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Sapnap's Point of View.
- 7 Years Ago -

hello mr pandascanpvp

can you stop calling me that

nope never ever

okay sunny

anyways, wanna play minecraft ^_^

always down
for the craft 😎😎😎

okay, voice call me idiot

yeah yeah whatever loser

"Hello Nicholas." She picked up the call. I could practically hear her smiling as she said my name.

"Whattup, my favorite loser." I replied, rolled my eyes, even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Yeah yeah, what do you wanna play today?" She asked. "Let's go into our world??" I suggested.

"Yes! I'm down, Let's go!" She exclaimed.

Clicking around I looked at my bright screen as I opened up the realm I made for Sunny and I to play around in. I was waiting for her to join in on her end when her mic began to pick up the background noises.

"You're just a useless bitch-" I heard the yelling through her side of the call.

Sunny has told me about her home life, and ever since we became bestfriends, she told me everything, called me to rant, or just escape the terrors of her home.

I, myself don't make friends that easily, I've always just a quiet and shy kid, so as of right now, she's really my only friend, and she means a lot to me.

Although I have no idea what she looks like, and she doesn't know what I look like, for our own safety... we are just kids after all...

I took a deep breath and began sprinting around our world server, already having the chunks loading, seeing our nicely built house, and our dogs.

"By the way, in my spare time I built a nether portal for us." I heard her sweet and innocent laugh. "It was a pain in my ass honestly."

"No way, really?" I asked, obviously surprised.

"Yeah... Now all I think we have to do is find the.. fortress or something." She said as more faint yelling could be heard in the back.

Unfortunately, it was just a natural thing for both of us to just ignore. She hated acknowledging it. Sunny has told me before that talking to me was a way for her to getaway and be distracted, and I was completely fine with that.

Taking a sip of my water, I moved around, trying to find her, when I stumbled upon her tag, in the distance. I sneaked up to her in a cave as we continued talking and I began hitting her with my sword, making her gasp into the call. "IM LOW, IM LOW, STOP!" She yelled, but I noticed she was still trying to be quiet.

"Dude, why would you do that!" She groaned with a small laugh. "You scared me." She continued as she began mining coal. "I almost peed myself."

I laughed at her remark before I continued to walk further into the cave. I flinched at my screen when I took immediate fall damage, falling into an abandoned mine shaft.

"HA. karma!" Sunny giggled as she heard my slight yell of fear when I fell.

"Shut up." I shot back at her. "There's a mineshaft here dude." I looked around. "Oh oh oh where?" She asked.

"Just walk forward." I told her, knowing she'd probably fall just like I did.

My intuition being correct, I heard her gasp. Also hearing her character take fall damage.

"Found it." Sunny laughed.

"Take her then! I don't fucking care! I'm tired of living with you and that brat!" I heard even louder yells from her end of the call.

"Oh, diamonds!" I gasped happily. "Nice! Where!! Where?" I heard her get excited. "Do you have an iron pick on you?" I asked.

"YES! NOW WHERE ARE YOU." She eagerly said.
"Uhhhh--" I spun my character around, observing my screen.

"Nevermind, found you nerd." She laughed before moving her character in front of me to begin mining .

"8 diamonds." She finished. Holding the blue item in her hands.

"Even split! Give me four!"
"No way!" She laughed at my request.

"Bruh." Was all I could respond with.
"Kidding." She threw half of the stack to me.

I picked up the diamonds to only see she threw three at me.
"Um... I'm missing one.." I said awkwardly. "I mined them, so I deserve five." She tried to negotiate. "Hey not fair, I'm the one who found them!" I complained.

"Your mom isn't fair." She laughed at her own joke, making me laugh.

As she laughed, I decided to pull out the sword I had in my inventory and continuously hit her. Laughing like a maniac, I chased after her in the cave as she panicked.

"HEY HEY HEY IM LOW PANDAS STOP IT-" She screamed as her character crouched and ate pork chops.


"I actually hate you so much." I could hear the irritation in her voice, but I still laughed at her.

"HAHAHA." I chuckled into my mic. "And you say you're gonna be a pro gamer."

"YOU LITERALLY-" I knew I got a rise out of her. "I WAS NOT READY, YOU IDIOT."

"How will you ever be a professional gamer, Sunny? You have to be ready at ALL COSTS!" I began messing with her more. "Watch, one day when we become streamers. I will have more subscribers and followers than you. Mark my words, Pandas!"

Sunny and I have dreamt about becoming professional youtubers or streamers that just played games for a living. It's lame.. yeah, but we promised that when we grow old and have enough money for a whole set up, we'd become streamers together, no matter if it flops or not. It would just be us having fun and doing what we like!

"Come back to the house and bring me my stuff." She demanded. "Yeah yeah, I'm on my way." I giggled as she scoffed.

"You're actually so annoying" ai heard her slam her desk in clear annoyance making me laugh even harder.

"I'm coming, just chill out Sunny" I said as I dragged the Y in her nickname. "It's all out of love!"

As I sprinted in the realm, I made it back to the house we build, finding her with no armor, and a stick in her hands.

"Here you go!" I threw all of her stuff back. "Thank you."

"Welcome!" I smiled to myself. "Hey!" She spoke up.


"Pandas, I'm missing a diamond." She mumbled. "Yeah you're gonna have to catch me for it." I punched her before sprinting off. "OH MYY GOSH COME BACK HERE!" She yelled as I went in third person to see she was coming right after me.

We ran around the house and the area around us when all of a sudden-

"Maisie, who are you fucking talking to?"

"Nobody-" I heard the fear in her voice as she was far from her mic. I assumed she quickly took out her ear buds from all the muffling on her end.

"Come on, We're leaving."

"Dad, I'm not going anywhere with you." I could hear the panic in her voice.

I felt like I was invading so I was about to end the call but I had a gut feeling and wanted to make sure she was okay.

I couldn't leave her...

"Don't fucking argue with me, Let's go."
"Where is mom?"

"Don't worry about her."
"Where is she." I heard Sunny's voice crack.

"GET UP." Her dad yelled.
"Pandas, I have to go." I heard her quickly whisper with a slight tone of fear.

"Sunny, are you okay?"
"I'll chat you later-" She said quickly once again before I heard the sound that indicated the call ended.

"Maisie no wait- shit."

One month later.


last day of
school today


i found the nether
fortress thing

i hope you're okay :(

come back soon please

i miss you maze

happy 4th!

i got this thing called
discord, it's kinda cool!

i wanna beat the ender dragon
with you! :(

i beat the ender dragon!
it was pretty cool!

today was my first day of school
idk how i'm gonna get
through high school without you.

happy birthday sunny!
i miss you everyday!

happy one year
of being best friends :(

Maisie never came back online.

authors note
lol this was kinda sad- sike
anyways i don't like it here

ty for reading

dec 27, 2023
bro what was i on when writing this
what was 15 year old me cooking...

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