37. You haven't won until your enemy's dead

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"Jennings, our chances of walking out of this are slim to none." Caleb closes the trunk of the car and steps back. We brought every iron weapon that was in the room, even though there's no chance of us being able to use them all. But as Caleb says; 'rather safe than sorry'.

Is Zach's life worth Caleb's as well as your own?

"I know that." A twinge of guilt tugs at my heart as I remember Lideri's words. Deep down, I know that it's wrong of me to ask Caleb to come with me on what could possibly be our final mission. But, I'm selfish, I always have been, and I also know that I can't actually do this without him. "This is your last chance to back out, Caleb."

He frowns, his green eyes devoid of their usual sparkle. "Zach is my partner, my friend. I want to try and save him. And you." He steps closer, placing his hand under my chin and softly kissing my forehead. "I would follow you into the fiery pits of hell."

My stomach churns with guilt, a sick nauseating feeling that makes my heart thud against my chest. I need to be honest with him, to tell him how I really feel, but the words lodge in my throat, desperate to be contained. I swallow hard, trying to get them to come out. "Caleb, about us-,"

"Later, Jennings." He steps away from me and goes around to the driver's side of the car. "We can deal with all this when we have Zach back."

I nod in agreement, relief filling my chest for a moment, and climb into the passenger seat, waiting for Caleb to slide the key into the ignition. My heart pounds in my chest as we drive through the night towards Clover Street. Without Zach in the car to discuss plans, the space feels empty. Caleb tries anyway.

"So we start from the underground tunnel and work our way from there," he decides. "I remember the direction they were headed, but hopefully it will be easy to track them. Zach was bleeding pretty badly, I'm sure there will be a trail."

I try not to flinch at his casual mention of Zach's injuries. Or the fact that Zach is surrounded by blood-thirsty vampires, who would waste no time in biting him. If Caleb is right about Zach, there's also the possibility that he will bleed out before we can save him.

I have to admit I will miss you.

I nod mutely, my fear is starting to take over my common sense and I'm struggling to breathe. The air in the car feels thick and heavy, as though Zach's absence has a life of its own. This is my first mission without him, and all I can think of are the things that could go wrong. And there are so many. So many ways we could die, or be hurt, or turned.

Caleb and Matthew had only managed to prepare fifteen grenades by the time I got back. What if it's not enough?

It's my first time wielding a sword. Granted, it's a machete and not a falchion or scimitar like Caleb and Zach use, but it's still foreign to me.

I have my bow, and iron tipped arrows, but if my hands continue shaking this much I won't be able to aim.

There's also the possibility that I'm trying so hard not to face. It could be too late for Zach.

Zach, who brought me to see Caleb even when he wasn't allowed, who took the time to buy me a dress, who danced with me at the Hunters Ball. Zach, who has always pushed me to be my best and struggled to open himself up.

The same Zach who has just started to make jokes and put aside his quest to become Lideri to help me. Zach, whose eyes are as blue as the ocean and whose smile, though rare, lights up his whole face. The Zach that, somehow, without even realising it, I've fallen for.

It can't be too late for him. I refuse for it to be too late for him.

"We're here," Caleb whispers as we park on a deserted street. Though I've never been here before, I recognise it immediately from the footage we watched earlier. The same street lamp with a broken bulb stands on the corner and the dark crimson splashes that cover the tar are visible in the moonlight.

Further up ahead is the opening of the tunnel, looking dark and ominous beneath the night sky. A shiver runs through me as I realise that we are going to have to enter it. Even if the footage didn't show me Zach being dragged off through there, the streaks of blood leading up to it are an obvious indication.

Caleb jumps out the car, slamming the door behind him and quickly strapping his sword to his belt. I follow suit, grabbing my bow and slinging my quiver over my shoulder. My machete is strapped to a holster on my leg. Daggers are tucked into my boots. Most importantly, seven grenades are looped around my belt.

I just hope it's enough.

Caleb looks just as ready for battle as I feel with the numerous weapons attached to him. He's even unearthed a gun from somewhere. We look at each other for a long moment before Caleb pulls me close. "Jennings, if this is it, at least we're going down swinging."

I settle into his hug, taking a deep shaky breath and releasing it, hoping to expel some of my nerves. "I'm ready for it. Are you?"

"Always." He plants his lips on mine briefly before stepping away. "To the fiery pits of hell."

