31. Cue the awkward family reunion

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After six long torturous days of sitting on the hospital bed, Angie finally clears me to leave. My heart soars when I realize that it's just in time for the Hunters Ball. Caleb arrives to help me back to my room, buzzing with excitement for the night ahead.

Both Zach and Caleb have visited me every day, in between trying to track down the vampire that got away. Apparently, finding him is now the top priority, before he can warn the rest of the people that Henry turned. I worry that it might already be too late for that. I'm almost completely convinced that they already know all about Zach and Caleb and that the next mission is going to be an ambush.

But I try not to dwell too much on it. Thankfully, during the last week, Caleb and Zach have remained at headquarters and not gone out on their own. I hope it stays like that until I can join them, though I know the chances are unlikely. Their next mission is looming closer by the day and it's only a matter of time before they find him and leave to take him out.

"There you go, Jennings." Caleb opens the door to my room and helps me hobble in, one of my arms slung over his shoulders. "I went and got some of your stuff so you would have something to wear tonight. I didn't find many dresses though, so your options are pretty slim."

"I don't wear them often," I admit, surveying the three choices he has laid out on my bed. It's only when I touch the first, dark brown and made of satin, that I realise something. "Wait, you went out? You weren't supposed to leave headquarters!"

"Relax, Jennings, I made it back in one piece." His smile eases my worries slightly, allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief as I realise he's right. "Besides, I knew you'd be uncomfortable showing up in jeans."

"That's really sweet of you." I can't help the grin that stretches across my face. "Thank you, Calloway."

"Pleasure." He swiftly kisses my forehead before removing my arm from his shoulder. "Are you okay to change on your own, or do you need me to stay and help?" he asks with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I'll be fine." I swat his arm, ignoring the sharp pain that shoots across my belly. "Now, get out so I can get ready."

"Okay, if you insist." He shrugs, chuckling to himself as he turns back to the door. "I'll come get you at eight."

An hour later, just as I've climbed out the bath, there's a knock at the door. Cursing Caleb for coming back when I still have two hours to get ready, I gingerly wrap a bathrobe around myself and hobble to the door.

I'm still not sure how I'm going to dance. Couldn't I have waited until after this ball to get injured?

I open it, surprised to find Zach standing there, looking slightly uncomfortable as he takes in my appearance. His eyes refuse to meet mine, staring over my shoulder as he clears his throat. "Peyton, may I come in?"

"Uh, sure." I pull the robe tighter around me and step back, confused by his presence.

"I brought you this." He passes me a clothes bag, the tissue inside it rustling with the movement. I don't know much about clothing brands, but judging by the curly calligraphy emblazoned on the front of the bag, it's an expensive one. "I thought you might need something to wear tonight. Although," he pauses, eyeing the three dresses on my bed. "It looks like you might already have something."

"You got me a dress?" I ask incredulously, attempting to scrape my jaw off the floor.

"Don't look so shocked, Peyton. I can be a nice person. Sometimes." He half smiles and shifts awkwardly on his feet.

"Wow, thank you, Zach." I'm not sure which surprises me more; Zach buying me a dress, or him making a joke about it. Okay, definitely the former. I can't even picture Zach in a dress store, never mind actually making a purchase. "That was really thoughtful of you."

"Yes, well." He shrugs as though it's no big deal, which it definitely is. In fact, it's huge. "I couldn't have you showing up in jeans when I could do something about it."

It's like they think the only clothes I own are jeans. Although, looking at the three dress options on my bed, one of which was for a wedding and another for a formal in high school, I can't really blame them. Zach and Caleb have only seen me in a dress once, the night we took down Henry, and it didn't even belong to me, I had borrowed it from Naomi.

"One more thing," he adds, just as his hand reaches for the doorknob. "Your parents will be in attendance tonight. They arrived about an hour ago."

Damn. I had known that it was possible I would see my mom tonight, but I haven't seen my dad since I found out about them being hunters. I'd prefer not to come face to face with them in a room full of people on a night that's supposed to be all about letting loose and having fun.

Cue the awkward family reunion.

"Thanks for the heads up, Zacharias."

His lips twitch upwards as though he's trying not to smile. "I thought you might need it."


The dress that Zach brought for me is gorgeous. It's made of silver satin that falls to the floor. The top has thin straps that curve into a sweetheart neckline and the bust is adorned with intricate beadwork that sparkles in the light.

Who would have thought that Zach would have such good taste?

