Day of the Departed

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: The Nightmare Before Christmas - This is Halloween / (DOTD)


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:16 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?"

I am the wind blowing through your hair

I am the shadow on the moon at night

Filling your dreams to the brim with fright


A/n: Let's just pretend it's still October, okay?

The sun shone on the sandy desert, and in the distance, engines roared. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a motorcycle appeared, with a figure clothed in red driving it

''Move! Move! Move! We're running out of time! Pick up the pace!'' Kai urged, sliding down the sand dune.

''Yes ninja, it's up to us to save the day,'' Cole spoke, driving his roadster. ''Again.''

''Roger that, Kai. Zane! Do you have a read?!'' Nya asked.

''ETA too late. Unless we break all speed limits. Increase velocity!'' Zane exclaimed.

''Already on it,'' Pixal replied.

Wu appeared on Lloyd's screen intercom. ''Ninja! I have reached the rendezvous point. Where are you?''

''The museum is still five clicks away! We're on our way!'' The Green Bean exclaimed.

(Y/n) rode her hoverboard, flying above most of the ninja. ''Well we better get there quick,'' she said. Remo peeked his head out of the backpack she wore and looked at their surroundings.

Jay flew by in his jet. ''Lookup kids! Jay to save the day!'' Ginja said, and laughed. ''Race you there, Lloyd!''

''Not if I get there first!'' (Y/n) replied with a grin on her face.

''I still don't understand how you got the Supersonic Raider Jet.'' Green Boi told Jaybird.

''Uh, 'cause I called dibs. Guy who calls dibs first gets it. Right, Cole?'' Jaybird asked.

(Y/n) and Cole began to lose control, with the Earth Ninja drifting off in his vehicle while Vitamin C was trying to stay on her hoverboard, but her legs began phasing through the boots that kept her on the hoverboard.

''Right, Cole? Cole? (Y/n)? Let me go get them!'' Jay exclaimed and turned the jet around. ''They're drifting off again!''

The Master of Illusion began to lose altitude while Cole fidgeted with the controls, terrified as he watched his hands ghost through them.

''No. No! Come back...come... no!!!'' The Master of Earth cried out, and his vehicle drifted up a mountain, nearly crashing into Jay.

''Cole! Look out!'' The Master of Lightning warned.

''Oh. Uh. Oh.'' Cole said, and landed. ''S-sorry Jay.''

It wasn't over yet. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as Jay's jet came into view, heading straight for her. Remo quickly hid in her backpack, scared.

Closer. Closer. And closer. In slow motion, it seemed. Then, Jay turned the jet sharply, missing (Y/n) by centimetres, so close she could reach out and touch the jet.

Time went back to its normal pace, and the Master of Lightning returned to fly above the others. ''Phew. I know you're ghosts, but I'm still in the living world, and I'd kinda like to keep it that way.''

''Ninja! Time is of the essence!'' Wu urged.

''He's right. Engage!'' Cole said.

''We have one last shot if we wanna make it. Combine for maximum impact!'' Green Bean exclaimed.

Kai attached his bike to the left side of Lloyd's vehicle. ''Locked!''

Nya attached her bike on the opposite side. ''Loaded!''

While Jay attached his jet to the top. ''And jet speed, reporting for duty sir.''

''Fire all engines!'' Lloyd shouted, and the ninja raced off in their vehicles towards Ninjago City.


The ninja arrived at the museum, hopping out of their vehicles while (Y/n) packed up her hoverboard.

''Gonna have to get that checked.'' the Master of Illusion told herself.

'While you do that, I'll go prank the others when they use the Ouija board again.' Morro replied.

'While I was hanging out with Skylor?' (Y/n) asked, blushing at the memory. The Master of Wind gave a 'yes'.

Jay panted. ''Master Wu, are we too late?'' He asked.

''There may yet be time,'' Wu answered, pointing towards the eclipse.

''Ninja Go!'' The ninja exclaimed, all doing Spinjitzu into the museum.


The ninja walked out of the gift shop, holding Day of the Departed lanterns.

Jay laughed. ''Mission accomplished.''

''Yeah, good thing we got to the gift shop before it closed,'' Lloyd replied.

''Yes, a Day of the Departed celebration is incomplete without a Day of the Departed lantern,'' Zane said, pointing to his lantern.

''Oh, this is my favourite holiday. I love all the lights.'' The splash-and-ghost-goes-poof girl told the others.

''And the costumes.'' Burnt Toast said, gesturing towards a group of kids who just finished trick-or-treating.

''And the candy. Hit me, kid.'' Ginja replied, and a kid with a pilot costume tossed Jay a piece of white candy to him, which he caught in his mouth. ''Mmm. Best day of the year!''

