05. I took Archery in High School

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I'm not sure what I had expected when I told them my condition.

Maybe outright refusal, or since I was feeling optimistic, possibly even a sigh of relief that another person would be willing to join their ranks. But the two of them staring at me in stunned silence for a while, before bursting into laughter, was not even on my list. Up until now, I didn't think Zach was even capable of cracking a smile. He proves me wrong as he chuckles at my request.

"What's so funny?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest, my eyes narrowed. But they continue as though I haven't spoken, as if me wanting to be a Hunter is the most hilarious thing they have ever heard.

Eventually they calm down slightly and Caleb seems to take pity on me. "No offense, Jennings, but I don't think that's possible. Most of us train to be Hunters since birth. Others are chosen because of their cunning, physical strength or their knowledge of weaponry."

"I took archery in high school," I retort. Although, if I'm honest; I barely remember how to string a bow. But they don't need to know that.

This sets off another round of laughter, Zach going as far as slapping his leg repeatedly, like I'm the punch line of a hilarious joke. I am beginning to get quite irritated by them; I don't believe that I'm the first person to make this request. They're acting like I've just asked to be turned into a unicorn.

I must remember to ask Caleb if those actually do exist or not.

"Peyton," Zach finally sobers up, clearly picking up on my annoyance. "Why would you want to do this in the first place? It's a dangerous life and a lonely one. You see things that can turn even the sanest people into raging lunatics."

I walk over to the window, looking out into the cloudy sky while I try think of the best way to explain it. It takes a few minutes to formulate my response and when I turn back to face them with my argument prepared, they are both looking at me expectantly. Zach has gone back to serious, eyeing me warily, but Caleb has his ever present smirk on, the one I would really like to punch off.

"What happened with Henry-," I hesitate, unsure of how to go on or if they will even understand where I'm coming from. "I can't explain it, but I feel violated. I thought I knew him and it turns out that he is a monster. I kissed him, I held his hand, I started caring deeply for him. Meanwhile, he was killing people. He had me completely fooled. "

"Peyton, becoming a Hunter isn't a way for you to fulfil your personal vendetta," Zach advises. "It's an entire lifestyle change and not a decision to take lightly. Besides, we already told you; we're going to kill Henry. He will be exterminated and you can move on from this."

"It's not just about Henry," I admit, although he did play a massive role in my decision. "I don't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. I want to stop other people getting killed and hurt. I want to help."

"Jennings," looks like it's Caleb's turn to try talk some sense into me. "This life isn't easy. It requires a hundred per cent commitment. It's a full time job. You won't be able to go to college, or see your friends, or have a boyfriend."

I shrug, that's the least of my worries. "Clearly I have terrible taste in men anyway."

"What about Naomi? Your parents?"

"I barely ever see my parents. They're always travelling." Something shifts in Caleb when I say this, the smirk slips off his face and he averts his gaze from mine. I'm guessing he understands the feeling. Maybe he doesn't see much of his parents either. "As for Naomi, that's an easy one. I can tell her I've gone home or to meet up with my folks in Africa."

"You need to take some time to consider this Peyton." Zach looks really concerned. "You would have to give up everything and it will take years to train you."

But, I had thought about it. Last night, once my mind stopped replaying the events of the past two days, I had spent hours considering my choice. I really wouldn't be leaving that much behind. It's a sacrifice I am willing to make if it means I can help people.

"Look, why don't we just get this Henry thing over with?" Caleb suggests. "And then you can think about it some more. Once you see how it's done, you will have more information to base your decision on."

"No," I refuse, knowing how easy it would be for them to back out once I've already helped them. "I want your word now that once Henry is dead you will train me to become a hunter."

They exchange a look and Zach mutters something under his breath. I'm convinced I hear the word 'stubborn'.

"Peyton," he turns back to me, looking less than impressed. "Get changed, there's someone you should meet."


"Where are we going?" I lean forward from the backseat.

We are in a sleek black car with shiny leather seats. It's something that would probably be the envy of men everywhere, but to be honest I have no idea what kind it even is. It seems to speed through traffic with ease, the engine emitting a soft purr.

"We are taking you to meet Lideri." Caleb turns from the passenger seat. "And put your seatbelt on Jennings, Zach likes to drive fast."

I noticed.

I reluctantly slip back in my seat and click it on. "Li-who now?"

"Lideri, he is the leader of our organization," Caleb explains, although it doesn't really help with my confusion.

"Is that really his name?" I question. "What, is that like French or something?"

