and the other eventually rolls his eyes in annoyance. It really doesn't take much for Jackson to wear someone down.Mark knows.

'Let's just say I was an honourary team member up until the age of fifteen.' Jinyoung grins,and the team let's out little cheers.

'Imagine, if you'd stayed on the team you would have been playing us today..' Jackson marvels, and Mark raises his brows because woa.He's right.
If he'd stayed on the team and at Konjin our first meeting would have been on the court instead of the road.

Suddenly he's incredibly thankful for being a school delinquent and stealing a professors car.

The final photos they look at are from last year when Jinyoung was just seventeen. A year before him and Mark met.
They're individual photos, medium sized ovals of each persons face as they pose infront of a blue backdrop, painfully similar to the orphanage. Though the only difference is the snooty look in everyones eyes and the fancy uniforms.

Of course there are a select few that actually look like they could fit in with themselves,and of course as Daehyun points them out it's revealed that most of them are Jinyoung's close friends.

'Minhyuk! How is he?' Jinyoung asks, pointing to the picture of a boy with cropped dark hair and a small smile but bright eyes. He's one of the only on the page that doesn't look overly proud of himself.

'He's worried about you, but he'll see you at the game. Other than that he's all good.' Daehyun grins.

Jinyoung nods, a warm smile on his face. It's only when they get to his own photograph that he groans and looks away ,covering his face.

'Woa, who's this strapping lad then?!" Jackson bellows, pointing at the picture of seventeen year old Jinyoung. Mark has to actually hold his breath for a moment because Jinyoung looks beautiful.

The photo is from the chest up, but mark can clearly make out the dark blazer and eagle insignia, the red tie tucked in and slicked to the side hairstyle,giving him a smart looking side parting. He swallows hard, gaze lingering on the small smile playing around Jinyoung's lips. His eyes are just as bright as usual and it's beautiful, so beautiful. Finally it's like Mark can see just how much Jinyoung fits into life here. He's literally the definition of elequence and politeness and smarts, he's gentle and smoothly charismatic and he can see the kindness behind his eyes that's not so reflected in those of his peers.

'Dude, you really fit in...' Hoseok says, surprise in his voice.

'You look good.' Namjoon nods in agreement and Jinyoung sighs, still embarrassed.

'What does Mark think hmm?" Jackson asks, suddenly leering over the red head and Mark rolls his eyes, shoving his friend away as the others laugh. Next to him Jinyoung looks totally embarrassed and it's adorable, well, it would be more if Mark wasn't blushing himself.

'I can see the longing in your eyes, look how pink your cheeks are oh my go-' Jackson doesn't get to finish his teasing as Marks clamping a hand over his mouth and glaring at him as though he'll get the message.
He does get the message in the end, but of course, he doesn't care.

'Both of them have gone red.' Junho snickers, ruffling Jinyoung's hair again and the younger grimaces, scratching the back of his neck.
When Mark does look up Daehyun's looking between them both confused, and suddenly it's like a lightswitch goes off and the blonde's wide eyed reaction makes him want to laugh.

'Wait, are you dating?' He asks incredulously, pointing between Mark and Jinyoung as he looks at them both. Jinyoung looks shocked and caught out for a moment,and the rest of the team are grinning a little too manically for Marks liking but then he just smiles, deciding that he doesn't care anymore, that i'ts about time people knew about him and Jinyoung.

So he does the best thing he can think of, and reaches over and takes Jinyoung's hand, entwining their fingers. Jinyoung's head whirls to look at him in surprised and for a second Mark's scared he's going to pull away.

But he doesn't.
Instead he squeezes Marks hand and smiles before looking back at Daehyun.'This is my boyfriend,Mark.'

Theres a chorus of 'eeew's and cheers from the team and both Mark and Jinyoung roll their eyes in unison, but can't help but laugh anyway. Daehyun watches for a moment, completely shocked but then he grins so widely that Mark think's his head will snap off.

'This is great! The others are gonna go crazy about this- you never date!' Daehyun yells, leaning over to ruffle Jinyoung's hair.

'Wait, he never dates?" Hoseok asks,and Daehyun nods.

'It's not like he was never asked, I mean, come on. I don't know one guy here that doesn't think Jinyoung-ah is pretty.He used to get confessions all the time though he'd never say yes - he's too shy.'

Wow. He really is popular here. Mark bites his lip, uneeded jealousy spiking through him at the thought because why does he have the right to be jealous? Considering he's the ex - playboy...

'Well he said yes to Mark.' Hoseok finally says, grin on his face. Jinyoung blushes next to him and Mark squeezes his hand.

'I'm happy for you Jinyoung-ah.' Daehyun grins, eyes bright as he leans forward to ruffle the boy's hair.He turns to Mark then, smile dropping slightly.'And as his best friend I guess it's kinda my role to warn you. You hurt him and I'll break your nose ok dude?'

Mark raises his brows, can see just how serious the boy is and he realises that he doesn't actually mind, is rather happy that Jinyoung has a friend so good. So instead of knocking the guy out like he normally would he sticks his hand out for him to shake and smiles.

'Fair enough.' He says, voice clear.'Though don't worry.I'll look after him.'

Daehyun's face breaks out into a genuine smile then and he takes Marks hand to shake it, 'Thanks.'

When they're filing out of the gallery a few minutes later Mark takes Jinyoung's hand and pulls him back, voice in his ear as he speaks.

'I like your friend.' He smiles, and Jinyoung pulls away, grin on his face.

'Oh really?'

'Not like that idiot.' Mark rolls his eyes, slinging an arm around Jinyoung's shoulder.'I was under the impression most of the guys here know. But I guess not.'

Jinyoung chuckles, 'Yeah. Daehyun likes you too. Told me to bring you to visit.'

Mark smiles at that, following the rest down the corridor.'Sound's perfect. Let's just win this game first.'

'Definitely.' Jinyoung replies, hand warm in his and determination in his eyes that makes Mark's chest warm.

23. Game on

'Right team-It's time.' Coaches voice is loud as it echo's across the changing room and rumbles in Marks ears. He looks up, the rest of the team going silent from their previous pre game chattering as they sit on the benches.

'Remember to use the techniques, to move fast, calculate but feel each movement.' Coach says, voice gruff.'But remember most of all- that you're a team.'
He smiles at the end, clapping his hands together as the younger boy's grin up at him and cheer in agreement.

'Come on then, get up and win.' Coach chuckles, swinging open the door into the hallway outside and the group stand, cheering as they clap one another on the back for good luck. Mark meet's Jinyoung's eyes and grins, the younger giving him a nervous smile back and it's only when they get near the door that Coach suddenly blows his whistle again to shut everyone up.

'Oh and Jinyoung?" He says, voice affectionate. The younger looks at him, swallowing hard with nerves, not knowing what he's going to say. He looks back down at his red and white uniform tank top, PARK emblazoned on the back and bites his lip.

'Yes Coach?'

Coach smiles widely, patting him on the back.'Welcome to the team.'
Mark doesn't think he's ever heard the team cheer in agreement so loud.

On their way out into the gym Mark slides his hand into Jinyoung's, taking note of the youngers trembling fingers. From here they can hear the cheers of the crowd as Konjin's team enters first, and his blood begins to pound in his ears as the tension and excitement sets in.
Jinyoung looks up at him when their fingers touch, eyes greatful and bright and theres this astounding smile on his face that makes Marks' breath catch in his throat for a second and then he's pulling Jinyoung in, touching his lips to the younger's cheek and whispering in his ear.

'I've got you.' He murmurs, voice low and Jinyoung shivers, leaning into his touch as they ignore the throaty chuckles from their fellow teammates around them.

He feel's Jinyoung relax against him, the words settling into his skin and when he pulls away Coach is motioning to the doors as they open onto the gym.

Jinyoung looks at him, eyes shining and pats his butt affectionately.
'You go first, I'll follow.'

So Mark does, and he's never been so happy to lead.

The basketball court is bigger than theirs back home, and the crowd is bigger too.

He can't help but chuckle as they step out to cheers, Jackson cackling behind him as he notices the same thing. He steps over to Mark, swinging an arm around his shoulder.

'This is hilarious, I've never heard such a quiet crowd.'

Mark laughs,'The funny thing is, our side is cheering louder for us than Konjin is for their own team.'

'It's probably because they're so refined.' Jackson smirks as they saunter towards the side of the court.'They're probably not allowed to raise their voice above a gentle shout.'

Mark snorts, shaking his head as he scans the crowd. Next to him Jinyoung is doing the same, eyes on their side of the room. It's a big turn out, most if not all of their year group must have come down on the buses, a game between them and Konjin Private school is a rarity of course.

'Guys!" Jinyoung's suddenly nudging both his and Jackson's elbows, mouth wide with a smile as he points to some people in the crowd and of course, it's Jaebum and the rest.

Jackson practically goes wild as soon as he see's Bam Bam cheering, and Mark actually has to hold him back from running to the bars and leaning up to make out with the younger boy, much to both Jackson and Bam Bam's dissappointment.
Though Jackson doesn't seem to be all that bothered when two minutes later he's beginning his pre-game dance ritual.

'Is this even called dancing?' Jinyoung asks from next to him, brows raised and arms crossed as they watch the boy in the snapback rolling his hips impossibly fast then alternating to weird stretches.

Mark shrugs, only feeling slightly embarrassed as the crowd catches on a watches, some laughing, some cheering and some just looking downright scared. Even Coach seem's to have given up, watching from the bench with a hand pinching the bridge of his nose.

'I'm kind of mesmerised.' Hoseok says from Marks right, and the red head can't help but laugh because he doesn't really know what else to do. Maybe it'll freak the Konjin team out enough to confuse them for the game.

Though when he finally get's a look at the team on the other side of the hall he's not so sure.
They're gathered in a circle formation, expressions serious and stances ridgid and Mark can't help but smile because why are they so awkward?

Jinyoung glances over a few times too, as though he's waiting for them to storm over and give him abuse infront of the whole school but it doesn't come, and Marks glad for that. He need's Jinyoung's head in the game.

There's two minutes until the game begins, so Mark calls them to gather round in a circle, arms draped over eachothers shoulders as they speak.

'Remember, have a good game out there.Let's show those arseholes the meaning of teamwork.' Mark says, voice light. The others nod, grins on their faces and Jackson interrupts.
'Let's kick their asses too, after we win of course.' Jackson grins, grunting when Namjoon rolls his eyes and pats his back a little too hard.

'Let's work well together.' Jinyoung says, voice affectionate as he looks at everyone.'And..thankyou for accepting me onto the team. When I was at Konjin I didn't really feel like I was playing, y'know? Now I know I am.'

The team lets out coo's and 'aww's' at Jinyoung, some ruffling the younger's hair and Jinyoung just laughs, cheeks pink. Mark grins, heart thumping against his chest.

'Let's go team.' He finally says as the whistle rings out across the hall and they break away, patting eachothers shoulders and shouting in encouragement.

They take their places on the court, the crowd cheering loudly around them and Mark shoots Jinyoung one last look of affection before he's stepping up to the middle of the court opposite none other than Chanyeol, taking note of the other's extremely annoying smirk on his face.

The Official stands between them, gaze intent and the hall begins to quiet town, tension becoming thick as Mark stares into Chanyeols eyes, hoping that all of his hate for the kid is lying there so he can see just how much he dislikes him. He want's him to know that he's not playing around, to be prepared for a real shit storm because he and his team don't know the meaning of giving up.

There's a countdown, and Mark clenches and unclenches his fingers as he itches to feel the ball in his grasp, rubber against smooth skin.

Then the ball is in the air, Marks eyes following it like a hawk as it begins it's decent and then he's jumping, and yes, he successfully hits the ball right towards his team, landing beautifully in Jackson's waiting hands. Mark spares an annoyed Chanyeol one last cocky look and then he's shooting off as the cheers of the crowd ring out, vibrating around the room.

Jackson's quick, not as quick as Jinyoung but quick nonetheless. He speeds along the court, ball bouncing between his hand and the cold gym floor and in one smooth throw the ball is landing in Namjoon's hands before the blonde dodges a Konjin team member with name OK emblazoned on his back.
Mark watches the ball as Namjoon reaches the net, eyes intent as he looks for Jackson again because now the shorter of the two is free, open as he raises his arms to catch.

A Konjin member with the name YO on his shirt blocks Mark and the red head grunts, shooting around the guy just in time to see Jackson catch the ball and launch it towards the net, eyes intent and dark as the ball lands straight in, a bell ringing out to signify their first point as everyone on their side of the hall cheers.

Mark laughs as Jackson goes wild as usual, doing what looks like a weird body pop before high fiving Jinyoung and then Mark, blowing a kiss towards an embarrassed but thrilled looking Bam Bam in the stands.

'Let's go boys!' Jackson calls, eyes bright and then they're sprinting again, concentration settling into their bones.

Now all we need is more shots just like that. Mark thinks, grin on his face.

As the game progresses it begins to get more heated, calling becoming yelling and voices becoming more desperate. Sweat is pouring down Marks back, sliding across his skin and staining dark against his tank top. His hair is plastered to his face, his cheeks a little red with exhertion and breathing laboured but as he races down the court, eyes on the ball and mind swimming with plans he can't help but think about just how much he loves it.

He also takes moments to quickly assess Konjin's players, spotting the guy's Jinyoung had warned them about straight away.
Jinyoung was right to warn them too, because only half an hour into the game the guy called Chansung manages to 'accidentally' knock Hoseok over and tread on Hakyeon's foot hard enough to warrant the other boy having to leave the court for a while.

'Mark, ball!' Jinyoung's voice is loud, clear as it rips through his thoughts and he looks up just in time to catch it, immediately gunning for the net. As always, he and Jinyoung work perfectly together, reading eachothers minds before they even finish their current action.
He can feel his blood zipping through his veins and he's sure he hears his friends from the stands chant his name and he cracks a smirk as he skids past a sweaty and frustrated looking Chansung, the guy pretty much towering above him, and aims the ball straight for the net.

He watches, breath stuck in his throat as it bounces against the rim of the net for a second before slipping through, the buzzer ringing out as another point is added to the scoreboard.

From behind him Jinyoung pats his back, eyes bright and the crowd cheers impossibly loud.

'Shit! Get it together idiots!' He hears Chanyeol yelling at his fellow teammates, face red and eyes narrowed and chuckles as he skirts past, shaking his head at the scene.
What a great display of team work.Ugh.

Hoseok scores the next net, and the scoreboard currently stands at them 24: and Konjin 20:

A short break is called, five minutes for them to huddle around Coach as he barks orders at them and excitedly points at his clipboard.
'There's not much time left of the game, you can do this.' He says, voice serious.'Mark you and Jinyoung stick together, Jackson stay close by the. Hoseok and Namjoon stick by eachothers sides but everyone work as a team.The boy's from Konjin are pulling risky tactics, not all of them safe, so keep your eye out for it, don't let them take you down with petty cheats.'

The team nods, breathing heavy as they all put their hands in before yelling a cheer and breaking off. They take long gulps of their water bottles, Mark looking towards the other team to assess their huddle from across the room.
He meets eyes with Chanyeol, the other's narrowing as he glares at him and Mark actually want's to laugh because does he really think he's being intimidating?

'Ignore him.' Jinyoung whispers in his ear from his left, currently patting his face with a towel. He reaches across, patting Marks face too and the annoyance in his chest is suddenly replaced with fond affection, his heart fluttering as he closes his eyes and let's Jinyoung wipe the sweat away.

'Ready to win?' Jinyoung asks when he pulls away, eyes bright.

Mark chuckles, ruffling the youngers hair.'Yeah, ready to win.'

There's not long left of the game and Mark's actually kind of glad for it because he's exhausted. They're not used to playing teams so prestigious, because even though Konjins members are cheating a bit, some of them are still pretty talented, better than what they're used to anyway.
Even Jackson looks ready to collapse.

He watches as Jackson passes Jinyoung the ball, calling encouragement after him as the younger sprints up the court, impossibly fast and beautifully agile as he ducks past Chansung and whips round another kid. He spins, hair falling into his eyes as he skirts round another member attempting to cease the ball and then he's jumping, arms up and eyes intent as the ball lands in the net, a smile gracing his face as everyone cheers.

Chansung and a few other guy's from Konjin swear, annoyance clear on their faces and Mark chuckles as he raises both of his hands for Jinyoung to high five.

'Looks like they don't take to losing too well.' He murmurs to Jinyoung, and the younger nods, amusement on his face.

'Believe me Jinyoung, they don't. I'm surprised Chanyeol isn't crying.'

Jackson hears as he passes, laughing and shaking his head.'Dude, he'll be crying for sure by the end of it when we obliterate them.'

Mark nods, though he can feel the other team's eyes on them as they talk, something unreadable on their faces and dark in their expressions and Mark bites his lip, something settling in his stomach.
They're going to try something.

'Be careful.' He murmurs to Jinyoung and Jackson before he's off again, sprinting for defense as Chansung, the senior barrells down the court, eyes sharp and locked on the net.
Jinyoung moves to position himself somewhere behind Mark on the court and Jackson does the same, ready for when the ball comes their way.

He eyes Chansung as he skirts infront of the guy just as he pushes up, the ball released from his grasp. The guy might be tall, but Marks a pretty good jumper.
Though it's Namjoon who get's there in the end, the taller boy jumping just high enough to stop the ball entering the net. The ball sails through the air and into Marks waiting hand's and then he's turning, sprinting towards the other side of the court. He passes the ball to Hoseok who then passes to Sungjae, the younger nearly barrelling straight into a member of Konjin before he saves himself straight away, attempting to score from further away.

The ball just misses the net and Sungjae swears, running a hand through his hair.

'It's fine, we got this.' Junho pats the younger's shoulder as he passes, and Sungjae just nods, expression even more determined than before as he takes his stance.

Chanyeol scores the next net, eyes glinting with self pride as he smirks at Mark and Jinyoung, throwing the raven haired boy a wink as he passes.
Mark's stomach burns with anger and he narrows his eyes.

'Eyes off my boyfriend bastard.' He glares as he steps past, and Chanyeol just chuckles, shaking his head.

Fuck you.

He glances at the scoreboard reading 26:23 with his team in the lead and bites his lip. We really need to win this.

He turns just in time to see Jackson nearly get hit by a Konjin student's elbow and anger burns in his chest again, eyes narrowing. They're definitely cheating, up to no good here. Jackson had only just managed to avoid it and the look he send's Mark tells the red head that his best friend knows just what's going on.

'We've got this dude.' He murmurs as he passes.'Just...eyes open ok?Eyes open.'

Jackson nods, clearly pissed off but eager to win as he slaps his hand against Marks as he passes.
Bam Bam's still cheering though, and that seem's to cheer him up enough to send the younger a wide grin.

He focuses back on the game just as Hakyeon passes him the ball. One of the Konjin players attempts to dive infront of him and intercept the ball but Marks having none of it, and makes a quick feint to the right before he's moving infront of the Konjin kid and raising his arms, the ball landing in his grasp.
The cheers of the crowd echo around him, virbrating in his ears, burning along his skin and he's off, air pushing against his sweat slicked body as he races along the court, eyes on the net.

He finds himself in a familiar situation like last week, too many opposing team members surrounding him, making it impossible to aim for the net and he doesn't even have to look as he shoots the ball to his left, just knowing Jinyoung will be there, ready and waiting like before.

And when he casts a look to his left like the surprised Konjin members all he can do is smirk as he watches Jinyoung catch it and throw, the ball landing oh so gracefully in the net.

Their school's side of the crowd erupts into cheers, the sound almost deafening the teams and Mark grins, highfiving Jinyoung who's smiling so brightly that for a moment the younger is all he see's.
Then Chanyeol is bumping his shoulder as he passes, a look that could kill in his eyes.

Jinyoung just rolls his eyes, Mark glaring after the kid as they move to finish the game.
Let's see how upset you get when we win this.

The ball is slick against the sweat building in the palm of his hands when he next has it, and he bursts into a run, the rubber bouncing between his hand and the floor as he dribbles past bodies and his eyes bite into the sight of the net, waiting for him. He looks up, considering passing to Sungjae when it happens.

He doesn't even realise he's in pain until he's on the floor, ball rolling away from him.
He hits the ground hard, shock on his face as his breath is knocked out of him and then a sharp pain throbs through his left ankle and he winces.
A few feet away from him stands Chanyeol,a shit eating smirk on his face and Mark feel's his insides burn.

A whistle is blown and the teams gather, Jinyoung immediately rushing to his side as Coach appears along with a konjin paramedic staff.
'Mark!" Jinyoung's voice is laced with panic and worry and Mark tries to calm him as he crouches down and takes his hand.

'Shit, those bastards.' Jinyoung swears, gaze moving to Chanyeol who's standing a bit further off with the Konjin members. For a moment Jinyoung looks like he's about to go and start a fight along with Jackson but Mark refuses to let either of them go and get suspended from the game.

'Hey, we're not ruining out chances ok?" He says, voice firm as the paramedic touches his ankle. He yelps, jolting and winces when his ankle throbs again.

'Twisted ankle, pretty major too.' The staff says and Mark feel's his heart sink.He knows he'll have to sit out for the rest of the game.
Coach sighs, face red with anger and nods,helping Mark up along with Jinyoung and Jackson.
The crowd on their side is booing, and Mark cant help but chuckle because Bam Bam is particularly loud and Jackson shoots him a look of pride when he shouts out 'Konjin Jackasses!'

'I can't believe this.' Jinyoung grumbles, helping the red head towards the benches. Hakyeon's still sitting there, his own foot injured because of Chansung and Marks chest bubbles in anger again.

He's pissed off, extremely pissed off but there's nothing he can do except pray they win.
He grabs Jinyoung's face, a hand on each cheek and looks into his eyes, voice clear as he speaks.'You can do this Jinyoung-ie.I know you can. Go out there and kick their asses ok? Win for me.'

Jinyoung nods, brow still furrowed in displeasure.He sighs, hand coming up to rest against Marks.

'Just watch me.' He finally says, eyes burning. Then he's pulling away, marching back onto court as the crowd begins to cheer again. Mark watches as he high five's Jackson, who shakes himself before they're taking their stances, ready to really play.

Konjin are now tieing against them, 28:28 and Mark finds his stomach bubbling in nerves as he watches Jackson miss the net. The boy in the snapback rakes a hand through his hair, obviously frustrated and shoots Jinyoung a small smile as the younger pats his back as he passes.
Everyone is on high alert, the tension in the room heavy as he sits beside Coach and Hakyeon, heart racing in his chest.

Come on guys, come on.

One of the Konjin team members passes Chansung the ball and the senior races down the court, skin red and veins prominent and Mark feel's his breath stop for a second because is this it? Is he going to score?

But then Sungjae is moving just quick enough to get the ball in his grasp, barrelling down the court with narrowed eyes and sweat soaked skin. He looks determined as he throws the ball to Jackson, who dives just right to pass the ball to Jinyoung.

Come on.
Go Jinyoung, go.

The crowds cheering begins to increase, Jaebum and Bam Bam standing out of their seats now, Yugyeom and Youngjae joining them. Jinyoung moves swiftly, almost too gracefully for a basketball player. His muscles are rippling, eyes intent and breathing hard but the ball remains firmly in his grasp as he manouvers the opposition.

Mark doesn't take his eyes off of his boyfriend, he can't. But he knows that judging by the desperate voice Coach is using to shout Jinyoung's name that the time on the clock is running out.

Jinyoung skids past Chanyeol, a glint in his eyes as the other boy tries to stop him and he's close, so close to the net and Mark can feel his heart racing in his chest, thumping harder than ever.

'Go Jinyoung! You can do it!" He's yelling before he even realises but he knows Jinyoung hears him becaues he suddenly smiles, a cheeky smirk on his face before he's approaching the net, Jackson and Hoseok close behind with wide eyes as the Konjin members try to keep up and block him.

But of course, Jinyoung was made for basketball, and nothing stops him as he jumps, jaw slack and eyes wide with concentration as the ball leaves his grasp and sails through the air towards the net.

Coach stands next to him, eyes wide and for a moment it feels like the room goes silent in anticipation.

Then Mark's heart is sailing as the ball goes through the net, buzzer ringing out to signify one final point.

The crowd erupts, Bam Bam pulling Yugyeom into a haphazzard hug as he screams Jinyoung's name and the rest follow suit, Jaebum laughing and slinging an arm around a beetroot faced Youngjae.

Beside him Hakyeon nearly falls over standing up to cheer, and the team rushes at Jinyoung just as the final buzzer goes off to call the end of the game. They envelope the younger into a hug, voices loud. Mark can hear Jackson screeching from here and he laughs, but Jinyoung doesn't even wait for a second before he's breaking out from the group and rushing for Mark, the biggest smile on his face that he's ever seen. Mark stands on one foot just in time for Jinyoung to barrell into him, wrapping his arms around his waist and lifting him up.

Mark laughs, ruffling Jinyoung's hair as he tips the youngers chin up to place a huge sopping kiss on his forehead. He'll save the real kisses for later when theres not a room of people watching them.
Around them the crowd cheers louder, and Jinyoung sets him onto the ground gently as the rest of the team approaches and wraps both him and Mark into one big group hug, pulling in Coach too .

'I can't believe it.' Sungjae laughs, and Jackson grins widely, ruffling Jinyoung's hair.

'I fucking can! I told you boys, I knew we'd kick their asses!"

Mark can't even find it in himself to roll his eyes because he's way too ecstatic to care. He takes Jinyoung's hand in the cloak of their team mates embrace and uses the fact that they can't be seen to pull the surprised younger in for a huge kiss, his heart racing in his chest.
Jinyoung's lips are soft against his and when he pulls away the younger looks shocked, cheeks pink and the team bursts into uncontrollable shouts of teasing and laughter.

Mark just grins and holds Jinyoung's hand even tighter.

When the finally do break away to shake the other teams hand Mark tries hard not to smirk at them as he does so.
Jinyoung keeps his head down as he shakes their hands, ignoring the glares his ex team mates throw him. There are a few insults thrown his way and despite Mark attempting to go and knock them out even with his hurt ankle Jinyoung stops him, a small smile on his face.