''Yes, enjoy the fun and festivities. But never lose sight of the true meaning of the Day of the Departed. Today is about remembrance. We light lanterns to remember our ancestors, and to settle our debts.'' Wu informed the ninja.

''Yeah, got it, got it. Lanterns, ancestors, debts. But candy too, right?'' Jaybird questioned.

''The Ninja. The Master Wu.'' Spoke a man with an annoyingly high-pitched voice. The ninja turned to see a man in a red suit with a long moustache appear.

''Dr Saunders.'' Tea-Obsessed Man greeted.

''Oh, please we are all friends. You must call me by my first name, yes? Uh, Sander, yes?'' Saunders/Boomer asked.

''Dr Sander Saunders?'' Kai whispered to Nya.

''At your service!'' Sander replied, chuckling. ''I am so pleased to be seeing you at this now. We are opening our new exhibit. Come, you see. Come.'' He said, guiding the group over to the entrance to the hall. ''Might I be presenting the Hall of Villainy!''

''I don't trust this guy one bit.'' (Y/n) said to Jay, but he didn't reply, instead, he was looking at the statues of the past villains that were defeated.

Vitamin C walked over to Cole, confused as to why no one was talking to her except for Remo and Morro.

''Wow.'' The ninja said in awe.

''Cryptor!'' Saunders said as they walked past.

''A plastic mannequin.'' Frosty the Ice Ninja commented.


''Uncanny.'' Green Bean said.


''Memories,'' Nya spoke.


''Is he looking at me?'' Ginja asked.

''Maybe from the past,'' Wu answered.

''And Morro!'' Saunders told the group, passing the statue of Weather Boi.

'Oh look, it's me.' The Master of Wind said in a bored tone.

''Checking this out! We don't just open on Day of Departed. It's Day of the Departed lunar eclipse. A special eclipse.'' He said, pointing to a picture showing the phases of the moon.

''The rarest Yin-Yang eclipse,'' Wu replied.

''Oh, poetic, is it not? Scary holiday, scary exhibit, scary moon. There is magic in the air. Boogily-Boogily!!!'' Boomer told them.

''It's... every villain we've ever faced.'' Burnt Toast said, looking around.

''Not every villain,'' Cole replied and started walking towards a portrait of Yang. (Y/n) noticed and followed him.

''No, there are many more to unpack. Overlord. Golden Master. All the ones who tried to destroy you. Exciting!'' Saunders informed them excitedly.

''Uh... yeah! Exciting.'' Bluebird replied with not as much enthusiasm.

''As we proceed further on the tour you can...'' Sanders said, guiding the group.

The pair of ghosts stopped at the portrait of Yang.

"Although known to some as the master without a student, Kodokuna Yang will be remembered by most as the creator of Airjitzu, the most powerful martial art in history." The Master of Earth quoted.

''Huh, actually I remember Yang as the guy who turned me and (Y/n) into ghosts!'' Cole said and looked at the relic encased in a clear material.

''Hey, uh, Dr Saunders? What's the story on this thing?'' Cake Devourer asked, trying to gain Boomer's attention. His hand then ghosted through the clear material. ''Hello? Dr Saunders? Anyone?''

(Y/n) tapped his shoulder, scaring him. ''Don't do that!'' Cole shouted, turning to her. He then scratched his nape nervously, blushing, seeing it was just her.

''It's just like the start all over again.'' (Y/n) replied, looking at the group.

Nya noticed the clear box with the Yang Portrait above it. ''Look at that! Cool!'' She said, running forward.

''Oh, you have a good eye, Nya,'' Saunders told her.

''Her? I'm the one who spotted...'' The Earth Ninja replied, and the group walked through the pair as if they were never there. ''Uh, Hey! Watch it! You guys are walking right through us!''

''The Yin Blade belonged to Master Yang. It is said to possess much dark magic.'' Boomer described to the group.

''They don't hear me, o-or see us! It's like we don't exist anymore. And it's all your fault!!!'' Cole said, angrily pointing towards the Yang portrait.

''Cole. (Y/n). Come. Come.'' Yang whispered.

''Uh....tell me you heard that.'' The Earth Ninja said to the group.

''They can't hear us.'' Vitamin C told him.

''Come, Cole, (Y/n)...'' Yang whispered.

''...which is why it is sealed in this case made of Clearstone, the hardest substance known to human. Impenetrable by any living being.'' Saunders informed.

''Cole, (Y/n).''


''Close the circle.''

''Close the circle?''

''Close the circle...''

''Close the circle.''

The two gasped, waking from their trance. The group was gone, and the two looked out the window to see the ninja outside. ''Huh.''

''Thank you so much for such an informative tour, Dr Saunders,'' Wu said, and both Boomers shook hands. ''Ninja, at the eclipse's peak we will return here for the concert. But first, we must go forth and honour those we have lost. Those who have Departed.''

