Episode 18: The Golden Opportunity

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"Who are-" Macy was then interrupted by a dart being shot from the Shade's wrist. Macy blinked before screaming. "WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU...YOU SHOT ME WITH A DART THINGY?! TRYING TO TRANQUILIZE ME?! WELL...You....Wow, is it just me or are things gettin' real hazzzzzy...?" She asked, her body going uneasy and tired before she looked at Talon. "You're friggin' hot as shi-" She then collapsed, falling asleep.

The Shade put away his arm and then looked at Talon, who immediately stood up and took out his blades. "You're gonna wish you hadn't done that!!!"

Talon then charged, swinging his blades at the masked Shade, but the gold laced one took out his own pair of golden blades and clashed with Talon. Talon roared and broke the clash, and began running towards him again as he swung his blades. Metal clashing against metal, and sparks flying as the two moved swiftly and fluently with their fighting. But the masked figure seemed a bit more slow and brutal with his swings, while Talon was more fast and discreet.

Then, the golden Shade backflipped and blasted at Talon with a golden beam. Talon dodged. "You're one of them! Shard's experiments!"

The Shade flew into the air with his jetpack, and nodded. "I am. But I don't want to fight."

"OH, BUT I DO!!!" Talon roared as he flipped off a ship and into the air, deflecting a golden beam with his blades and then slashed at this golden Shade. But they dodged, flying further into the air until Talon spun his arms around and turned into a tornado, slashing at the golden Shade.

The golden Shade crashed against the ground, but quickly got to his feet and turned into a golden tornado of blades and charged at Talon. Blades swung and slashed, before both of them were sent flying against the wall, away from each other. Talon and The Shade panted before the golden warrior activated a combo of both the Smasher's guards and blades and charged once again. Talon formed an X with his blades, blocking the attack as he struggled to keep domain and power over the battle.

"Who are you?!?!" Talon growled.

"Someone who you clearly want to fight when I just saved your ass!" The golden Shade said before breaking the clash and turning his arms back to normal blades and flying into the air just as Talon swung his blades at him.


"I didn't. I fired a sleeping dart. It causes drowsiness to the target." The golden Shade said before putting away his blades and flying down. "I don't want to fight you, Talon."

"You know my name?" Talon asked.

The golden Shade crossed his arms. "You don't become a Shade fugitive without learning about the new ones."

Talon tilted his head before his eyes widened when he finally began recognizing the golden color. "You're...The First Fugitive. The High Council said you were dead!!"

"THOSE MOTHERFU-" The golden Shade then cleared his throat after taking a deep and long breath. "No, I'm not dead. I'm far from it. And I've come here to Earth for a reason. For you. Someone's been looking for you, and it's not the bounty hunters too scared to go after you."

"Who...?" Talon asked, tilting his head.

"I don't wanna spoil the surprise." He said with a chuckle. "I'm Jin by the way, but folks just call me Hunter."

"Alright then...Hunter." Talon said before scooping up Macy, who absentmindedly cuddled into his chest. "Is...she gonna be ok?"

"Oh, yeah. She'll be fine. That dose should only keep her asleep for about 10 minutes." Hunter said. "Come on, we better get moving."

"Where?" Talon asked. "We can't get through the energy shield-"


Talon slowly looked at Hunter, who was smirking...but he couldn't tell because the helmet covered his face and it didn't look like the golden Shade Traitor was planning on taking it off anytime soon.

"Yes. That was me and my friend." Hunter said. "We want to join you and your resistance and destroy The Shade once and for good. Those bastards deserve it after what they did to me."

"Well, it's good to know that someone is wanting to help." Talon said. "I, uhhh, don't know about the others though."

"If you think about it, they don't need to trust me. They just need to let me help them." Hunter said as they walked out, with Talon looking up and seeing the field completely gone. He was able to see the wonderful starry night shine brightly and beautifully.

"So...who's your friend?" Talon asked as they headed back to where Nova was, who was climbing down a building. But that's when Hunter's ship landed nearby and out stepped...a Stinger Shade. But silver and with sharp horns, and a gap in their tail showing they were female. They weren't as tall and bulky as most Stingers, and only slightly taller than Talon, but shorter than Hunter and Nova.


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