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Maisie's Point of View.
- March 01, 2020 -

"ALRIGHT, THANK YOU!" I thanked the uber driver as we got dropped off at the airport.

"Do you guys have everything?" £ asked as I held onto my single backpack, looking at the others with their big duffel bags.

"Yeah." They nodded. "Gosh, I am so tired." Karl shook his head, rubbing his eyes.

"Sleep on the plane." Sapnap pat his shoulder.
"Oh trust me, I will." He mumbled while we walked off.

We entered through the double sliding doors before going further into the airport to check in for our flight, which we gladly did. There was no extra heavy luggage to go into the aircraft hold so we continued off to find the security gates which afterwards lead to the departure halls.

"...What gate is it?.." Alex asked.
"18." I yawned.

"Right there." Karl pointed.
"YEAHHH, TRIP TO MAISIE'S!" Alex celebrated.
"WOO!" I matched his enthusiasm.


"Oh-" I was caught off guard. "LETS GO!" I exclaimed.

We all walked off together and gave the lady at the front of the boarding bridge our tickets, allowing her to rip off the one piece she needs. "Enjoy your flight!" She smiled.

"Me and Alex are here." Karl pointed.
"We're right here." I pointed at two seats that were diagonally behind them.

As time went on, the plane continued to fill up, but it wasn't maximum capacity. After a couple minutes, the plane door closed, and the flight attendants began to walk down the aisles making sure everyone was safe for the flight, preparing for take off.

I adjusted myself to feel more comfortable, and shut the window since it was night time. I lifted the arm rest that separated me and nick, allowing me to lay my head on his shoulder. "

"Hi." I mumbled as he looked at me.
"Hi." He smiled.

I closed my eyes and decided to sleep through the flight, also feeling the plane moving as we took off.

After what felt like 10 minutes, when it actually
wasnt, I woke up to the lights of the plane turning on, and people getting out of their seats.

"We have landed." Nick said with a tired smirk, assuming he also napped.

I stood up and grabbed my backpack that had not much inside since I literally took a day trip to Houston for like 7 hours, while Karl, Alex, and Nick grabbed their carry on duffel bags.

We got off the plane and went into the airport, making no stops, and just leaving the building quick.

"Does anyone wanna drive?" I asked with a laugh.
"I can!" Karl volunteered.

"Great." I smiled and grabbed my Tesla remote from my backpack. "My car is over in the parking garage."

I motioned for them to follow me as I rubbed my face to wake myself up, walking toward the elevator of the parking garage, after crossing the street from the airport.

"I'm so excited!" Quackity whispered to me.
"Me too." I smiled knowingly.

The second the elevator doors opened to the second floor, I grabbed Nick by the arm and dragged him along. "WOOO, LETS GO!" My mood boosted out of no where.

Karl unlocked my car since he had the remote, and I opened the trunk, allowing them to dump their luggage inside.

"Maisie.... your address??" Karl turned and laughed after we all got in the car. "OH- RIGHT-" I laughed in realization.

"Just exit first-" I told him.
"And then find the exit for the freeway and I'll tell you when." I chuckled. "Or Nick will." I finished as the car began to move.

Once we got out of airport traffic, I started mindlessly talking to Nick in the back while the other two were having a conversation in their own universe before Alex completely knocked out.

"I have an idea.. of what the surprise is." Nick said to me.
"Oh, really?" I replied.

"Yeah." He nodded. "What is it then?" I asked, with a raised brow.

"Dream and George are there." He laughed.
"Uh oh, awww, you know." I gasped sarcastically.

"Oh, so I was right?" He asked.
"Yeah." I nodded. "Caught me!"

"Should I still act surprised?" He questioned as I let out a small laugh."Maybe for the sake of them, yeah."

"Maisie, I've been driving on this freeway for like 10-15 minutes... Do I exit any time soon???" karl asked

"OH!" I looked forward and quickly put my glasses on. "Ah, that exit right there!" I pointed. "Just in time, Karl!" i pat his head as he made the exit.

"And then from there, at the light turn left, and then there should be a family grocery store." I paused. "And at that intersection turn right, and take another left, and we are at my house." I said slowly, making sure he got the directions.

"I'm gonna need you to repeat that in a bit." Karl laughed.

After a couple minutes of directing Karl, he pulled into my driveway, and we finally arrived.

"OH your house is bIg-" Karl looked up.

"ALEX WAKE UP!" I poked at him.
"hM?" He mumbled "oh-" HE yawned and sat up.