I've never worn silver, nor have I ever tried to, thinking that it probably wouldn't suit me. But, when I put it on, the material soft against my skin, I know that this is the dress I'm going to wear tonight. It fits almost perfectly, slightly loose around my waist and about an inch too long. Considering I had never tried it on, I would say Zach did an incredible job at selecting the size.

Once I've managed to secure the straps in place, I look sadly at the three options that Caleb had been kind enough to bring me, knowing that none of them compares to this one. For a moment, I feel so bad that I almost change into the one I wore for my cousin's wedding.

But then I realise that I'm just being silly. Caleb's not going to mind that I'm wearing a different dress. Besides, it was a struggle to get this one on with the ache in my stomach, there's not a chance I'm taking it off now. Why put myself through the unnecessary pain for no reason?

Once I have the dress on, there's not much else to do to get ready. I don't have make up here, and anyway it would feel like a bit of a waste. I force my hair into a side plait so that at least it's something different from my usual ponytail. I slip on my boots, fighting the temptation to tuck a dagger in one.

They definitely don't match my dress, but luckily the material is long enough to hide them. There's no chance of me wearing heels to this thing, not only do I not have any, but knowing my luck I would fall and rip open my stitches. I open the jar of pain killers Angie gave me and take my prescribed two with a sip of water from my bathroom tap. I wish I could take a couple more, just for tonight, but I know that's not a good idea so I will just have to make do.

I'm just finishing up when I hear another knock at my door. Hobbling over and opening it to find Caleb, looking smart in a button up shirt and tie, I can't help the smile that crosses my face. He's clearly attempted to tame his unruly dark hair, shoving it into place behind his ears. After only seeing him in combat and training gear, it's a bit of a shock to see him so dressed up.

"Jennings, you look," he pauses as though searching for the right word. "Breath-taking. But where did you find that dress? Is that one of the ones I brought? I don't remember it."

Heat rushes to my cheeks at his compliment, quickly chased away by a pang of guilt. "No, Zach gave me this one."

"Oh." For a moment I'm sure I see something flash in his eyes but it's gone before I can decipher it.

"I'm sorry, I should have-,"

"No," he cuts me off. "There's no need to apologise. You should wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. Besides, now I get to see you in this dress." He takes a step back to look at me properly. "You're beautiful, Jennings."

Elephants dance through my stomach at his words and my heart swells. I didn't think it was possible, but my blush deepens and I'm sure he can feel the heat coming off my face from where he's standing. "Thank you, Calloway."

"And I have to hand it to Zach, silver definitely suits you."

"I've never worn it before," I admit.

"You should wear it more often," he suggest with a grin. "Should we go?"

I nod and he reaches an arm out and wraps it around my waist, pulling me flush against his side. We head towards the dining hall, our progress slow thanks to my injury. Caleb stops every few minutes to make sure I'm okay, his arm never leaving my side.

But the truth is, I feel better than I have in days.

For the first time in a week, I'm not concerned about vampires, stab wounds, or Caleb and Zach going on a mission without me. Instead, I'm looking forward to the night ahead with the man beside me whose concern for my well-being is honestly adorable.

I'm also excited to see Zach, hoping that he will completely relax and have fun, releasing the weight off his shoulders for a few hours. I wonder if he will have dressed up, like Caleb, or if he will just wear his Hunters jacket. I barely ever see him without it and I remember so clearly how offended he was when I called his dress sense 'odd'.

It's going to be a good night. I can feel it.

"Wow," I say as soon as we enter the hall and see that it is packed with people. "Are they all Hunters?"

"Yeah they are," Caleb answers as he steers me towards the left where there's fewer people. "They fly in from all over the world for this."

"I didn't realise there were so many!" I exclaim, taken aback by the sheer amount of people in the room, all laughing, drinking and talking merrily.

"Believe it or not, this isn't all of them. Some wouldn't have been able to come if they were on a mission."

"Holy cra-,"

"Peyton." An all too familiar voice cuts me off from behind. "Language."

I turn to face a man I haven't seen in months. The stubble along his jaw has turned into a full on beard with the moustache I remember so fondly sitting proudly over his top lip. His dark eyes, devoid of his thick glasses for the first time in my life, glance at Caleb's arm around my waist before shooting back up to meet mine. His mouth, usually stern and pinched, spreads into a wide smile, visible even through all the facial hair.

Ah, here comes the inevitable family reunion.

"Hey dad."

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