XI|| From the Shadows

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There were already reports of unrest spreading through the Kingdoms by the next day. Ravens appeared at Ravenmaster's Keep bearing grim messages from as far North as Milvandril.

Travelers had seen creatures they said were made of shadow, villages on the outskirts of Kingdoms said they had seen Shadow Mages appearing from their hidden fortresses.

Many Kingdoms had seen demons rising from the shadows, seen them moving in great numbers, occurrences they hadn't seen since the first War of Shadows.

Every Kingdom now looked to Crysinlor for an answer to what was happening, why beings of the deepest, darkest evils were rising once more.

Islande knew there was no denying that a second War of Shadows was on the brink of erupting. They could not stop it, that much she knew. Their only hope would be to unite their forces and fight.

Which means I have to call a Meeting of the Kingdoms. She thought.

That was not a decision she made lightly. When the Kings and Queens met with one another in person it was to discuss matters of great importance. Meetings were not called for matters that could be resolved normally.

These are far from normal times. She thought as she gazed out at the vague outline of the Kerrosvian Peaks to the north.

"My lady," said a familiar voice.

She turned, seeing Tyros standing in the doorway. She saw in his expression, judging that the news he carried wasn't good.

"What is it?"

"Two companies of our border guards were found slain this morning. It appears that demons are to blame."

Islande nodded, reflecting that she had indeed not wanted to here this news. She walked over to Tyros, resting her hand on his.

She knew how much it bothered him when he lost his men, especially when there was nothing that could be done. He strove to build strong relationships with every Commander and every foot soldier, was there for every training session he could be.

Not only did that strengthen his men but it also made it harder to say goodbye.

"Did you investigate?"

"Yes, m'lady. We found no traces of the demons, we couldn't track them to where they had come from, however I'm reinforcing our border outposts so we can defend against any other attacks that may happen."

Islande nodded, looking out over her Kingdom. It seemed so peaceful. Looking out across the many buildings and shops you would never know there was a war brewing like a storm on the horizon.

"Do you know where Viseron is?" She asked, moving towards the map that was spread on the table.

"He hasn't left since we arrived," said Tyros, "at least that I am aware of."

"Can you summon him for me? I need his help."

Tyros nodded and left, leaving her alone again. The one thing she hadn't been able to figure out was why the Shadowalker's forces were all flocking to the west where the border of the Wildlands lay.

There was something there that called to them, something important. She just didn't know what, and Viseron may know what lay there. Islande looked up when she heard Tyros clear his throat, seeing Viseron standing at his side.

"You needed me?" He asked, his cold black eyes revealing none of what he was thinking.

"I wondered if you would know where the demons and Shadow Mages were flocking to, they all seem to be traveling west, seemingly to the same point."

She pointed to a spot on the map that was marked with a dark grey marker symbolizing the Shadowalker's forces.

"Do you know what could be drawing them there?"

Viseron came over to her, Tyros standing opposite him. As he gazed silently at the map she couldn't help but feel how close he was, the way his arm brushed against hers when he reached out, tracing the path of their enemies' movements.

"The Ruins of the Night, the birthplace of Dark Magic," he said quietly, "it draws those who use or were created from Dark Magic to it, calling to them like a siren does its victims. The Shadowalker would be at his most powerful there, much like I am in the Drenzian, the birthplace of the Shadow Magic."

He looked up at Islande, then to Tyros.

"We cannot attack it directly, to do so would be suicidal. Anyone who goes near it that isn't already under the Dark Magic's influence is driven mad and eventually killed. Even if you survived that the Ruins enhance Dark Mage's powers and make demons stronger. We wouldn't stand a chance."

"Then what options do we have?" Asked Islande.

"I don't know," he said, leaning back.

"When I fought him last I merely succeeded in weakening him to the point where he was only a fraction of himself, a soul floating through world with only Dark Magic to keep him alive until he gained enough strength to appear in his material form again. This time we need a way to truly destroy him, a way to destroy the Dark Magic so he has nothing to cling to.

"I don't know what has that capability. I don't have the same magic I did before. I don't know what the Shadow Magic may do when exposed to Dark Magic. It may be its strength or its weakness."

"What about our magic, the Light?" Asked Islande. "You destroyed his power with it before, will it work again?"

Viseron shook his head, taking his eyes off the map.

"I didn't completely destroy him, I merely reduced him to his weakest form. This time we need to completely and utterly destroy him so he can't come back."

"So we have no other plan?" Asked Tyros, looking up at him.

"We fight," said Viseron, "that is all we can do until we find a solution. He will come for this Kingdom when he is strong enough. Warn your allies, gather your strength, build your defenses and pray to whatever god you believe in."

Islande nodded, not saying a word. This war would be long and many good men would die. The Shadowalker was bent on revenge and would slaughter anyone who stood in his way.

"I will help with my own forces," he said, "I can summon Shadow Beasts, undead creatures brought back by the Shadow Magic, similar to demons. They are loyal to me and will help you fight the Shadowalker, as will I." Viseron went over to where his raven had perched on the windowsill, stroking it as it cooed softly.

"This will be a long, bloody war, and we must prepare."


This needs some editing but I'm pretty happy with it. Hope ya'll enjoy!

- Nightfury107

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