'It's fine.I'm not really all that sad as they didn't mean all that much to me anyway.'

Mark sighs, but decides not to push it any further.

Before they're even into the corridor after the crowd has dispersed, everyone from their school heading back to the buses, Jaebum and co are ontop of them, voices loud and grins wide as they drag them all into hugs. They're allowed to take the teams bus home so they stay longer, Jaebum pulling Jinyoung in for a hug whilst Jackson practically chews Bam Bams face off against the lockers behind them.

Coach doesn't even get angry about it until ten minutes later when he decides enough is enough and actually drags Jackson by his ear into the changing room to get ready.

On their way out to meet the others after they've changed Jinyoung slips his arm around Marks waist, helping the elder support his foot as they step outside into the warm night. Stars litter the sky above them and Mark smiles, knowing that he doesn't even have to look at Jinyoung to see them reflected in his eyes.

'We really did it hyung..' He murmurs, voice gentle.'We did it.'

'We did.' Mark smiles, pulling him closer.'Couldn't have done it without you though.'

'Well that's for sure.' Jackson grins as he gets on Marks other side, helping to support him further.

For a moment Mark just basks in the glory, and let's himself feel the pure affection he has for his best friend and boyfriend as he leans against them both.
I love you guys. He wants to say, but he knows that they know, and he doesn't think he can put up with Jackson's teasing about it just yet so instead he just ruffles both of their hair and smiles when Jackson pouts and complains about Bam Bam liking his hair neat so he can tug on it when they make out.

Mark doesn't even have to pretend to retch at that because he's seen it happen before and the memory is more than enough to make him grimace as Jinyoung socks Jackson on the back of the head.

24. Your fingers burn my skin 

If Mark had said he was surprised when they got back to school to find a small crowd of their year group and a few seniors waiting for them with wicked glints in their eyes and wild grins on their faces then he'd be lying.
He immediately cracks a smile as Jackson helps him further into the recreation room because of course the team would go through with their annual winners team party underground.

It happened with every win, the team and friends of the members gathering in the underground club room to celebrate and basically get drunk as fuck. Mark looked forward to it everytime, he can already feel the excitement bubbling in his chest.
How he's going to do much with an injured foot he doesn't know, but he's sure he'll make it work.

Everyone cheers when they enter, ruffling their hair and pulling them in for hugs as they help Mark sit down and prop his foot up. It's still throbbing a little though he feels alot better, so Coach had told him to get some rest and keep it elevated. He'd probably have to have physio before the last game but he can't really find it in himself to care because they won.
We actually won.

'So boys, how about we get down to business as usual?' Yoongi asks from his spot next to Hoseok and Namjoon. He's wearing all black, a white snapback on his head and delicate chains around his neck.
It's only then that Mark realises everyone else is just as dressed up.

'Underground?" Jackson asks, brow cocked. He's leaning against Jinyoung, stupid grin on his face.

'Only if Namjoonie's gonna dj.' Seokjin calls from his spot, shy grin on his face.Namjoon stands, smiling as he nods.Mark doesn't miss the slight blush on his cheeks and wonders just how long Namjoon's been crushing on Seokjin senior.
He decides he'll tease him about it later when they're both drunk.

'Sure thing, just let us get ready and we'll be there in thirty.Just make sure noone get's caught, we don't want the party over before it even starts.'

There are cheers of assent as everyone stands up to get ready and Mark glances at Jinyoung just as the younger rests a hand on his shoulder.

'So I'm guessing this party is an annual thing?'

Mark chuckles, letting the other help him up.He can hear Jackson making whooping noises by the door and he rolls his eyes.'Yep, with every win of course. Let's just say it's a celebration.'

Jinyoung grins, arm around Marks waist as they step towards the door.Jaebum's waiting for them their holding it open.'It's a good thing tomorrow's saturday then huh?'

Mark looks the other up and down, brow raised and anticipation tingling in his chest.'Why, what have you got planned?"

Jinyoung just shrugs, smirk on his face as he hands Mark off to a still half excited Jackson and slinks off with Jaebum to get ready in their room.

'We'll see.' Is all he says before he's gone, and suddenly Mark can't wait.

By the time Mark makes it down to the underground he's pretty sure Jackson's already half drunk on the can of beer he'd suddenly broken open from his stash under his bed.
It's not exactly good news for the elder though as Jackson's currently half carrying him.

As soon as the door opens the music hits them, along with warm air and the smell of sweat and alcohol. He grins, letting it sink into his skin as the crowd continues to grind together on the dance floor, their bodie's slick with sweat and eyes closed as they feel the music.
Marks overwhelmed with the desire to suddenly be in it all, Jinyoung pressed to his body.
But Jinyoung's not here yet, and Jackson's giggling as he attempts to sit him down on a stool by the bar area where Seokjin is already pouring them drinks.

'Jae and Jinyoung here yet?" Jackson asks, leaning on the counter and Seokjin shakes his head.

'Still waiting for Namjoon too, Yoongi's taking over the decks until he get's here.' Mark raises his brows at the blush on Seokjins cheeks and snickers when the Jackson leans across and pokes the boy with a teasing glint to his eyes.

'Is someone looking forward to seeing Namjoonie's dj skills? Or is it something el-'

'I swear to god Jackson Wang I will cut all your drinks off for the rest of the nigh-'

'No,please! I'll be good.' Jackson whines, and Mark rolls his eyes, turning round in his seat just in time to see his saviour come through the door.

He grabs a still whining Jackson's shoulder and spins him to look at the newest arrivals.'Look, your bae has arrived.Go fourth and smother him as usual.'

Bam Bam looks up just in time to avoid Jackson barrelling into him, but pulls the elder in for a kiss anyway. Mark wrinkles his nose at the sight as Youngjae and Yugyeom take a seat next to him.

'They didn't even make it the whole way down the stairs.' Youngjae grimaces, and Yugyeom sighs, shaking his head.

'If I was old enough I'd be attemtping to drink to block out how disgusting they are."

Seokjin chuckles as he pours out a coke for both of them.'Too bad, let you eyes bleed for a little longer.'

Yugyeom glares playfully at the elder and Mark laughs, leaning back in his seat.

'You look good hyung.' Youngjae says, drink halfway to his lips.'Is that eyeliner?'

Mark grins,'It might be.You're looking good too, I take it it's for a special someone?" He raises his brow and tries to bite back a laugh at how red Youngjae's cheeks are even in the dark neon lighting of the room.

'N-no. Noone in particular hyung..' He stutters, giving up eventually and returning to his drink as Yugyeom shakes his head at the sight of his broken hyung.

Mark just chuckles, returning to his own drink. He glances down at his outfit, glad he'd gotten a compliment because up until now he was wondering if he'd gone for the right outfit. He'd hastily picked out a red tank top and tight black jean shorts that ended just above the knee. It'd been easier than jeans as he didn't want to put too much strain on his ankle.

He hadn't done much with his hair, leaving it messy as he pushed an old snapback backwards over it, the red tendrils poking out of the hole upfront.
Jackson had eventually forced him to smudge the eyeliner on, and Mark didn't really complain when he caught sight of himself in the mirror.
Though part of him was still nervous because the only person he want's approval from is Jinyoung.
Aslong as Jinyoung likes it...

He finds out just how much Jinyoung likes it when minutes later the younger walks through the door and his eyes slide over Marks appearance, practically pushing Bam Bam and Jackson out of his way as he decends the stairs with Jaebum.
He's dressed in a loose white tanktop with black text on the front and the tightest pair of red jeans Mark thinks he's ever seen.They cling to his thighs and Mark just knows that his butt looks amazing in them though he hasn't seen it yet.
He swallows hard, blood rushing through his body.

Marks eyes stay locked on his, his skin heating as something dark flashes in the younger's eyes. The music pounds around them, vibrations rocking their bodies and Jinyoung bites his lip in the most sinful way.

Well shit.

'You're late.' Mark finally finds the stregnth to say when Jinyoung and Jaebum reach them, and Jinyoung grins, lips glossy.

'I'll make it up to you.' He replies, voice low and eyes still on Marks.

'You wearing eyeliner?" Mark stutters, trying to ignore the smirk he can feel Jaebum giving him out of the corner of his eye.

Jinyoung bites his lip again, cheeks darkening in a blush.'Maybe.Does it look good?' He asks, voice shy. Mark grins at that, hand pulling Jinyoung in closer by his tanktop as he tries to look up from the exposed skin of his chest.

'You look delicious.' He murmurs into Jinyoung's ear, breath tickling the other's skin and making him shiver and Mark bites back a grunt because god does he want to make Jinyoung do that again, preferably without clothes in his bed-

'Hey stop dry humping eachother and take the shot bitches.' Jackson's shriek of a voice interrupts Marks throughts and Jinyoung jumps back from him, face even darker than before as he takes the shot glass Jackson is thrusting at him.
Mark may have a bad ankle but it doesn't stop him hitting Jackson's shin with his other foot. The other yelps and glares at him and Mark just glares back, ignoring the others laughter.

They down their shots then move on to something stronger, and after a while the red head is bored of chatter. Namjoon's on the decks now, sunglasses on and blonde hair styled up as the music thudders throughout the room, Yoongi by his side.

Jaebum leans over the bar and nudges Seokjin, eyes glinting.'How about I man the bar for a while?'

Seokjin looks wide eyed and embarrassed at first, but then he glances back at Namjoon, cheeks dark and obviously flustered and sighs, throwing Jaebum his towel as he jumps over the gate and pats his back.

'Don't steal anything.'

'Hyung.' Jaebum chuckles, eyes crinkling'You know I'd never.'

Seokjin just raises his brows before he's slinking off, eyes on Namjoon. Mark and Jinyoung watch with fond eyes.

'That was cute.' Jinyoung finally says, and Jaebum chuckles.

'I'm sick of seeing him stare at the guy like he's just saved a kid from a burning building.'

Mark grins and Jinyoung laughs loudly, slinging his head back and exposing his neck. Jeez. Mark sighs, eyes trailing down the unmarked skin as his stomach stirs yet again.
Jinyoung sneaks a look at him out of the corner of his eye as he tips the rest of his drink down his throat and Mark bites his lip, flustered.
Either I'm getting drunk pretty quick or Jinyoung definitely knows what he's doing.
Something tells him it's the latter.

'I can think of someone else who needs a push.' Jinyoung finally says, eyes moving to Jaebum and Mark grins as the elder boy's eyes widen in surprise.


Jinyoung snickers, eyes darting to Youngjae who's deep in conversation with Yugyeom.'Hyung, if anyone's worse than Namjoon and Seokjin hyung it's you.'

Jaebum frowns, skin flushed as he attempts to stutter out a reply.'I-im not.We're not-'

'Dude, grow some balls.' Mark interrupts, swallowing the rest of his drink, feeling the familiar burn down his throat. He's feeling a little tipsy now, but nowhere near as drunk as most of the people in the room. In the distance he can see Hoseok grinding a little too close to Taehyung, a boy in the year below. Yoongi hyung practically has Jimin from the same year as Taehyung plastered to the wall, hand cupping the younger's cheek as he leans in for the kill.
Mark chuckles at the sight, Jimin's been crushing on Yoongi for a good two years now and Yoongi refuses to admit it but he has a soft spot for cute guy's with hot asses.
Well, until now that is.

Soon Jackson returns to the bar, Bam Bam by his side with kiss swollen lips and bright eyes and Mark rolls his eyes at the sight even though he should be used to it by now.

'Do you two do anything other than suck eachothers faces off?" Yugyeom complains, and Bam Bam pouts, slinging an arm around Jackson who's currently running his fingers over the younger's shoulder, pulling him close with a smirk on his face.

'Of course we do.' Bam Bam says, leaning into his boyfriend and Yugyeom just chuckles, returning his attention to Youngjae.

'How about we play truth or dare?' Bam Bam asks, eyes glinting with mischief and if Mark wasn't a little drunk he'd probably say no just because he doesn't want to end up seeing Jackon's ass again-it's inevitable really, the guy can't keep his clothes on.

But the drink in his system is already leaving him a little fried and Jinyoung's suddenly sitting on his lap because there are no extra chairs so who's to blame him when he doesn't protest?

Bam Bam's up first, and Youngjae is the one to dare him.

'I dare you to do a body shot off of.......Yugyeom.'

Theres a moment of silence then Jackson's whining, eyes wide.'Why the hell Yugyeom?I'm the boyfriend! What the fuck Youngjae-'

'Sorry hyung, I didn't wanna go for the obvious answer.' Youngjae snickers and Mark covers his mouth with his hand to hide his laugh as Jinyoung leans into his shoulder with a grin on his face.

Jaebum smiles from behind the bar, mixing the shot quickly as Bam Bam slinks towards Yugyeom, who's suddenly looking terrified. It all seem's to be for a joke though as both boy's burst out into laughter.They're both best friends and theres no weirdness there, though that doesn't stop Jackson from sulking.

'Goddamn it Youngjae, I trusted you bro!' He crosses his arms, a pout on his face and Youngjae just laughs as Jaebum pats him on the back proudly.

When the body shot is finished Jackson practically drags Bam Bam into his lap, arms around his waist.'You're mine.' He murmurs, and Bam Bam just nods, grin on his face and blush on his cheeks.

Yugyeom chooses truth, and wishes he hadn't when Mark questions him on his apparent crush on Yerin from his maths class. The younger flushes and shakes his head, stuttering as he tries to come up with an excuse as to why he kept the pen she leant him and lied that he'd lost it.
It's actually kinda cute.

'Don't worry, we won't tell.' Jinyoung grins, eyes crinkling as he slides his arms around Marks neck and leans into the red head more. Mark gulps, mind fuzzy for a moment because he can feel Jinyoung's ass pressing into his groin and it's glorious, so glorious.
He wraps his arms around the other's waist and strokes his thumb up and down a patch of skin by the boy's hip from where his tanktop had ridden up, trying not to think about running his fingers along the younger's chest and using his tanktop to tie his hands behind his back.
Ugh, I'm a scoundrel.

Jaebum's next and of course he chooses Dare. Now Jinyoung would have to be stupid not to use that to his advantage, and of course he isn't, so he goes for the one thing they're all thinking.

'I dare you to go and dance with Youngjae, for a whole song.'

Jackson's laugh is so loud it actually shocks Mark, and Yugyeom and Bam Bam are staring at Jaebum with shit eating grins as he stands there like a shocked goldfish, cheeks flushing.
That's nothing compared to Youngjae though, and Mark actually nearly feel's sorry for the kid as he's sitting there almost shaking, eyes wide and body rigid as his cheeks burn pink.

Jinyoung sits there proudly, grinning when Jackson ruffles his tousled hair and raises his hand for a high five.

'If you come back to our room tonight I will end you.' Jaebum mutters as he passes Jinyoung, and the younger just laughs, patting his friends back.

'Love you too.'

'Don't worry, he's not coming back tonight anyway.' Mark winks,'Room's free for you two.'

Jaebum looks like he's going to hit him and Jinyoung looks at him, brows raised.'Oh really? You're keeping me captive in your room then?'

Mark nods, eyes glinting as he skims his fingers further up the hem of his boyfriends top, watching with a smirk on his face as Jinyoung releases a gasp at the contact.

'Alright Alright, let's get this over with.' Jackson calls, practically yanking Youngjae from his chair and pushing him into Jaebum who's came out from behind the bar.
Mark chuckles, Jaebum might look angry but he knows the rules of truth or dare, and he's never denied a mission. Also, it's with Youngjae, so if the blush on his cheeks is anything to go by then he's secretly more than pleased and is currently mentally thanking Jinyoung over and over in his head.

'Uh..come on then.' He throws Youngjae a small smile and the younger looks up, eyed wide and slips his hand into Jaebums, biting his lip as he's lead onto the dancefloor just as Namjoon starts up a particularly intense track.

'Perfect.' Jackson smacks his lips as he tips another drink back and pats Jinyoung's shoulder.'Park Jinyoung, you are perfect.'

'You're so drunk it's unreal.' Jinyoung replies, voice a chuckle.

'Maybe that's true...' Jackson slurs, eyes unfocused.'Maybe it's not...........but it probably is.Or not.'

'Right.' Jinyoung says, voice humoured. Mark just rolls his eyes, used to his best friends antics. Bam Bam pokes his boyfriend on the cheek and pouts, obviously half amused and half annoyed.

'Hyung, don't drink anymore.'

Mark prepares himself for Jackson to argue back, never one to let others order him around, especially when he's at a party. But he's amazingly surprised when the boy in the snapback turns to Bam Bam and nods.

'Ok I'll stop. But come closer I'm cold.'

Bam Bam giggles and nuzzles into the side of Jackson's neck as the elder smiles at him, eyes soft.

'Wow.' Mark murmurs, getting Jinyoung's attention. 'I've never seen him so...'

'In love?' Jinyoung supplies.

Mark laughs, nodding.'Yeah.'

'He looks at Bam Bam like he's the only answer he needs.' Jinyoung smiles, eyes gentle.'Its wonderful.'

Mark smiles, tugging Jinyoung closer as the younger rests his forehead against his.He's about to say something when Yugyeom's voice tugs them out of their moment,excited and slightly grossed out.

'Looks like the hyung's aren't so shy anymore.'

Mark looks up at the same time as Jinyoung and nearly chokes on his spit, Jackson actually does choke and Bam Bam gasps himself.

Because right in the middle of the dancefloor, Jaebum's arms are wrapped around Youngjae's waist and their lips are dangerously close together.

'Ok, I really don't wanna see this.' Jackson calls, turning away.'Please,someone else have a go before I upchuck.'

'Ew.' Bam Bam wrinkles his nose and Mark snickers.

'Fine,I'll dare someone.' Jackson calls, voice loud as he points a finger at Jinyoung.'Park Jinyoung-ie.' He says, eyes only focused a little better than before.


'I dare give Markie boy here....'He pauses for dramatic effect and Mark bites back a protest of annoyance.

'A lap dance!" He finally shouts, eyes glinting with mischief and Mark actually feel's his jaw drop because shit. Now he actually think's he loves Jackson for being such a good best friend.
Jackson send's him a wink and Mark bites back a smirk because now Jinyoung's getting up, a little embarrassed but also a little tipsy himself as he sways slightly on his feet.

'Fine.' He murmurs, cheeks flushed in the dark red neon lights as he runs a hand through his hair. He's sweating a little from the intense heat of the room, the bodies packed in together. It glistens off of his chest and his forehead and Mark bites his lip, stomach stirring. Jackson catches Namjoons eye from across the room and motions for him to put more of an intense song on and of course, the blonde obliges the goes back to talking to Seokjin.

'I don't know if I can look.' Yugyeom says, and Bam Bam peeks out between his fingers with wide eyes, ready for the show.

At first Jinyoung looks a little embarrassed, starting to sway his hips to the beat and Mark stifles a nervous laugh because he's never gotten a lapdance before, because no way does a drunken Jackson in a pirate costume count.(It's a long story- one he'd rather not relive.)

Jackson makes a whooping sound as Jinyoung begins to feel the song a little more, no longer awkward as he expertly moves his body and comes closer to Mark, eyes half lidded and lips slightly parted.

Jinyoung turns and sinks down on his lap, back curving as he arches forward and runs a hand through Marks hair, head resting against his shoulder. His butt grazes Marks groin and the red head stifles a sigh because Jinyoung's moving his body in all the right ways and his dick is totally interested.

Jinyoung turns then, sinking back down and straddling his lap as he runs his fingers down Marks neck, dipping into his collarbones and running along the expanse of his chest. He leans in, lips by Marks ear and licks a stripe along the shell, breath warm against his skin.

'Shit.' Mark jolts, biting down on his lip and he's sure he hears Jackson swear too.

Jinyoung rolls down on him then and his brain short circuits for a moment, hands going to Jinyoung's hips and digging lightly into the skin.
Oh god.

Jinyoung's moving perfectly to the beat, body curving beautifully, sinfully and when he next moves in close and whispers, voice broken and tone desperate into Marks ear the elder can't control himself any longer.

'Mark Hyung..' Jinyoung gasps, and that's it, that's the end for him as his heart stutters in his chest and pleasure jolts through his body.

'Ok, we're leaving.' He says, helping Jinyoung off of his lap and standing up, a little wobbly. Jackson and the others are staring at them wide eyed with surprise and Mark catches Yugyeom glancing at Jinyoung's ass as he moves to grab Jinyoung's wrist.
The younger looks just as broken, eyes dark with lust and cheeks flushed as he stares at the red head.
Fuck, we need to get out of here.Now.

'Don't come back to our room tonight.' Mark only has the time to say to a flustered Jackson before he's hobbling off awkwardly, Jinyoung's hands on his waist to help him out and up the stairs.
He's not really sure what he's thinking as they make their way back towards his room, still a little tipsy but his head is clear enough, and he knows Jinyoung's is too.
So when they reach his room and Jinyoung presses him up against the door to suck marks into his neck he doesn't protest. He gasps, hands moving to run his fingers through Jinyoung's hair, grip the soft tendrils. He eventually tugs softly, making Jinyoung pull away. He nearly combusts at the sight, Jinyoung's eyes lust blown and dark.

'We need to get inside.' Mark whispers, hands still in Jinyoung's hair and Jinyoung grins, giving him space to unlock the door and get in.

The door closes behind them, Jinyoung locking it and this time it's Mark in control, tugging the younger onto the bed and crawling ontop of him. Jinyoung let's out a broken gasp when Mark attaches his lips to his collarbone, sucking on the soft skin before licking over the mark to soothe it. He makes a few more marks over his boyfriends neck whilst his hands tug at the hem of his tanktop, wanting their clothes off.

Jinyoung helps him remove his shirt, both of them shirtless as they run their hands over the planes of eachothers chests. Suddenly Jinyoung's tugging him down, pulling himself on top and straddling Marks' legs as he looks down at him, chest heaving.

'Jinyoung...' Mark murmurs, eyes suddenly soft. He knows he doesn't need to speak to ask the question. Jinyoung looks at him for a moment, lips pressed into a line but then he smiles, and it's so breathtaking that it makes Marks heart stutter in his chest.

'Are you sure?" He finally asks, voice gentle and Jinyoung nods, palm lying flat on Marks chest, directly above his heart.

'I want you.All of you.' Jinyoung says, something desperate in his voice.'Now.'

Mark moans at that, chest rumbling beneath Jinyoung's fingertips and skin burning. Jinyoung sinks low then, ass in the air behind him as he licks a stripe down Marks chest, tongue sliding along his abs and towards the waistband of his shorts. His breath stutters as Jinyoung makes quick work of his shorts,tugging them down his legs and careful of his ankle before he's pulling his own jeans off, exposing tight black underwear that clings to his ass and the obvious hard on in his pants.

'Fuck, come here.' Mark practically growls, pulling Jinyoung onto the bed and moving ontop and beginning to suck marks into Jinyoungs chest. The younger looks so innocent lying there bathed in the glow of the lamplight outside his window, his eyes staring into Marks, wide and in wonderment. Marks heart clenches in his chest and be bends, running his tongue over Jinyoung's left nipple.

'Oh!' Jinyoung yelps, jolting for a moment in surprise and Mark watches with a smirk as he sucks the bud into his mouth and Jinyoung moans, hands fisting in Marks hair.

'You're so sensitive...' Mark breathes, breath hot against the youngers skin and Jinyoung whines in reply, pulling the red head in for a deep kiss. Marks tongue slips into his mouth, tracing the inside and Jinyoung shudders against him, their chests brushing together.
Mark wants to take his time, he really does but Jinyoung is making it so difficult.

'Mark..please.' He breathes beneath him and all Mark can do is groan in reply as Jinyoung's hand suddenly clamps down over his clothed erection. His hips stutter as Jinyoung strokes down the shaft repeatedly, pressure blissful. Mark kisses him deeper, teeth tugging lightly at his lip before running his tongue over it.
When he can feel the front of his pants getting wet with pre come he stops Jinyoung, bending to dip his fingers into the other's waistband. His hard on is completely visable now, erection straining to get out and Mark actually get's embarrassed at the way his mouth waters at the sight.
He looks up at Jinyoung one last time for confimation and Jinyoung nods shyly, lifting his hips up to help him pull his underwear down.

Mark watches, eyes lidded as Jinyoung's erection springs free of it's confines, slapping against his stomach and lying there, pre come already beading at the tip.
He's about to take it in his hand when Jinyoung whines, hands straining to pull down Marks underwear aswell. Mark chuckles.

'Alright Jinyoungie, I got the message.' He murmurs, affection in his voice and slides his underwear down, his own legnth painfully hard as it's free'd.

Jinyoung sucks in a breath at the sight, his first time seeing Marks cock and bites his lip to stifle a moan. Mark takes that moment to rake his eyes over Jinyoung's body, glistening with a thin sheen of sweat, erection hard and dripping and chest and face flushed.
He swallows,breath catching in his throat.

He leans in, mouth beside Jinyoung's ear and he whispers in it,'You're so beautiful Jinyoung-ie. You're gorgeous.' He murmurs, voice sinfully low as he closes his hand over the boy's erection and tugs.

Jinyoung elicits the sexiest moan he's ever heard, choked and desperate and Mark feel's heat pulse in his lower stomach. He continues to pump him, kissing the spot behind Jinyoung's ear before moving back to his mouth. Jinyoung whines loudly into his mouth as they kiss, hands grappling along his back and fingernails digging into his skin.

He leans across the bed and opens his bedside table drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube as he continues to jerk Jinyoung off, flicking his wrist and grazing his thumb along the slit. He spreads the precome beading at the tip along the shaft, running a finger over a vein.
Jinyoung writhes beneath him, eyes closed and lips kiss swollen as he pants, chest heaving.

How is someone so beautiful? Mark wonders, eyes glazed over as he runs a finger over Jinyoung's nipple, rolls it between his fingers. Jinyoung's hips stutter at that, keening as he calls Marks name.

He finally let's go of the younger's erection, moving to uncap the bottle. Jinyoung's eyes open at that, bright and unyeilding as he watches Mark.

