Annoying Voice

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: TheFatRat, Slaydit & Anjulie - Stronger


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:39 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Getting stronger every day,

Keep on pushing through the pain

Keep on running 'til we die,


Lloyd was in the training room.

''Serpentine, it's time I Spinjitzu you back into the filthy holes you came from. Ninja kick! Tiger claw! Ninja, go!'' Lloyd said, pulling his mask over his face. He then attempted to do spinjitzu but failed.

Pythor laughed as he appeared. ''What a joke. You were always a boy who chased stupid dreams.'' He sneered, becoming invisible again and picking up Lloyd by the neck.

''Pythor! How did you get aboard?'' Lloyd asked.

Pythor held him by his gi. ''You think I would allow the Ninja to steal the Fangblades from me?''

''Ugh! You'll never get away with it! Hey-'' Pythor placed tape over his mouth and tied him to the punching bag.

''Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. As they say, out of sight, out of mind.'' He said, disappearing.

(Y/n) had heard Lloyd in trouble and rushed to help, before she was stopped by the Anacondrai.

''Hm? A hero comes to save the day?'' Pythor asked.

'Who the heck is this guy?' The voice in her head asked.

''Pythor.'' (Y/n) said, narrowing her eyes, while also giving the voice in her head his name. ''You slipped on board.''

''I've got other things to deal with,'' Pythor replied. ''I just need the Fangblades and then I'll be in my way.''

(Y/n) charged at him in his wheelchair, he went to the side and looked at her. ''Not much of a problem, hm.''

Electricity sparked between her fingers. She shot the bolt of electricity at him, and he dodged. The bolt struck the wood, leaving a blackened mark.

He used his tail to lift her from her wheelchair, wrapping it around her so she couldn't move her arms. ''You are annoying.''

''The zoo called. They're wondering how you got out of your cage?'' (Y/n) retorted, looking up at Pythor.

Remo appeared, slapping the Anacondrai in the face, making him drop (Y/n). ''And that's for trying to hurt her!'' He hissed, glaring at Pythor.

''I don't have enough time for this,'' Pythor said, disappearing.

(Y/n) got up into her wheelchair, before feeling the Bounty tilt. Remo gave her a nod and slithered off to help Lloyd.

The young Green Ninja soon appeared, wearing his gi. ''Let's go kick some serpentine butt!''


''Where do you think you're going?'' Lloyd asked, facing Pythor. He held a Bo staff in his hand. (Y/n) was beside him, her eyes narrowed.

''Ah. A little cliché, don't you think?'' Pythor replied.

''Uh, cliché?'' Lloyd said, confused.

''I wouldn't expect a child to understand.'' The Anacondrai replied, shaking his head.

''Hey, I've grown up a lot,'' Lloyd replied, pulling on his mask. He then attacked Pythor, who dodged, while commenting on his skills.

''Hm, puny strength, no fundamentals, sloppy footwork. You think you can defeat me?'' Pythor asked the young ninja.

''I'm not trying to defeat you. I'm just trying to keep you busy until the cavalry arrives.'' Lloyd told him. Nya appeared in her Samurai Suit and walked up to Pythor. The Anacondrai looked as though he wanted only to flee, as he did not fight back. Lloyd then kicked him, sending him into the wall. ''Haha, I hit him. I hit him, guys!'' Lloyd exclaimed.

Nya tried to catch Pythor but the big purple snake evaded her clutches, holding the Fangblades in his grasp.

''Oh, as much as I would like to play with your overgrown toys, I have a ride to catch,'' Pythor said, jumping off the Bounty.

(Y/n) looked over the edge, debating wherever to follow him or not. She glanced back at Lloyd, who held a longing look in his eyes. For her to stay.

And the fact she couldn't fly with her power yet was also something else to consider.

''No!'' Lloyd shouted, looking over the rail.

''So long, suckers!'' Pythor called from the Rattlecopter.

