11. Selenophilia.

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They soon arrived at one of the spacious dining halls. An expansive, ivory table dominated the center, bathed in the soft glow of a round chandelier hanging low from the ceiling. Its legs were adorned with intricate, silver designs, matching the curved chairs surrounding it.

Alarick hesitated at the entrance until Accalia tugged him forward. She guided him to a seat, assisting him before settling at the head of the table herself.

"So," she began with a playful grin. "Tell me what is it that you crave?"


Her eyes widened, the sudden intrusion of his thoughts taking her aback. It was the first time that Accalia had heard them. Crimson flooded her cheeks as she flushed, while Alarick cleared his throat, looking everywhere but her.

"Meat," he replied after a while.

Azure mist swirled around them, coalescing into a cloud that covered the table. Then, it vanished as quickly as it had appeared when she flicked her wrist, leaving behind a tantalizing array of sumptuous plates.

The dishes were a vision of culinary splendor. Succulent meat, vibrant salads, and glistening fruits filled the table, promising a feast for two or three villages. Steam wafted atop fragrant soups and sauces, while the heavenly aroma of baked breads and golden pastries tempted their senses.

It was a banquet to delight both the palate and the soul.

Accalia nodded, gesturing for him to go ahead and eat. Alarick hesitated, his confusion evident as he bent down slightly before stopping abruptly. It dawned on him that he was no longer a wolf, and the etiquette for dining as a human was quite different.

He straightened up, a sheepish expression crossing his features as he glanced at Accalia. "I...I'm not sure how to proceed," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Amusement glinted in her eyes, and he squinted at her. "Are you enjoying my quandary?"

Accalia shrugged, holding back her laughter. "A little, perhaps." Then, she smiled reassuringly. "It is alright. Just follow my lead."

With that, she demonstrated the proper way to hold utensils and began to eat, setting an example for him to follow. It took several attempts for Alarick to grasp the concept of the various cutlery and get the hang of using it. Initially, he wrinkled his nose at the sight of the unfamiliar vegetables and fruits. However, at her request, he decided to give them a chance. While not as satisfying as meat, they weren't as dreadful as he had originally presumed. So, with a nonchalant shrug, he continued eating, no longer hindered by their foreign taste.

After a while, he dropped the fork and knife.

"Curse this blasted etiquette," he grumbled, chewing ungracefully while mirth shook her shoulders.

"It can be quite bothersome, I agree. But fret not, you shall get the hang of it in time. It is not as daunting as it appears," she reassured him, leaning forward with both elbows on the table. "For now, though, feel free to eat as you please, my dear."

A wolfish grin pulled his mouth. "As I please?"

She nodded, a playful glint in her eyes. "Just be mindful not to soil your clothes, alright?"

Excitement lit up his expression as he eagerly dug in, his enthusiasm reminiscent of a playful pup with its tail wagging behind it.

Halfway through their meal, Alarick leaned back, stealing a covert glance at Accalia. Her movements were refined, each gesture executed with the poise and grace befitting a royal. 

Despite her generous offer to dine as he wished, Alarick couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he should strive to meet her expectations.

Determination flickered in his eyes. He messily wiped his face then picked up the utensils once more, focusing intently on her as he resumed his attempts to eat properly. Despite a few fumbles along the way, he persevered, driven by his desire to adapt to his new form and the customs of Accalia's world.

"You are doing well," she encouraged, pleased with his efforts. "Do not hasten. Learning takes time."

Alarick nodded gratefully. With each small achievement, his confidence grew, and soon he was eating in a manner almost indistinguishable from that of a human.

Pride shone in her eyes as she watched him go through one plate after another. Once finished, he sank back into his seat, his satisfaction evident as he nearly melted with contentment.


He hummed in response. Amused, Accalia suppressed a smile. She had anticipated a conversation during their meal, but it seemed that old habits die hard.

You can make a man out of a wolf, but you cannot take the wolf out of a man.

Alarick blinked slowly, lost in thought, and only raised his gaze when Accalia shifted, leaning forward to wipe his mouth with a napkin. 

A silent conversation unfolded between them as their eyes connected, and she knew that he'd heard her mind. She settled back into her seat, waiting patiently for him to break the silence. 

Alarick carefully set his spoon down, his expression thoughtful. Finally, he voiced the question that had been lingering unspoken between them. "What is a Lycan?"

There it was.

Accalia's heart softened at his inquiry, one she had anticipated for a while now. Adjusting to his new reality wasn't an easy task, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for the overwhelming transition he was undergoing. Though, surprisingly, Alarick was faring better and adapting faster than expected.

Wine rippled in the cup as she twirled it around. After a long sip, she set it down. 

"Lycans are shapeshifters, beings who can transition between the forms of wolf and human. They are creatures of the moon, part human, part wolf. Immortals with the strength and resilience of both species. Powerful, fierce, and deeply connected to the natural world." She paused, allowing the weight of this knowledge to settle. "And now you, my dear Lycan, are straddling both worlds, with the potential to wield powers beyond imagination."

Accalia's words hung in the air, emphasizing the gravity of Alarick's transformation. He absorbed the information, feeling the weight of his newfound identity settling upon him like a heavy cloak.

"Powers," he echoed. "You said...shapeshifters, right?" When she nodded, he continued, "Does that mean I can transform back into a wolf?"

Her lips curved. "Yes, Alarick. You possess the ability to shift at will," she confirmed. "It is a remarkable power, one that you shall come to understand and control with time."

Excitement lit up his entire countenance as he beamed. "And...this power, how do I access it?"

"It is within you," she explained. "Like a dormant ember waiting to be ignited. With practice and guidance, you shall learn to harness it. You ought to get accustomed to your human side first before you can call upon your other form."

Specks of ocean swam in his moonstones as he absorbed every word they exchanged.

"What do Lycans worship, Accalia?"

A knowing look crossed her face as if she was awaiting his question.

"The Moon," she murmured. "They worship the Moon, my dear."

He tilted his head to the side, pinning her with an intense stare that pierced her heart. "Is that how I have come to be?"

Thump, thump, thump.

Slowly, her head moved in an up-and-down motion. His abilities were born from his unwavering devotion, hypnotizing serenades, and unbridled selenophilia.

Warmth enveloped her, gradually turning into a blazing inferno setting her ablaze under his attention.

"Yes," she croaked. "You are my first and only Lycan, Alarick."

Word count: 1252.

Total word count: 12330.


Selenophilia: (n.) a love of the moon. 

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