"No," Zach answers, shifting gears, his eyes locked on the road in front of us. "It's not his real name and he is not French."

It seems that's all he's willing to say on the matter, which is slightly irritating. But in the short amount of time I've known him, I've noticed that Zach can be a little, for lack of a better word, uptight. I look out the window at the buildings flashing past. "Are we nearly there? Because I need to pee."

I don't really. I just want to see Zach's reaction. And it works; the tips of his ears flush a deep scarlet red. I can see them from here. It appears Ironman does have emotions after all.

"That is far too much information Peyton," he mutters. "And no, we are not almost there. You will just have to wait."

I slump back in my seat, tempted to put my feet up on the centre console, and cross my arms. "Hey Calloway, is he always like this?"

"Am I always like what?" Zach's tone is tense, I can only see the side of his face, but he doesn't look too happy.

"Uptight and bossy," I answer. They seem like two words that suit him.

Caleb barks out a loud laugh and says, "yes." At the exact same time Zach grunts, "no."

They exchange another look, Caleb's eyes filled with mirth, Zach's with a warning.

"So why are we going to meet this Li-whose it?" I question.

"Lideri, and I suggest you learn to say it properly before we get there. He will not take kindly to your presence as it is," Zach tells me, his words laced with venom. I get the strong sense that he doesn't like me very much. But then again, I did just refer to him as 'uptight and bossy', so I can't really blame him.

Caleb turns to look at me again. "Lideri, as I said before, is the leader of the organization. If you are serious about becoming a Hunter, you will need to meet him and get his approval."

"But be warned now Peyton, the chances of him agreeing are very slim." Zach is interrupted by the trill of my phone, indicating a new message. "And turn that thing off. It's very irritating".

"You're irritating," I whisper under my breath. I'm pretty sure Caleb hears me though as he shoots me a grin. "It's a message from Henry," I say louder.

"What does it say?" Zach asks.

"Hi sweetheart," I read, while Caleb wrinkles his nose in disgust. "I had a lovely evening with you last night. I have some business to attend to for the next few days, shall we meet on Wednesday?"

"Wednesday, that gives us enough time." Zach mutters. "Respond to him."

I quickly type out a message to Henry confirming that Wednesday is fine. "Enough time to fine tune your murder plan?"

Zach pulls the car over to the side of the road so fast it makes my stomach lurch. He puts it in park and turns to look at me. "There is something that you need to understand, Peyton. You want to be a part of this life? It involves killing, a lot of it. Terminating the monsters that would murder innocent people without a second thought. Our hands are stained with almost as much blood as theirs. You can't humanize these creatures, you need to turn off your emotions and get the job done. Think you can handle that?"

I nod, mutely, slightly embarrassed and firmly put in my place. Zach shakes his head disbelievingly and turns to the steering wheel, easing back onto the road.

A tension has settled over the small confines of the car. Zach is gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles have gone white; his jaw is clenched as he stares ahead. Even Caleb isn't smiling for a change; instead his eyes are fixated on the road in front of him. He is the first one to break the silence.

"We have all done and seen things that have changed us Jennings."

"I'm sorry," I whisper to both of them. "It's just when I'm nervous I babble or go for inappropriate humour. Sorry," I say again.

"You and Caleb are going to get on well." Zach grimaces, as though that sounds like his worst nightmare. "Here we are."

That can't be right.

We have arrived at an old farm. Acres and acres of tall grass stretch out as far as the eye can see; a field of golden stalks that sway in the breeze. To the left is a forest of plush green trees, standing tall against the afternoon sun. In the distance, a rusty water tank sits atop a rickety metal frame.

Right in front of us is a double story house, nestled in the grass with a winding dirt pathway that leads up to it. It looks like a strong gust of wind would bring it down to its floorboards. Yellow paint peels off the edges, and the smashed window on the top floor looks like a large rock was thrown at it.

It's not exactly what I had been expecting.

"This is where you run your organization from?" I utter in disbelief. It certainly doesn't seem like the kind of place an organisation of mythical creature Hunters would run from. Maybe they have trouble with funding? I can't imagine that this is the kind of job that pays well.

"Yes," they say in unison.

The car comes to a stop, Zach shifting it into park and turning off the ignition. Caleb gets out first and opens my door for me. Zach disembarks and then stalks straight into the house without looking back. I am about to follow suit when Caleb grabs my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"Jennings," he mutters under his breath, "be warned."

"What?" I ask but he has already walked off into the house.

I take a deep breath, swallow my dread, and trail after them.

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