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"all right then, you know what's happening. now wait outside until further instructions are given." Aizawa, or known as Eraserhead drawled out, clearly contrasting the visible excitement on the students faces. You see, only the best students of both hero classes could attend, as well as one teacher. This is due to the fact that the offer of a one week field trip aboard the space agency, Tapops, was an illustrious offer. it was a miracle that Nezu managed to contact the agency and ask them, and it was an even bigger miracle that they agreed.

After a few minutes, but could be described as an hour, the Spaceship that they were boarding, which looked suspiciously like a kite and a crescent moon, touched down right on the fields in front of them. a few of the astute students could make out the words "MHS Justice" written on it.

"whoa...." gaped izuku. "t-that spaceship is half of the size of U.A!" "so what huh, Nerd! whoever's driving this thing is still a goddamn extra!" shouted back bakugou all while glaring at Izuku. Monoma looked at bakugou and said "Can't you A class students be any more disrespectful tha-" he didn't get to finish since the door to the spaceship opened up to reveal.... what could be called a 40 year old man in a blue suit who seriously needs to exercise.

"haha! hello their young ones! Call me Papa zola and I shall be your ride!" the man introduced himself to the gaping students."SERIOUSLY! This is the stupid extra we're going with!" Bakugo screamed at the man. "Who do you think you are! you look like some kind of extra cosplaying as a pre-quirk era hero!"

"Now now young man! no need to be angry at me! A-after all, I am your ride!" Papa zola boomed back, though with a slight stutter. Most of the student are over their initial hype, though others, mainly bakugo and todoroki are sending scrutinizing glares at him that causes him to unnerve slightly on the outside and make him scream on the inside.

"n-now then, follow me students and teachers alike! we're going to visit another spot on earth before we go to the station!" "But sir! Why must we-" Iida by a was cut off from rambling by Papa Zola. "That's a good question! You see, two of our.... more important members is there and waiting on standby! One of them have a.... quirk that will help cut our travel time by a significant margin! Unless you want our trip to be one or two days long instead of a few seconds, huh?"         N-no sir! I understand now." 

What Papa zola didn't let on was the fact that he's homesick and that he's been craving for some good hot cocoa.

"Now then students! Hop on! After all, we don't want to waste this once-in-a-lifetime just talking, right?". He was answered by affirmative shouts or nods as everyone got on. once he was sure everyone's there, he took off. "S-sir... I wanted to ask you about-" "about what, young uh...." "Midoriya sir." "ah yes, young midoriya!" "W-why would it t-take so long to go there in this spaceship to go to the station?" "O-oh, i see! well, you see the uh... Space station is quite far away from here. Light years away, in fact!" "O-oh but-"

"Nevermind, Young one! we're here now!" Papa Zola said, seemingly done with the conversation he had with Izuku.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FOV CHANGE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"A-ah. W-were here." I said, fully taking in the view. we're landing in an open field with a few markings stating that this field is, or was, a soccer field. The soccer goal on the left proves my point. it seems like that this field is used a lot as a sort of landing area for spaceships, which is really interesting. does that mean that aliens or Papa Zola have been landing here a lot. but that begs the question, how had no one noticed it? the field itself was situated next to a stand, which seemed like a potential hotspot for people, since I didn't notice any other restaurants nearby. Maybe if the alien.... "Midoriya? come on let's go". The person who broke my train of thoughts was Uraraka, who stood right next me."A-ah, right, come on lets go".

"Well then, Students of Justice! we are just gonna take a 5 minute rest so treat yourself with some hot cocoa until the other member of tapops arrive!" Papa Zola said, though he does seem a bit too happy about this. Anyways since we have the chance, I decided to go ahead to the stand and saw a robot hovering around while making... cocoa? Not exactly the weirdest thing, I mean I just found out that aliens do exist so a robot making cocoa isn't that bad right?

I'm probably about eat my own words very soon.

not just that, it's probably gonna be in the most spectacular way ever.

What broke my train of thoughts was the hot cocoa the robot gave me. Huh, must've ordered without thinking again. Oh well, guess better drink it while its hot.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FOV CHANGE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The moment he sipped on the cocoa, he was stunned by how flavourful it was. "Oh wow! This is really good!" "Well then kid, enjoy it while you can since this isn't Japan you're at. This is good old Malaysia in Southeast Asia! Call me Tok Aba and that robot your looking at is Ochobot!" the old man, now known as Tok Aba, introduced himself as well as the robot.

Ochobot approached Pony and Tokage, who were sitting nearby. "You two want to order something?" "Can we have two Iced cocoa, Please?" responded Pony for the both of them."sooo... that all?" "yes, thank you". Behind them was Mr. Aizawa sipping on a cup of coffee.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FOV CHANGE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's really great that we stopped here, the drinks are amazing! I even saw Todoroki himself enjoy the iced cocoa! That, itself spoke volumes about how good it is since he's a brick wall whenever you try to read his emotions. The kicker here is that even Bakugo is enjoying it, though he'll probably die than say it.

"Uraraka. look. someone's coming here." Deku said while pointing his finger behind me. There, behind me, was another person, the same age as me, walk closer to the stall. He was wearing an orange vest  with an orange dinosaur hat walk by. He's holding what seems to be grocery bags on both hands.

"Hello Tok!" "Ah Boboiboy! you're finally here! The students are just grabbing a few drinks while waiting for you!". Huh, so his name is boboiboy. Odd name, but what can I say? He seems to know Tok Aba well enough, so maybe they're related? I don't know, hypothesis is Deku's strong suit, not mine.

speaking of which....

"from the looks of it, they're both well acquainted, so either he's related or he's a regula-" "Deku, you're mumbling again." "I-i was?"

"Alrighty then," Boboiboy said while clapping his hands."We've delayed it long enough, now let's go to.... Tapops!" to say i was excited was an understatement. I was feeling a bit down, since I'm not gonna taste the hot cocoa for quite some time after this, but now i can go check out the  space agency! that sounds amazing! "Alright then, everyone on! don't want to leave someone behind!".

once everyone was on, Papa Zola turned to Ochobot."alright, Hit it!" "Ay ay captain!" responded Ochobot, Before opening a PORTAL the size of U.A! most of us gaped, while Deku muttered a soft "I knew it". huh, wonder why.

The space station that was on the other side of the portal was something to marvel at. Though I had to ask....

"....Isn't that a laundromat?"

Hello guys! Thanks for reading this. This is officially my first fanfic published, so, if there's any spelling problems in this fanfic,

1.Sorry about it. I'm still new

2.Thank you for pointing that out and i'll hopefully fix it.

So, see you next week! (If i upload at the right time)

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