15. Abditory.

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The forest sprawled out before them like a verdant tapestry, its canopy of emerald hues stretching as far as the eye could see. Towering trees stood like sentinels, protectors of the woods and its secrets. Moonlight filtered through the dense foliage, dappling the forest floor with patches of holy silver.

Shadows danced among the branches as a gentle breeze blew, creating a sense of movement and life in the stillness of the night. The air was alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures, adding to the orphic ambiance surrounding them.

In the distance, the cliff loomed like a silent guardian, its rugged precipice jutting out into the open expanse below. Viewed from above, its grandeur was even more pronounced. It was a breathtaking sight, one that never failed to stir his soul.

His abditory. 

It was the same, left untouched by everything but time.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, however, Alarick was hunched over, retching his meal. Accalia dropped to her knees, immediately fussing over him. With a subtle wave of her hand, she produced a towel from thin air, swiftly using it to clean up his face when he fell back.

"Blast," he croaked between heaves, muttering about his distaste for flying.

"Heavens," Accalia began, her voice quivering with suppressed laughter. "You scared me for a moment there."

Quietude enveloped them as they settled facing each other. Alarick crossed his legs, leaning back on his arms to stare at the sky.

"You ought to experience a run through these woods, Accalia. Exhilarating. Addictive."  Distant memories of labored breaths and the sounds of his paws striking the ground filled his head. A sigh tumbled out. "Pure ecstasy."

"Take me."

"I shall." He grew quiet for a moment. "I have been meaning to ask...where does your castle reside? Is it the moon?"

She shook her head. "It is in another dimension high up in the heavens, one reserved solely for me. It flows with magic and there is neither a moon nor a sun but night and day are the same as here."

"So, not the moon. I see."

When she wouldn't stop fidgeting, he glanced at her, silently urging her to speak. Flustered, she huffed, covering her face. "You have become quite adept at reading me."

He shrugged, shooting her a smirk. 'I have also gotten better at this mind medium between us.'

Accalia grinned. 'You are my most hard-working student.'

'Well, I am your only student,'  he retorted.

'For now,' she added cryptically, a hint of mystery in her tone that caught his attention.

"What do you mean?" he asked aloud, preferring to see her lips move as she spoke.

Accalia rose to her feet, gesturing for him to follow her as she headed toward the treeline. "I was wondering."

"About?" Alarick prodded, choosing to ignore her change of topic.

"Why did you not ask me to bring you here sooner?"

His steps faltered before picking up speed to match hers. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, he pondered her question. "The truth?" She nodded. "Returning here was something I wished not to think about, worried you might read my mind and know. I did not want you to assume that I was not enjoying my time with you or that I wanted to leave. But, most importantly, I was afraid you would leave me behind."

Accalia stopped to frown at him. "I would never."

"I realize that now. It was silly to hide such obvious facts from someone, and a Goddess nonetheless."

Nodding, she flashed him a wide smile, slipping her hand through his elbow as they strolled. "I am also a princess."

"A princess, you say," he hummed. "Does that mean you have parents?"

Her shoulders lifted in a nonchalant shrug, though sprezzatura consumed her features. "I suppose. I do not recall anything of my childhood. All I know is that I woke up one day in my castle as the Goddess of the Moon, its bright side. I have a sister, though."

Alarick shot her an incredulous look. "A sister?"

"Yes, she is younger than me. A princess as well as a Goddess of the moon, its dark side." 

A faraway, wistful expression darkened her countenance. She fixed him with a stern look, warning him not to inquire any further. Curiosity had an ugly taste when left unfulfilled, and he groaned inwardly but complied nonetheless.

As they walked, his mind wandered, and his steps gradually slowed until both stopped. 

The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness and a suffocating silence—no nocturnal songs, no rustling of leaves, not even the faintest whisper of a breeze. It was as if nature itself held its breath, waiting for something unknown to pass.

A sense of foreboding washed over them, and they exchanged a wordless look, both aware that something was amiss in the normally lively woods.

Accalia glanced around, while Alarick bristled with unease. He gripped her hand tightly, pulling her close, his senses on high alert. In the eerie quiet, only their heartbeats could be heard.

The thump, thump, thumps of anticipation were interrupted as wolves emerged from the trees. 

"Behind you!" Accalia moved to push him away from the imminent danger, her voice, laced with urgency, reverberated around them. 

Reacting on pure instinct, Alarick enveloped Accalia in a protective embrace. He positioned himself as a shield between her and them, his muscles coiled with tension. With lightning speed, his hand lashed out, fending off the first wolf that dared attack his beloved and tearing through its throat. 

At the display of strength, the other wolves kept a distance as they encircled them. Reluctance was evident in their lack of offense, their predatory instincts warring with caution. Yet, their eyes still gleamed with malignant intent, and they assessed him for any sign of vulnerability.

His white shirt, torn beyond repair, was bedabbled with sticky crimson. Alarick could sense Accalia's concern as she fretted over his wounds, but he remained numb to the pain. Primal rage surged through his veins, fast and scalding. 

He flashed them his teeth in warning, and they snarled in response, refusing to back down. 

A bloodbath it shall be.

"Accalia, leave," Alarick forced through gritted teeth. 

"They cannot hurt me," she assured.

"I am well aware." He inhaled deeply, attempting to control his tone when addressing her. "I do not doubt that you are more powerful than all of us combined. I just wish to handle this matter on my own, and I simply worry that your lovely dress might get soiled."

Accalia's laughter rang out like a melody, a soft and comforting sound amidst the tension. She pressed her forehead to his in a gesture of encouragement before gracefully rising into the air to watch from above. With a nod, she gave him her silent support.

Alarick tore off his shirt, revealing fresh gashes that slowly closed, his flesh knitting itself back together seamlessly. His skin absorbed the lucent moonlight, perfectly healed as if nothing befell it.

'Go ahead, my dear, show them what it means to mess with their King. A wolf is a wolf, after all. Even caged within human flesh. Even dressed in silk.'

Word count: 1200.

Total word count: 17634.

*Clears throat* I wonder who this sister Accalia speaks of? :p

Well, I've said it before, anyway. It's Adaliah, our FMC in TDOTM.


Abditory: (n.) it refers to a secret hiding place or a secluded spot where one can conceal something or themselves.

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