"To the fiery pits of hell," I repeat, unable to keep the grin off my face, despite the circumstances. It slips off quickly as we trudge towards the opening of the tunnel. My heart hammers in my chest, like a caged animal desperate to break free. The pain in my stomach makes itself known with every step we take, and I do my best to ignore it, knowing that we can't afford the distraction right now.

Always be ready.

My palms are slick with sweat as I pull out my bow and notch an arrow, holding it in front of me and trying not to remember when I tripped over it and Zach had teased me. Beside me, Caleb holds the gun aloft, his laboured breathing and heavy footsteps sounding far too loud in the confines of the tunnel.

Assess your surroundings.

The graffiti lined stone walls are starting to crumble away. The space is small, narrow, making me feel slightly claustrophobic. Dim lights line the top of it, illuminating the concrete walls covered in profanities. Occasionally, I have to side step a pothole, where the road has worn away.

Decide your course.

The only way out is straight through, which means that Zach and the vampires are somewhere out the other end. Small blood splatters dot the dark tar, pointing us in the right direction. My chest is tight with fear as I do my best to keep my hands steady.

The vampire comes from nowhere, slamming into Caleb's right hand side and sending him toppling to the ground. I aim my bow and let an arrow loose, missing the vampire completely as it ricochets off the wall of the tunnel and clatters uselessly to the ground.

"Henry's girl." The smile on his face speaks of sinister things. He studies me with crimson eyes that seem brighter in the poor lighting. Nausea threatens to engulf me as I see the trail of scarlet that runs from the left side of his lip.

I drop my bow to the floor, knowing he's too close to me for it to be effective. It rattles on the ground, the sound echoing through the tunnel, but I barely hear it over the thudding in my ears. Grabbing my machete from its holster, I raise it high in the air as the vampire circles around me.

A loud crack rings out, deafening in the confined area and the vampire staggers forward slightly from the bullet that has entered his back. But it doesn't stop him. He advances towards me with a sick grin on his face, showcasing his elongated teeth as his crimson eyes turn a shade darker.

Know your enemies weakness.

Just as I raise my arm to swing, he shoves me hard, sending me stumbling. My back hits the wall of the tunnel, leaving me with nowhere to run. Another gunshot rings out and the vampire lurches, falling to his knees for a second before getting up again.

Using his momentary distraction, I lift the machete and swing it towards his neck, but he catches it mid-air, yanking it from my grasp and throwing it behind his shoulder where it lands uselessly on the floor. My stomach screams from the exertion as I'm pulled forward slightly. Caleb's wide eyes meet mine as he struggles to his feet, aiming the gun at the vampires head.

Another bullet flies through the air, and this time I clearly see it hit the vampire's neck. He yelps, but continues forward, as though it's a mere inconvenience. Time seems to be moving in slow motion as I unclip a grenade from my belt and use my teeth to yank out the pin.

"Catch," I yell, throwing it at him. I duck down, dropping to the floor and flinging my hands over my head to avoid the shrapnel. A loud bang echoes and a sharp stinging pain makes itself known in my hand.

I don't see if the grenade meets its target, but judging by the shrill screams that come out of the vampire's mouth, I'm guessing that it does. I look up to see him with iron shards sticking out of his face and a menacing look in his eyes.

You haven't won until your enemy's dead.

But, just as I'm about to reach for my necklace and cut his head off, Caleb appears, swinging his falchion wildly and slicing clean through the vampire's neck. I watch in fascination as the body bursts into flames before turning to ash.

I'll never get used to the sight, no matter how many times I see it happen.

We wait a few moments in silence, weapons out, prepared for an ambush that never comes. Ash litters the ground in front of us, covering the toes of my shoes. Caleb breathes heavily beside me, a grimace on his face. I glance down at my hand where a piece of shrapnel seems to have pierced my skin. It's a small cut, nothing serious, and I wipe off the blood on my jeans.

The only sounds in the tunnel are Caleb's laboured breathing and the thudding of my heart. We both relax slightly, heaving a sigh of relief as we look at each other. Caleb places a hand on my shoulder, his green eyes searching my face for any sign of injury.

"Are you okay?" he asks, when he sees the streak of blood on my jeans.

"Yeah, it's just a small cut. Are you?"

He nods and manages a slight smile, inclining his head towards the other end of the tunnel. "We should get going."

"One down, seven to go," I mutter, my words sounding far too loud despite how quietly I uttered them.

He nods once, releasing me, his smile turning into a full on grin. "Off with their heads, Jennings."

About damn time somebody used my reference.

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