His legs subconciously part for the red head, opening wide and exposing himself and Mark chokes on his own spit, cock twitching.

'You have no idea what you're doing to me right now.' He breathes, skin hot and heart racing in his chest. He's almost worried about himself, he's never felt much during sex. It's like every touch is laced with electricity.

'Hurry up.' Jinyoung finally whispers, eyes on his and Mark doesn't need telling twice as he lowers his hand and circles it around the pink skin of Jinyoung's hole. He spreads his cheeks and Jinyoung sucks in a breath, fingers gripping at Marks bicep.

Mark smiles, bringing a hand back up to stroke along Jinyoung's cheek.'It's ok.I've got you.' He whispers, voice soft.

Jinyoung's eyes soften at that and Mark bends to kiss him just as he slides the first finger in slowly. Jinyoung tenses for a moment, impossibly tight around Marks fingers and the red head gasps, imagining how it'd feel stretched around his erection. He swallows, rubbing comforting circles into Jinyoung's hip as he begins to slide the finger in and out.
Jinyoung starts to become accustomed to it, releasing small moans and gasps with every thrust of Marks finger and soon he's slipping a second, and then a third in.
Jinyoung winces on the third and Mark leans down to pepper kisses along his face.

He moves his fingers crooking them as he searches for that one spot and then Jinyoung cries out, hips rising off of the bed and tears appearing in his eyes and Mark knows he's found it.
He smirks watching as Jinyoung begins to come apart beneath him.

'M-Mark-Ah! Mark-nnnnnnngh,' He moans, voice wobbly as he presses himself down onto Marks fingers, fucking himself open on them in a way that has Mark's jaw hanging slack and his hips moving against the bed so he can get some sort of friction to his aching cock.

'Fuck, Jinyoung-ah.' He breathes, his free hand grasping one of the boy's buttcheeks. He groans as Jinyoung scrabbles to try and pry his fingers away as he pleads for him to fuck him already as he's close.

'You don't want my fingers?" Mark asks teasingly, voice still sinfully low and his own cock pulsing.

Jinyoung shakes his head, releasing a shuddering breath as Marks fingers leave his ass.

'If you don't stick your cock in me in the next ten second's I'm going to come into one of your snapbacks.'

'Well shit.'Mark groans at that and pulls Jinyoung closer by hooking his hands under his thighs. For a moment Jinyoung's erection rubs against his own and they both grown, heat pooling in their stomachs before he presses the tip of his cock to Jinyoung's hole.

Jinyoung breathes in, trying not to tense as Mark begins to slide in. Its slow and the stretch is painful so he tries to be gentle, stroking Jinyoung's hip as he tries not to go too fast.

'F-fuck.Ah, Jinyoung-ah..' He chokes, Jinyoung's unbareably tight and it's taking everything in him not to slam into the boy. Jinyoung's eyes are closed, his breathing heavy and chest heaving Mark takes his hand and squeezes, smiling when the younger squeezes back.

Once he's fully in he waits for Jinyoung to relax, to become used to him. His cock is throbbing painfully and he can't wait to move, but he doesn't want to hurt him.

Finally Jinyoung opens his eyes , they're bright, glistening with tears as they lock onto Marks and the red head's breath catches in his throat.

'You ok?" He asks, voice strained and Jinyoung nods.


Mark begins to slowly pull back and thrust back in, Jinyoung releasing little whines with each thrust. He gets more and more used to it as Mark continues, his moans becoming more desperate and louder as he begins to speed up. Jinyoung cries out when he hits his prostate again, fingernails scratching pathways down his back and grasping at his sweat slicked skin. The room is impossiby hot and they're both breathing hard but Mark can't find it in himself to care.
He rocks into Jinyoung again, thrusting harder than before and Jinyoung yelps, back arching off of the bed as he pulls Mark in by the neck for another kiss.

It's full of passion and affection and Mark's heart thunders in his chest as pleasure racks through his body. He's never felt anything like this before and he's dumstruck, in awe as Jinyoung lies beneath him, rocking his hips down to meet Marks thrusts.

'Shit- Jinyoung...' Mark groans,hands running down his chest. Jinyoung jolts beneath him, breathing warped and eyes glassy as he looks up at him.

'Faster, fast-ah!' Jinyoung yelps as Mark pummells into him fast, the tip of his erection constantly brushing against his prostate and making him whine so loudly that Marks sure whoever's next door hears them.

He can sense the younger is close, and he knows he is too. He snakes a hand between Jinyoung's legs , closing it around his cock and Jinyoung gasps, a sob caught in his throat as Mark begins to jerk him off in time with each thrust.
He looks down at his boyfriend, heart swelling with affection as he reaches down and brushes the hair stuck to his forehead with sweat out of his eyes. He smiles down at him, surging with love and Jinyoung gasps, mouth curling into breathtaking, blissful smile as he wraps his fingers around Marks and clasps them together,eyes bright. It's in that moment that Mark see's all the love he has for Jinyoung reflected back at him in the younger's eyes.

'You're always looking at the sky.' Mark breathes, voice shaking.'Now let me make you see stars.'
He leans down and presses his lips to Jinyoung's just as he flicks his wrist and teases the slit of his leaking cock and that seem's to be enough to send Jinyoung over the edge.
He pulls back just in time to watch his face as he comes, back arching off of the bed and eyes widening as he shouts Marks name and clenches around him impossibly tight. Ropes of come spurt between them all over his stomach, and Mark surrenders himself to his orgasm as Jinyoung tightens around him again.

'Jinyoung-ah.' He comes with a broken voice, Jinyoung's name on his lips. It consumes him, hit's him so hard that his vision goes black for a second.Jinyoung's still clenching around him, milking him for all he's worth. He spills inside of the other, basking in the warmth and the way Jinyoung whimpers as he fills him up.When he looks down the younger's body is jerking come still spurting from the tip and running down his shaft and Mark moans, voice rough from so much groaning as he takes in the sight.

He's shaking as he practically flops gently ontop of Jinyoung,breathing hard and body exhausted, boneless. Jinyoung's the same, hand coming up to tangle his fingers in Marks hair as he rests his cheek against his chest.

'Fuck.' Jinyoung finally breathes, voice hoarse.'Fuck...'

Mark grins, sleepy.'That was amazing.' He pants, 'I've never... i've never felt so much.'

He looks up just in time to see Jinyoung smiling and his heart warms, emotions on a high.'Me either.'

'I blacked out for a second there.' He murmurs, and Jinyoung giggles, fingertips now tracing along his closed eyelids.

Mark opens his eyes and leans up, both of their chests sticky from Jinyoung's release. He smiles anyway, leaning close and pressing his lips softly against Jinyoungs. It's full of adoration and gentle affection and Mark feel's his stomach flutter again. He still hasn't pulled out of Jinyoung but he's lazy so he's not surprised.

'I love you.' Jinyoung finally says as Mark pulls away, and the red head nearly chokes in surprise. He bites his lip, ignoring the sudden tears springing to his eyes because when did he get so emotional?

'I love you too.' He says, voice soft.'So much Jinyoung-ie.So much.'

A tear escapes Jinyoung's eye and Mark chuckles, wiping it away.'Come on, we need to clean up.' He says, shifting and both of them hissing as he pulls out slowly.
He tries to ignore the way his come drips out of Jinyoung's ass as he does, not wanting to get hard again, and hobbles up and throws a dressing gown on, throwing Jinyoung his huge hoodie and grabbing two towels.

Jinyoung shucks it on and stands, stumbling into the side as he tries to steady himself. He winces, his lower area aching and Mark smiles at him apologetically.
'Atleast we'll both hobble to the bathroom together.' Mark chuckles, and Jinyoung rolls his eyes but takes his hand,letting him lean against him to support his ankle.

'Let's make the showers quick and get back into bed ok?' Mark says, voice hoarse.'Theres no way I'm letting Jackson back in tonight."

Jinyoung grins, cheeks pink.'I'm pretty sure he's busy with Bam Bam anyway.'

Mark laughs.'True.Now lets hurry, I want you snuggled up next to me in bed in ten minutes.' He lightly taps Jinyoung's ass as he turns the shower on and Jinyoung yelps, laughing.

'Yes sir.'

-I'd be more embarrassed but I wrote this in the space of an hour before my parents decided to force me out for a family dinner. Excuse me whilst I attempt to eat with my family after writing smut LOL TT.TT

Laura =^.^=

25. Aftershock

'Morning.' Mark mumbles as he slumps down onto his seat at the table for breakfast.
He's still half asleep, having dragged himself to the dining hall with the help of an equally as tired Jinyoung.Jinyoung had been sidetracked by Namjoon on the way to the table and Mark had just greeted the blonde haphazzardly before hobbling to his seat to try and rest his eyes for the last half an hour before basketball practice.

He doesn't realise that he get's no greeting in reply until he looks up from where he's resting his head on his arm to look at the others.

'Um..' He frowns, annoyance flickering on his features because why the hell are they all staring at me?

Jaebum and Youngjae are sitting beside eachother, eyes on Mark and their lips pursed togethr a they try to stop themselves laughing.Yugyeom is smirking next to Bam Bam, who's covering his mouth with his hand and Jackson....well.
Jackson's sitting there with the biggest grin on his face that Mark thinks he's ever seen. It's one of those all knowing smirks that makes Mark want to punch him in the jaw and burn his snapback collection.

'What now?' He asks, voice still thick with sleep. He'd been in a good mood since he woke up this morning with Jinyoung in his arms and the sun warming their bare skin through the window, but with the looks they're giving him he knows it's not going to last long.

'So...' Jaebum finally says, orange juice halfway to his mouth.'Whats up?'

'What?" Mark looks at him, confused as to what the hell is going on.

Jaebum coughs into his hand and Jackson smirks. Ugh just get it out already.

'How was last night?"

Mark pauses, understanding suddenly dawning as it seeps through his sleep hazed mind and for a second his heart stops and he feel's his cheeks immediately heat up.Oh god.
Jackson notices straight away and laughs loudly, drawing the attention of boy's from surrounding tables. Mark glares at him, cheeks red and all he can do is continue to glare as the others start to slowly burst into laughter infront of him because shit, they know.

And of course Jinyoung chooses that as the perfect moment to walk over and sit next to Mark, smile on his face and expression innocent as usual.

'Hey, what's up?" He greet's the others, still not comprehending the atmosphere yet and Mark makes a grab for his arm, eyes wide and expression desperate.

'Run, run whilst you can.' He pleads, and Jinyoung looks at him confused and amused.

'What's up?' Jackson asks, voice unnecessarily loud.'Well we know what was up last night.' He begins, smirk on his face and Mark wants to slap it off or set fire to himself so he doesn't have to listen to the last bit.

'Jackson don't fucking say it-' He begins, but he's cut off.

'Mark's dick!' Jackson finishes, stupidly proud of himself when a few first year students turn their heads at the commotion.

Mark watches as realisation dawns on Jinyoung's face, and it's actually kind of funny, well it would be if he wasn't involved but he is and pretty much everyone in the surrounding area now knows that he and Jinyoung had sex last night because of Jackson and his big gob.

Jinyoung's cheeks are now tinged red and his eyes are wide as he stutters and tries to think of something to say. Jaebum loses it first, snickering into his juice and Youngjae follows after, eyes actually tearing up as they watch Jinyoung open and close his mouth like a goldfish.
Mark covers his face with his hands and wills himself to dissappear.

'Aww don't worry boy's, your secret's safe with us.' Jackson coo's, leaning across to ruffle Jinyoung's hair. 'I mean, I was expecting you guy's to fuck of course, but I wasn't expecting it to be so loud y'know? You should really close the window when you guy's have sex, pretty much everyone who went outside for a breather could hear you guys.'

'Oh god.' Jinyoung whines next to him, and Mark sighs, smacking his forehead onto the table.He's angry enough already, but it only get's worse when talking about it works to bring back snapshots and memories from last night.
Jinyoung writhing beneath him, body flushed, pliant.Jinyoung's name burning his lips, the way he felt around hi-
Oh god.
I need to stop-now.

Though unfortunately Jackson's always been best at reading him, so when his best friend (or ex best friend really) suddenly gasps and points at him, eyes wide with excitement and begins to yell again he knows his school life is practically over.

'Oh my god.' Jackson begins, jabbing his arm.'You're thinking about it aren't you?'

Mark tries to shake his head but his flushed face and neck aren't really helping, and neither is Jinyoung staring at him either.

'Oh my god!' Jackson laughs hysterically, flinging his head back.'Dude, you're totally whipped.'

Mark groans, slamming his head back onto the table.

'Ok enough, please.'Jaebum finally says, much to Marks happiness. 'We don't wanna hear anymore.'

'Hey dude, I don't know why you're so calm you were practically grinding up on Youngjae last night.' Jackson starts, and that's enough to have Jaebum and Youngjae attempting to argue with Jackson whilst both are flustered messes.

Mark, pleased to finally have the attention off of him glances up at Jinyoung and his breath catches in his throat when Jinyoung's eyes meet his. They're bright and tentative, and when the younger smiles he can't help but smile back, lifting his head off of his arms where they're resting on the table. Jinyoung's cheeks are still a pretty pink, and he's sure his are the same but he doesn't mind too much because noone's paying attention to them anymore and Jinyoung's hand is slowly slipping into his beneath the table.

'You're cute when you're embarrassed.' Jinyoung finally murmurs, and Mark's heart stutters in his chest.

'I'm not cute.I'm hot.' He jokes back, and Jinyoung grins, eyes crinkling.

'Hey so who topped last night?" Jackson's voice suddenly interrupts, his attention back on them for a second and Mark groans, rolling his eyes as he stands,pulling Jinyoung with him.

'I swear to god I'll throw all your snapbacks into the lake.' He glowers, and Jackson pouts. Then he turns to Bam Bam, ready to deliver his final blow.
If Jackson hadn't just embarrassed him and Jinyoung multiple times infront of everyone then he might just feel bad about revealing his dirty little secret, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
He takes a deep breath before he speaks, eyes alight.
'And Bam Bam? I suggest you don't talk on the phone to Jackson anymore, he get's a little handsy on his own when he listens to your voice if you know what I mean.'

He smirks as Jackson's face falls and Bam Bam looks at his boyfriend with wide eyes. The colour drains on Jacksons face and he starts stuttering, eyes full of betrayal as Jaebum, Yugyeom and Youngjae start yelling and teasing.

Mark grins and grabs Jinyoung's waist to support himself as they slink away towards the doors.

'Betrayer!' Jackson calls after him, more than just a few first year's staring at him now and all Mark can do is laugh as Jinyoung leans into him and snickers against his shoulder.

Jackson 1: Mark 2:


Coach runs through a whole speech about how proud he is of the team, though teases them for a bit when most of them rock up either half asleep or hungover.
'Don't think I don't know about after game celebrations.' He just chuckles, then forces them into the changing rooms to change.

Basketball practice isn't all that eventful considering Mark can't actually do anything. He does some upper body stretches and practices individual shots whilst sitting down, though he's completely bored by it. Coach tells him to take it easy and work on physio after practice so he spends the last hour watching the others play.
Of course his gaze naturally locks onto Jinyoung, following the way the boy moves about the court.Every movement is fast, swift and agile. He's used to seeing basketball players make calculated moves, bodies ridgid and eyes alert but with Jinyoung it's completely different.
It's like the younger just feels his next move, his body moving and mind following. It's magical to watch, and it makes Marks heart flutter with anticipation.

It also helps that Jinyoung's on the skins team today, and even though he's totally embarrassed that all the marks he'd made on Jinyoung's chest are visable, (of course the team had teased them both) he can't help but be kinda proud of his handwork.
Though it is a little hard to hide his growing hard on.

'Go Jinyoung!' He calls from the bench, wrapped up in the excitement of the match as Jinyoung gets the ball off of Hoseok and bursts into a run, strides long and body lithe as he sprints down the court and towards the net.

The ball lands in perfectly, slamming back down onto the floor and Jinyoung barely has time to grin before Jackson's patting his back and Hoseok is ruffling his hair.
He looks across the room then, straight at Mark and the red head smiles back, eyes crinkling. No matter what happens Jinyoung always looks back at him. His eyes are always following his movements just as much as Mark follows him.
Is this what being in love is about?
Never taking your eyes off of the person you love.
Now that sounds like something I could do for forever.

By the end of practice everyone's pretty tuckered out, dragging themselves to the shower rooms to try and work the knots out of their aching muscles and get rid of the fuzz from their heads after last nights celebrations. Mark doesn't bother joining them, not having worked out enough to even work up a sweat. Instead he waits patiently for Jinyoung and the others to return, knowing Jinyoung had agree'd to help him with physio.

When he does return his hair is damp, only towel dried and still sticking to his forehead and falling into his eyes. He siddles over to Mark, clothes sticking to his skin where he hadn't dried himself off properly.
Jackson's out next, towel slung over his shoulder.'Gonna head out with Bam Bam, got a date at the movies tonight.'

Mark chuckles.'He still wants to date you?Even after finding out you wanked off to his voice?"

Jackson groans, shooting Mark the middle finger as he turns and walks backwards towards the door.'To be honest I think the thought kinda turned him on, so you're loss.'

Mark grimaces, Jinyoung frowning next to him as Jackson laughs and pushes open the doors, both of them slamming behind him.
Mark and Jinyoung exchange a look and sigh.

'Jackson will forever be an enigma to me.' Jinyoung murmurs, and Mark snickers, nodding.

They wait for the others to leave before going through some physio excersizes. Jinyoung's hands are warm and gentle, his expression soft and Mark can't help but smile because it's adorable, and he feel's so relaxed it's unreal.

Coach leaves ten minutes later, clipboard in hand and smirk on his face as he regards the two boys. As he leaves he call's for them to ''behave'' and it only serves to make both boy's blush, sudden thoughts entering their heads that Mark wishes didn't because now he definitely isn't concentrating on his ankle, and neither is Jinyoung judging by the way he's looking at him.

Then Jinyoung's shirt slips a little and exposes the marks he'd made on his collarbone last night and all Marks resolve seem's to slip just like that.
Fuck it.

Suddenly he's pushing himself across the bench, knocking them both onto the hard floor. Jinyoung releases a grunt and Mark lands ontop of him, a hand on either side of his head as he stares down at him, their lips impossibly close.
Jinyoung looks up at him wide eyed and he slides a hand into the youngers damp hair as he bends his head and attaches their lips. Jinyoung's breath catches in his throat but he responds just as eager, moving to fist one hand in Marks tank top and rest another at the base of his head.

Mark sighs into the kiss and straddles Jinyoung, nerve endings electrified as his heart flutters and his stomach flips. Jinyoung runs his tongue along his bottom lip, opening his mouth to let Mark in.
The kiss grows more heated, more intense as Mark slides a hand up Jinyoung's thigh, resting on the skin beneath his training shorts.
When they do break away they're both breathing hard, cheeks flushed and eyes alight with something that makes Marks gut stir.

Then Jinyoung's pushing him back, smirk on his face as he moves to straddle him instead, eyes bright.

Mark huffs a laugh as Jinyoung nearly headbutts him in excitement, but then the younger is spreading his legs and his fingers are ghosting the waistband of his shorts and it's like all of his breath suddenly leaves him.

'Can I?' Jinyoung whispers, cheeks pink and Mark isn't sure exactly what's going on so he just nods wordlessly, throat constricted.

Jinyoung bites his lip before he's edging Marks training shorts down. When he palms at his half hard legnth Mark sucks in a breath, Jinyoung's name on his lips.
Jinyoung smiles, inching down his boxers to reveal his erection and Mark watches, eyes hooded as the younger bends, hot breath fanning out over the head of his legnth.


'Jinyou-'He begins, voice thick because his boyfriend looks like he's dangerously close to sucking him off and even though he'd fucking love it he doesn't want to if Jinyoung isn't ready.

But Jinyoung shakes his head, smile still on his face as he settles between his legs.'Hyung I want to.'

Mark swallows at that, heart hammering against his ribcage. What else can he do?

When Jinyoung licks a tentative stripe up his shaft Mark moans softly, hands finding Jinyoung's hair to rest in the soft strands. Jinyoung starts to lick around the head of his cock and he yelps at the sensitivity, hips stuttering. Jinyoung holds them down and slides his mouth further down the shaft, tongue skating along the underside as he sucks.

'F-fuck,Jinyoung!" His voice sounds whiny, desperate and he'd feel embarrassed if he had the stregnth to but he's way too carried away by now to care. Jinyoung's tongue is better than anything else he's ever experienced.(Except for being inside of him of course) He can feel heat pooling at the base of his stomach and he arches as Jinyoung's tongue teases his slit.
He risks a look down and chokes on a moan because Jinyoung is looking right at him, eyes clouded with lust.

Jinyoung pulls off with a pop that makes Mark swallow again, his voice thick as he speaks.'How is it?'

'Good, so goo-ah!' He jolts as Jinyoung swallows him back down, his legnth hitting the back of his throat. He launches into a barrage of curse words, hands tightening in Jinyoung's hair as the other hums, tongue tasting him as he bobs his head, his hand pumping the base. When his hands slowly trails down and cups his balls Mark moans loudly, pleasure electrifying.

'Shit, Jinyoung..'He gasps, knowing he's close.'Nnnng, I'm c-close.'

Jinyoung answers with a particularly hard suck and he bites his lip to hide a moan because he doesn't want anyone finding them.

He looks down, eyes on Jinyoung and nearly comes then and there because the younger has one of his hands down his own pants, jerking himself off as he ruts his hips into his own hands.

Mark curses again, voice broken and loud and Jinyoung takes the opportunity to take him in so far that his head is hitting the back of his throat again. Mark jerks, eyes watering and Jinyoung looks up at him with tears in his own of his eyes.
'You're so beautiful.' Mark breathes, hand running through Jinyoung's hair.'So beautiful."

Jinyoung stutters for a moment, the words going straight to his dick but then he's sucking again, tongue trailing along a vein and Mark whimpers, release approaching. He starts to grind his hips upwards carefully, but Jinyoung doesn't protest so he fucks into his mouth, careful not to hurt him.
Jinyoung responds just as fast, tongue flicking at the slit as he massages Marks balls and Mark watches as he continues to fuck into his own hand, the tip of his cock appearing with every thrust, precome dribbling down Jinyoung's hand.

When Jinyoung moans around his erection he's a goner, and he tries to push the boy away so he won't come into his mouth but it appears Jinyoung isn't listening as he stays right there, swallowing down every drop.
Mark moans loudly, breathing harsh and heart racing because he's never seen someone look so hot whilst swallowing before.

Eventually Jinyoung pulls off with a pop,tongue coming out to lick at the slit and draw out the last spurt of come and then he's pulling back, eyes tired and body boneless. It's only when Mark looks down that he realises that Jinyoung had already released, his come coating his hand and his pants as he stares at Mark with glazed eyes.
God that's hot.

Mark moans softly at the sight, still fucked out as he pulls Jinyoung ontop of him, bringing his hand to his mouth and licking Jinyoung's release from his own fingers.
Jinyoung's breath stutters, eyes intent as he watches and Mark smirks at him, pulling him in for a kiss.

The kiss tastes of a mixture of them both but Mark doesn't quite mind.

'Where'd you get that idea from?' He finally asks, voice breathless. Jinyoung bites his lip, cheeks red.

'I've wanted to for a while.' He murmurs,hand on Marks chest.'It's been hard holding myself back.'

Mark chuckles, hands pulling Jinyoung in for another kiss.'You drive me crazy.'

'In a good way?" Jinyoung grins against his lips, and Mark smiles back, voice full of affection.

'The best.'

They're in the dininghall later for dinner when Professor Kim approaches their table, a deathly look on his face and serious look in his eyes that makes Mark immediately take Jinyoung's hand.

'Jinyoung.' Professor Kim sounds angry, upset. But he also sounds scared, which worries Mark even more.
Something's wrong, I can feel it.

'What's up Prof?' Jackson ask's, his tone just as serious as he stands in his seat.

Mark clenches Jinyoung's hand in his, heart beating faster and Professor Kim sighs, voice pained as he speaks.

'It's the staff member from CTW.' He begins, a warning note creeping into his voice.

'He's been released on bail.'

26. The beginning of the fall

The following afternoon Jisoo, Jinyoung's bodyguard revisits the school with a stony expression and clenched fists.

They gather in Professor Kim's office, nerves and tension filling the air as they wait for someone to break the silence.

'This is more serious than I'd thought.' Professor Kim finally says, brows knotted and hands clasped together where they rest on his desk.

Jisoo sighs, expression serious as he speaks, voice low and careful.'When you're born into a family such as Jinyoung's you learn that everything is more serious than you think. The business industry is cut throat- often deadly. I saw this coming I just didn't know how to stop it.'

Mark's heart clenches in his chest and he glances at Jinyoung next to him to see the younger's head lowered,deep in thought. He want's to reach out and take his hand, tell him he'll be ok but he knows that that's not what Jinyoung needs right now.He need's a solution.

'This company..' Jackson begins, leaning forward in his chair.'The guy that chased Mark and Jinyoung from the cinema, and then found a way into the school.Why would police release him if he was such a strong suspect?If he was caught in the act?'

'Business is dirty.' Jisoo says,'Police are easily corruptable, and when a huge company such as CTW can offer them something more...profitable,let's just say they get their own way.'

Jackson swears under his breath and both Jaebum and Professor Kim give him a warning look. Mark doesn't blame him though, he's equally just as frustrated.

'So what now?' He asks, voice tight.'Is he coming for Jinyoung?" Next to him Jinyoung tenses and he bites his tongue, not wanting to say anymore and scare the younger.

'We can't really take the chance.' Jisoo says, running a hand through his closely cropped hair.'I need to get back to the detectives so we can think of a plan for Jinyoung's safety. answer your question Mark...the biggest probability is that he's currently dividing a plan to get to Jinyoung.'

Jinyoung sighs, running a hand over his face and shaking his head.'So basically he's coming to kill me.'

Mark's breath catches in his throat at the blunt nature of the words, fear suddenly enveloping his heart. He breathes out, shaking his head as he looks at Jinyoung.
'We won't let that happen.'

