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These quotes reminded me of Accalia and Alarick, what do you think?

First and foremost, I wish to thank everyone who took the time to read, comment, and vote on Of Silver Rays and Raven Fur. Your support and lovely words/feedback mean a lot, and are immensely appreciated. Thank you for staying until the end. I know I always say this but it really means a lot to me. ❤️

I would also like to say that I'm proud of everyone for writing and for finishing their entries regardless of whether they qualified or not. What matters is that you started a story and saw it to the end. Be proud of yourself for finishing your work! :)

With that being said, LET'S GET THIS LAME PARTY STARTED!

1. Accalia and Alarick's story had been in my mind for YEARS. Funny that I wrote about her sister (Adaliah) first.

2. The cover is what inspired me. The 34th quote is what finally motivated me since it helped me set the story into motion and plan their initial connection and meeting.

3. I spend more time searching for chapter titles (and the pictures/aesthetics I put at the end of each one) than actually writing them.

4. Sometimes I write the whole chapter and I get this feeling that something is missing. So, I search for the title and that word ends up helping me polish, flesh out, and wrap up the chapter a lot better than when I started.

5. The chapter titles helped A LOT with the events and direction of the story, especially around the end.

6. Rieka and The Dark Side Of The Moon helped a lot with figuring out stuff for Of Silver Rays and Raven Fur.

7.  I never considered writing a story about another goddess of the Moon. Accalia was supposed to be the only one. But then, in Rieka, I wrote that she had a sister. I had to give her an interesting role.

8. When I was writing Rieka, Accalia's sister (who I later named Adaliah) was supposed to be an evil biatch. She was supposed to be the one behind the *clears throat* sad ending but it didn't turn out that way. If you've read The Dark Side Of The Moon, you'd know the shiz she did and the mess she caused (though I didn't expand much on it). But, I'd say that Adaliah is a bit darker than Accalia in her approach to life. More of an anti-hero.

9. The dead human (his name is Emrys, btw) Accalia and Alarick found wasn't originally meant to be discovered by them when I first wrote that scene last year. The cave he woke up in (in TDSOFTM) happened naturally around him, due to the passage of time, blah blah blah. So, I was so proud of myself for connecting them ,HAHAHA. I wonder what Adaliah would think if she were to find out that her sister protected and shielded her lover.

10. The owl in the cave was also a nod to Efû, the gryphon traveling with and guarding Ashelia on her journey.

11. The bright side of the moon is associated with fire while its dark side is associated with water. That's why Accalia has an affinity for fire, while Adaliah has an affinity for water.

12. This is a little detail no one but me knows *giggles*: when I wrote TDSOFTM, there was a lot of mention of fireplaces, warmth, candles, the crackle of flames, blazemoche...while in OSRARF, there were only a few. It's because Accalia's castle is a lot warmer and livelier than Adaliah. It's also because Accalia can wield fire so everything around her is naturally warmer. That's why, you'll notice a lot of mention of water (the lake, the bath, the lake again). On the other side, Adaliah is a lot colder and cooler. She's lonelier and gloomier, so everything around her castle is COLD. That's why she needs more fire to warm up her surroundings. Though, she and Emrys don't really feel the cold, but something about a good ol' fire just fills you with inexplicable warmth.

13.  I love eye contact (not in real life, though. Heavens, I'd die.), forests, the moon, and describing all that shiz. It shows and I hope it didn't suffocate you throughout your journey, bahahaha :p

14. Originally, Accalia was supposed to have black hair and silver eyes, while Alarick has black hair an blue eyes. I changed that tho, as I got another idea. 

15. When writing this, I struggled a lot with where the story was going after the 4th chapter. Then, once I wrote the 5th chap, it was like a volcano of endless motivation erupted in my head.

16. I knew the ending before even the beginning.

17. The attraction between Accalia and Alarick is due to them being mates/soulmates. so, he was initially attracted to the moon, but it was more platonic at first. After becoming a Lycan, however, Alarick found himself suuuuper attracted to her to the point of obsession. He even considered abandoning everything and just staying by her side forever. That's why when she first disappeared, he was struggling. It made him realize how much he missed the forest and his cliff. 

18.  I'm posting excerpts (1st chappies) from some of my previous ONC fantasy entries after this (since they're all connected). Feel free to check them, and if any catch your attention, I hope you enjoy reading them! :)

That is enough for now I guess, omg. I hope I didn't bore you to death but well...you made it this far so here are your cookies!


Until I find anything else to rant about...SAYONARA!

Stay awesome, stay safe! ❤️

Dreams. 😻

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