''They don't realize we're both gone. Maybe...we're Departed!'' Cole said, looking at (Y/n).

Remo poked his head out of the backpack, and the three watched as the group left.

''See you guys soon!'' Kai said.

''Happy Day of the Departed Everyone!'' Nya exclaimed, and the ninja went in their separate ways.

'Morro? Are you there?'

There was no response.


Silence rang in (Y/n)'s head like an empty room.


''We honour our ancestors because if we never look to the past, we cannot envision the future. On the Day of the Departed, we pause to remember those we've lost. And enjoy our time with those we are still fortunate to have. I raise this cup of Remembrance Tea to you, Father. We never forget.'' Wu said and looked at the sky.

The Royal Blacksmiths waited in the city's backstage, along with (Y/n)'s parents, and the Master of Illusion's band (which included Wren and a few others), called Running with Foxes.

''Cole. Cole, where are you? My son was gonna meet me before the show to light a lantern.'' Lou said, and the Royal Blacksmiths began to sing.

''Give you your voice. Give you your song. Put music in your heart. Now my heart is gone. To pieces. Pieces, pieces. Pieces, pieces~'' They sang, and Dareth walked in.

''Hey, guys? Hey, listen.'' The Kiwi Ninja said, trying to gain their attention. ''Guys? Guys. Guys! Stop it!'' He said, stopping them.

''Ah, kids. Always letting you down. That's why I don't have 'em.'' Dareth replied, making (Y/n)'s parents glare at him.

''Not cause Gayle keeps turning down my marriage proposals, even though I'd make an excellent provider. Ahem, anyway, it's a good thing your manager is here to help you focus on the important things.''

''What's more important than family?'' Lou asked.

''A paying gig for a festival audience.'' The Brown Ninja answered, and a microphone appeared in his hand. ''Have a good show, boys.'' He said and went on stage.

''Hello, Ninjago. Hey, look at you. Look at that once-in-a-lifetime lunar eclipse. It's really happening. How about a warm Day of the Departed greeting for the Royal Blacksmiths!'' Dareth said, making the crowd cheer, and the singers arrive on stage.

''Be my Day of the Departed baby. Cold and spooky-hearted love. Still, my love for her is off the chart-ed~'' They sang, while Dareth danced off to the side.

(Y/n)'s parents stood together, worried looks on their faces. ''Where is she?''

Swiper watched the quartet. ''Everyone's here, so no one's home. Time for a little scrap-hunting. I wonder where (Y/n) is.'' He said, and left, the crowd eagerly moving closer to the stage.


The two arrived at the Temple of Airjitzu and flew up using Yang's martial art.

''All right, Yang. Show yourself. You hear me? Show yourself!'' Cole demanded, busting open the doors with (Y/n).

Yang appeared his hands behind his back. ''You received my message.''

''I got it, all right. And I've got one for you. It's direct from the business end of your own weapon.'' Cake Devourer told him and pulled out the Yin Blade.

The Ghost Master gasped. ''The Yin Blade. But how? It's encased in solid Clearstone. That case is impenetrable.''

''Not to a ghost. Which, thanks to you, we still are.'' Cole said, walking closer and holding the relic in front of him to intimidate Yang.

''What are you going to do?'' the Ghost Master asked.

''There's magic in the air. You know, eclipse and all?'' 99% Cake questioned.

''Please, where is your holiday spirit? It's the Day of the Departed.'' Yang replied.

''Doesn't mean we spare you so easily.'' (Y/n) told him.

''Uh-huh. And we're settling our debt.'' The two charged at them, but the Ghost Master dodged, making Cole break a vase instead, making Yang laugh. ''What? What's so funny?''

''This. That. All of it.'' The Ghost Master replied.

''What's happening?'' (Y/n) asked as green foggy tendrils spilt from the vase.

''My plan,'' Yang answered, and the green fog exited the temple, spilling over the edges of the floating island, as they went they turned the lanterns a spooky green.

Entering the Hall of Villainy, the spirits from the vase possessed the mannequins, bringing them to life. ''You never should have played with dark magic. This Day of the Departed will be remembered as my Night of the Return. The Yin Blade, if you please.'' He said, walking closer to the two.

''Yeah, I don't think so.'' Cole retorted.

''I do,'' Yang replied.

The two turned around to see his students, surrounding them in a circle. They tackled the two, burying them under a pile of ghostly students. The ghosts then handcuffed the Spooky Ninja, bringing Yang the blade.


The mannequins were coming to life as if it was Night at the Museum.

''Huh?'' Morro said as he moved, yawning as if he had just woken from a deep sleep.

''Who-Who are you?'' Samukai asked, looking around at the other villains.

''I should ask you the same thing.'' Weather Boy retorted, jumping down from his pedestal.

''I am Samukai, Skulkin general, fearsome master of the axe.'' The Bone-headed general replied.