Jinyoung scoffs.'Mark no offense, but this kind of stuff is common amongst business families.I know just how this is going to play ou-'

'Jinyoung.' Mark cuts him off, voice firm.'Listen to me.'


'No.' He pulls on Jinyoung's wrist so he's facing him, and it's now that he can see the pure anger and fear in his boyfriends face and it's almost crippling.
Please don't be scared.I'm here.

'It doesn't matter how this kind of stuff usually plays out, because we're here.All of us, and we won't let anything happen to you. I promise you, you're safe.' His voice is firm, believeable and full of affection for the younger, and all he can do is pray that it get's across to him because he needs Jinyoung's trust right now, just as much as Jinyoung need's him.

It seems that it does because something softens behind the guarded look of Jinyoung's eyes, his bottom lip trembling as his hand tightens around Marks.

'We'll figure this out Jinyoung-ah...ok?' He whispers, and it's only now that he realises how much his hands are shaking.Jinyoung must realise it too as he begins to rub soothing circles over his skin, touch gentle.
Mark has to look down, too overwhelmed.He's never felt so scared for someone before, so involved. It's like everything he feels for Jinyoung is spilling up and out and he doesn't actually care because it feels right, it feels right to just feel for someone.
He'll protect Jinyoung to the ends of the earth, and he want's everyone to know it.

Someone clears their throat and both Mark and Jinyoung look up, suddenly remembering that they're not quite alone. Jinyoungs cheeks flush but Mark doesn't quite care for once because all he cares about is Jinyoung. Even Jackson doesn't bother to make a comment, the conflicted expression on his face enough for Mark to know that he's feeling just as messed up about the whole thing.

Jisoo finishes clearing his throat and speaks again, tone a little softer this time.'Jinyoung-ah...I know how you worry. You've dealt with alot, but aslong as we approach this right everything will be ok. You're in the best care you could be in right now.'The man cocks a small smile at the younger.'After all, I'm here right?'

Jinyoung huffs a laugh, it's not entirely genuine but it's a start.

'As Mark said, we're here.We won't let anything happen to you.' Professor Kim says.'We'll keep you on watch until a proper plan is devised.'

'I'll speak with the detectives handling the case today.I suggest you increase security, run another set of background checks on the staff too.' Jisoo says, standing and pulling his jacket on. The others stand too, the atmosphere in the room still tense.

'Jinyoung..don't go anywhere alone.Don't leave the school either.' Jisoo says.Jinyoung just nods wordlessly, brows furrowed. Mark can't help but think he looks kind of cute despite the situation, like a child.

Jisoo sighs and pauses for a moment before pulling him in for a quick hug, ruffling his hair as he pulls away.He leans in and whispers something in Jinyoung's ear that makes the younger tense up, his cheeks flushing and eyes flitting to Mark before he looks down at the ground, biting his lip.

Mark watches, brows raised as he wonders what the elder man is saying. Oh god.Maybe he's warning Jinyoung off of me.
Maybe he doesn't like me.
What the hell do I do-

'Mark.' Jisoo's voice snaps him out of his internal monologue of turmoil and he looks up, eyes wide.

'Walk with me.' The elder man says, and Mark flounders for a second, wondering if he's going to tell him to give up on Jinyoung. He glances at Jinyoung who's staring at the floor, cheeks still pink, and then at Jackson and Jaebum who are looking between the two, confusion on their faces.
He sighs, nodding as he exits the room with Jisoo and the two walk towards the exit.

'Mark..' Jisoo begins, voice serious. Mark swallows,preparing himself for it. There's no way he's going to give Jinyoung up, even if Jisoo tells him to. He refuses, simply refus-

'Please look after Jinyoung-ah.'

Wait, what?

He looks up, eyes wide and jaw slack in shock.'You're not telling me to break up with him?"

Jisoo looks just as shocked for a second before he huffs a laugh, shaking his head.'No Mark, I'm not.'

'Good, because I wouldn't have agree'd.' He says, crossing his arms. Jisoo looks like he's still trying not to laugh and even though it angers Mark a little he's just glad he's not being asked to break up with Jinyoung.

'Mark, I see how much you like eachother.'Jisoo says, smile on his face.'I see it. I can also feel it. In all of my years at the Park household...I've never seen Jinyoung so happy.So alive. That's because of you.'

Mark bites his lip, knowing exactly what he means.'It's the same for me.' He says, voice soft.

Jisoo nods, stepping towards the reception area.'Please..protect him.' He says.'Whatever happens,don't let him out of your sight.This is dangerous Mark, the most dangerous situation even you have been in.I know you're used to taking risks and doing stupid things, but this is so much more bigger than that. You need to be prepared for the fallout.'

Mark swallows, nerves swelling in his stomach.'I know.' He finally says, voice firm.'But I've already made up my mind.I think I made up my mind the moment I first saw him. I'll protect him, for forever.'

'You really are a risk taker aren't you?' Jisoo chuckles , and Mark uncrosses his arms, eyes meeting the other mans.

'Some risks are worth taking.'

'What did Jisoo say to you?' Jinyoung asks when he returns.His face is serious, his eyes imploring and Mark just shrugs, feigning innocence.

'What did he say to you?'

He doesn't miss the way Jinyoung's cheeks immediately change colour again, the way he looks away and can't quite meet his eyes. Mark rolls his eyes, leaning back against the wall and glancing at Jackson and Jaebum with raised brows.

'He won't tell us either.' Jaebum says, raising both hands in surrender.'Sorry.'

Jinyoung just pouts and Mark chuckles,realising it must have been something embarrassing. He'll get it out of him eventually.

'What do we do now then?' Jackson interrupts, hands stuffed into his pockets.

Professor Kim looks up from the email he's currently conducting.'All we can do is go about the days normally until another plan is divised, Jinyoung will be placed under extra watch and you'll all have to be even more vigilant.'

Jackson sighs, running a hand through his hair.'I hate this.'

'Me too.' Jaebum mumbles. Mark nods and Jinyoung just sighs,leaning against the wall next to Mark.

Professor Kim gets up, folder in hand.'I'll be taking these to Professor Jung, you're welcome to stay in here and calm down until the end of lunch break though.I'll be contacting you all later to let you know the details.' He says, heading to the door. They call goodbyes as he leaves, and it's only when the door closes that Jinyoung speaks.

'Guys..' He says, eyes on the floor. They look up, eyes on him.

'Promise me...whatever happens, you won't risk yourselves for me.' His voice is quiet but serious and Mark feel's his heart clench in his chest.

'I don't want anything happening to any of you.' Jinyoung finishes.He looks up then, eyes glazed with tears and Mark takes his hand,squeezing tight.

Jackson surges forward, wrapping an arm around the younger and patting his back, and Jaebum follows suit, ruffling the boy's hair and looking at him with sad, fond eyes.

They stay like that until the end of break,only breaking apart when the bell rings. Jaebum opens the door and Jackson releases Jinyoung, exchanging a look with Mark.
The look speaks for itself really.Jinyoung is much more to them than a friend,over the past few months he became family, he became Jaebum's best friend, Jackson's brother to tease. He became Youngjae's saviour from bullies, the elder brother Bam Bam and Yugyeom could go to for advice. He became Marks everything.His star in amidst the darkness.
Jinyoung is everything, and it's an unspoken rule amongst all of them that he must never be harmed.
It's written all over Jackson and Jaebum's faces,and all Mark can do is agree.

'We better get to class.'

'Hey, you never promised me.' Jinyoung pouts, glaring at the boys and Jackson finally cracks a smile, eyes glinting.

'Sorry Jinyoung-ah.We can't promise.'


'You're one of us.' Jaebum interrupts, a small smile on his face.'A brother.So you've got no say in us protecting you unfortunately.'

Jinyoung furrows his brows in anger, voice rising and Mark interrupts again, pulling his hand so he looks at him as he begins to pull the boy from the room and into the crowded hallway outside.

'Family protects family right?" He says, eyes bright, and all Jinyoung can do is pout because he know's he's lost this battle.

Though that doesn't stop a small smile making it's way onto his face at his friends affection when Jackson slings an arm around him again and Jaebum pokes his cheek to make him laugh.

We're family, and family protects eachother.

When they all finally meet up for dinner at seven pm that night the younger boys of the group seem to know something's up.
They knew Jinyoung's situation to begin with, but they didn't know the latest developments and despite Jinyoung wanting to protect them from it all the others think it's best to tell them, so he gives up and agree's.
Their conversation at the table is in hushed tones, not wanting to draw the attention of anyone else.

'So Jinyoung hyung is in danger?" Youngjae asks, jaw slack.

Bam Bam scoots closer to Jinyoung on the bench, eyes worried as he places his hand in Jinyoung's free one. Mark's sitting on the other side, Jinyoung's other hand in his lap as he massages the skin softly.

'What's going to happen?" Yugyeom asks, voice quiet. Yugyeom has always teased Jinyoung, but now he looks worried, brows drawn together and a frown on his face.

Jinyoung sighs, throwing the younger a small smile.'I'll be ok, really. I just need to be careful is all.'

'But what if you get hurt?" Bam Bam asks, voice shaking.

'I won't Bam.I promise.' Jinyoung murmurs,letting go of the boy's hand to ruffle his hair.

'We just need to stay vigilant, all of us.' Jaebum says, voice serious.'If any of us see anything suspicious we need to let Professor Kim know.'

The table nods, tension still thick in the air.

'Maybe we can thin-Woa, Jinyoung?' Jackson's voice changes from serious to worried as his eyes widen. The others turn and look at Jinyoung,confused.

The younger is sitting there with his head in his hands, wincing in pain.

Mark's heart stops for a second as he releases Jinyoung's hand and tries to pry his hands away from his face.'Jinyoung? What's wrong?'
What's happening?

'Is he ok?" Bam Bam sounds scared, eyes wide as Jinyoung whimpers and his hands shake.

Mark follows his line of sight and his eyes widen when they land on the one person he doesn't want to see. Shit.

'Professor Han.' Jackson murmurs, frown on his face.'This happened before right? He saw the guy and his head started hurting...'

'Just make it stop..' Bam Bam cries out, hands shaking as he tries to help Mark soothe Jinyoung.

'Get him out of here.' Jaebum says, standing to help Mark take Jinyoung from the room. Jackson keeps an eye on Professor Han and Mark picks Jinyoung up,Jaebum helping him.
They pull him from the room, Jinyoung still shaking in their arms. Mark's heart is pounding in his chest, fear spiking under his skin because he hates seeing Jinyoung like this, he's scared and he doesn't know what's wrong or how to help.

They sit Jinyoung down outside where noone's around, hidden by the cover of the gardens and soon the others are joining them, expressions concerned.
'What's wrong with him?" Youngjae asks, eyes wide.

'His head hurts..' Jackson mumbles, watching as Mark crouches down infront of Jinyoung, massaging his back and whispering to him. Jaebum watches ,anger on his features.

'I think he's getting some of his memories back..'

Mark looks up at that, confused.'His memories?'

'They said his memories could be triggered by something.' Jaebum says, crouching infront of Jinyoung now too.The younger is still gripping at his head, his eyes closed and jaw slack as though he's thinking about something. Mark knows that he knows they're there,but it's like he's in a trance, thoughts flickering through his mind.

'Jinyoung-ah..'Mark murmurs, voice cracking. He hates seeing Jinyoung in pain.

'What could it be triggered by?' Jackson asks,and Jaebum purses his lips,expression serious.

'He was looking directly at Professor Han.'

There's a moment of silence and then Bam Bam speaks, voice shaking.'You think he knows Jinyoung hyung?"

Jaebum sighs, running a hand through his hair.'There's always been something off about him. Something tells me he's the one that let that member of ctw into the school. If he was there the night of the fire...then Jinyoung would have seen him. It'd explain his memories being triggered.'

Mark pinches the bridge of his nose, completely stressed out.If it's true it'd explain everything. But how do they prove it?
What will Jinyoung remember next?

'Guy's, I think he's ok now.'Yugyeom suddenly says, leaning down to peer at Jinyoung. Mark looks up at his boyfriend, concern on his face as Jinyoung slumps forward, exhausted and panting. He opens his eyes, shaking as he looks at the others.

'I..' He tries to speak, voice catching and Mark shushes him, whiping at the tears that start to trail down his cheeks. Please don't cry. You're ok.

'Jinyoung?' He asks softly, hand stroking his cheek.

'Did you remember something?" Jaebum asks, face gentle and Jinyoung manages to nod , swallowing hard as he tries to speak.

'Hey, relax.Take your time..' Mark murmurs, hand grasping Jinyoung's. Jinyoung sniffles, shaking his head before he tries to speak again.

'M-my father.' He begins, voice shaking.'The night of the fire...'

Mark nods,'You remember what happened?'

Jinyoung swallows again, tears running down his cheeks.'I s-still can't see the face of the guy who attacked me..but I was at the top of the stairs and I could hear yelling...there was alot of smoke.My father was trying to stop the guy.'

Jaebum sits next to Jinyoung, hand on the boy's back and Mark's heart races in his chest, the situation too intense.

'The guy..'Jinyoung begins, voice cracking.'He pushed my father down the stairs...'

Shit.Mark thinks, closing his eyes for a moment in frustration.

Mark bites his lip, Jackson cursing next to him and Bam Bam looking away, tears in his eyes. Jaebum sighs, running a hand through his hair.

'I can remember anything else..'Jinyoung breathes, eyes brimming again.Mark want's to take him and hold him, form some kind of protective cocoon around him.
'But I think..' Jinyoung says, breathing laboured.'I think he was unconcious.'

'Was this before the guy attacked you?" Jackson asks, voice soft. Jinyoung nods, eyes far away.

'If my father was unconcious and noone found him then that means-'Jinyoung takes a breath, wiping tears from his eyes.'Doesn't that mean he died in the house?'

Mark pulls him close as he begins to cry, heart aching for him as the others try to come to terms with it.

'There's a chance he was found Jinyoung-ah..' Mark murmurs, and Jinyoung whimpers, hands clutching at Marks shirt.

Mark tries to breath, heart in his throat because seeing Jinyoung like this only hurts him too, clutching at his heart and making his mind hurt. He knows Jinyoung's relationship with his parent's was bad, but that doesn't change that fact that his father might have died. Mark thinks that even if he heard of one of his parent's dying he'd be upset too.

So all he can do is hold Jinyoung close and whisper comforting words to him, promise that he'll protect him and stay with him forever because they're family and he loves him more than he's ever loved anything.

'We need to report this to professor Kim.' Jaebum says, voice sad.

Jackson nods.'We'll speak about this tomorrow.Tonight Jinyoung needs to rest.'

The others agree, deciding not to reveal their theory on Professor Han for tonight either.Mark just want's Jinyoung in bed in his arms, safe from anything that tries to hurt him.

So they make their way back into the building, footsteps heavier and minds fuzzed. But tomorrow Mark knows it will all begin.

The beginning of the fall.

27. I'll always come find you

The next day Mark wakes with Jinyoung in his arms,but he knows something's different.
He knows that today something is going to happen, something that'll have an effect on everyone. It's like this feeling settles over him, around them all. It's almost forboding, making his skin crawl and something hard and uncomfortable chip away at his heart.

He releases a breath, looking down at Jinyoung who's still asleep, head on Marks chest and soft breaths tingling his bare skin.
I don't want to lose you.
But if I have to...can I really let you go?

He brushes a strand of hair from Jinyoung's face and swallows, eyes misting with tears he refuses to shed. He knows the answer to his own question, of course he does.
But that doesn't mean it hurts any less.

'Jisoo gave me some information on my mother.' Jinyoung's voice is quiet over the dining table,nearly drowned out by the bustle of students having breakfast.
Jaebum and the others are late, but Mark thinks they might be giving him and Jinyoung some space before they arrive, knowing how shakey Jinyoung's condition is.

Mark looks up, attentive.'Really?How is she?'

Jinyoung chews on his bottom lip, eyes on his plate.'Well..she's ok.Which is all that matters I guess.She's been moved to another safe house.'

Mark nods.'That's good.I'm glad she's ok.'

'Yeah..' Jinyoung sighs,scratching at the back of his neck.'He hasn't had anymore information on my father yet.'

Mark frowns, looking at his boyfriend.'In a way Jinyoung...that's a good thing.'

Jinyoung looks at him, eyes wide.'How?"

'Well.' Mark begins, voice soft.'If they didn't find his body in the house then that proves the fire didn't kill him right? He could be anywhere..'

Jinyoung sucks in a breath and Mark's sure he see's a flicker of hope behind his eyes, something clenches in his chest and he bites his lip, looking away.
Though Jinyoung's suddenly pulling him close, resting his cheek on his shoulder and sighing.

His voice is a whisper, almost broken but still hopeful and Mark's heart stutters in his chest.

'For what?' He ask gently.

'For existing.' Jinyoung breathes in reply, and all Mark can do is smile and clasp their hands together as affection warms his chest.

It should be the other way round. He thinks, a small smile on his face as Jinyoung snuggles further into him.I should be thanking you.

Tension is still in the air as Mark and Jinyoung step into Basketball practice. His ankle's doing pretty well now, he can walk without limping and it doesn't feel so weak thanks to the physio, though Coach want's it fully healed so he's still off of the court indefinitely for the time being.

He settles on the benches whilst waiting for Jinyoung to change, nobody else having arrived yet. Well, he thinks he hears Hoseok and Namjoon greeting Jinyoung from the changing rooms, but no sign of anyone else on the actual court.

'Hey man.'

He looks up from his seat to see Jackson grinning at him as usual. Though the smile is a little less wider than usual. He sits down next to Mark, snapback in hand and sighs.
'You feel it too?"

Mark nods, gaze on the floor.'Yeah, I feel it.'

'Something's going to happen isn't it?" Jackson asks, voice serious for once.'And not necessarily something good.'

Mark sighs, tugging at his hair, frustration pent up.'I think so.' He breathes, shaking his head.'Jackson I'm not rea-'

'I'm gonna stop you right there Markie boy.' Jackson holds a hand out, and when Mark looks up his eyes are alive, blazing with determination that makes the red head's stomach flip.

'We both know that whatever happens we have to be ready. But it's ok because whatever does happen we're all in this together, like always.We've got this Mark, I know it.' Jackson says, voice firm and eyes alight.

Mark huffs a laugh. impressed by his friends determination.'Thanks man.'

Jackson just grins, patting his back.'I'm here for you man, you know that.You and Jinyoung.'

Mark nods,resting his chin on his knees as he pulls his legs up and rests his feet on the bench.

'It's know?' Jackson asks, as though Mark's supposed to know exactly what he's talking about.He does though, because yeah, Jinyoung is Jinyoung, and it's like ever since the night they both stumbled upon the beautiful boy in the rain they decided that they'd protect him.
Mark knows Jackson won't break that unspoken promise, and of course, neither will he.

'Yeah...I know.' Mark finally says, a small smile on his face.'I know.'

Suddenly Jackson's standing, waving as Jinyoung re-enters the room, basketball uniform on and hair tousled from most likely a play fight in the changing rooms with Hoseok-they happen alot.

'Hey!' Jinyoung calls, 'How come you guys weren't at breakfast?" He sound's a little worried, but Jackson's megawatt smile works quickly to dispense of any of that as he hooks an arm around Jinyoung's neck and drags him in for a bro hug.

'Sorry, slept in with Bam.He find's it extremely hard to let go of me in the mornings.'

Jinyoung grins,whipping Jackson's snapback off of his head and putting it on his own.'Funny, I had you pegged as the clingy one.'

Jackson pouts, whining and complaining as Jinyoung breaks away and runs off, Jackson chasing after. Mark grins from his spot at the two, he can't help but wonder though- what will today bring? They'll make a decision on what to do with Jinyoung, and it scares him because he feel's like whatever's going to happen will break his heart.

'Mark!" He snaps out of his thought's, looking up to see Jinyoung smiling at him, eyes crinkled and hand outstretched to pull him out of his seat. Without thinking he takes it, because it's Jinyoung, and even though finding him that night lead him to all of this trouble, it still lead him to well -Jinyoung.
He'll always follow Jinyoung, no matter where.


'We need to talk.' Professor Kim's voice is serious, almost solemn as he stops Mark, Jackson and Jinyoung in the corridor.
Mark exchanges a glance with Jackson before taking Jinyoung's hand.This is it.

They sit down inside the elder mans office and he begins to speak , hands clasped together on his desk.Mark listens intently, all of them do.

''re no longer safe here.That as much has been established.'

Jinyoung's hand tightens in Mark, the atmosphere growing more tense by the second. Marks heart lurches in his chest.

Professor Kim sighs, continuing.'It's been decided that you'll be moved to a safehouse as soon as possible. CTW knows where you are so an attack on the school is almost inevitable.We need to get you out of here, safe until those responsible are caught.'

Jinyoung swallows, eyes on his lap and Jackson swears under his breath. Mark doesn't really do anything. All he can do is try and remind himself to breathe because this is exactly what he feared, exactly what he was most afraid of happening.
Them being split up.

'I'm sorry Jinyoung-ah, I know this is hard for you, all of you. But your safety is our priority.' Professor Kim says, voice soft.

Jinyoung nods slowly in his seat, running a hand through his hair as he leans back, eyes glazed with tears.'When?' He finally whispers, too afraid to speak normally in fear of his voice breaking.

'Tonight you'll be moved to a safe room inside of the school, and then removed from there and relocated.' Professor Kim says.'The probability of being attacked is high, so you need to get to the safe house as soon as possible. Jisoo and the detectives working on your case are already setting up a alibi of you leaving the building.'

'This is bullshit.' Jackson seethes from his chair.'Why can't they just catch these guys and leave Jinyoung alone?"

'Jackso-' Mark begins, trying to calm the other down but it doesn't work all that well.

'No Mark.I'm fucking angry. Angry that Jinyoung has to leave us just to fucking survive.It's not fair and it's not right.' Jackson growls, eyes full of rage. Professor Kim let's him vent and Mark keeps quiet, still in shock about Jinyoung.

Eventually Jinyoung pulls Jackson back into his seat by his arm and smiles in the most heartbreaking way Marks ever seen.
'Jackson.Please.' He murmurs, voice broken.

Jackson stares at him for a moment then his eyes soften, 'Sorry.' He murmurs.

Jinyoung shakes his head, taking Jackson's hand and squeezing.'It's ok idiot.'

'This isn't right..' Mark finally says, heart crashing in his chest.'It's not right Jinyoung-ah.You belong here.' With me. You belong here with me.
Don't leave- please.

Jinyoung looks at him then, as though it's been too hard for him to do so until now. His eyes are watering and his skin is flushed and he looks so sad, that it makes Mark want to scream.

'It might not be right now, but it will be in the end.' He whispers, eyes bright and Mark feel's his heart break all over again.

'Jinyoung's right.' Professor Kim finally says, voice soft.'As soon as this case is solved Jinyoung will be allowed back.If he want's to continue to attend the boarding school of course.This isn't the end boy's.'

Mark sighs shakily, rubbing at the tears in his eyes as he looks back over at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung smiles at him and Jackson, eyes teary and bright but full of hope and affection.

Maybe he's right. Maybe we do have hope yet.


Telling the others isn't easy.

Bam Bam and Youngjae cry, and Mark's sure he see's a tear slip from Yugyeom's eye even though he turns away and tries to play macho.
Jaebum is speechless like Mark was, but he eventually pulls Jinyoung in for a hug, eyes shining with tears of his own.

'You're coming back right?" Youngjae asks, voice a whisper and Jinyoung hesitates for a moment, unsure of what to say. There are only five months left of senior year and he doesn't know how long it's going to crack the case.
But he does know that whatever happens, he'll find his way back to his new friends- his family.

So he smiles and pulls Bam Bam in for a hug, eyes bright.'Yeah, I'll always come find you.'

The words stick to Marks heart,piercing and sharp and he has to look away because it's too much. Ever since he met Jinyoung it's like a gate has been opened, emotions becoming overwhelmingly strong and it's impossible to deal with. He needs Jinyoung's help, how will he be able to control himself once the younger is gone?

He releases a breath, head in his hands.This is a nightmare.

'You better come back to us.'Jaebum says, voice thick as he ruffles Jinyoung's hair.'I don't know how much longer me and Mark can survive with Jackson.'

'Hey!|'Jackson whines, shoving Jaebum and the elder only laughs.

Between the chatting and the jokes Mark's hand snakes into Jinyoung's and the younger tugs back, eyes finding his. There's so much behind them, and it scares him, just how raw the emotion is. But he knows he has the same emotions behins his eyes too, and Jinyoung's breath catches as he looks at him, eyes welling up again.
Neither of them say anything, there's nothing to say because they say it all with their eyes.

He thinks back to this morning when he'd woken up with his boyfriend in his arms and the questions he'd asked himself.

I don't want to lose you.
But if I have to...can I really let you go?

When Jinyoung casts a small smile his way, just for him the answer is loud and clear.

I'll protect you.Always.

That afternoon they gather in Mark and Jackson's room, music playing and voices loud. They joke around, cheer eachother up.

It's only the seven of them, not wanting a huge gathering though the team now knows. Hoseok had cried, practically suffocating Jinyoung in a hug and Namjoon had sighed, pulling the younger in for an embrace of his own. Hakyeon had practically soaked Jinyoung's shirt in his tears before his boyfriend Ravi dragged him off, and even Coach had looked upset.
He'd told Jinyoung to come back when everything was over, that his spot on the team was always open.
That had made Jinyoung cry.

Now he's in Marks lap, head on his chest as everyone chats idly, laughter bubbling up every now and then. Jackson's doing his best to keep the mood up and Mark commends him for that.
Jinyoung clings to him like a koala but it's cute, and Mark wouldn't have it any other way. For a while they forget about what the night will bring, continuing as normal, a normal group of friends, of family.

When night comes Professor Kim comes with it, expression solemn and eyes full of sadness.

'Where are you taking him?" Jackson asks, standing up.

Professor Kim looks like he doesn't want to say but in the end he does, having noticed the broken looks on everyones faces.

