20. Apparently my reference is wasted on them.

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"Final count is thirteen," Zach says as he polishes his sword. According to him it's a scimitar, which is apparently different to Caleb's falchion, but they look the same to me. "We move on the first tonight, while he's alone and vulnerable."

"Here, Jennings." Caleb hands me the beautiful bow I had ogled the first time I came into the weapons room. "It will be good for you to have some extra protection. You said you took archery in High School?"

"But that was years ago!" I protest, despite the fact that this had been a part of my argument for them to let me join. "I can't remember how to shoot an arrow!"

"You're not going to need it tonight, Jennings. I'm just giving it to you for now. This mission relies on the fact that he will recognise you from the pictures that Henry showed them." He steps closer to me and zips up my jacket, his hands lingering at the top.

I haven't spoken to him about my chat with Lideri because I'm still not sure what to make of it. But we have kept our distance from each other, apart from when we are training. I'm also not really sure how I even feel about Caleb at this point.

I know that he saved my life and for that I'm grateful. I know that there is definitely some kind of spark between us that I can't seem to ignore. I know that he makes me feel safe and warm as well as irritated and annoyed. My feelings for him are a swirling mass of confusion that I can't figure out.

And right now, I would rather confront a scary vampire than my feelings.

My eyes meet Zach's ocean ones as he watches Caleb and I's interaction with interest. He's paused with his own jacket sipped halfway up. Disapproval radiates from his every pore, but he meets my gaze steadily, not looking away until I do.

"So once again, I'm the distraction?" I ask.

"Pretty much," Caleb answers, finally stepping back from me. "They know what you look like and they've been instructed not to harm you. If you can get close enough, that's when we'll strike."

"The word 'bait' comes to mind." Zach smirks, standing up and sheathing his sword.

"Zacharias, was that a joke?" What has gotten into both him and Lideri?

"It appears you may be rubbing off on me." His hand lands on my shoulder and he gives it a gentle squeeze, furthering my confusion. It appears Ironman is softening more and more by the day. I remember my promise to myself that I would survive so that I could be friends with Zach, it looks like I'm finally making some head way.

"I'm glad to be of service," I chuckle. This moment seems so normal. It's nice and far too rare in our world.

"Ahem," Caleb clears his throat, a deep frown on his face. "If you guys are done, we should probably get going." And with that, he leaves the room, resting his sword over his left shoulder instead of sheathing it.

"He's right," Zach says and just like that, the moment of camaraderie disintegrates into thin air. He heads off as well with me trailing behind, carrying my newly acquired bow and desperately trying not to trip over it.

We make it out to the car just as Caleb is loading weapons into the boot. Zach places his in as well before climbing into the driver's side. I carefully lay my bow along the backseat before sliding in next to it. I wait until Caleb gets in before asking, "So where are we going?"

"Straight to his apartment on the east end of town," Zach explains as he starts to drive down the road. "You will knock on the door and request his help for protection. Have you got the necklace Caleb gave you?"

I touch the pendant at the base of my throat. "Always."

I haven't taken it off except to use it since Caleb gave it to me. He hadn't had a chance to modify it yet, what with world war vampire on the verge of starting. But I could take a couple of cuts on my hands. I hope.

Zach speeds up to overtake a large truck, throwing me back in my seat slightly. "You can use that if his welcome is less than friendly. Just try to keep him talking while we come in through the window."

Am I the only one who sees the fatal flaws in this plan? "What if the window is closed? Also, what about the noise we are bound to make?"

"If the window is closed, it will be up to you to get it open somehow."

"Right," I snort. "Because that's not obvious at all."

"Exactly." Zach seems to be back to his normal self, incapable of detecting sarcasm. "And as for the noise, if all goes according to plan, there won't be any."

I watch the city lights fly past the window for a while before I finally turn to Caleb. "Are you alright? You haven't said a word since we got in the car."

He looks at me in stony silence for a while before he answers. "I don't like this plan."


"For one, it relies on you being with a blood-thirsty vampire alone," he points out. "We can't trust that he won't harm you.

"I don't believe that for a second. You mentioned in the control room that I was serving as a distraction. Besides, Colton had said they weren't allowed to hurt me, so I'm sure it will be fine." Or at least that's what I'm hoping. I don't want Caleb to know how scared I really am to go in there alone. Again.

He turns back to look at me, concern etched on his face and his trade mark smirk nowhere in sight. "What if he already knows that Henry and Colton are dead? We'll be sending you straight into a trap. I'm not sure that you're ready for this Jennings."