''Ha! Fearsome? You call that fearsome?'' Kozu asked, slicing a pillar with his Departed Blade. ''This is fearsome! I am Kozu, destroyer of all foolish enough to challenge me.'' He declared.

''Yeah, so how did you do against a guy who destroyed you?'' Cryptor questioned.

''But what has brought us back? Oh, buttons, buttons, buttons!'' The Noodle Dude asked, before pressing some of his buttons on the sides of his chair. After pressing a few buttons, two mechanical legs came out from underneath his chair.

''Oh. Brake? No. Brake? No!'' He shouted as he crashed. ''I'm all right.'' He reassured the others, before crashing again. ''Still all right.''

''What is going on here?'' Bone-head asked.

''Well, the skinny man in the silky girl robes can't control his chair. And—'' Beep Boop answered.

''No! I mean with us!'' Samukai replied.

Morro pointed to Yang's portrait. ''Perhaps he can explain.''

''Still all right.'' Noodle Dude said, his chair walking itself to the portrait of Yang.

The Ghost Master took control of the portrait, making it move out of the frame. ''My magic has brought you back from the Departed Realm to Ninjago, but you can only remain for the duration of the eclipse. Unless...''

''Unless?'' Chen asked.

''Unless you destroy the Ninja who destroyed you. Use your Departed Blades, and you will take their place among the living.'' Yang advised.

Pythor slithered in, humming as he read from a map. ''Hall of Villainy?'' He said, looking around to see empty pedestals. ''More like, Hall of Empty-ny.'' Pythor then spotted his mannequin. ''Oh. Nice.'' He said, taking his Anacondrai Staff.

''The Ninja are dispersed around Ninjago, and you will have revenge,'' Yang informed them, making them cheer.

''Did someone say revenge? I want in. Ah, Cryptor, my loyal friend.'' Snekmello said to Beep Boop, chuckling. ''Chen.''

''Pythor.'' Father of Noodle Daughter replied, looking at his nails.

''Oh, frosty,'' Kozu said.

''You must each choose a Ninja and—'' Ghost Master said.

''I call Zane.'' Bone-head interrupted.

''No! He's my clone.'' Cryptor replied.

''Technically, you're his clone.'' Pythor pointed out.

''The blacksmiths' brats are mine.'' Noodle Dude informed the others.

''How come you get two?'' Snekmello asked.

Everyone started to argue, clashing with their blades.

''Silence!'' Yang yelled. ''Time is wasting, and I've got my own thing going on, so work it out!'' He said, before leaving.

''I have a score to settle with Nya, so she's mine. Her brother too.'' Chen said.

''Lloyd, I destroyed the father. Well, more or less. It's finally time to destroy the son.'' Pythor replied.

''I'll take Zane.'' Beep Boop told the others.

''Master Wu. We left things...unfinished. I will settle our debt, once and for all.'' Morro said.

Bone-head groaned and turned to Kozu. ''That only leaves Jay. One Ninja, but two of us. Okay, rock, paper, scissors. One, two, three. One, two, three.'' He said, trying to get the Stone Warrior General to play it with him. ''It doesn't seem to work.''

Kozu spotted Dareth. ''I want him.''

''Yes,'' Samukai replied.

''Then it's settled. Although, the Ninja won't go easily. Perhaps we could use some help?'' Pythor asked.

Cryptor looked at the map. ''The Hall of Sidekicks.''

Snekmello laughed. ''Convenient, is it not?''


The two sat down, back to back as Yang's students surrounded them.

''So guys, what say you help us out? You know, student-to-Ninja? Hello? Look, I know Yang's your master, but how can you be on his side?'' The Earth Ninja asked them.

They stared blankly at the trio, silent.

''Your pleas are useless. My students, well, they're loyal to no one but me.'' Yang told him. (Y/n) turned her head to face the Ghost Master and scowled at him.

''Come on, guys. Yang is like the definition of evil.'' Cake Devourer replied.

''Actually, "Yang" means "good." But I always did aspire for great. I dedicated my life to the study of the martial arts. I mastered them all, and even created my own.'' The Ghost Master explained.

''Airjitzu was my first achievement, but it was nothing compared to what I would discover next. My research revealed the location of the Yin Blade, a weapon whose magic was so powerful, it was said to hold the key to eternal life. Control the magic and I'd be forever remembered as Ninjago's greatest master.''

''Immortality was so near. It was time for the ultimate test: myself. But something went...wrong. So while I will live forever, it is only as a ghost. Cursed to haunt this once-proud temple as Master of the House. Never able to return. Until tonight, thanks to you.'' He finished.

''Thanks to us? How?'' Cole asked.

''You said it yourself. There's magic in the air. On the Day of the Departed, when there's a Yin-Yang lunar eclipse, the Yin Blade can cut the Rift of Return. So thank you for this.'' The Ghost Master answered.