'The safe room in the south tower.The bottom floor.' He finally says, voice soft.

Mark tries to quell down the panic building in his chest.He doesn't want to be apart from Jinyoung, and if he could he'd refuse, hide the boy away with him forever but he knows that's not how it works. He want's Jinyoung to be safe, so all he can do is pull Jinyoung clsoe to him and kiss his cheek, hands tight round his waist.

'Be careful.' He whispers in his ear, and Jinyoung nods, not trusting himself to speak.

The others take turns in hugging him, whispering choked goodbyes into his ear and trying not to cry.

'We'll meet again.' Jinyoung says, voice firm. 'All of us.I know it.'

'Of course we will.' Jackson grins, eyes filled with tears as he pulls Jinyoung in for another quick hug. Before Jinyoung can say anything he's taking his snapback off of his head and plonking it onto Jinyoung's without a word, only winking when Jinyoung raises his brows.

Mark smiles despite the feeling of his heart collapsing in his chest. He finally let's go of Jinyoung's hand and Professor Kim send's them all a soft, sympathetic smile before he's guiding Jinyoung out of the door.

'Stay safe hyung.' Bam Bam calls, and the other shout in assent.

Jinyoung just smiles.'Thankyou.' He murmurs, voice catching.'For everything.'

Then he's gone.

Mark watches as the door closes, too scared to look outside and see Jinyoung walking away from him. How can he? How can he watch the boy he loves walk away?
Jackson's hand clamps down on his shoulder, expression soft and Mark releases a breath, heart in his throat. He's never felt so....devestated.
It strikes him then that he'd forgotten to say the most important thing to Jinyoung, the thing he'd been wanting to say since the moment Jinyoung first smiled at him.
I don't want him to go without knowing.

'I need to see him..' He murmurs, eyes still on the door. The others are sitting down, expressions solemn. Bam Bam is crying on Yugyeom's shoulder and Jackson looks ready to burst out of the door and drag Jinyoung back.

'I can't let him go without telling him.' Mark says, louder this time. There's the edge of panic creeping into his voice and his heart is hammering against his chest. He needs to know.

Jackson looks at him, wide eyed.'What?What are you-'

'I forgot to tell him something important.' Mark replies, voice firm.'I need to tell him Jackson..'


'Jackson, I need to.' He can feel tears building in his eyes, his throat growing thick as his heart clenches in his chest.

There's no way he's letting Jinyoung go without saying the words he's been waiting to say for so long.

'Hey, dude.'Jackson's voice interrupts his panic, calm and firm.'Calm down.'

'I cant!' Mark yells, uncaring of how loud he's being anymore.'The boy I love has just been sent away for godknows how long, and I havent even told him just how much I fucking love him! How can I let him go like that?How can I stand here and watch hi-'

'Hey.' Jackson interrupts, grabbing Mark by the shoulders and looking into his eyes. Mark shakes his head, wanting to break out of Jackson's grasp and bolt down the corridor after Jinyoung.

'What am I supposed to do Jackson?" He breathes, raking a hand through his hair. The others are quiet, looking at their laps and Mark looks into his best friends eyes, desperate for an answer.

And of course,it's Jackson Wang. He always has an answer.

The other boy looks at him, a small smirk forming on his face as he pats his shoulder.

'Since when have you underestimated just what we can do Markie boy? Grab your shoes, tonight we're back to being the school's top two trouble makers.Or as I call it, extreme masterminds.'

The wind rips at his hair and tugs at his t shirt as he attempts to push himself up the side of the wall.
'Jackson, higher.' He whispers to his friend and the other curses under his breath.

'Dude, you're fucking heavy.' Jackson hisses beneath him, hands attempting to push Mark higher. Mark rolls his eyes and scrabbles on the ledge, lifting one foot so it catches on the brick work. He uses the new leverage to hook his arms over the ledge and push himself higher onto the small balcony.

They're outside the supposed safehouse Jinyoung's supposed to be in, a room located on the bottom floor of the building. Despite it being the bottom floor it's still high up from the ground. Jacksons ''amazing'' idea had been to scour the side of the building and get up onto the balcony to see Jinyoung one last time. Mark wasn't exactly complaining though, not if it meant he got to see Jinyoung.

He swears as he slips, hands grappling on the brickwork and Jackson grunts beneath him. That's when a sudden light floods the outside, the door leading onto the balcony being inched open.

Mark blinks looking up with a sheepish expression on his face until the figure steps forward, eyes wide.


His heart stops, even though he only saw Jinyoung four hours ago. It's now one am, and pitch black outside aside from a few street lamps.
Jackson laughs beneath him, having heard Jinyoung's voice.

'Jinyoung..' Mark murmurs, still balancing half on one of Jackson's hands and half on the wall. His palms are skinned from grinding against the rock but he doesn't care, not when Jinyoung's approaching him, the light from his room bathing his features in the most beautiful way.

'What the hell are you doing?" Jinyoung asks, stepping over to the wall and looking down at him, hands gripping under his arms to help hike him up.
Underneath Jackson murmurs something to do with him being crushed by Marks elephant feet and Jinyoung looks down, eyes widening almost comically.

'Jackson? What the hel-'

'Jinyoung-ah.' Mark interrupts, voice soft as he leans into the wall. Jinyoung looks at him immediately, lips parted. His eyes are red rimmed, swollen and Mark immediately know's he's been crying.
It hurts.

He brings a hand out to cup Marks cheek, eyes watering.

'I realised I forgot to tell you something.' Mark murmurs, elbows leaning against the brick as he takes hold of Jinyoung's hand.

'What?' Jinyoung asks, voice gentle.

'I..' Mark breathes, licks his lips before he speaks again.'Jinyoung-ah.I love you.'

It's quiet, but clear, so clear in the night that there's no way Jinyoung hasn't heard. The younger boy's face immediately crumples, tears sliding down his cheeks as he leans closer, hand sliding into Marks hair as he bends and presses his lips against the red head's.

Mark leans closer, acting as though he isn't precariously balancing ontop of his best friend. Jinyoung deepens the kiss, breath catching in his throat. The kiss is raw, full of everything and anything they can muster up. He puts everything into it, his love, his adoration. He belongs to Jinyoung, completely.

'I love you.Fuck, I love you so much.' Jinyoung breathes against his lips, the taste of salt from his tears between their lips. Mark sighs into the kiss, fighting back his own tears.

'You know.' He begins, voice breathless.'When I first found you it was night.'

Jinyoung nods, 'I know.'

'I used to be terrified of the dark.' Mark says, voice growing thick.'But then I realised.'

'What?" Jinyoung asks, eyes boring into Marks.In them Mark can see galaxies, endless possibilities.

'I realised that the darkest nights produce the brightest stars.' He whispers, fingers tracing Jinyoung's cheek. Jinyoung's breath catches and he chokes a laugh, a beautiful laugh that leaves his eyes crinkling , shining with tears and complete adoration directed right at him.
'You're my star.' Mark murmurs, eyes burning into Jinyoungs.

Jinyoung smiles at that, hand still on Marks cheek. 'Hyung...Mark....You're so cheesy.'

Mark rolls his eyes, and Jackson makes retching noises beneath him.

'But I love that.' Jinyoung finishes, and dips in for one last kiss.'I love you.'

'I'll come and find you Jinyoungie.I promise.I'll always come find you.'
If it was my decision I'd hide you myself.

'That's if I don't come back to you first.' Jinyoung smiles, wiping at the tears on his cheeks.

Mark grins,eyes crinkling.'Well let's have a competition then, see who finds the other first.'

'Jinyoung grins back, kissing his forehead.'You're on Tuan.'

'Great.' Mark whispers, heart fluttering.He can feel Jackson getting tired beneath him and he know's it's time to go, so he leans forward and stretches up, kissing Jinyoung once more.

'You lead, I'll follow.' He whispers against his lips.

Then they're kissing one last time like they're dying, like all they have is eachother and they never want to let go.
'I have to go.' Mark murmurs.

'I'll see you soon.' Jinyoung says, voice thick as he watches him climb down.

'See you soon.' Mark replies, sadness tugging at the strings that link his and Jinyoung's hearts together.

'Hey Jackson!" Jinyoung calls, the other looking up in confusion.


'Look after my man.' Jinyoung grins, and Jackson laughs loudly, pulling an embarrassed Mark in and ruffling his hair.

'I will.Come back to us soon man.'

Then they're gone, Jinyoung watching them leave. Mark sighs as Jackson wraps an arm around him, only beginning to cry when they're out of sight.

'Morning.' Mark murmurs, practically throwing himself into the chair at the diningtable the next morning.

The others greet him back, though the table remains quiet, sombre. There's no Jinyoung this morning, no Jinyoung to sit down and lighten the mood, to ruffle Bam Bam or Yugyeom's hair annoyingly or entwine his fingers with Marks under the table.

Bam Bam stays cuddled up to Jackson and Jaebum stares at his plate in distaste. Mark sighs, the uncomfortable feeling in his chest building again. He swallows and looks down, not wanting to cry in the middle of the dining hall.
Jinyoung will be gone by now, having been guided out of the building during the night. Professor Kim had told them that Jinyoung would be removed around four am under the cloak of darkness.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair and pulling the hood of his jacket up to hide under.

Without you it just isn't worth it.

They're on their way out of the dininghall to first period when Professor Kim stops them, eyes stony and expression serious. He doesn't even have to say anything for them to follow him.
They enter his office, shocked to see Jisoo sitting there, hands clasped on his lap.

'Jisoo..' Mark furrows his brows, confused.What are they doing here?

Bam Bam sidles up to Jackson next to him and Jaebum sits next to Youngjae. Yugyeom stands next to Mark, expression unreadable.

'What's going on?" Jackson asks, brows pulled together.

'Jinyoung is still here.' Professor Kim says, voice low.


Marks eyes widen and he looks between Jisoo and his teacher.'What? Why? I thought you sai-'

'There were some complications..' Professor Kim says, a frown on his face.

'What type of complications?' Jaebum asks, expression serious.

'There were CTW vans waiting close to the school.There was no way for Jinyoung to exit safely.' The elder sighs, running a hand through his hair.

Mark swallows, heart squeezing in his chest because what are they going to do now? He's glad that Jinyoung's still close by, but it's bittersweet because what if the guy's storm the school?
How safe is Jinyoung?

'What do we do?" Jackson asks from his seat.

'We can't do much.' Jisoo sighs, standing.'This has happened alot in my experience.It's their way of shutting the target in. As it is now noone knows where in the school Jinyoung is.That makes him safer, but also endangers everyone else.If they come in here shooting up the place then everyone here will be in danger.'

Professor Kim shakes his head, eyes tired.

'But CTW is a strong, high up company.' Jisoo continues.'They won't want to cause trouble and bring attention to themselves.So you can probably rule that out. They'll send someone in to find Jinyoung fist, before entering and taking care of him.'

Marks fists clench by his sides and Jackson swears across the room.

'Unless there's already someone in here.' Jisoo continues, tone careful.

'What do you mean?" Professor Kim asks, confused.

'Well you mentioned a teacher here.Professor Han. If he's working for CTW then all he needs to know is where Jinyoung is so he can send his location. We just need to prove who he is.'

Mark sighs, running a hand over his face.This is ridiculous.

'We're going to try evacuating Jinyoung again tonight, but for now we need to keep vigilant.I'll be patrolling the school myself.Send your security the message to step up, but don't notify all staff. Especially Professor Han.'

'What about Jinyoung?" Mark asks, he's all that matters.

'We'll notify you throughout the day. For now he's safe.' Jisoo says.

Mark swallows, standing and exchanging looks with his friends.This is getting too serious.

Jisoo looks at them all, expression one that makes Marks stomach clench.
'Remember when I told you boy's to be ready for the fall?"

Mark nods, not trusting himself to speak.

'Well.' Jisoo says, voice low. 'It's time.'

28. Through the fire

'Can he see us? You think he's looking?"

'No Jackso-'

'What if he hears us? Shit dude-'

'Jackson, shut the fuck up and he won't hear us alright? Fuck..' Mark elbows the boy next to him, glaring before he resumes his attention on the elder man across the gardens.

They're currently both crouched behind a set of rose bushes, Jackson going all out as usual with an actual set of binoculars in his hand and a long navy coat with a stupid collar even though it's sunny out.

Because of course, when they'd decided to take things into their own hands and ''spy'' on one of their teachers Jackson couldn't not crack open his detective persona.

Mark rolls his eyes at his friend, wondering what kind of things actually go on in Jackson's mind, and whether or not even Jackson's ever weirded out by himself.

'He looks pissed off.' Jackson murmurs, peeking into his binoculars.They're not really needed as Professor Han is only about forty steps away, but Mark decides not to say anything.

He's right though, Professor Han looks extremely pissed.
He's standing by a couple of hedges with his phone pressed to his ear, a scowl on his face and a hand on his hip as he murmurs into the phone.

'Shit, I can't make out what he's saying.' Mark says, voice low.If we get any closer he'll see us.

Jackson sighs next to him, practically pressing his eyes into the binoculars.'You can't lip read?'

Mark shoots him a look, all about ready to kick his friend out of the bush.'Obviously not.'

Jackson huffs, removing his binoculars.'Then we're stuffed.'

Mark sighs, trying to ignore the weirded out looks they get from a few passing second years.'We'll have to keep at it,get closer next time.'

Jackson nods, getting ready to stand up.'Well we'll have to be quick, because Jinyoung hasn't got long.'

Mark agree's ,both of them crawling to the ends of the bushes so they can stand and walk away without their target seeing them.
The security will be trying to get Jinyoung out again tonight, so they need to make sure the coast is clear,but they know that there's someone in the school working undercover, and their best bet is Professor Han. They need to eliminate the threat of him being inside of the school and communicating with the guy's outside.
If they can cut the connection, then Jinyoung has a better chance of escaping unnoticed.

They just need to prove Professor Han is the man that was in Jinyoung's house the night of the accident.

'You guy's are spying?' Jaebum asks, brows raised.

'Yep!' Jackson says, arms crossed.'Why not?"

'Guy's, this isn't a game...' Jaebum begins, and Jackson shakes his head, interrupting.

'We're not messing around.We need to figure out what's going on before they try to get Jinyoung out of here tonight. If we don't then he could get hurt.'

They're gathered in their last period music class, a class Jinyoung should have been in. The others have left, even Professor Jung after last bell had rang.They'd stayed behind to discuss everything without prying eyes or listening ears.

Jaebum sighs, looking at Mark.Mark just looks back, eyes tired.'Jae...he's right. Professor Kim even gave us permission.We need to figure out if he's the guy communicating with the others outside, if we don't then Jinyoung's in danger, and you know I won't risk that.'

Jaebum relaxes a little, crossing his arms and looking at his two friends.'Promise me you'll be careful?"

Jackson nods, putting his snapback on as he opens the door to leave the classroom.'We always are.'

Jaebum huffs a laugh and shakes his head as the door closes, Jackson leaving to catch up with Bam Bam in the dining hall.
'That boy is way too fearless.' Jaebum sighs, and Mark smiles in agreement.

'This is serious isn't it?' Jaebum asks, voice suddenly smaller.

Mark nods, leaning against the desk behind him.'We need to help Jinyoung get out of here Jae. I don't want him hurt...'

Jaebum watches him, something behind his eyes.'You really are desperate to get him out aren't you? Even though it means him leaving...'

Mark swallows, heart tight in his chest.'Of course. Even the thought of him fucking kills me Jae. But I wan't him to be safe. I'll go find him after, no matter what.'

Jaebum watches him for a moment then a small smile makes it's way onto his face,the elder chuckling lightly as he pats Marks back and hoists him up to drag him to the dining hall.'Fair enough. I trust you not to get yourselves into danger I guess.Since it's for Jinyoung.'

Mark smiles at him greatfully and swallows past the lump in his throat as he thinks about Jinyoung.

We have to do this.

The next time they get Professor Han alone it's nearly midnight.
Most of the student population is fast asleep, lights out having been two hours ago. It's now 12:30am and the sky is pitch black outside.It provides the perfect cover for Mark and Jackson as they crouch under an arched window in the school gardens.

Thankfully this time Jackson doesn't have binoculars or a stupid jacket. Though it works out for the best as Professor Han is currently right above them, leaning against the window ledge as he speaks into his phone in hushed murmurs.

They both press themselves against the wall, hoping the man doesn't look down.

If they're right and he is the guy, then looking down and discovering them will only alert him to the fact that they're onto him. It could ruin the whole plan and put Jinyoung in even more danger.

'I've seen no sight of him all day, though that's to be expected.' Professor Han murmurs, voice rough.'They wouldn't expose him when they think someone in the school is working undercover.'

Mark glances at Jackson, who's eyes are wide.

'We need to find out where they're hiding him-It'll make it easier for the squad when they come to collect him.'

Mark swallows, heart racing in his chest.This is it, it's him.

'I'm sure his friends have been onto me for a while, but they're to stupid to actually act on it. By the time we take the kid out we'll be long gone, his friends will have no proof.'

Jackson's fists clench by his sides next to him and Mark catches the anger flare behind his friends eyes. He knows he's reflecting it, but he tries his best not to make a sound, his blood boiling and chest burning.

'Yeah I know.If it was up to me the kid would have been dead weeks ago. There were so many moments I could have...I know-I'm not stupid, I know he want's to do it himself.The kid himself is pretty smart though, avoided me like the plague.I'll let you know if I hear anything later tonight, my best bet is that he's somewhere on the bottom floor.Either way I'm sure they'll make another escape attempt tonight.'

Mark swallows a growl in his throat and looks down at his feet, not trusting himself to meet Jackson's eyes because he's never been more disgusted or angered in his life. How dare he talk about Jinyoung like that.
How can he stand there and discuss his murder?

Fuck this.

Suddenly Jackson is jabbing him in the ribs, and Mark takes it as he cue to press himself closer to the wall as Professor Han hangs up the call and moves to vacate the area.
There's a moment of silence, the only sound being footsteps echoing off into the distance and Mark sighs, running a hand through his hair as he slumps against the wall in frustration.

Next to him Jackson is speechless, anger lighting up his eyes as he shakes his head in disgust.

'We fucking knew it.' Mark finally mutters.

'We need to get to Professor Kim right now.' Jackson says, voice gruff as he stands up. Mark follows him, voice unsure.

'How do we even prove what we heard?I fucking forgot to record it.We have no way to pro-'

Jackson cuts him off, holding a device up in his hand.'Lucky for us Markie boy, I didn't.'

Jackson's mouth curves into a smile and for once Mark actually hugs the guy, leaping on him and hooking an arm aorund the back of his neck as he laughs, relief flooding through him.

'Thankgod for you Jackson Wang.Thank god.' Mark grins, patting his back. Jackson just rolls his eyes and ruffles his hair, though he can't help but smile as he shoves Mark forward.
'Come on.We need to get this to Professor Kim before anything happens.'

Mark nods, following his friend down the halls. Jinyoung's being removed around four am, which gives them roughly three hours to try and stop all communication between Professor Han and the company outside.

'We need to send a group of security after him right away.' Professor Kim's voice is serious, brows drawn and fists clenched as the recording of Professor Han's voice rings out inside the room.

Jisoo nods, already standing.' Locate him as soon as possible, I'll make my way to Jinyoung's location, make sure he's nowhere near.'

'Be careful.' Mark murmurs, watching the man make his way to the door. The bodyguard had spent the day patrolling the school and briefing staff and security, though he'd made sure to avoid anyone who spoke with Professor Han, not wanting the possible suspect to know about their plans, or his existence. So far they weren't aware that Jinyoung's own bodyguard was close, and it needed to stay that way.

'Thankyou for getting the information.' Jisoo says, nodding at them both.'I suggest you boy's make your way back to your room, shit's about to go down and it's best if noone's out in the open.'

Jackson frowns, 'What? You think there could be a fight?"

Jisoo nods.'There's a high probability.We can't just storm in and handcuff the guy.Every member of CTW's security team has gone under intense training, they're trained to keep fighting until they can't anymore.'

'Shit..' Jackson breathes, and Mark tenses.

'Meaning?' He asks, voice shaking.

Jisoo sighs, hand on the doorknob.'Meaning...he'll fight to the death.'

And we were around such a dangerous man this whole time ...
And he's after Jinyoung..

'Get to your room and lock the door.' Jisoo says, voice serious.'Thankyou for helping, but we can take over now.It's my job after all.'

Mark sighs, leaning against the wall.'Aslong as you can promise me Jinyoung's safety...'

'You can't promise anything in this line of work Mark.' Jisoo says, 'But all I can say is that I'll die protecting him.'

Mark swallows past the lump in his throat and finds it in himself to nod, not trusting himself to speak. Next to him Jackson looks the same, eyes worried.

'I'll see you both again.Now get somewhere safe.' Jisoo says, and stops to ruffle Marks hair and give them both a reassuring smile before he's gone, hand clasping the gun tucked into his waistband.

'Shit..' Mark breathes, running a hand through his hair and Jackson sighs, wiping his hand over his face in frustration. Next to them Professor Kim looks just as worried, but stands anyway, removing his glasses.

'Let's get you two to your room, I don't trust you to be alone-'

Unfortunately the elder man doesn't get to finish as the fire alarm begins to ring throughout the school before he can.


Jinyoung breathes out as he flops down on the bed in the corner of the room. He's waiting for Jisoo and a few security members to come and remove him from the building, watching the small alarm clock blaring red numbers to change from 2:00am to 4.
Time passes slowly when you're confined.

He hates it, hates the feeling of being trapped in a small room with nothing to do other than think. Though thinking is the one thing he doesn't want to do.Because thinking means wondering about the safety of his parents who treated him so badly, it means thinking about the possibility of death just because he's related to his father.

It means thinking about Mark. About how he's only just found the one person he can actually feel around, the one person that's ever really been able to touch his heart and make him not regret being born into the family he is.
But now he's being taken away from him, forced into another countless safehouse to spend his days wondering how the red head is doing, wanting nothing more than to be in his arms.

He sniffles, wiping at his eyes and resting his cheek on the pillow.'What the hell am I supposed to do?' He whines into the darkness of the room. He'd been told not to turn the lights on, just incase someone saw in.
I miss Mark.

From the moment Mark had found him he'd changed. He'd become someone who actually had someone else to rely on. Of course he had friends back at Konjin, but here it was different. Here he had the one thing he'd grown up without.
A family.
An elder brother to lean on like Jaebum, a brother that's always there to cheer him up like Jackson.Younger brothers who look to him for advice like Bam Bam and Youngjae, and the youngest brother that teases him like a hyung like Yugyeom.

A best friend and partner like Mark.

This sucks.He breathes out, eyes misting with tears again.

All he can do is hope that CTW is apprehended as soon as possible so he can come back. He's not about to lose Mark,or anyone else here.
Not if he can help it.
He remembers the promise he'd made with Mark on the balcony outside.

-'I'll come and find you Jinyoung-ie, I promise.'

'What if I come and find you?'

'Then we'll have a competition, see who can find the other's first.'

'You're on Tuan.'-

He sighs, fists clenching next to him.There's no way he'll break his promise, and he can only hope that Mark doesn't either.

He's about to close his eyes and think about tomorrow when the noise makes him shoot up, eyes wide and heart stopping in his chest.


'What the-' He says, heart finally picking up again, though beating much faster than he wants. He holds his hands over his ears, pain flairing in his head as the alarm rings out across the building. It's impossibly loud, almost bursting his eardrums as he makes his way to the door, fear spiking in his chest.
What's going on?

He fumbles with the lock on the door, pulling it open and stepping out into the corridor. Neither of the security that had been by his door are there and panic settles in, making his heart race in his chest. The corridors are empty, though Jinyoung's sure he smells smoke in the air and it only freaks him out more.
Shit, there's really a fire.

I need to get out of here...but what do I do?

He races down the corridor, desperate for some sign of security or a member of staff, or atleast someone he know's. He can hear the thundering of footsteps as students are beginning to be evactuated, teachers calling in a half calm,half panicked tone for everyone to form orderly lines and be careful as they come down the stairs.

If everyone's being evacuated then it must be serious. His heart tightens in his chest as Marks face flashes in his mind, and he immediately races towards the staircase in the main lobby to reach the elder years dorms.
I can't leave him here.I need to get to him.

He sprints into the main lobby, pushing his way through terrified first years and second years. The alarm continues to ring in his ears, eyes wide as he looks for a sign of anyone he knows. He prays Bam Bam, Yugyeom and Youngjae are amongst the students, praying they get out.

A few students flash him confused looks as he makes his way past them, the opposite way to the exit. He's desperate, heart pounding harder than ever in his chest as he races down the third floor hallways. The crowd is thicker up here, scared students being lead towards the staircases by startled teachers. He keeps his eye out, gaze raking over the other students in hopes of seeing his boyfriend or his friends.

Suddenly he spots a shock of blonde hair and his eyes widen.He sprints forward and grabs onto Namjoon's sleeves, breathing heavy from running.
Namjoon's eyes widen and his jaw goes slack as he see's him, surprised he's still here.


'Have you seen Mark? Or Jackson?Anyone?"

Namjoon shakes his head, obviously worried himself.'Just me and Hoseok got out then I lost him in the crowd, the whole dorms are full of smoke.It's worse down here though.'

'Shit.' Jinyoung bursts,shaking his head.'I need to find them.'

Namjoon's jaw drops and he reaches out to Jinyoung, worry in his eyes.'Jinyoung come with us, it's dangerous.'

'I can't.' He says, voice catching.

'Shit, Jinyoung please...'

'I'm sorry.' Jinyoung takes a step back, eyes misted with tears.'I won't leave them.'
He bursts into a run back down the corridor, ignoring Namjoon's panicked yell.

Come on, please.

He knows his boyfriend wouldn't leave the building without him, so all he can do is keep looking, because Mark would do the same.

He's making his way through the second floor science corridor when the sprinklers begin to turn on, water soaking him through, plastering his hair to his face and making his clothes stick to his skin. The fire seem's worse over here, smoke thick in the air and heat making him feel nauseous.