"I'm sorry." I can't seem to stop my voice from rising slightly. His words sting more than they should. "How is this any different from sending me into a fraternity house alone?"

"You know that wasn't our choice, Peyton," Caleb argues. He doesn't call me by my first name often so I know he's getting annoyed. "And this is an entirely different situation."

"If you two could delay this little spat until after we've killed this vampire," Zach interjects before I can respond. "That would be great."

Quiet settles over the car again until Caleb finally says, "I didn't realise that it would be like this. All alone in his apartment." For a moment I think he is continuing our 'little spat' as Zach had called it. Until I notice that he is actually addressing the driver and not me.

"Caleb, this is not the right time to discuss this. Lideri-,"

"Oh of course," Caleb scoffs before Zach can finish. "Lideri's will must be done, right? Zach, come on, I know you better than that."

"Guys," I attempt to interrupt, but they both ignore me.

"Yes you do. And while I am not overly fond of the plan either, it is our best bet. She has already proved that she can take down a vampire on her own. We have to trust that she will be able to do this. Especially if she is going to help us face this storm."

What is with these guys and talking about me as though I'm not there? Although I have to admit, Zach's words do warm my heart slightly. At least he has some faith in me. He's come a long way from the first time I said I wanted to be a Hunter.

"I don't want her to get hurt."

Zach is silent for a long moment, his eyes meeting mine in the rear view mirror. The worry I can see in those blue depths surprises me. Eventually he says, "Nor do I."

"Wow guys, tone down the affection," I blurt out, unable to handle the tension that settles over the car after Zach's proclamation. "I might actually start to think we're all friends."

Neither of them answers me and I lean back in my chair again, thinking about the plan. I'm downright terrified of going in there alone, but I hope that Colton was right about them not hurting me unless something happened to Henry. The only thing is, we can't be sure that they don't know Henry's dead. And if they have found out, then this guy is likely to kill me on the spot.

"What's his name?" I ask suddenly.

"Ivan," Zach is the one who answers yet again. "And we're here," he adds as we pull up outside a large building. It looks to be about four or five stories high. The brickwork is crumbling and covered in graffiti. Even in the moonlight I can read the profanities written in different colours of spray paint.

Ivan. Here we go.

"Are you ready, Jennings?" Caleb turns to face me, the concern still shining through those green eyes of his.

I nod and try to swallow the lump of fear in my throat. It's useless though, it seems to be lodged pretty firmly.

"Off with his head!" I respond, doing my best to lighten the situation and hide how scared I am.

But apparently my reference is wasted on them.


The door stands in front of me, it's peeling wood looking far too intimidating. I hesitate before knocking. Its past two in the morning, surely he will be sleeping by now? Do Vampires even sleep?

Why didn't I ask? Does it matter?

I rap my knuckles against the heavy wood, doing my best not to shake. It's a few long, agonizing moments, during which I try to give myself a pep talk that falls flat with nerves, before it slowly creaks open.

The man before me looks to be in his late twenties. His greasy black hair reaches his shoulders and his arms are covered in tattoos that peak out from beneath his dark blue t-shirt. His grey eyes look me up and down quizzically before realization dawns on his face.

"Henry's girl," he acknowledges and I fight the urge to protest. Our whole plan relies on him recognising me and now that he has, it wouldn't serve us well if I denied any connection to Henry.

"Ivan." I don't even have to fake the way my lip wobbles. "Help me, please."

He steps out and looks up and down the hallway before nodding and opening the door wider to let me in.

"Henry told me I could come here if I ever needed help," I carry on my act. The apartment seems to be coated in a fine layer of dust, the décor noticeably old-fashioned. Looking around I notice that a window in the far corner is, thankfully, wide open.

"Sit down." He points me towards a couch that, for some reason, is covered in plastic sheeting. A shiver rolls down my spine as my mind immediately takes me to dark places. Is it used for protection against blood stains? I don't want to know. "Where's Henry?"

"I was hoping you could tell me," I perch myself on the edge of the cushion, not wanting to get too comfortable in case I need to spring into action. The plastic crinkles beneath my weight, the sound oddly loud in the otherwise quiet room. "I haven't seen him for a few days."

He sits on the coffee table right in front of me, a little too close for my liking. His hand reaches towards me and I can't help but flinch away from his touch. He takes no notice of my movement, his fingers touching the collar of my jacket that Caleb had so kindly zipped up for me.