''You're not welcome. And you won't get away with it. We're supposed to meet our friends soon. When they see we're missing, they'll come for us.'' 99% Cake replied, pushing the Yin Blade away.

''See you're missing? Ha! Look at you. You can barely see yourselves.'' He told them, making the pair groan. ''Besides, you've caused quite a few problems for your friends.''


Back at the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Wu looked up at the eclipse.

''An eclipse is always an omen, but is this one a sign of good...or bad?'' He asked himself.

Weather Boy snuck up behind him. ''Bad. Very bad.'' He whispered.


The two watched as Yang showed them the events.

''Our friends. What have you done?'' Cole asked.

''No, what have you done?'' The Ghost Master questioned.

''How? How could we steal the Yin Blade and release all those ghosts?'' (Y/n) asked.

''You were scared you were departing and that your friends had forgotten you. So I took advantage of your fragile mental state to trick you. Oh, oh, you weren't literally asking, were you? Give up, there's no one to help you. Now, excuse me, I have a rift to open. Watch them, just in case.'' Yang replied, and left, leaving his students to watch them.

Remo was trying to break through the cuffs with his fangs, while (Y/n) watched him do it. ''Cmon, you can do it.'' She urged.

Cole looked at the clock and began making a plan.


The Tea-Obsessed Man then realised Weather Boy was behind him.

''Well, my former student. How have you returned, Morro?'' He asked the Master of Wind.

''The question is not how, but why,'' Morro answered.


Cole attempted to talk to one of the students while (Y/n) helped Remo try and pick the lock.

''So I didn't get your name.'' 99% Cake said, but the ghost was silent. ''Okay, I'll just call you "Chuck". Look, Chuck, I know you think you're Yang's student, and maybe you were once, but now you're his prisoner. Don't you see? He's not your friend. He's your captor. You gotta shake off his spell. Then, we can stop him. Together. You, me, Remo and (Y/n).''

''Chuck'' was silent.

''Okay, no pressure, but you have three seconds to decide. One, two, three.'' At the sound of the clock going off, he jumped off the wall and kicked Chuck from behind.

Cole offered his hand to (Y/n), who took it and stood up, fiddling with the lock.

''Thanks, how about we go now Dream Team?'' (Y/n) said, and the trio headed out of the room.


Back at the concert, The Royal Blacksmiths sang.

''Be mine. Day of the Departed baby. Cold and spooky-hearted love~''

''Royal Blacksmiths, everybody. Aren't they fantastic? Hey, speaking of fantastic, it's my duty as manager to remind you that there's fantastic merch available in the gift shop. Hats, CDs, mugs. Show you're a real fan.'' Dareth told the crowd.

''Now, before my boys continue, I just want to say thank you for coming and getting into the spirit of the night. Look at those costumes. Funny clowns and aliens and astronauts. Wow, those Stone Warriors.'' The Brown Ninja said, spotting them as Kozu spoke in his mysterious language. ''So realistic.''

''Revenge will be mine!'' Kozu declared.

''Well, normally my guys don't take requests, but it is a special occasion. Boys?'' Dareth asked.

''Revenge will be mine. And you know I'm feeling fine. 'Cause my girls' coming.'' They sang, and the Stone Warriors jumped onto the stage.

''Hey, that's no costume.'' He said and threw his microphone away. Dareth ran, trying to get away from them. ''Can we at least talk about it?''

''Revenge!'' Kozu yelled as they chased him up the stairs to the museum.

''Okay, we're talking,'' Dareth replied.


''Talking is good!'' The Kiwi Ninja said.


Dareth screamed.


The trio went from door to door, looking for an exit.

''Yes! No.'' Cole said as they entered a room with more of Yang's students.

''Hey. So any chance you wanna tell me where Yang is opening that rift?'' (Y/n) asked, and they grabbed weapons, a bamboo staff and a katana.

''So...that's a no? Whoa, let's not be hasty. This isn't a fair fight. We're handcuffed.'' 99% Cake told them. The one with the katana swung the sword, accidentally breaking his cuffs.

''Do me.'' (Y/n) said, but the one holding the katana had learnt their lesson. Remo then finished trying to pick the lock, making the cuffs fall off her wrists. ''Thank you.'' She said, smiling at the little snake.

''Okay, sports fans, the score is Dream Team: 3, Evil Possessed Students: 0.'' The Master of Earth said as they walked out of the room.

''Hurry up. I haven't got three thousand years.'' Yang said as he walked up the stairs. The trio went the opposite way before they could be noticed, using the dumbwaiter to get to the next floor.

''Okay, it's showtime,'' Cole said as they approached a corridor with a lot of students.

''Deal with them,'' Yang commanded.