He squints through the haze of water, fear wracking through his body. Down the end of the corridor he can see an orange glow, flames licking up the side of the walls. The sprinklers in that section aren't on, and for a moment he wonders if they were disabled.
Then it hits him.
How could he have been so stupid? This isn't just some freak fire.

CTW started it.
This fire is happening because of him.

Oh god.

There's no sign of anyone he knows, no Jisoo, none of his teachers or security.

'Mark!" He screams, voice loud even over the crowd behind him. He looks around, desperate and panicked. He can't leave, not without Mark, not without knowing everyone is safe.
I won't leave you.

'Shit!" He yells, tears springing to his eyes as the alarm continues to blare around him, drilling into his head, making his skin crawl and the floor vibrate beneath his feet.
What do I do?


The corridor is dark, lights flickering in some glitch. His head is killing him, he's almost deaf from the sound of the alarm and all he feel's is helplessness as he tries to think of a way to get up to the upper year dorms without being pushed back by the crowd.

But he's interrupted when a strong hand grips the fabric of the shirt over his left shoulder and drags him backwards roughly, into the classroom behind him.


'Shit.' Jackson breathes, covering his ears as the alarm rings over their heads. Professor Kim startles, though grabs them both, dragging them from the room.

'It's too much of a coincidence to be a drill.' The man says, voice concerned.

Fear flares in Mark and he looks down the corridor, noting that students are being evacuated. There's smoke in the corridors, the air hot and sticky.
'Fuck.'He murmurs, taking in the sight. The fire must have started on the second floor classrooms.
It looks like it's coming from the left side of the school, the music rooms next to the science corridor.

'Is it Professor Han?" Jackson shouts over the sound of the alarm and Professor Kim pushes them down the corridor.

'It must be. Jisoo was right when he said shit was about to go down.'The teacher glares, anger in his voice. Mark nearly freezes in the corridor, panic making him go rigid.

'Shit.' He breathes, eyes widening.'Jinyoung!"

'Mark he'll be fine! We need to get out-' Professor Kim begins, but Mark isn't listening as he stops, takes a step back.

'No.I need to get him, I'm not leaving without him!'

Jackson's eyes widen and Professor Kim tries to stop the red head, but before he can even move Mark's racing back down the way he came, heart racing in his chest as he thinks of Jinyoung.

'Mark!" Jackson calls, voice desperate as the sprinklers turn on,but Mark doesn't listen.

All he can think of is Jinyoung, Jinyoung, Jinyoung, as he races down the corridors straight towards the fire.

29. Splinters of a past (part 1)


Jinyoung struggles against the strong pull of whoever grabbed him, wincing when the door slams shut and he's turned around and slammed up against it.
His head hits the wood and he lets out a yelp, eyes flickering open, only to widen upon seeing who's standing infront of him.

'I've really waited too long Jinyoung-ah.' The elder mans voice is strong and sharp, eyes alight with something sick and dangerous that makes Jinyoung's stomach swirl.

Professor Han. He winces again as he looks into the mans eyes, head beginning to pound as pain wracks through his skull. He brings a hand to his forehead, squinting through the pain.

'Something tells me you knew just who I was.' Professor Han says, wicked smile on his face as he steps closer. Jinyoung presses himself back against the door despite having nowhere to go, head blistering in pain and thoughts flitting through his mind, unable to focus on just one.

'I was wondering when you'd regain your memories, it seems that your mind recognises me but you can't quite grasp it right? Think harder Jinyoung-ah, go on...' He's so close that his breath washes over Jinyoung's skin. The sprinklers are still going off, the alarms ringing loud above them and making his head hurt even more. He can smell smoke and fire in the air, knows that the sprinklers are too weak to actually dispense of the thick flames.

If I don't get out of here I'm going to die.

Mark...He thinks about the red head, heart pounding in his chest and tears springing to his eyes. Please, let him have gotten out.

'Come on Jinyoung.Think!' Professor Han is now screaming in his face, eyes angry and voice so loud that it makes Jinyoung recoil in shock. He can feel something tugging at his brain, his mind going hazy for a moment as fragments slice sharp against his mind, images flickering inside of his head.

-'Jinyoung, run!' Jisoo's voice is loud and authoritive, eyes wide as he pushes him down the corridors. Jinyoung hesitates for a moment, eyes on his father at the top of the stairs attempting to argue with one of CTW's bodyguards.

'But mothe-' He begins, but Jisoo cuts him off, extuingisher in hand as the flames approach, eating up everything in their path.

'I'll get your mother out, I promise! Just run!'

Jinyoung doesn't hesitate after that, sparing his father one last glance before he races down the corridor, smoke thick in his lungs. He coughs as he crouches low on the floor, crawling for the bathroom. It has a large window that he knows he'll be able to escape from, he'd used it on nights he snuck out with Daehyun and the others.
If he can open it and crawl down the ivy lining wall along the side as usual then he'll be out, aslong as there are no waiting members of CTW outside.

But before can even open the latch strong hands are wrapping round his waist, tugging him backwards and onto the cold tiled floor. He cries out, smoke making his eyes water as he tries to see around it.

An elder man, expression hard and sharp and a scar on his forehead. His grip is strong as he punches Jinyoung in the jaw, making him cry out.
He needs to get out before the house burns down, but all he can do is curl into a ball and try to defend himself as the man continues to beat him, attempting to leave him unconcious.

For a second he stops, and Jinyoung thinks maybe he'll leave, but then he hears the click of the gun and his heart stops.


He uses the last of the will he has left and shoots a hand out, using all his stregnth to pull on the mans ankle and send him towards the floor. A satisfying thunk rings out as his head makes contact with the corner of the bath and Jinyoung uses the moment to stagger up and out of the bathroom just as he hears his fathers scream.

His eyes widen as he watches his father yell at the man infront of him, just as he's pulled forward, falling down the stairs almost in slow motion.
Jinyoung shakes his head, heart thumping hard against his chest as he tries to move forward, try to get to his father.
Somewhere in the house he hears a large crash, and panic surges through him as he realises that the place is beginning to crumble. He needs to get out, he has to forget about his father.

Even though he hates the man it's hard to turn back round and make his way to the bathroom window, careful not to tred on the guy still passed out on the floor.
The other guard that had pulled his father down the stairs is still there, and Jinyoung only has a matter of time before he races into the room too.
He coughs, smoke filling his lungs as his eyes stream. He pulls on the latch and the window pops open, giving him enough space to crawl out. He does so quickly, making quick work of the ivy on the walls until he jumps the last bit, landing on the cold grass with a painful grimace.

He clutches at his ribs and looks around, he's in the front garden, and he can hear the sirens of fire engines in the distance. He tries to look for Jisoo, his mother but there's no sign of them.
That's when he see's the black cars parked outside, figures hidden behind tinted windows and he knows.
He can't go forwards, only back.

The second he's seen he'll be shot down by the CTW guards in the cars, so all he can do is stumble towards the back gardens and the hill at the back that leads down onto a main road.

His eyes are streaming, his body shaking and aching as he drags himself towards the hill. He spares one last look at his house, the house he had grown up in now up in flames, half collapsed,then shakes his head and begins to pull himself down the hill.

He loses his grip though and falls, crying out as he hits the ground, his head making hard contact.

Everything goes black.-

His eyes snap open, and he's back in the classroom, clothes stuck to his wet skin and body shaking as he stares into Professor Han's expectant eyes. He gasps, breath catching in his throat as he matches the man infront of him with the man that had beaten him up in the bathroom. His gaze zero's in on the scar above the elder's brow and he shakes his head, bile rising in his throat.

He sags against the door as he pushes it down, heart racing.'It's you..'

''Professor Han'' or whoever he really is laughs, it's sickening, makes Jinyoung's skin crawl.'Finally.'

'H-How did you know I was here?' Jinyoung stutters, and Professor Han laughs again.

'I'm good at my job.' He says, just as his fingers close around Jinyoung's wrist and his eyes darken.'Now get over there and put your hands above your head brat.'

Jinyoung yelps as he's pushed towards some desks, crashing against the table and nearly falling over completely. He hesitantly raises his hands above his head, heart in his throat.
Professor Han just watches him, an evil glint in his eyes as he moves his hand to his waistband.
What do I do now? Jinyoung feel's helpless, the sprinklers are dying out and the fire still isn't down so there's no way it won't reach them. He eyes the windows across the room, wonders if he'll be able to climb down the wall like he did all those months ago.

Will I die here?


His footsteps echo down the corridor, loud enough to hear against the puddles of water even with the fire alarm ringing out and the sound of the sprinklers bursting from the ceiling.
He can hear students screaming downstairs, the sounds of teachers yelling for orderly lines and careful steps. Though he pays no attention, he keeps his gaze settled on the orange glow at the end of the corridors.

It's way too coincidental for a fire to start the night Jinyoung is set to be removed. It's been started on the inside too, which means there's only one person who could have started it.
Professor Han.

He rakes his hair out of his eyes, droplets trailing down his skin and making his clothes stick uncomfortably to him. He needs to find Professor Han, because unless Jinyoung managed to get out then the elder man would be with him. Finding the man would lead him to Jinyoung he hopes.

His heart clenches in his chest as smoke makes his eyes water.There's no way Jinyoung would have left without me, which means he's still in here.
I just need to find him.

'Jinyoung!" He yells out, voice loud. The fire isn't far from him, right at the end of the Maths corridor. He can see it from the science corridor now, and it'll be upon him in minutes.


I need to be fast.

'Jinyoung!" He shouts again, more desperate this time as he looks around, not knowing where to go.
Where would professor Han take him?

He tugs at his hair then decides to check the classrooms, desperation clinging to his skin as he races for the first room, sliding the door open haphazzardly as he peers in the classroom.

He tries again. Nothing.




'Jinyoung, please!" He screams, throat horse and eyes tearing up. He can't lose Jinyoung, he can't. He hopes his other friends have gotten out ok, all he can do is pray that the connection he has with Jinyoung will lead him to the younger, just like in basketball games.
When he re enters the hallway to try the last science classroom he notices just how close the flames are and his breath hitches, heartbeat wracking up.

We don't have much time.

The sprinklers are beginning to weaken, the water not enough and he curses inwardly before he turns towards the last door, racing towards it with a prayer on his lips and Jinyoung's voice in his mind, urging him on.

When he opens the door his heart stops.

Jinyoung tries not to stare at the metal object that Professor Han has just removed from his waistband. If he continues to look it'll just make him even more of a wreck, not something he need's right now.

But having a gun pointed at you isn't exactly great for nerves.

He swallows, heart racing impossibly in his chest as panic screams through his body, his mind racing as he tries to think of something to do, something to fucking say.

'You're looking a little nervous Jinyoung-ah.' Professor Han smirks, eyes on the younger. Jinyoung bites his lip, willing himself to look at the man.

'I'm not.'He says, even though both of them know it's a lie.

Professor Han chuckles, moving across the room to take a peek out the window. 'Looks like nearly everybody is out.Leaving just me and you..Well, I haven't caught sight of that red headed brat yet.Hopefully he's still trapped in here too.'

Jinyoung's fists clench and panic spikes his chest.Please Mark, forget about me and get out.

The thought is a stupid one though. Mark would never leave him.

He wipes at the tears spilling over his cheeks, suddenly overwhelmed with love for the red head. I'm going to get both of us killed now- I'm so sorry.

He glances at Professor Han, the elder man still gloating about his plan and how well it came together. He's so off in his own world that he doesn't notice when Jinyoung takes a step closer, eyes trained on the floor.
I can't let Mark die. We both need to get out of here alive.

With that he stoops low, agile as always as he brings out a hand and pulls on the elder mans ankle, making him lose balance, pure shock on his face as the gun falls from the loose grip he has on it and clatters to the floor.

Jinyoung uses all his stregnth to throw himself ontop of Proffessor Han and restrain him, arm sliding over his throat and slotting into place to cut off his windpipe and breathing.
Come on Jinyoung..

He presses down harder when Professor Han struggles, fingers stretching for his gun. Jinyoung winces at his stregnth, desperately trying to keep him away from the gun.

But the universe is either cruel or amazing, depending on how you look at it because the door is suddenly sliding open to reveal a wet, wide eyed figure and Jinyoung's so shocked at who it is that his grip loosens for a splinter of a second that proves to be just enough to make Professor Han kick him hard in the stomach and push him off.

He crashes into a desk behind him with a yelp, heart stuttering and eyes widening as the man grabs his pistol and points it at Jinyoung, and the new figure standing in the doorway.

Jinyoung winces on the floor, pushing himself up with a grimace as both relief and panic surges through him at the sight of the red head standing in the doorway, expression full of both rage and fear as he looks between Jinyoung and Professor Han.

'Jinyoung!' The boy breathes, face grimy with ash and voice full of such relief that Jinyoung nearly melts at it.


30. Splinters of a past (part 2)



Thank god. He releases the breath he'd been holding, relieved that he's finally found his boyfriend.

His mind is still racing a mile a minute, thoughts making his head swirl but then he focuses on Professor Han, only just seeming to realise that he's holding a shiny metal gun in his grasp, and it's pointed right at his boyfriend. His heart stops.
Oh my god.

'Get that away from him!' He grits out, hands clenching into fists as panic spikes through his chest. What do I do? What if he shoots Jinyoung?

Professor Han merely smiles at him, eyes glinting. 'You chose the perfect time to show up.Get in.' He glares,before he's pointing the gun at Mark.

Mark curses under his breath, heart pounding against his chest as he slowly makes his way across the room, steps slow as he reaches Jinyoung. Jinyoung's shaking next to him, eyes wide and bright, face grimy with ash as he looks at Mark, expression unreadable.

'You idiot..' He murmurs, voice choked and Mark stares back, knowing what he's going to say.
'You should have left without me...'

Mark shakes his head, anger flaring.'I'd never.' He breathes, hands itching to pull Jinyoung close to him.'You could have too.'

Jinyoung mirrors his expression and his tone of voice as he speaks, eyes tearing up.'I'd never.'

They're interrupted by a humourless chuckle, looking away from eachother to stare at Professor Han, who's shaking his head,, gun loose in his grip as he trains it between them both.
'Works out perfectly for me.' He smirks, gaze alight.'I get to kill both of you.'

Both Mark and Jinyoung tense, and Mark can feel Jinyoung shaking next to him. No. I can't let this happen.I can't let us die.
I need to save Jinyoung, no matter what.

But how does he do it?

'I don't know whether or not to wait for us to burn or to just shoot you myself.' Professor Han sighs,gun now tight in his grip.'I mean, I have been thinking about doing it for months now. Practically dreaming of it.'

Mark bites on his lip, anger flaring in his chest. This guy...

'Just let him go.He's done nothing wrong.' He says, voice harsh. Professor Han freezes, shaking his head as he chuckles at Mark.

'You're so naive Mr Tuan, even more so than Jinyoung.'

Mark glares at him, rage barely concealed.

'That's not the way it works in the business world, Jinyoung here knows. It doesn't matter if you're a good person or not, because if someone want's you dead, you're dead.'
He announciates each word clearly, eyes full of fire and tone full of ice. Mark bites back a sharp retort or a growl, anger burning in his chest.
How can he do this? To Jinyoung of all people...

I need to get us out of here, quickly.

Smoke is beginning to fill the room now, making them all choke and their eyes water. Jinyoung looks exhausted and Mark feels it. They can feel the heat of the flames creeping up on them, and panic surges through him because he's stumped of ideas, it's kinda hard to escape when a guy's aiming a fucking gun at them both, fully intent on using it too.

'Please..put the gun down.' Mark says, voice eerily calm, way too calm for the situation.

Professor Han just laughs, having way too much fun. It makes Marks blood boil and his skin crawl.

'I better make quick business of this, I've waited long enough.' Professor Han says in a casual tone, before rasing his gun again.Mark can hear the fire engines sirens in the background, but now it seems like they'll be too late.
Too late to save us.

Jinyoung's breath catches and Mark's hand finds his, fingers entwining tightly because it's all he can do. He's suddenly scared, so scared but not just for himself, more so for Jinyoung because he can't and wont watch this beautiful boy die right infront of him. He vowed to protect him, and that's what he'll do, regardless of himself because Jinyoung's all that matters, all that's ever mattered since he took a step out of the dark and into the light.
Jinyoung looks up at him, eyes misted as tears track down his cheeks and Mark doesn't think, just pulls the boy into a kiss.

I love you.

Jinyoung's breath catches and Mark presses hard, wanting to savour everything, the sound of Jinyoung breathing, the warmth of his body so close, the softness of his lips. And of course, the neverending electric current that flows through him everytime they touch.

Then without thinking he breaks apart, voice ragged as he whispers in Jinyoung's ear and charges right at the man holding the gun.


I love you. He thinks as Mark presses his lips to his.
He's momentarily shocked, but the moment Mark touches him he understands. Mark isn't sure that they're going to survive this, so he's doing all he can to show Jinyoung that he's here, that he cares.
For Jinyoung it's enough. Mark's always been enough.

He relishes in the feeling of the red head against him, heart hammering against his chest as he practically clings to the boy. In all his years of living, he's never felt so much. Mark gave him the ability to feel.

All I wanted was for you to live. He can feel tears sliding down his cheeks, his eyes burning.

Suddenly his mind is splintering and he's having another flashback, letting out a shocked gasp against Marks mouth.

-He peels his eyes open with a groan, disoriented as to why he's lying outside at the bottom of a hill at night. The smell of fire is in the air, smoke clogging his lungs and he coughs, eyes watering.
When he moves his body aches, and he winces, standing up.

What the hell am I doing here?

He steps forward onto the main road, trying to remember how the hell he got here. Wasnt he at school?
How is it already night time?

Before he can think anything else there's a blaring of headlights. Panic surges through him and he looks up just in time to see the car barrelling towards him make a sharp turn, whoever's in the car screaming out.
He stands there in shock as he hears the boy get' out the car, shouting his head off as he stalks towards him but he's still so dazed and confused that he doesn't actually comprehend what's going on.

When he's sharply turned around his lips part in shock at the boy infront of him.

'Dude I'm talking to you!" The red head yells, anger evident in his voice but all Jinyoung can do is stare because he's quite sure he's never seen someone so beautiful in his life.

Suddenly he feel's a whole lot safer.-

His breath catches as the memory fades, just Mark breaks apart from the kiss,voice breathless as he whispers 'Duck' in his ear and Jinyoung's brow furrows in confusion as the red head suddenly launches himself at Professor Han.

Oh my god.

'Mark!" His voice is loud, panicked. No!

He watches as his boyfriend knocks the man to the ground, both men letting out grunts from the impact.

'Duck Jinyoung!" Mark screams, attempting to wrestle the gun off of Professor Han. Jinyoung does as he's told, eyes wide and heart pounding in his ears. He tries to inch forward and help Mark, fear spiking through his chest because out of all of the stupid shit Mark's done, this really take's the piss.

Professor Han is yelling, Marks fingers clasped round his wrist as he tries to get away. He kicks out and Mark falls back, head nearly hitting against the desk. Jinyoung moves forward, quick as he tries to throw himself on Professor Han but before he can even reach the man Mark's pushing him away and wrestling the man back down to the ground, reaching for the gun, so close...


Jinyoung recoils on instinct, the loud sound of a gunshot ringing in his ears as he grabs onto a desk so he doesn't fall. He stares, wide eyed and hearing disrupted as Mark falls back, grimace of pain on his face.


Jinyoung's heart stops.

No. No no no.


He watches as dark red begins to bloom along Marks shoulder, spreading with alarming speed.

Oh my god.

Professor Han is still on the floor, gun pressed firmly in his hand and before Jinyoung can even think he's throwing himself at the man, rage burning in his chest and eyes full of anger.
Professor Han doesn't see him coming, and he uses his speed and agility to his advantage as stegnth surges through him and his fist connects with the elders jaw.
He yells out,grip on his gun loosening and Jinyoung takes that as his chance to get the piece of metal from his grasp. He can hear Mark's laboured breaths behind them, hear him call Jinyoung's name, full of fear for the younger.
He grits his teach, pulling the gun from Han's hands and dragging himself up to point it at him, eyes blazing and hands trembling.

Professor Han's eyes widen, realising his mistake as Jinyoung points the barrell of the gun right at him.

'Put it down.' He says, voice harsh but shaking.

Jinyoung shakes his head, all he feel's is anger, anger and fear as he places himself between Mark and Han.

'Don't shoot kid.' Professor Han says, 'Don't become a killer.'

Jinyoung shakes his head, mind a mess. I need to get Mark out of here, now.

He glances down at the red head, his heart in his throat. Mark's propped himself up against a desk, sitting and clutching at his shoulder. There's blood running down his arm, spreading across his shirt and his fingers. Jinyoung gulps, feeling sick to the stomach.

Unfortunately the second he decides to look at Mark Professor Han uses it as an attempt to launch himself at the younger, attempting to grab onto the gun again.

But Jinyoung's too fast, jerking back as he tries to grab the gun from his grasp.

'Jinyoung!" Mark's voice is full of panic as they wrestle for a moment, Han's grip deathly tight as he tries to kick Jinyoung in the shin and knock him to the ground.

Jinyoung cries out in pain, and Professor Han tugs on his hair, trying to pull him back.
If I don't shoot him I'll die.Mark will die.

I don't have a choice.

He takes a deep breath, fingers trembling and pain flaring through his head as Han tugs on his hair again. He can hear Mark crying out his name and for a moment it gives him just enough stregnth to press down on the trigger.


A shot fires. It meet's it target, and Professor Han slumps to the floor, eyes wide as his hands move to his stomach. He lies there, gasping for breath as a puddle of blood begins to merge with the floor around him.

Jinyoung swallows, looking down at the man as panic flares through his system.

Oh my god. I shot someone.

I shot him.


Mark's voice cuts through the haze in his mind, crystal clear and Jinyoung drops the gun, hands still shaking as he runs over to Mark, eyes filling with tears.

'W-we need to get you out of here.' He stutters, a total mess.

He can still hear the gun ringing in his ears, feel the way the gun had recoiled when he'd pushed on the trigger-

A hand wraps around his cheek, gentle and warm and electricity travels through him. He looks up, eyes meeting Marks.

'It's ok.' The red head murmurs, voice soft. Jinyoung nearly bursts into tears then and there, of course Mark wouldn't think bad of him for shooting someone.

'You're such an idiot.' Jinyoung breathes, eyes stuck on the bullet wound in Marks shoulder as he tries to put pressure on it.There's blood all over him aswell now, his hands, his shirt.
Marks blood.

'Please, Never do something so stupid again.' He says, eyes filling with tears. His voice is almost a whisper, full of panic.

Mark chuckles, wincing in pain.'I'll try.'

'C-come on, let's go.' Jinyoung says, voice shaking as he moves to help Mark up. The red head staggers into him pale as sweat coats his skin.

Jinyoung winces.He's losing too much blood.

Without thinking he lifts Mark onto his back, the red head's eyes closing. Jinyoung grunts under his weight,stumbling out of the classroom and into the hallway. Outside it's almost thick with smoke, nearly impossible to see where they're going and panic spikes through Jinyoung's chest, because the fire is worse than he'd thought.


He staggers down the corridors, eyes watering and lungs tightening as smoke assaults them. All he can do is pray he'll be quick enough to get them out of there.

He manages to get to the fire exit on the second floor, eyes trained on the glowing green sign as though it's his saviour.

'Come on Mark. Stay awake, please.' Jinyoung pleads, tears stinging his eyes as Mark moans softly against his back.
'I can't lose you, come on.' Jinyoung says, louder this time as he grips Marks legs tighter and heads for the exit.

He's close, so close when-

He yelps as someone crashes into him, their weight throwing him off balance. He has just enough time to ensure that they land so Mark's ontop of him, the red head letting out a small cry of pain.

Jinyoung looks up in time to see the figure's fist head right for his face.

He cries out as it connects with his jaw, and he scrambles in shock to get up and defend himself. Now that he peers through the haze of smoke he can see it's a member of CTW, it's easy to tell their uniform apart from others.

Mark's still lying against the wall behind him and he knows he doesn't have much time. He swallows down the panic as the man charges at him again, hooking his arm up at the last minute so the guy runs right into it, hitting his throat. He chokes, falling back from the force as he tries to breath and Jinyoung sinks a punch into his stomach.
The guy cries out, bending on instinct and Jinyoung drives his knee up, connecting it with his face. There's a sickening crunch and the guy shouts, falling to the floor and clutching his face.

Jinyoung kicks him once more in the stomach,the man curling in on himself, then scrambles over to Mark, dragging the red head onto his shoulders.
Mark's breathing is shallow, and he's barely responsive and Jinyoung shakes his head as fear threatens to overwhelm him.

He'll be ok. He'll be ok.
I'll make sure of it.

He can barely see at all now as he pulls himself and Mark along to the fire exit. He knows the flames aren't far behind them, spreading quickly.

'Come on.' He tells himself, squinting through the smoke. Come on.

He stumbles, nearly crumpling to the floor but uses an arm to steady himself. He can barely breath, his chest aching and eyes streaming but he's so close to the exit and he refuses to let Mark die in here.

Just as he stumbles again something catches him, and his heart lurches because he can't handle another CTW guy.

But the grip on his arm is firm and strong, familiar. He looks up, choking around the smoke and he nearly collapses in relief at who he see's.

'Jinyoung-ah! We've been looking for you.' Jackson says, eyes bright and from behind him Jaebum appears, sweaty and grimy but determined.

'Did you really think we'd leave you guys behind?"

31. After the fall


When he finally peel's his eyes open he's not expecting to be surrounded by whites and pale blues, a room he doesn't recognise.
He's not expecting the feeling of scratchy blankets against his skin and the smell of disinfectant cloying at his nostrils either.
He stirs and pain shoots up his shoulder,making him wince in pain. What the hell?

It's when he looks to his left and see's Jackson half asleep with his head resting on the bed that he remembers.
Smoke, fire.
Professor Han. He shot me in the arm.
I passed out..


Shit, Jinyoung!

He fumbles in his bed, panic spiking through him as he looks around as though Jinyoung will be right there.
He isn't.