The boys and Wu held onto each other. They then fell, towards the lava of the volcano. Nya caught them in her Samurai Suit, putting them back on the Bounty.


Lloyd grabbed the case with the Golden Weapons. (Y/n) helped him, and he pushed them down to the deck of the Bounty, going down the steps with her.

''Oh, what about me?'' The future Green Ninja asked.

''We need someone to stay with the Bounty,'' Kai answered.

''But did you see me kick him in the face?'' He asked. ''I'm an asset. I kick butt. And face.''

''Patience, kid. You're too important now that you're the chosen one.'' The Fire Ninja told him.

''Patience, hmm? Ah, the student has become the teacher.'' Wu said, stroking his beard.

''What do you say we play a little catch-up?'' Jay asked.

''It's my favourite game,'' Cole answered.

''Ninja, go!'' The boys cried out, doing spinjitzu and jumping off the Bounty. They then summoned their vehicles, with Nya and Wu in the Samurai Suit flying up into the clouds.

''It's time we get this ship moving.'' (Y/n) said. Lloyd ran up to the control room and took the wheel.


Lloyd screamed as he tried to pilot the Bounty. (Y/n) held onto the railing, watching the serpentine bus ahead of them. Remo was listening to music, unaware of the chaos as he ate his ham sandwich.

'Why'd you trust this 'Lloyd' kid? He doesn't know how to pilot a flying ship.' The voice in her head spoke.

'If you talk, might as well tell me who you are.' (Y/n) thought, glancing back at Remo.

'My name is the voice-in-your-head, how about you?' the voice asked.

'Not how it works.' She replied.

'Then I'll be silent.'


(Y/n) looked back at Lloyd, who saluted at her while driving the ship. ''Keep both hands on the wheel!'' She called out, ignoring the grumble that escaped his lips.

He then pushed a button, making the Bounty fly faster.

Cole yawned as everyone waited by the train.

''This is really boring,'' Nya said, Lloyd appeared with the Bounty, making the anchor attached to the train.

''Lloyd!'' The ninja called out. (Y/n) looked from the rail, annoyed.

''Hook, line, and sinker,'' Lloyd said with a grin.

''To Ouroboros as fast as you can.'' The Fire Ninja told him.

''Aye, aye, captain.'' He replied, saluting.


The Ninja arrived at Ourobouros, and the sky was dark.

''Okay, Lloyd. Put us down right after that truck.'' Kai ordered. The ninja hopped off the bus, heading towards the centre of Ourobouros.

''Wait up, guys,'' Lloyd called out after them, (Y/n) followed, in her wheelchair.

''No, no. It isn't inside the statue? Then where is it?'' Pythor asked, the ground beneath him rumbling. ''Aah! It's so big!''

''You shall stay to see what you have done,'' Wu said, lunging at Pythor.

''Aah! Let me go, you fool! Don't you see? It's underneath us!'' The Anacondrai screamed, trying to get Wu off him.

Wu pulled his tail, preventing him from escaping. He held Pythor's neck, forcing him to stay.

''This is our destiny,'' Wu told him.

''What's going on? Who's that creature underground?'' Kai asked.

''The Great Devourer, consumer of all...'' Remo answered, appearing on (Y/n)'s shoulders.

'This is not the time for an all-you-can-eat buffet.' the voice said.

''You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, Ninja! Go!'' Wu told the ninja.

''No, Sensei,'' Kai spoke, looking at him. The ground disappeared as a massive head broke through, a giant dark green snake with magenta eyes rose into the sky, the ninja looking at it, speechless, while Remo looked over at Pythor.

''The great fool, he's going to destroy us all.'' Remo hissed.

The Great Devourer looked at Wu and Pythor, its frill opening as it hissed before it lunged at the doomed pair.

Snakes are cool. :P

Why the heck is Morro in (Y/n)'s head?

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story if you love it! <3

One nice comment can make my day. :)

Have a great day or night, wherever you are.

See ya, Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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