The two jumped into the air, using their weapons to fight the students upside-down, easily defeating them. The Master of Earth then picked up some nunchucks, an upgrade from his bamboo staff.

''Whew! We're coming for you, Yang. It's over. You don't have any more students. You're all alone.'' He said as they climbed the ladder.

''Oh, I am not alone, not at all,'' Yang replied, and more of his students appeared.

''What's the matter, Yang? Too afraid to take us on?'' Cole asked.

''Too busy.'' The Ghost Master answered. ''The eclipse is beginning to fade. Just like you. Take them.'' He commanded his students, and the three began to fight.


''We have fought twice before. And although it pains me, I will do so again if I must.'' Wu told his former student, wielding his staff.

''No, you misunderstand. I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to warn you. Master Yang has put your team in terrible danger.'' Morro informed him.

''What has Yang done?'' The Old Tea Obsessed Boomer questioned.

''He's made you forget two of your own, who was already slipping away.'' Weather Boy told him.

''Tell me more.'' Wu urged.

''I will, but aboard the Bounty. We have to warn the others.'' Morro said as they began to walk down the steps to the flying ship.


Yang got onto the temple's roof, gazing up at the eclipse. ''Good to see you, rare eclipse. Now help me to finally open up the rift.''

''All right, guys, time to take a break. Or not.'' The Earth Ninja said as they circled them. He used the nunchucks to hit them away while (Y/n) used her katana to do the same. The two stood back to back, facing Yang's students.

''Open the rift. Set me free.'' The Ghost Master said, swinging the Ying blade around.

''Okay, okay, how about that break?'' (Y/n) asked, and the students stood back up and started fighting again.

''You guys are more tiresome than Jay.'' Cole said, and the Master of Illusion nodded in agreement.

''Yes. It is working.'' Yang said as the Yin Blade began to spin.


Bone-head towered over Jay, holding his bone-axe. ''For what it's worth, this isn't personal, Jay.'' He told Ginja.

''It kind of feels like it is, Samukai,'' Jaybird replied.

''It's only so I can return. I promise that as soon as this is over, I'll release your parents.'' He said.

''I'm on that one,'' Ronin spoke, appearing in his mech. He freed Jay's parents and kicked Samukai like a soccerball into a pile of scrap.

''Ronin. Thanks for coming.'' Ginja told him.

''Yeah, I came to help. I definitely didn't think your folks would be at the concert so I could, um...borrow...some free scrap metal for my mech.'' Swiper replied, trying to find the right words.

''What?'' Jay asked.

''Um, nothing. You're all clear, kid. Finish them.'' Ronin told him. ''Oh, and I have a question. Where's (Y/n)?''

''I don't know, haven't seen her, maybe she was preparing for the concert?'' Ginja questioned.

''Strange, she told me she didn't need to do any more rehearsals,'' Ronin mumbled.

''What was that?'' Jay asked. Swiper didn't answer, instead leaving the Lightning Ninja to defeat Samukai and his Skullkin.


The Ghost Master watched as the rift to the other side opened.

''Ah, here it comes,'' Yang said.

''Ugh, they just keep coming. I can't do this much longer.'' Cole told the other two.

''Same here, we can't do this forever.'' (Y/n) replied, and Remo nodded.

''One last time. Ninja, go!'' The Earth Ninja exclaimed, and the two used spinjitzu.


Cryptor fought Zane on the snowy tree branch.

''I know your every move. I know how you hit. I know how you will kick. And I know you never give up.'' Beep Boop told him, while Zane gripped his wrists.

''Then I give up.'' Frosty the Ice Ninja replied, letting go. Creeptor attacked him, but fell forward off the branch and turned into a ghost upon hitting the ground.


The two fought until there was one student left. Chuck.

''Don't make us have to hurt you too.'' Cole pleaded, and the student ran away. He then replaced his broken staff with a sword, and the trio went out the window to stop the Ghost Master. ''Stop it, Yang.''

''Freedom. Return. It's all mine.'' Yang said as he used Airjitzu to fly into the rift.

''No! You...are not going...anywhere!'' The Earth Ninja said, and the two did the same, flying after him. Cole grabbed the Ghost Master, making both of them lose concentration and fall, with (Y/n) holding onto Remo as they did, landing on the temple's roof.


Jay arrived at the museum, where the others stood, talking to each other. ''Guys, I have the ghost story to end all ghost stories. You will never guess what just happened.''

''You battled the possessed mannequin of a mortal enemy?'' Kai asked.

''Him and his goons tried to send you to the Departed Realm with magic blades?'' Nya questioned.

''But you defeated them first,'' Zane added.

''And saw their ghosts disappear into the night.'' Lloyd finished.

''Oh, okay, fine. You guessed. Well, since you know so much, why were all those ghosts out here?'' Ginja inquired.

''Because distracting you was part of Master Yang's plan,'' Wu spoke, approaching the group.