'Jackson.' He murmurs, poking his friend in the face with his other hand. His wounded arm is shaking so much that he can't even lift his hand, so he gives up with that for now, using his other hand.

Jackson grumbles at something, eyes still closed and Mark grows impatient, brows furrowed as he says Jackson's name louder. He's in a private room anyway, the only one here so it's not like anyone will tell him off for shouting.

When he manages to smack Jackson's cheek a little too hard the other stirs, practically jumping out of his skin and nearly falling off of his chair. For a moment he looks pretty pissed and Mark actually feel's a little guilty, but then his eyes widen as he realises that Mark's actually awake and Mark doesn't have time to protect himself from his friends oncoming hug.

'Oh my god! Finally dude!' Jackson yells, arms wrapping round the red head. He's careful to avoid the wound on his shoulder which Mark's greatful for.

'Shit, I was so worried.' Jackson breathes, ruffling Marks hair.'When we found yo-'

'Where's Jinyoung?' Mark cuts in, desperate. His mind is suddenly going wild with terrible thoughts that make his heart beat a little harder in his chest.

Jackson doesn't look too surprised though, and Mark watches as his concerned expression morphs into one of softness, patting Mark's hand lightly.

'He's good Mark.He's fine.' Jackson says, 'He's in hospital too.He inhaled a lot of smoke and got beaten up pretty bad, but he'll be ok.'

Mark exhales, relief flooding through him.'Thankgod.' He's still upset that Jinyoung's hurt, but it could have been so much worse...
A flashback of Professor Han and Jinyoung wrestling for the gun get's stuck in his head and he breathes out, hands shaking as he tries to calm himself.

Jackson smiles softly next to him, noticing his best friends distress.'He hasn't woken up yet, but the doctors think he will soon.He's exhausted Mark.'

Mark sighs, resting his head back on the pillow. He feel's just as exhausted, his limbs heavy and eyelids already drooping again. But all he can think about is Jinyoung, he's desperate to check on the boy, sit by his bed with him.

'When we found you it was pretty scary.' Jackson says from his side, expression suddenly serious.'You were covered in blood-so was Jinyoung. There was so much smoke and the fire was so close. We found Jinyoung carrying you, he looked like he was gonna keel over any second.'

'He carried me?' Mark gasps, eyes wide. His memory after being shot is still a little hazy, he remembers being on someones back but he'd assumed he and Jinyoung had been rescued.
His heart warms in his chest and he feel's tears spring to his eyes.Jinyoung saved me.

'He carried you all the way from the science classrooms to the fire exit. Halfway there he was jumped too, by a member of CTW. He beat up the guy pretty bad though, then he picked you up and carried on. When we found him he managed to tell us just that much and then he passed out.Jaebum carried him out whilst I carried you.' There's a note of pride in Jacksons voice as he speaks about Jinyoung, he sound's like an elder brother presenting his younger to a group of friends,and Marks chest swells at the thought.

'Our Jinyoung-ie's a hero.' Jackson grins, eyes bright.

Mark laughs,'Hey, only I'm allowed to call him that.'

'Do you call him that during sex?' Jackson retorts the usual smirk on his face.

Mark may be injured and exhausted, but that doesn't stop him from leaning across and pushing his best friend off of his chair.


When he wakes Mark's name is on his lips.
He's disoriented, lost for a moment as he takes in the four white walls around him, pale blue curtains. There's a sterile smell that makes him wrinkle his nose and he immediately knows he's in a hospital.

Everything comes flooding back, making him wince as he brings a hand to his head. His right hand is bandaged up, his body feel's heavy and exhausted but all he can think about is Mark. Did he make it? Is he safe?

If something's happened to hi-

'Jinyoung..' A familiar voice startles him, and he releases a breath of relief when he see's Jisoo sitting by his bed. Jisoo's ok.
The elder man looks just as exhausted, grime and cuts littering his face and his right arm in a sling, but other than that he just looks pleased to see Jinyoung awake.

'Mark-' He begins, panic on his tongue as he sits up, ignoring the pain and dizzyness that washes over him. Ouch.

Jisoo tries to force him back down, eyes worried. 'He's ok Jinyoung. Mark's ok.' He says, voice soft.

'He's safe?' Jinyoung asks, eyes wide and voice shaky.'He didn't lose too much blood?"

Jisoo shakes his head.'He got out on time.You got him out on time Jinyoung.'

Jinyoung releases a breath, flopping back down onto the bed. He feel's tears of relief prick in his eyes and bites his lip to keep it from trembling.
Thankgod he's ok.

Jisoo sighs, looking torn.'I'm sorry I couldn't find you...Jinyou-'

'Jisoo.It's fine, really.' Jinyoung says, taking the mans hand.'You've always protected me. You taught me how to protect myself too.'

Jisoo smiles softly, patting Jinyoung's hand.'Thankyou.I'm so proud of you Jinyoung-ah.You saved Mark.'

Jinyoung bites his lip, looking the man in the eye.'He saved me.'

Jisoo chuckles, standing.'You saved eachother.The mark of something pure and true.'

Jinyoung's chest warms, glad to have someone like Jisoo. He honestly thinks that if he hadn't grown up with Jisoo then his life would have been complete turmoil.

'Your friend...Jaebum. He was here earlier. I made him go get something to eat, kid looked ready to collapse.He's pretty worried about you though. The police will be by a bit later for questioning.'

He still needs to thank his friend for saving him.If Jackson and Jae hadn't turned up he and Mark would probably be...well. He doesn't like to think about it.

'When can I see Mark?' He asks the question that's been on his mind since waking. He's desperate to see the red head, as though he's not one hundred percent satisfied that he's ok unless he see's him for himself.

Jisoo grins, heading over to the door.'I'll ask around, though you probably wont be allowed until after the police have questioned you. patient Jinyoung-ah.You'll see eachother.'

Jinyoung sighs as the man leaves the room, looking back down at his bandaged hand. He's sure his legs are ok, so there's nothing really stopping him from getting up and going to find Mark himself.
Sure, he'll get into trouble, but he doesn't really care at this point.
I just want to see him.

He thinks back to the moment Mark had been shot, the way he'd warned Jinyoung to duck before he launched himself on Professor Han. Mark had prepared himself to be shot protecting Jinyoung, and that thought makes Jinyoung's hands shake and eyes well with tears.

'Such an idiot.' He mumbles, shaking his head as tears threaten to spill.

'Who's an idiot?'

His head whips up at the voice by the doorway, eyes lighting up when he see's who it is.


Jaebum smiles, he looks exhausted, his face still covered in ash and a few scratches on his arms but other than that he's ok. He moves over to Jinyoung, taking a seat in the chair Jisoo had been in.
'How you doing?'

'I'm ok.' Jinyoung murmurs, 'I actually remember everything this time.'

Jaebum chuckles, bringing a hand out to pat Jinyoungs.'We were pretty worried you know.'

Jinyoung nods, eyes finding Jaebums.'Thankyou for coming and saving us.' He says, trying not to sniffle like a child.'Really.Thankyou.'

Jaebum shakes his head.'What are family for right?'

Jinyoung grins back at him, chest warm and eyes crinkling.

'Just don't scare me like that again.' Jaebum says, brows raised and Jinyoung laughs, shaking his head at his friend.

'I'll try not to.'

Three hours later and Jinyoung is ready to pull his hair out in frustration from not being able to see his boyfriend.
He's sat through two hours worth of questioning from the police, been forced to descibe everything in detail over and over again.

And to make matters worse, Professor Han, or Jonhyung Han, didn't die.

In a way Jinyoung is relieved, he doesn't want another mans death on his concious no matter who it is. But the knowledge that that man is alive, healing and probably gloating about it makes Jinyoung's skin crawl and head hurt.
The man that shot Mark is alive.

Jaebum stays with him throughout the day much to his relief. He helps him answer questions he's confused by and refuses to leave his side. He tells Jinyoung that Jackson had texted him that Mark woke up earlier, just before he did and Jinyoung has to clench his fists to stop himself from getting up and going to find the red head.
Every minute I spend in here is wasted. I could be with Mark. Ugh.

When the police do finally leave Jinyoung's ready to practically drag Jaebum to the section Marks being kept in. The only thing that stops him is Jisoo's sudden entrance and the serious look on his face.
It's a face Jinyoung's seen numerous times growing up, and it usually signifies that he's about to be told off by his parents.

But that's ridiculous, my parent's aren't he-

His eyes widen as a woman steps into the room, middle aged, a posh white dress suit and matching hat that half obscures her face. From here Jinyoung can see her trademark red lipstick and hair tied into a bun. Her stance is tense and she stops at the end of Jinyoung's bed, eagle eyes landing on him.
Next to him Jaebum shifts uncomfortably, and Jinyoung's suddenly apologetic that he has to sit through this.

'Mother..' His voice is calm, soft.


He waits for a moment, wondering if she'll actually say anything.His mother never really has been a good talker, preferring to watch instead.
Jisoo exchanges a look of sympathy with him and he sighs, realising he'll have to be the first to speak.

'Why are you here?' He finally asks, throat dry.

His mother crosses her arms, tipping her hat up to look him properly in the eye.'I can't come to see if my son is still alive?'

Jinyoung swallows, shaking his head.'We both know that's not why you're here.Atleast, not the full reason.'

His mother sighs, rolling her eyes and Jinyoung bites his lip, anger beginning to build.

'Fair enough. I had to make sure the heir to the company was alive, after all, your father is gone.'

Jinyoung freezes at that, Jaebum gasping next to him.He sits up, eyes on his mother.'He's..gone?'

'No trace of him.' She says, actually sounding close to being sad. Jinyoung wonders how much it'll take for her to cry, for her to actually feel.

'Is he dead?" Jinyoung asks, voice shaking.He may not have loved his father, or liked him. But the man was still his father, he needed to know.

'It...appears so.' His mother says, voice quieter this time.She takes a deep breath before locking eyes with him again.'Which means it's time for you to take over.'

Jinyoung sits there completely stunned. Next to him Jaebum looks angry, and Jisoo just looks dissappointed.

'I-I can't.' Jinyoung finally stammers, shaking his head.'I'm only eighteen.I haven't even finished my last year of school yet!"

His mother waves her hand dismissively.'Jinyoung, you're of age. You will take over the company.'

'Hey-' Jaebum stands, anger in his voice but Jisoo steps forward, stopping the younger.

'Mother, I will not take over.' Jinyoung says, voice stronger this time. He's had enough of his parent's shit. He's upset about his fathers apparent passing but his mother will not use it as an excuse to make him take over.
He's not ready, and he's not sure he ever will be.

He's been wondering for a long time, what it is that he want's to do with is life.He knows now that he just doesn't want to run a company.
A part of him feel's bad, he's the heir after all, but if he spends his life doing something he hates then what kind of life is it?
Please..don't make me.

His mother is still standing there, positively fuming as she glares at him, eyes sharp.

'We are not discussing this.You will return to work tomorrow-'


This time it isn't Jinyoung who speaks, and he looks up, shocked.
Jisoo is standing infront of his mother, expression stern and eyes glinting. 'Jinyoung is not ready to take over.'
Jisoo? What is he doing...

Jinyoung's mother looks completely shocked that one of her own workers is speaking to her that way and for a moment Jinyoung actually want's to laugh.

'You have no right-' She begins, anger laced in her voice and Jisoo holds up a hand, stopping her from talking.

'Jinyoung, has every right to decline the position of CEO of the company. His whole life he has done what you said, never once having a word of praise from either you or your husband. Jinyoung has lead his life believing that his only purpose for living is to provide the company with an heir.What kind of life is that? It's time to let your son follow his own path, live his own life. Don't make him hate you more than he already does.'

Jinyoung's mother stands there, shock on her face and eyes wide as she continuously opens and closes her mouth as though trying to work out what she want's to say.
Next to Jinyoung Jaebum wraps an arm around the younger, eyes soft as he rubs Jinyoung's back. There's a fire in his eyes, his lips pressed together to stop himself saying something he'll regret to Jinyoung's mother.

Jinyoung's incredibly greatful for a friend like Jaebum.

'I suggest you leave.' Jisoo says finally, voice stern.

Jinyoung's mother glares at him, fists curled.'I am your boss.'

'Actually, from now on Jinyoung is. I was hired to protect Jinyoung and that's what I'll do.'

'He doesn't need protecting from his own mother-'

'He does when she never acted like one in the first place. Now leave, before I escort you out.' Jisoo says, voice dark as he stares at her. For a moment Jinyoung is actually scared, he's rarely seen Jisoo take on this persona but he knows it's the one he uses on any possible threats. Jinyoung's mother looks frightened herself, unused to being the one on the recieving end of the look.

'If you tell me no then forget about being a part of this family.' She finally says, eyes back on Jinyoung. Her voice is wavering, but Jinyoung feel's no pity.

'What family?" he asks, tone brave.

She blanches for a second, and then her expression hardens.'Fine.Go back to that poor boarding school full of unwanted children.It's just where you belong.'
She spits the words out, before turning on her heels and practically stomping off out of the room. Jinyoung watches her go, a pain in his chest but relief in his heart.

'Wow.' Jaebum breathes, fists still clenched.

Jisoo sighs, stepping over to Jinyoung.'Jinyoun-'

'I'm fine.' He grits out. He doesn't understand why he feel's so upset, why he feel's like somethings clawed at his heart. Why are tears springing to his eyes? Why is his throat closing up?

Jaebum pulls him close, letting the younger rest his head on his shoulder.'It's ok.' He murmurs, voice soft.
'It's ok to cry.'

So he does.

By nightfall Jinyoung still hasn't seen Mark.
He's still upset about his mother being so heartless, but more than that he's pissed off that he let her and his father treat him that way for so long.

He might not have been a family with them, but he has a family now.

Jaebum is forced to go home eventually, and pulls Jinyoung in for a hug before he goes.

'Don't let the past bring you down.' He murmurs in the younger's ear, and Jinyoung can't help but smile.

'See you soon.' He says back as Jaebum heads for the door.

'You better!' Jaebum calls back, smile on his face as the door closes behind him.

Jisoo had left too, sighting that he had legal matters to attend to. Jinyoung isn't sure what he means but he doesn't press the man, he's exhausted.
Though instead of sleeping he finds himself hoisting himself out of bed, ignoring his protesting muscles as he pads over to the window in his hospital gown.

He hopes no more doctors or nurses come in as he's kinda naked and hospital gowns never close up round back, he doesn't want to be mooning anyone whilst watching the stars.

He slides the window open carefully, closing his eyes as the nights breeze washes over him, coating his skin and making his body relax.
He breathes out, re opening his eyes and looking up at the stars.

Wow. He smiles softly, leaning against the window frame as he looks up. The stars are extra bright tonight, littering the sky in the best way.

They're beautiful.

His thoughts drift to Mark, wondering if the red head is still awake, if he can see the stars too. He hopes he can, that Mark's thinking of him just as much as he is.
Jackson had tried to visit him earlier though their hadn't been enough time, and Jinyoung can't help but feel a little dissappointed because he misses his stupid friend. If you're upset or depressed about something that Jackson's the guy that takes all the pain away.
Of course Mark does the same, but Jackson is...well. Jackson.

He remembers the night Jackson had held Mark up on his shoulders so he could talk to Jinyoung one last time before he was removed. His heart swells in his chest and a smile tugs at his lips, warmth flooding through him.
I'm so lucky.
How did I get so lucky?

He breathes out, Marks name ghosting across his lips and he's just about to close the window and turn around to climb into bed when something touches him.

More specifically, grabs his butt. His bare butt.

The fuck?!

He yelps,leaping about five foot in the air as he whips round, smacking into the warm body behind him and nearly pushing both of them to the floor. Next to him the vase by the window nearly crashes to the floor, and it stops it just in time, eyes widening as he takes in the figure infront of him.

The boy looks up at him, cheeky smile on his face and red hair lit by the glow of the moonlight outside.

Oh my god.




Getting nearly kicked in the balls is not what he's expecting upon reunion with his boyfriend, but he guesses he can't be blamed as he did kinda grope his ass without revealing himself.

He couldn't really help it though, Jinyoung has the best ass he's ever seen, and it was out in the open for hi-


He doesn't get much of a chance to apologise to his boyfriend before the younger is launching himself at him.

He grins into Jinyoung's shoulder as the younger clings to him, tears running down his cheeks and ugly sniffling sounds coming from his nose as he murmurs Marks name over and over again.
Mark clings to him just as tight,well as tight as he can with one hand anyway,his wounded arm lying by his side. Both boy's are careful to avoid the wound, and Jinyoung pulls back to pull him in for a kiss.

Mark recuperates straight away, Jinyoung's soft lips sliding over his, breath hot and skin warm. He slips his tongue into Jinyoung's mouth, running it along his teeth and his bottom lip as the younger sighs against him.
He's relieved, so relieved. Jinyoung's real and he's infront of him, he's touching him, lips against his and it's amazing. He's here.

Mark has to squeeze his eyes tight together not to cry.

When Jinyoung does pull away they're both breathless. He leans his forehead against Marks, their eyes meeting. It's like an electric charge, both just communicating with eachother through their eyes.

'Thankgod you're ok.' Jinyoung finally breathes, and Mark smiles.

'I told you I'd come find you right?'

Jinyoung raises his brows and Mark smirks.'I won the competition.'

Jinyoung rolls his eyes at that, pulling Mark in by his collar for another kiss.

'I can't belive you, I told you not to do anything else risky and yet here you are, sneaking into my room at midnight in a damn hospital.'
There's an amused note to his voice and Mark's grin widens.

'Sorry, had to one last time.' He murmurs,peppering kisses over Jinyoung's cheeks. His arm is wrapped around the younger's waist, keeping him against him. He's sure he can feel Jinyoung's heart racing in his chest, though he's positive it's moving nowhere near as fast as his own.

He's elated.

Jinyoung's cheeks are flushed, eyes bright and Mark leans in, nuzzling into the other.'I'd do it all over again Jinyoung-ah.'

Jinyoung's eyes widen, knowing that he's not talking about sneaking into his room. He'd gladly take a bullet for Jinyoung no matter how many times, and he needs Jinyoung to know it. To know that hes worth it.

A tear trails down Jinyoung's cheek as he bites his lip, hands cupping Marks face as he pulls him in.

'Me too.' He finally whispers, hands shaking.'I love you.'

Mark smiles softly, voice gentle as he speaks.'I love you too.'

Their next kiss is just as sweet as the rest.

32. It's you and me

It's been six weeks since the fire at school and class is already up and running again.
Miraculously the fire had only managed to damage the science and maths corridors,along with damage to a few of the first year dorms.

The east wing of the school had been sectioned off whilst worked on for safety reasons, and most of the first years had been paired with other year groups for rooms.After all, there wasn't exactly anywhere for them all to go, it's not like they had loving families waiting for their return right?
It's an orphanage for a reason.

Mark's sent back to school a week after he wakes up in hospital, though it takes a lot for him to return when all he can think of is Jinyoung.
The younger has been told to remain behind whilst his mother and school admin discusses his future.It's enough to leave both him and Jinyoung in a stoop.
Everybody visits them in hospital of course, and it's hard not to be happy when Jackson and co are around but there's always that undercurrent of worry between all of them, worry that Jinyoung won't return.

And now it's been six weeks since Mark last saw the boy.
He spends a good few weeks moping around the school, along with the rest of his friends who miss the younger's presence just as much. It's funny how one person can change everything, affect everyone. Jinyoung was only here for three months, but it might aswell have been years. It's just not the same.

There's noone for Jaebum to share his music taste with anymore, noone for Jackson to exchange banter with. There's noone for Bam Bam to lean on for advice and recieve the usual soft reply.
For Mark, there's just noone like Jinyoung.

'He'll be back..won't he hyung?' Bam Bam asks him one night. They're sitting outside in the gardens, all of them like they used to though it's different this time, there's a hole in the formation.

Mark looks up at the sky, almost cursing when he see's the stars.How do they have the audacity to shine so brightly when Jinyoung isn't here?
But there's something about them that gives him hope.
Maybe they're a sign, because whenever he saw stars he saw Jinyoung.

So when he turns to Bam Bam and smiles, the first real smile he's had since being back, and says.'Yeah.He's coming back.' He isn't lying.

We made a promise after all.

The final basketball game is approaching fast, and Mark's still not sure that he's ready.

They have four weeks left, and he still hasn't been able to get any proper training in yet as his shoulder is still healing. He receives physio every week and he can start to slowly feel himself getting better, his joints feeling smoother.
But will it be enough?

He's desperate to play, especially after being sidelined last time.

'Don't worry man, it'll happen. Just relax.' Jackson says to him numerous times, and all Mark can do is nod and act like he believes him.

It's a warmer day than usual when Mark's called to the gardens of the school after dinner. His name is announced over the tanoi by Professor Kim, along with the others.
He looks up from his lap at them, confusion on his face.

'Why is he calling all of us?' Jackson asks, beginning to stand. Mark shakes his head along with the others, the whole group obviously just as confused. They exchange another look before they trudge towards the back of the building.

'Why would they call us into the gardens anyway?' Jaebum asks, brows furrowed.

'I was enjoying my chicken.' Bam Bam pouts, and Jackson rolls his eyes, hooking an arm around his boyfriends neck as he drags him outside.

Mark chuckles at the sight, though he can't help but feel a little jealous.That should be me and Jinyoung. He sighs and stuffs his hands in his pockets, ignoring the sympathetic look Jaebum gives him.

The breeze is somewhat warm against Marks skin, the sun setting in the distance and bathing a warm glow over everything. He can't help but let a small smile tug around his lips, wondering if Jinyoung's seeing the same sky.

He breathes out, shaking his head. I need to stop.

I just miss him.

'Boys!' A familiar voice exclaimes, pulling him out of his internal monologue as he rounds the corner to their usual spot by the fountain. They all stop in their tracks upon seeing Professor Kim, watching as the man chuckles and steps closer.

Mark furrows his brows, confused at the situation. Why would he ask to meet outside, and why the hell is he acting so weird and happy?

'What's up Prof?' Jackson asks, leaning against Bam Bam.'Havent seen you around much.'

It's true, ever since coming back Mark had only seen the man a handful of times,and he'd always been to busy to stop and talk, either bursting out of his office with a file tucked under his arm and a stern look on his face or jogging down the halls as he spoke into his phone in a hushed voice.

Professor Kim grins at them, eyes bright as he speaks.'Well I have some news for you.'

Mark perks up at that , could it be about Jinyoung? Is he ok? Is his mother making him take over the company?What if he-

'Is it about Jinyoung?' Jackson cuts his thoughts off, shooting a look at Mark.He must be thinking along the same lines.

'Yes it's about Jinyoung.' Professor Kim smiles, hands behind his back.'That's what I've been so busy with really. It's been a nightmare trying to find out information regarding with his mother.'

Jaebum's fists clench next to Mark and the red head bites his lip. He hadn't been in the room when Jinyoung had met his mother of course, but Jaebum had, and even though he hadn't spoken much about it it was obvious that he hated Jinyoung's mother.

''She was so cruel Mark- seriously. Jinyoung might aswell have never had parents if they were like that. I wanted to push her out the window at one point."

Mark doesn't know what he'll do if Jinyoung's forced to bend to that woman's will. He refuses it, refuses to let Jinyoung be dragged back under.

His palms are sweating as he waits for Professor Kim to speak, heart suddenly moving a little faster in his chest. He's desperate to know about his boyfriend but he's also never been as scared. He feels...helpless.

'Is he ok?" Jackson asks, voice sounding worried. 'Where is he?'

'Did his witch mother force him to quit school?" Jaebum asks, voice tight.

Professor Kim chuckles.'Easy boys.' He holds up his hands, shaking his head.'The situation with Jinyoung was very difficult, but it seem's everyone came to a decision.'

Mark swallows, mind racing a mile a minute.'What do you me-'

He's cut off as someone steps into the garden, his heart almost stopping in his chest as his eyes widen at the sight of the man.

The man quirks a smile at them all, before his gaze settles on Mark and his eyes soften.


'Jisoo!" He's making his way towards the man before he even has time to think. Jisoo chuckles, ruffling his hair and he pats him on the back.

'Long time no see kid.'

Mark fights the urge to roll his eyes at being called a kid and looks up at the man, a smile making it's way onto his face.'How comes your here? '

Jisoo grins,'Well I had Sorry I haven't been in touch, there was alot of paperwork for me to settle.'

'Paperwork?" Jaebum asks, brows raised. Jisoo chuckles again, crossing his arms.

'Well after Jinyoung and his mothers in the hospital room, I decided to take matters into my own hands.'

Marks brows furrow, suddenly confused.'What?'

'Aslong as Jinyoung's in his mothers legal care she has the right to enforce rules and such on him. It's obvious that Jinyoung didn't want to take over the company and it's even more obvious that he never actually saw her as a parent.'

Mark bites his lip, looking at the elder. 'What did you do?' He asks.

'Well it took alot, and when I say alot, I mean alot, of paperwork and interviews for both me and Jinyoung, but it turns out I'm more than qualified to be his new guardian. His...carer if you will.'

There's a gasp from behind Mark and he turns to see everyones eyes wide, Bam Bam grabbing at Jackson and a wide smile on Jaebum's face as he claps his hands together.

'This is brilliant!" Jackson chuckles,looking at Mark.

Mark stands there, still not having understood what the elder man's saying.'Um..wait, what?'

'You're such an idiot.' Jackson grins, shaking his head at his friend.'Jisoo has custody of Jinyoung now.'


His eyes widen as he looks between his friends and Jisoo, jaw dropping.'You have custody?"

Jisoo nods, a smile on his face.'Jinyoung doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to anymore.'

Oh my god.

Mark shakes his head, a laugh bubbling up his chest and out of his mouth.'Oh my god, this is great.' He grins, running a hand through his hair.
Jinyoung can do what he wants.

'So what happens to the company?' Jaebuma asks, tone light.

Jisoo shrugs.'Well it'll be handed over to his uncle, then his son after him. Jinyoung's quite happy with that result.'

Mark laughs again, letting Jisoo ruffle his hair.He just can't believe it.