"This is interesting material, Peyton." His whisper is creepily soft, sending shivers up my spine. "I've only ever seen one other jacket made from this. Henry brought it back as a prize from the Hunter he killed."

His eyes flash red, the change so abrupt I barely have enough time to adjust to it. His hand clamps around my neck and he gets to his feet, lifting me up as though I weigh nothing. My toes trail along the floor as he holds me aloft, the pendant from my necklace cutting into my windpipe.

"You're one of them," he snarls, his teeth elongating.

"No," I choke out, searching desperately for an excuse before settling on the only believable one. "Henry gave it to me."

Where the hell are Zach and Caleb?

"Lies!" Ivan tosses me like a rag doll across the room. I land with a hard thud on the floor, my barely healed bruises making themselves known. Pain explodes along my back from the impact and I bite back a scream.

"Where is Henry?" he roars, approaching me slowly.

It reminds me too much of my fight last week against Colton. "I don't know!" I shout back, struggling to get back to my feet. My fingers fiddle with my necklace, trying to get it off my neck. As soon as I do though, Ivan grabs me again, this time by my shoulders. It falls from my grasp, clattering uselessly to the floor.

"Where is Henry?" He asks again, each word punctuated by him slamming me against the wall. My head feels like it's being split open from the pain and I somehow don't think that my knee trick will work this time.

His crimson eyes stare at me, the anger in them turning to hunger as a coppery scent wafts through the air. The stitches across my head have ripped open and I can feel a warm trail of blood making its way down my cheek. Just when I think that this guy can't get any creepier, he leans forward and licks me.

He licks me.

Nausea swells in my belly, quickly followed by rage at the audacity of his actions. The anger quickly takes over everything else and I find my second wind. Using his distraction to my advantage, I tilt my head back and slam it against his as hard as I can.

The pain that fires through my temple is almost overwhelming, causing my vision to blur for a few seconds. My stomach swirls again, bile threatening to rise in my throat as Ivan takes a few steps back, surprised by the blow. I take a moment to gain my bearings, leaning down and pulling the dagger from my boot. It takes more effort than I'm proud of not to topple over and remain on my feet.

With all my strength, I ram the small blade into his upper shoulder. My aim could have been a hell of a lot better, but the room is currently spinning and it's the best I can do under the circumstances. He howls loudly, yanking the dagger out and backing away. He trips over the coffee table and lands flat on his back with a loud groan. It shouldn't surprise me that he doesn't bleed from the stab wound, but for some reason it does.

I scramble to pick up my necklace, my back screaming in agony and my wobbling legs barely able to hold up my weight. The relief I feel as my fingers close around the familiar pendant is palpable. Just as I straighten up again, Zach jumps through the window.

"Peyton." His face is white as a sheet as he looks me up and down, his sword held high in the air. "Are you-,"

"Fine," I cut him off as Caleb joins us in the lounge. "Get him!"

But just as Zach raises his sword to behead Ivan, the vampire jumps up and lunges for Caleb. They both tumble to the floor, Caleb's sword clattering uselessly to the side as Ivan's teeth snap towards his neck. In an impressive move, Caleb rams his elbow into Ivan's nose and pushes him to the side, scrambling back to his feet and fumbling for his sword.

Ivan stands and stares at the three of us approaching him. "You've picked the losing side, Henry's girl. You're all going to die."

It would have been the perfect moment for a witty one-liner from one of us, but Zach doesn't give me any time to come up with one. He swings his sword towards Ivan's neck, but the vampire manages to block it in a swift move, knocking it straight out of Zach's hands. Zach turns to follow its trajectory, giving Ivan time to punch him in the middle of his chest, sending him flying towards the opposite wall.

Caleb steps up, circling around the vampire as Ivan's eyes follow his every movement. "I'm not a newbie like Colton," Ivan taunts. "I've been with Henry for years."

"Then I'm sorry to inform you that he's dead," Caleb smirks. "My deepest condolences."

If it weren't for the current situation, I would applaud.

As it is, I barely have time to react as Ivan lounges for Caleb and they both crash to the floor for the second time. Zach shouts from behind me and I snap into action, moving towards them as fast as I can. I'm only two steps away when Caleb manages to wrap his hands around Ivan's neck.

I have a perfect view as Ivan turns his head to the side, opening his mouth and closing it down hard on Caleb's wrist, where his jacket has ridden up during the fray.

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