''And he had help,'' Morro said, appearing beside him.

The ninja armed themselves in preparation for a battle. ''Morro!'' Lloyd said, narrowing his eyes.

Jay hesitated, before acting as if he hadn't seen the Master of Wind recently as a mortal. ''Any other villains want to show up tonight?''

''We've stopped five, what's one more?'' Kai asked.

''No. Put away your weapons. He's here to help. Morro, tell them.'' Wu informed them.

''Yang tricked Cole and (Y/n) into helping him open a rift to return to Ninjago.'' Weather Boy told them.

''Cole, (Y/n)? How'd he trick you?'' Ginja asked.

''Jay, they aren't here,'' Zane informed him.

''Are you sure? They've been fading a lot lately. Kind of easy to miss.'' Jay replied.

All of the ninja gasped. ''We forgot Cole and (Y/n)!''

Morro sighed internally. 'Idiots, they forgot to say Remo as well.''

''To the Bounty. They must be at the Temple of the Airjitzu Master. Thank you, Morro.'' Wu told his former student.

''Happy Day of the Departed, Master.'' Weather Boy replied with a smile.

Morro then returned to his pedestal, thinking of Vitamin C, and once again returned to the Departed Realm.


The two approached Yang.

''Just give up already.'' The Ghost Master demanded.

''No. We're keeping you here until the eclipse ends and the rift closes. Your evil will never return to Ninjago.'' The two then clashed with their weapons.

''What are you even fighting for? Your friends have abandoned you.'' Yang told them, and laughed. ''Your Master has abandoned you. You have no one.''

''No!'' (Y/n) shouted, and Yang destroyed her katana, reducing it to a handle.

''Can't...go on...''

''Yes. Yield. Soon I will be gone, but you will remain forever Departed, destined to haunt this temple forever as the new Masters of the House.'' Yang said, and laughed.

''I'm...fading away,'' Cole said, looking at himself. (Y/n) stared at her hands, which were completely invisible.

Suddenly, (Y/n) heard something. ''Cole, (Y/n)!''

''Huh?'' Cake Devourer said, hearing it too.

''What? Who's that?'' Yang asked.

''Our friends.'' The Master of Earth replied, and the two became visble once more. Cole then got up and kicked the Ghost Master. ''Ghost or not, We're gonna do what we came here to do, Yang.'' He told him.

''We have to help them,'' Kai told the others.

''I can't bring it any closer. The wind's still too strong.'' Nya replied.

''You're the one that's alone, Yang.'' (Y/n) said, glaring at him.

''No. I have my family.'' The Ghost Master replied, and pointed to his students.

''No, you have prisoners. That's not family. That's captivity.'' Cole told him and punched Yang. ''Whoa, I feel...different. Like, like, I can punch through...anything.'' He said as his fists glowed orange. He brought his fist back and punched the Yin Blade, destroying it.

The students returned to normal but were still ghosts.

''No. No! You broke my spell!'' The Ghost Master said in frustration.

''The rift! If you hurry, you can be free of this place forever!'' The Earth Ninja urged, and the students used Airjitzu, entering the rift, cheering as they landed on the other side, mortal again.

''You go too. I'll deal with Yang.'' Cole told (Y/n) and Remo. The Master of Illusion gave him a quick hug, before following Yang's students.


''Brace yourselves! It's going to be a hard landing.'' Wu told his students, holding onto the mast of the Destiny's Bounty.

The flying ship landed, and the ninja got off the ship, immediately searching for the pair of ninja.

''Is everyone all right?'' Misako asked.

''Nothing that tightening a few screws can't fix,'' Zane answered.

''I'm okay, but where's Cole and (Y/n)?'' Lloyd questioned the others.

''Oh, no!'' Jay said in despair.

''Did they make it?'' Nya asked.

''They were too late. They're gone forever. I'd give anything to have them back.'' Ginja told the others.

There was a moment of silence as the group looked at the ground.

''Anything?'' Asked a voice.

''Anything,'' Jay replied.

The two jumped from behind a boulder. ''Even the Sonic Raider Jet?'' Cole asked.

''Cole, (Y/n)!'' The ninja exclaimed, happy to see the pair. They then embraced them in a tight group hug.

''You're back!'' The Lightning Ninja joyfully exclaimed.

''You're not ghosts anymore, You look good as new,'' Nya said, making (Y/n) blush and Cole scratch his head.

While the others talked, (Y/n) looked around, for any signs of him. Remo appeared on her shoulders, where he knew he belonged. She stared off into the distance, listening for any signs of Weather Boy.

Jay walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. ''He's not here?'' Jaybird asked.

Vitamin C shook her head, dismayed. He pulled her into a hug, trying to comfort her. (Y/n) hugged him back, silent.

''Am I late?'' Ronin spoke.