"Let's go in, shall we?" I asked as we all got out of my car.
"Keys, please!" I held my hands out and looked at Karl.

"Here!" He tossed them to me.

I quickly walked towards my porch to unlockmy front door, allowing them all into my beloved San Francisco home.

Nugget began barking until he saw me and I kneeled down to give him pets before I picked him up to hug him. "LOOK WHOS HERE!" I smiled and set him down, so he l run to Nick.

"NUGGET!" Nick said happily as he bent down to pick the dog up. "Hi!!" He giggled. "You're so big now!"

"Where's your cat..." Karl asked shyly.
"Probablt up in my room." I shrugged.

"And where's your room?" He asked again.
"Door with big black m, you won't miss it upstairs." I pointed, giving him permission to go up as he happily sprinted toward my staircase.

"So...." Nick looked at me as the house fell silent.
"Right, wait!" I paused him. "Open your gift first." I walked toward the coffee table and grabbed an envelope.

"I have to use the bathroom." Alex said before walking off. "I didn't even tell him where it is, but alright..." I mumbled as he just began wandering around my house.

"Okay." I walked back to Nick's side. "Here." I handed the envelope to him. "Open it and read it to me!" I smiled.

"Okay..." He smiled through a confused look before looking at the sealed envelope.

"To, Pandas." He read the cursive writing as he cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows. "Heart." He laughed at the doodle.

My anticipation was rising as he carefully ripped open the top, and continued to pull out a paper. I already know what it says, but I just don't know how he'll react to it.

"I'm pregnant?" He read aloud. "WHAT-" He looked at me with a shocked expression before looking back down at the paper.

"Just kidding." He read more.

"JESUS MAISIE." He shot his head up as I laughed. "YOU ARE SUCH A DOOF."

"CONTINUE READING IT!!" I encouraged him.

"Hi Nick, I am writing this because I am too scared to say it out loud, so I'm saying it through paper, for you to read out loud to me." He paused to glance at me.

"Will you... move in with us?" He read slowly before looking back up at me. "US??" He asked.

"Me , Sapling, and Nugget." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Duh!" I shook my head and crossed my arms with a smirk.

"AND ME!!" Karl popped out of nowhere with Sapling in his arms. "AND ME!!" Alex laughed as he ran out of the hallway.

"AND US!!" Dream and George ran down the stairs.

"WAIT, WHAT?" Nick looked around him, looking confused out of his mind.

"Will you move in with us?" I asked out loud. "Here... in this house." I smiled. "IN SAN FRANCISCO."

"y-YES?" He exclaimed happily. "OF COURSE? LIKE ALL OF US?" He smiled.

"YEAH!" I nodded. "Of course this is just what it'll be for now, it's just convenient for the time being... I'd rather leave San Francisco behind.. We can move anywhere else after we settle in for a bit.. maybe like back to Texas or to Florida or even New York.. I don't know, but I really wanna do this." I smiled. "I wanna live with you guys." I nodded.

"Maisie, I've been wanting to move in with you for so long." He was sincere. "I would love to move in with you, and you guys." He looked around and smiled at everyone.

"I'm thrilled!" I laughed.
"Hmm.. isnt there only three rooms?" He questioned.

"Right." I nodded. "It's a long story but let's just say, most of space around this house was owned by my late grandpa. Soo... if you haven't noticed." I smiled. "I had some renovations made within the last couple months since you've been here, some rooms still to be added and built."

"NO WAY?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Yes way." I nodded.

"There is no way we can move out of here?" He furrowed his eyebrows."Well it is property under my name, it can just be a getaway home." I shrugged.

"You're absolutely fucking crazy." He laughed at me.

"Yeah, I know" I smiled wide before taking a deep breath. "So, these two." I pointed at Dream and George. "Have already moved in." I held my hands up.

"Alex has his stuff ready to move here." I smiled. "And Karl's stuff is driving over as we speak."

"Oh, and I already talked to your mom, and she was fine with it, and it was all up to you to move here." I explained.

"You are absolutely out of your mind." He stared at me, but kind of in a good way.

"Well, yes!" I nodded. "But I also couldn't do this without the help from these guys as well."

"I need to breathe." He laughed in excitement. "This is so crazy, but I'm so up for all of this."

"WELL!" I put my hands together.
"Breathe it all in because this is all happening."

authors note
stream your new boyfriend by wilbur soot
this is a dumb chapter idk

update: dec 31, 2023
in what fucking world pt. 73726272 ?????
"this is a dumb chapter idk" ur so right past vera.

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