19. Ataraxia.

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Time flowed in a blur of romance and responsibilities, but their connection remained a steadfast querencia. And as they stood together on the precipice of another year, they knew that their love would endure for all eternity, a timeless bond that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

Accalia watched from the cliff as her Lycan lay sprawled on the ground, surrounded by exuberant pups. With playful abandon, he rolled onto his back, inviting the tiny creatures to pounce and nip at his fur. Joyous yips and barks filled the air as the tiny bundles of energy tumbled around him, their tails wagging furiously.

When he rose, they spilled over the ground, caught off guard. Their annoyed growls stopped when he licked their bodies and nibbled on their little bellies, further disturbing their equilibrium.

Her heart swelled at the ludic sight, and she chuckled. At the sound of her voice, a familiar melody that never failed to draw his attention, Alarick glanced up. His tongue lolled out in a canine grin and, with a sweep of his tail, he dismissed the pups, who quickly scampered off to join their parents. Then, in a blur of movement, he vanished into the surrounding undergrowth.

'Alarick,' she warned, though amusement leaked into her tone. 'Do not sneak up on me.'

Through their mind link, she could sense his response, a groan of mock frustration followed by the deliberate crunch of leaves under his feet announcing his presence. A smile tugged at her lips as she turned to face him.

His fur had grown longer, his gaze sharper, and his presence more commanding than ever before. He carried himself with the grace of a king, his aura radiating raw power. Accalia felt a surge of pride and love for the magnificent creature before her, her partner in all things.

Alarick watched his supernal Queen, poise and luminous. An aegean dress hugged her curves, its high collar concealing her mark from his intense gaze. Golden and argent lines flowed down its length, sprinkled with twinkling stars, as if sunlight and moonlight were woven into its very fabric.

Her silver hair cascaded like a waterfall of moonbeams, framing her face in a numinous halo, until it pooled around her feet. Her eyes held him spellbound, pools of cerulean that seemed to reflect the starlight above. A sapphire diamond rested across her forehead, bathing her in hues of blue and enchantment.

She exuded regality and detectability. Each movement she made seemed to stir the very essence of the night.

Alarick approached with a wolfish grin, hinting at mischief. He circled her before pressing his body against hers, his warm breath tickling her skin as he nipped and licked at her feet.

Accalia laughed, running her fingers through his fur. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Shifting back into his human form, he towered over her. With a smirk, he leaned down to peck her nose, then each cheek, before moving to her eyelids, her forehead, and finally brushing her lips teasingly. "Immensely. Were you lonely without me?"

She pouted, her hands rubbing over her slightly protruding belly. "We were. We missed you."

His eyes softened, filled with unconditional affection for their unborn child. "My apologies, my darling," he cooed, his fingers tracing patterns over her abdomen. "Your father was just busy ensuring that these lands, which you shall one day rule, are safe and sound."

Accalia swatted at his shoulder lightly, mirth shaking her shoulders. "Do not scare her off, she is but a mere fetus."

Alarick pressed his cheek to her belly, his voice tender as he quickly apologized, promising to take care of everything forever and never burden her. Then, he paused, a surge of warmth spreading through his chest. "She?"

"Yes," Accalia whispered, glancing at him fondly. "It is a girl."

In a heartbeat, Alarick gathered her in his arms and twirled her around, eliciting sharp squeals of delight from her. She hugged his neck tightly, their laughter ringing out joyfully in the night. Then, as they stood, deep in novalunosis and basking in contentment, Accalia traced circles across his defined chest. 

"I must thank you, my love."

He hummed. "For what?"

"You have gifted me many precious things."

Alarick smiled, fire burning in his onyx stare. He inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with her sweet fragrance. "I could gift you the world, and it would not be enough."

It had been a century, yet Accalia still blushed at his flirtatious antics. Burying her flushed face in his shoulder, she sighed, melting into his embrace as the world drifted off to sleep.

However, the comforting state of ataraxia was interrupted by Alarick's tense voice. "There is something amiss about the forest tonight."

Darkness slowly spread, suffocating nature's nocturnal symphony and extinguishing the moon's radiance. Shadows flickered like restless spirits, an ominous dance of imminent danger. An abrupt stillness blanketed the clearing where they stood, and his grip tightened around Accalia.

Apprehension furrowed their brows as their eyes darted around, searching for the reason behind the caliginous atmosphere.

A shapeless, dense cloud rippled behind them, materializing out of nowhere. Bursting into several portals of swirling tenebrosity and electric nothingness, it pulsated once, then twice, before wolves emerged, encircling and cornering the two lovers by the edge.

A figure stepped forward, tall and imposing, draped in a cloak of shadows that seemed to shift and writhe like living tendrils. 

"Who are you?" Accalia's voice boomed while Alarick bristled, hunching over.

A low growl resonated from the depths of the stranger's throat, provoking an even deeper snarl from the Lycan. As the faceless entity transformed into several swirling orbs of dull silver, the surrounding encroachers slowly advanced with a palpable malevolence.

Pushing Accalia behind him, Alarick stepped forward, warning rumbles in his chest. The wolves, however, were unresponsive. They seemed to be in a trance, ensnared by an unseen force that severed the bond that usually united all Lycans.


There had been no sightings or encounters with rogues in years—untamed wolves who defied the lupine hierarchy, driven only by a desire to terrorize and spill blood for their own pleasure and gain. 

They were vicious and disorganized, more feral than the average wolf, and staunch opponents of Alarick's reign. They had opposed his rise as a monarch since the very beginning, always jumping at any opportunity to attack him. He dealt with them accordingly as soon as he returned to Ducriedan, ensuring his subjects' safety and prosperity.

It appeared, however, that some had been in hiding, biding their time for the perfect moment to strike.

'Yes, but not really,' she croaked, unfamiliar fear trickling into her system. Regular rogues wouldn't dare attack both of them. Not in the open like this, at least. They weren't even capable of organizing such a big attack. 'They are under a powerful spell. I can detect faint traces of dark magic.' 

'There also seems to be a barrier around the clearing, shutting us off from the rest of the woods and the Lycans,' he gritted out, his voice more animalistic than human. 'I cannot get through to Lyall or Einar.' 

'We are trapped,' she concluded with a shudder, hugging herself tightly.

Before either of them could grasp the situation, however, a horde of ferocious fur surged forth from the portals, overwhelming them in a frenzy of teeth and claws. 

This time, unlike any of Alarick's previous fights, they sought to harm Accalia as well.

Word count: 1243.

Total word count: 23618.

The name of this chapter is ironic, isn't it? That was the point, hehe. Luring you with a comfy, untroubled, and playful atmosphere...then, BAM, drama.


Ludic: (adj.) of, relating to, or characterized by play: playful/lively and full of fun/playful in an aimless way.

Ataraxia: (n.) calmness untroubled by mental or emotional disquiet/tranquility of mind.

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