(Y/n) pulled out of the hug and turned to him, sighing. ''I guess. But time is relative.''

''What's got you so down?'' Swiper asked. ''I remember you being all cheery and-''

''It's been a long day.'' (Y/n) answered. ''But he never came.''


The team gathered around the campfire with their friends and families.

''Whoa. And was I right or was I right?'' Cole asked.

Jay sighed. ''Yes, you were right. Are you going to retell this story every Day of the Departed from now on?''

''Only until you admit that you didn't want to move in because you were scared it's still haunted.'' Cake Devourer replied, making everyone laugh.

''I wasn't scared. I was cautious. Okay fine, I was scared. And wrong. There's no more ghosts here.'' Ginja told him.

''Nope. No ghosts.'' Cole said, He and Yang secretly winking at each other.

The group released the lanterns, watching as they floated up into the sky. ''Happy Day of the Departed.''

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind, making the fire extinguish. (Y/n) heard a whoosh, then footsteps coming their way.

Kai lit his hand, the red flames lighting his face. The wind became silent, lowering the ninja's guard.

And then, just as fast as it stopped, the wind began howling again, this time with more strength. Wu held onto his hat, peering into the darkness.

A figure appeared, clothed in an indigo cloak. Jay's and (Y/n)'s eyes widened, realising who it was.

''Who are you?'' Kai asked, ready to fight.

They lowered their hood, and a green streak became apparent, along with the familiar dark green eyes which seemed to reach deep into your very soul.

Lloyd shuffled uncomfortably in his spot, not the happiest since Morro was here right in front of him.

As soon as he stepped into the light, Weather Boy fainted, exhausted. Beads of sweat covered his face, while in his sleep his nose twitched like a rabbit's.

''So are we going to help him?'' Blue Boy asked, looking down at the former ghost.

''It would be a good idea,'' Zane answered.

When Morro woke, he found himself looking at Kai. He tried his best not to blush and turned to Wu as the Fire Ninja relit the campfire.

He smiled at (Y/n) and Remo, happy to see them again.

The Tea Obsessed Man handed him a lantern, and he gave it to Burnt Toast who lit it. Wu helped him as he lifted the lantern to float up into the sky, where he watched it with childlike wonder.


He was alone.

There was no sound except for the distant cries of departed souls, and the roars of the Preeminent.

Morro had been trying to separate his mind from his body, but it no longer worked. Perhaps it was from the not so recent events of Day of the Departed.

It was now like a maximum-security prison, where no one could escape, but there were no cells, food or ball and chain, just a realm with a constant green fog, where mushroom-like trees grew, their branches extending to a seemingly endless sky.

Every time he met an unwelcome stranger, he simply ran, as he was not used to social interaction and that it would be pretty awkward to talk to someone he barely knew.

Once or twice he'd meet a familiar face, but they simply vanished.

He dared not speak, the silence was so loud, if that made sense at all.

'(Y/n), I'm sorry.' He thought, falling to his knees. 'My future reflection was wrong. I am doomed to be here forever, for the rest of my miserable existence...''

He then felt a comforting warmth fill him. 'You need help?' A kind voice asked. Morro looked around for the source, seeing no one.

''Who are you?'' Weather Boy spoke aloud, fear edging his voice.

'You do not need to know who I am, but I have seen what you have done,'' The kind voice replied.

''That's kinda weird if you ask me,'' Morro replied.

'And I have come to offer you something.' The voice said, making Weather Boy's eyes widen.

''What is it?''

'A second chance,' Mystery Voice replied.

''Okay, is there a price?''

'It's going to hurt.''

''Oh,'' Morro said after a moment of awkward silence, thinking. He then spoke up. ''If it means I will return, then I would do anything.''

Upon speaking that sentence, the Master of Wind felt a burning sensation on his skin, as if fire was eating away at his skin.

Soon it was over, and a bright light nearly blinded his eyes.

He blinked, finding himself on solid non-Departed Realm land, and above was Yang's Floating Temple.

Morro used the last of his remaining strength to Airjitzu up and began slowly walking to the campfire.

He was just glad to be alive.


Don't mind the caps xd

Wordcount: 6620

Alright ye endings, there's going to be multiple. You can only request one ending.

~Current List~

Lloyd, Kai, and Cole and Nya x reader

Morro x reader

Remo x ham sandwich x reader

Morro x reader x Kai

Cole x reader x Kai

Memes x reader

Harumi x reader

Ronin x reader

Nya x reader

Lloyd x reader

Zane x reader

Jay x reader

Cole x reader

Echo Zane x reader

Skylor x reader

Kai x reader

No one x reader #foreveralone

Ninja x reader

Zane x Reader x Skylor

Cole x reader x Jay

Lloyd x reader x Kai


Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story if you love it!

One helpful comment makes my day.

See ya, Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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