'So where is he now?' Youngjae asks from his spot next to Jaebum. He's been quiet now, but Mark doesn't miss the elation on his face, or Yugyeom's from behind him.

Good question.

'Yeah..' Mark begins, brow furrowed.'I thought you were with him.'

Jisoo grins, eyes bright as he exhanges a look with Professor Kim, then brings his gaze back to Mark.

'I am with him.' He says softly with a hint of amusement in his voice before he aims a pointed look behind Mark and the others.

Mark's eyes widen and he turns, heart in his mouth to look behind him.

'Oh my god.' Bam Bam murmurs, sounding just as shocked as Mark feels and before the red head can even think he's running towards the figure standing behind them.

Jinyoung's standing there by the fountain, a small smile on his face and eyes shining with tears he's trying to keep at bay.
He looks beautiful, bathed by the warm orange glow of the sun, and Mark can't control himself, not anymore because he's here. He's finally here.

'Jinyoung!" Mark yells, eyes pricking with tears as the younger begins to step towards them.

They practically collide in the middle of the gardens, their hands running over eachothers skin as though they're making sure they're real. It's been nearly two months since they've seen eachother but it feels like years and all Mark can do is hold on for dear life as Jinyoung peppers kisses over his face and wipes at his tears with shaking hands.

'You're here.' Mark finally manages to rasp.He stares into Jinyoung's eyes and see's everything he's looking for, his heart pounding against his ribcage as he clings to the boy.

'I'm here.' Jinyoung whispers, voice catching.

Fuck I missed you.

So much.

Someone clears their throat behind them and before Mark has the time to react they're both being enveloped in the tightest group hug he's ever experienced.

Jaebum's grinning from ear to ear, ruffling Jinyoung's hair as Bam Bam grabs the younger round the waist. Jackson's screeching as usual, voice way too loud for eight o clock at night and Youngjae and Yugyeom are both giggling like idiots.

'Jinyoung-ah! You're back.My son is back!" Jackson yells, wrapping his arms around the younger. Jinyoung lets out a playful laugh, trying to shove Jackson away. Eventually he gives in, Jackson's snapback falling off with the stregnth of the hug.

'I missed you.' Jackson breathes as he pulls away, and Mark see's the glint of relief in Jackson's eyes and smiles, watching as Jinyoung ruffles his friends hair and squeezes Jackson's hand tight in his own.

'Couldn't leave you guy's now could I?' Jinyoung finally says, cheeks red and eyes bright.

The group lets out a laugh, everyone's limbs still tangled.

'Can we get out of this group hug now though please?" Bam Bam says, voice muffled by what looks like Youngjae's arm.'Someone's hand is on my ass.'

'Not sorry.' Jackson calls, and Mark rolls his eyes, trying to push everyone off of him and Jinyoung.

Eventually they do break up, and the seven of them look at eachother, just taking a moment to just be.

'Welcome home.' Jaebum finally says, voice soft as he hooks an arm around Jinyoung's neck and pulls him close. Jinyoung grins, eyes glazing over with tears as he grips Jaebum close.

He looks up from his shoulder, eyes meeting Marks.

'Yeah.I'm home.'

'Victory is ours!" Jackson's screech is loud enough to wake even the teachers in their own dorms as he bursts through the doors into the underground club room, even though the thing is soundproof.

He's answered with cheers from their whole years group, everyone surging forward to shove cups of alcohol into their hands as Yoongi starts playing some music on the decks, a wicked grin on his face.

They all make their way downstairs towards the floor, letting the beat of the music overtake the cheers.

Mark hooks an arm around Jackson, eyes bright as he shouts in his ear.'I knew we could do it!.'

'Dude, I told you!" Jackson yells back, a laugh bursting from his lips.

Mark pulls back, ruffling his best friends hair before turning to look for his boyfriend. When he finally see's Jinyoung his eyes light up and he grins, pulling the younger towards him.

They're all still in their basketball gear, sweaty and tired from the game but they're absolutely buzzing from it. Mark can't stop replaying the moment they won over and over in his head, Jinyoung passing him the ball, fast and agile as usual before he made the winning basket, the hall erupting into cheers as they were crowned the champions of the season.

Does it get more perfect than this?

'Really, this is perfect!" He yells next to Jinyoung, and the younger just laughs, eyes crinkling as he pulls the red head in for a kiss. Both of them have sweaty hair plastered to their head and Mark's pretty sure he reek's but somehow he couldn't care less.

It's long and deep and leaves them both heady and breathless, and when Mark pulls away he see's that familiar spark in Jinyoung's eyes that has his stomach flipping and erection twitching in his pants.

'I love you.'He suddenly blurts, heart bursting out of his chest and for a moment Jinyoung's eyes widen, as though he's still in complete shock that someone like Mark could like him.

But then he smiles and even though they're not outside Mark see's stars in his eyes.

'I love you too, so much.' Jinyoung says, before he's pulling him onto the dancefloor as the beat burns through their bodies and their hearts move in sync.

33. Graduation

'Bam,give me my fucking snapback!" Jackson's voice is loud as usual, ringing out across the hall and drawing the attention of a few passers by as everyone clusters together.

'No Hyung, you have to look good!' Bam Bam whines, hands snatching at the object on Jackson's head.

'I always look good.'

Mark scoffs at that and get's a swift kick to the shin from Jackson as a result.Idiot.

'Hyung, if you wear that snapback to your graduation I will storm the stage and burn your certificate infront of your parents.' Bam Bam's voice is firm and a little scary, making Mark raise his brows at the two boy's infront of him.
Well..go Bam.

He can't help but crack a smile as Jackson pouts and shucks the hat off of his head, passing it to Yugyeom as he let's Bam Bam pat down his hair and try to make it look presentable. (A difficult thing to do in Marks opinion.)

'Good.Now I'm going to sit down, be good.Good luck everybody, see you after!' Bam Bam chirps as he finishes Jackson's hair, planting a kiss on his boyfriends lips and tottering off, Youngjae and Yugyeom waving a goodbye and following behind.
Mark and the others wave them off, grinning when Youngjae manages to walk into two different seniors on his way out because he isn't looking where he's going.

'Man I can't believe he took my snapback.' Jackson whines, a pout still on his face and Mark gives him a look, a smirk on his face and his brows raised. A look that says that kid totally has you in the palm of his hand, and all Jackson can do is frown deeper.

'Yeah I know.' He sighs, crossing his arms.'But he's cute, what am I supposed to do?'

Mark chuckles, shaking his head.'I never would have thought the great Jackson Wang would bow down to cute.'

Jackson rolls his eyes, shoving his friends shoulder.'Well I never thought playboy Mark Tuan would bow down to a star loving nerd from a rich private school.'

Mark pouts, fair enough. 'Hey, he isn't a nerd.'

Jackson laughs, high and loud over the chatter of their fellow students.'Dude, he kinda is.'

'You love him anyway.'

'Yeah I do, but you love him more.'

Mark grins at that, 'Yeah.'

'Where is my favourite nerd anyway?It feel's weird not seeing him practically on top of you.' Jackson looks around, eyes wide. Mark just sighs, shaking his head at his friend.

'He and Jaebum woke up late, they're on their way now though.' He says, glancing down at his phone at the text Jinyoung had sent him. A few words are mispelled from the younger's haste as he got ready, but Mark can make out the gist of it.

'Waking up late is not Jinyoung's style.' Jackson muses.'Especially on grad day.'

Mark chuckles.'Yeah I'm surprised too.'

'Oh really? Because I'm pretty sure the reason Jinyoung's having such a hard time getting his ass over here is because it hurts. Literally.'

Mark eyes his best friend, shoving him playfully.'As if.'

Jackson laughs loudly,'Mark, we all know why you and Jinyoung went back to his room early last night.'

'We did not-'

'Jaebum told me he had to open the window when he came back. He said he nearly threw up at the smell.'

Mark feels his cheeks heating up and prays Jackson doesn't notice his blush, but of course he does, and he doesn't hesitate to laugh louder as Mark tries to quiet him down so the rest of their year group doesn't look over.

'Poor Jinyoung.' Jackson chimes, eyes bright.'Late to his own graduation because his boyfriend was a little too rough-'

He let's out a shriek as Mark get's him in a headlock, eyes blazing and cheeks bright red. Even on our last day he has to embarrass me.

Goddamn you Jackson Wang.

He's pretty sure the friends and family members (aunts and uncles, grandparents that couldn't look after the kids and admitted them to the school) are beginning to notice his and Jackson's antics from their seats infront of the stage and he's also pretty sure he spots Bam Bam in his seat sending him a death glare for messing up Jackson's hair and he's debating letting go because he doesn't wanna get attacked by a kid two years younger than him when someone's hand, warm and familiar closes around his shoulder, squeezing.

He turns round, Jackson's head still tucked under his arm and breaks out into a smile upon the sight of his boyfriend.

Jinyoung's standing there with Jaebum, an amused look on his face as he glances at Jackson.'Why am I not surprised to find you guy's like this?" He asks, his voice light and sweet and Mark grins wider, letting go of Jackson in favour of tugging on Jinyoung's fingers so the boy is closer to him.

Jaebum snorts at them, shoving Jackson in the arm playfully.

'You look beautiful.' Mark says, eyeing Jinyoung as the younger melts into his side. His hair is parted on the side, gelled back smartly and giving him more of a mature look. His eyes are bright, framed by the faintest line of eyeliner Mark's sure Jaebum had insisted on applying on the younger. When Jinyoung smiles at him Mark's stomach flips, heart speeding up in his chest and he doesn't even bother to try and fight it anymore, he gave up on that ages ago.

'Thankyou.' Jinyoung murmurs, cheeks dusty pink and Mark can't get enough of it. 'You look beautiful too.'

Mark grins, unable to control himself as he leans in and pecks the boy's cheeks. When he pulls away Jackson grimaces between the two, shaking his head.

'It's ridiculous how you both still blush like twelve year olds.'

'Shutup Jackson, last night you cried when Bam Bam said he wanted to keep one of your shirts to sleep in.' Jinyoung replies, and Jaebum and Mark have to turn away to cover their laughter as Jackson whines.

'Hey! That's a valid reason to cry!'

'Yeah yeah.'

Jaebum rolls his eyes at them all, a faint smile on his lips as he looks at Jinyoung.

'I can't believe it's been over a year since you decided to stay.'

Jinyoung grins, eyes bright.' Yeah..a year and a half ago I never would have thought I'd be graduating from here.I'm glad though.'

'Aw Jinyoung-ie~ 'Jackson coo's linking an arm around the boy's neck.'You love us right? You love us-' He kisses Jinyoung's cheek and Mark glares, shoving the boy away from his boyfriend.

Jinyoung and Jaebum just chuckle whilst Jackson rubs his abused side.

'I tell you all now, the abuse is something I won't miss.' He glares, and Mark just grins, patting his friends back as Jinyoung coo's at him and tries to fix his collar.

'Oh, they're calling us.' Jaebum suddenly says, noticing how their fellow students are beginning to form orderly lines towards the stage. The headteacher is upfront, ready to call each name and hand out every certificate and it's suddenly then that it really hits Mark.

We're graduating.

This is our final night all together.

He bites his lip, not expecting the sudden swirl of emotion inside of him. He's spent so many years of his life here, it's his home.

Everyone is going to move onto college, Mark being one of them and even though all of his friends are going to the same college of him it won't be the same. They won't be within the same walls, sitting beside him in class or meeting in the underground clubhouse.
He won't be roommates with Jackson anymore, or sit with Bam Bam and the others at lunch.

Of course he's happy to move on, to make his next step in life but at the same time he doesn't want anything to change.

He doesn't realise how hard he's biting on his lip until someone's gently touching his mouth. He relaxes, tasting the pang of blood and looks up to see Jinyoung looking at him, fingers still resting on his lips and eyes on his, full of something soft and knowing.

'Come on.' Jinyoung says, voice gentle. Mark almost want's to cry because the younger always knows what he's thinking.

We can do this. Jinyoung's eyes seem to say, and Mark feel's his heart flutter in his chest as Jinyoung stares at him, determined.

'Yeah.' He finally murmurs, letting Jinyoung tuck his hair out of his face before his hand finds his and they shuffle into line behind Jackson and Jaebum.

Jaebum grins at him, a brotherly look on his face and Jackson sends him a look, hand clamping down on his shoulder and eyes bright, the same boy Mark's known for most of his life as his best friend and his brother.
We've been through this together. His eyes say, and Mark couldn't agree more as he pats Jackson's cheek, grin on his face.

Jinyoung's hand squeezes his and Mark sighs, heart warming in his chest because he was wrong. He was defintely wrong.

The school isn't his home.

The boy's infront of him are.

So he squeezes Jinyoung's hand back and continues to shuffle in line, closer to the stage and he let's himself feel scared and emotional for those few moments, then let's the happiness and everything good take over because even though this chapter in his life is coming to a close, the next one is wide open and ready to be written.

And he can't wait.



Mark turns just in time to be pulled into a massive group hug, lead by Bam Bam of course.All around them their classmates are cheering, there are tears, shouts and laughter and Marks just so happy to be a part of it all because it's beautiful.

He allows himself to be practically crushed in the massive hug, only laughing loudly as he listens to everyone groaning in pain.

'I love you guys.' He says suddenly, unable to control himself and for a moment everyone's shocked, unused to their quietest member speaking such words.
But then Jinyoung laughs and Jackson joins in, Jaebum ruffling his hair as they hug eachother tighter.

Bam Bam's openly crying now, Jackson attempting to calm the guy down and somewhere in the throng of limbs Jinyoung's hand finds his and he squeezes tight, unable to do much else.

'Promise to visit us?' Youngjae asks, tears trailing down his cheeks too and Mark doesn't miss the way Jaebum pulls the younger tight against him, planting a kiss on his cheek.

'Of course, we'll all visit.' Jaebum chuckles at his boyfriend.

'For our annual movie marathon of course.' Jinyoung grins, and Youngjae smiles, cheeks pink as Jaebum wraps his arms around him.

None of them were actually all that sure of when Jaebum and Youngjae started dating, but they didn't ask in the end. Seeing them happy was enough.They were teased alot though of course.

'You'll need to visit me too Bam.' Jackson says, voice loud. 'We need to christen our room.'

The others look at him in confusion,to which Jackson just winks, a leer on his face.'You know what I mean.'

Bam Bam flushes red and the others all yell in annoyance at their friend, fighting to get out of the group hug. Complaints soon turn to laughter though, and Mark can't help but shake his head.
We'll still get to do this. Even if we wont be here everyday to do it.

'Come on, I'm hungry.' Jaebum's voice cuts through his thoughts and the others laugh, cheering as they head towards the dining hall where a graduation feast is being held.

Mark takes Jinyoung's hand, letting the younger pull him along. He takes one last look at the hall as they go, his certificate in hand and suit tight on his body.

It's been a good eleven years.

Mark's making his way out of the bathroom when he nearly stumbles into Professor Kim.

'Woah.' He murmurs,steadying himself as he looks up at the elder. Professor Kim let's out a chuckle, patting Marks back.

'Haven't had a chance to talk to you today.' The elder says, voice amused.'How's it going?"

Mark smiles, both of them walking slowly back towards the dining hall. There's music coming from the room, filling the school with sweet tunes and Mark would rather be dancing with Jinyoung right now but he's happy to be talking to his favourite professor anyway.

'Sorry, it's been a hectic day. I'm good...' He trails off, and Professor Kim grins.

'You're gonna miss it huh?'

Mark bites his lip, hands in his pockets.'Yeah.I am.'

'You know, the door is always open.' Professor Kim says, voice soft.

'I know we can visit..still.' Mark sighs, unsure of what to say.

Professor Kim shakes his head, a knowing look in his eyes.'I mean in the future...should you want to return.'

'Return?' Mark asks, confused.'What do you mean?'

The elder man chuckles, eyes crinkling.'What do you think I mean?'

Mark looks at him, brows raised.'As a teacher?'

When the elder man just smiles and doesn't say anything Mark hums under his breath.'You'd take me?"

He's only half joking, but Professor kim laughs anyway.

'We're open to everyone Mark.Always.' He smiles, voice gentle.'I remember when you first came here, how scared you were. I was here to watch you grow into someone that toyed with the hearts of many and risked his life for cheap thrill.'

Mark want's to laugh, when his professor says it like that he sounds pretty bad.

'But.' Professor Kim says, eyes bright.'I also got to watch you grow from that boy to the man you are now. Someone who holds the heart of the man he loves gently in his hands, someone who continues to value his best friends like family. Though you're still someone that takes stupid risks of course.' He chuckles as he says the last part and Mark smiles, heart warm in his chest.

They're in the dining hall now by the door, and Professor Kim's eyes fall on Marks group of friends, on Jinyoung. Mark follows his gaze and smiles.

'You know Sir, I've never known anything good to come out of being a delinquent.' Mark says, voice soft.'But being one is exactly what lead me to Jinyoung.'

He meet's his professor's eyes and the elder laughs, eyes crinkling.'Well then. I wouldn't have it any other way.' He says, ruffling Marks hair.

Across the room Jinyoung finally looks up from his talk with Jackson and meet's Marks eyes before breaking out into a breathtaking smile.

He grins back, then turns back to the elder next to him and holds out his hand.

'Thankyou for looking after me.' He says, gratitude in his voice and Professor Kim's eyes widen before softening as he takes Mark's hand in his and gripping it tight.

'No problem, now go and look after your boyfriend.' He chuckles, before pushing Mark off towards his friends.

Mark just grins, pretending he doesn't see the tears of joy in the elder mans eyes as he goes.

When he approaches the table he brings a hand out, extending it towards Jinyoung as he bends slightly.Jinyoung looks at him, brows raised in confusion.

'Well?' Mark asks, eyes bright.

'What?' Jinyoung asks, and Mark can't help but laugh at that.

'May I have this dance?" He says finally, eyes crinkling and lips quirking in a smile. There are a few whooping noises from their friends and Jinyoung laughs softly, placing his hand in Marks as the music begins to play.

Mark squeezes his boyfriends hand, leading him across the room and Jinyoung looks at him, confused.'Uh Mark? The dance floor is the other way.'

Mark laughs, shaking his head as he drags the younger into the corridors and towards the back exit.

'We're going somwhere else babe .' He says, voice soft as he pulls the younger outside into the gardens. The music is still loud enough for them to hear as he pulls Jinyoung next to the fountain, wrapping his arm around his boyfriends waist and tugging him close, eyes locking onto his.

Jinyoung bites his lip, cheeks pink and eyes bright as he wraps his arms around Mark and they begin to sway to the music. It's a soft, tender moment and Mark's heart is in his throat as he nuzzles into Jinyoung's warmth.

'The stars are out.' He murmurs, and Jinyoung looks up, breath catching in his throat.

'True, but you're more to look at.'

Mark laughs, shaking his head as he leans in to brush his lips against the youngers.'I love you.'

Jinyoung sighs against his lips, his own mouth curving into a smile.'I love you too. To the moon and back.'

Mark smiles at that, insides warming and cheeks red.'To the moon and back.' He murmurs, before moving in for another kiss.

Though of course, they're eventually interrupted by Jackson and co bursting into the garden with lit candles and obnoxious singing so it eventually turns into a meetup campire kind of thing outside. But Mark doesn't mind, in fact, he's never been happier.
(Even when Jackson nearly set's fire to his hair.)


'Professor Park!'

Jinyoung's head snaps up,eyes landing on the young boy standing by the door. He smiles upon seeing him, already knowing why he's here.

'What's up Jihyun?' He asks anyway, brows raised.

The boy steps into the room, running a hand through his dark hair.'Coach said I could do detention for you tomorrow. He want's me at practice.'

Jinyoung makes a show of sighing and looking annoyed as he stands, rifling through documents on his desk and standing to leave as the boy watches him.
Last bell had rang a while ago, the corridors outside empty.

'Coach said huh?' He asks, he'd ask which coach but he knows which, because only one of the men would even try to defy his detentions for the sake of basketball practice.

'Is it ok then?' Jihyun asks, a hopeful look on his face.

Jinyoung sighs, looking at the younger.'Fine, but you're making it up tomorrow!'

The boy grins and bows, calling a quick goodbye before speeding out the classroom. Jinyoung stands at the door, calling for him to slow down but Jihyun is the school's resident delinquent so he knows there's no chance really.
Ah well, he'll make up for it in detention anyway.

'Managed to get out of detention again?" A familiar voice asks suddenly, and Jinyoung huffs a laugh, turning to see Jaebum standing behind him.
He's in his laboratory coat still, a smirk on his face and folders tucked under his arm.

'I'm too easy right?" Jinyoung asks, folding his arms at the science teacher.

'Nah, just easy for him.' Jaebum chuckles, patting his shoulder as Jinyoung locks up his classroom door. They pad down the corridor chattering about the day, and Jaebum doesn't even have to ask him if he's going to the Basketball courts downstairs,it's Jinyoung's annual routine.

'I'm gonna head home early, taking Youngjae out to dinner.' Jaebum grins,pulling his car keys from his pocket. Jinyoung nods, though he's confused, he'd thought they were all eating together tonight like they usually did on a friday. There's also this weird tone to Jaebum's voice and a look in his eye like he knows a secret he can't tell and it makes Jinyoung shake his head.
Ah well, we'll catch up next friday.

He grins,'You really should propose sometime soon hyung.'

Jaebum shoves his shoulder playfully, blush creeping up his cheeks.'Coming from you?'

Jinyoung pouts and the elder laughs, prodding his cheek as he turns to leave.'See you tomorrow.'

'Alright, see you tomorrow Jae.'

By the time he reaches the inside court the basketball game is already underway. Jinyoung catches sight of Jihyun racing up the court, Minho on his tail, and chuckles, striding towards the two men standing on the sides.

'Professor Park!' A few kids call from the court, excited expressions on their faces. Jinyoung waves, motioning for them to get back to the game as he dumps his stuff on the benches. Everyone's used to him being on the Courts for practice, of course they all know the real reason why he's there, but they also know just how much of a basketball enthusiast he is.
After all, his team's picture from seven years ago is hanging in the hallway next to their trophy.

Jinyoung's known as one of the top basketball players to have ever gone to the school, so having him drop by practically every day to watch them practice is like a boost.
Coming back to the boarding school was probably the best thing he and the others ever did. Professor Kim was more than happy to welcome them back too.

'Hey!It's the nations favourite nerdy history teacher!" A voice shrieks, cutting through his thoughts. He looks up, rolling his eyes as the man practically leaps ontop of him, snapback falling to the ground.

'Ugh, Jackson get off.' He whines, pushing the boy away and laughing when he pouts at him in response.

'And I'm not a nerd.'

The other just cackles, putting his snapback on and ruffling Jinyoung's hair. Jinyoung's tempted to kick him in the shin but he doesn't want to get in trouble with Bam Bam so he won't.The other's husband has a knack for knowing these things.

'How's practice going?' Jinyoung asks eventually, motioning to the team.

Jackson grins,'Brilliantly of course. I am the coach after all.'

'One of them.' Jinyoung corrects, chuckling when Jackson rolls his eyes.

'Jihyun and Sungho are our best, though it's difficult getting Sungho out of that science laboratory long enough.'Jackson says, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Jinyoung grins, watching Jihyun pass the ball to Sungho so he can make the net.'Nothing wrong with being a little nerdy right?"

'Dude, they are literally the new you and Mark.' Jackson shakes his head.'A couple of weeks ago Sungho called Jihyun out for bullying Namjae. The kid's been making puppy eyes at Sungho since.'

Jinyoung raises his brows, 'Jihyun likes Sungho? Now that is a shocker.The school's delinquent falls for an innocent nerd.'

Jackson grins,'It's like yours and Marks love story has been reincarnated.'

Jinyoung rolls his eyes, but before he can say anything someone else interrupts.

'Our love story was better though.Hotter too.'

Jackson grimaces and Jinyoung turns to see Mark leaning against the wall, eyes bright. He calls for the team to take a break as he walks over, pulling Jinyoung in for a kiss.

The younger whines, trying to push him off and Mark laughs, ignoring the hooting from the team and Jackson.

'Hyung, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that when we're infront of everyone?'

Mark just grins, pulling him closer.'How about we do it behind that wall then?'

'Ugh, you're gross.' Jackson fake retches behind them and Jinyoung sighs, cheeks pink.

'You have a team to coach.'

Mark pouts but pulls away eventually.'True.How about you wait on the benches and we'll go home in about an hour?'

'Sure, though we're not all eating tonight, Jaebum said he's taking Youngjae out?'

Mark exchanges a look with Jackson that leaves Jinyoung perplexed, and Jackson grins and winks at Jinyoung as he turns away to talk to a team member.
What the hell?

He looks at Mark, brows raised and the elder just chuckles.

'Don't worry, we'll see them later.'

'We will?What for?' Jinyoung's more than confused now, and the shiteating grin on Mark's face isn't helping. What's going on now?

What he doesn't know is that Mark had hired the two men to help decorate the inside of his and Jinyoung's apartment for him before they got home.
Bam Bam and Yugyeom are there too of course, the two eager to help decorate, just like Jinyoung had been when Jackson enlisted his help to propose to Bam Bam two years ago.

Now all that's left is for them to return home, tonight's going to be a surprise party Jinyoung will never forget.

'You'll see.' Mark winks,pushing Jinyoung down onto the benches.'Now sit, you need to be presentable for tonight so you can't get sweaty bossing my team around.'

Jinyoung pouts, but he's still confused so he let's the redhead walk away, trying to figure out what's going on.

What he doesn't notice is the small red velvet box Mark's clenching in his fist, his body buzzing with nervousness and eyes bright as he highfives Jackson.

Tonight will be special after all.


So it's finished haha! Thankyou everyone for taking the time to read and upvote and comment and such, it really means alot and I always appreciate it! I had so much fun writing this story.
I'll be writing again soon most likely,( I can't stay away tbh) so i hope to write well in the future!

Thankyou guys , Laura =^.^=

Táo: Không có ngoại truyện hừmm... Mình ghét những thứ không có ngoại truyện ._.

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