Getting The Scroll

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Avicii - Wake Me Up


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:09 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

They tell me I'm too young to understand

They say I'm caught up in a dream

Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes

Well that's fine by me


At Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo, the Ninja were training Lloyd, who was blindfolded.

''Don't rely on your eyes. Use your ears.'' Cole told the Green Ninja. The boys surrounded him on all sides, with (Y/n) on the side, watching.

''Uh, guys, I'm teaching a class later, so I'd appreciate a clean dojo,'' Dareth advised the training ninja, walking through the bead curtains.

The boys ignored him, all striking at Lloyd with their weapons. The Green Ninja kicked one of Zane's shurikens out of his hand, grabbed Cole's scythe and used it to block a strike from Kai's sword. He then used the scythe to spin, kicking the boys away from him.

Cole bumped into Dareth before rejoining the fight, about to attack the Green Ninja on the ground but Lloyd leapt into the air, dodging a hit from Kai's sword. He then kicked Jay into Dareth's wall of trophies.

''Aah!'' Jay said as he hit the wall of trophies.

''Ah! No, no, no! No, no, no! No! No, no, no.'' Dareth said, running over to the trophies before opening a window as Jay was thrown out.

''Aah!'' Jay said as he was thrown out.

Lloyd used his fire powers, setting a small patch of carpet on fire with a green flame.

''No, no, no, no!'' Dareth panicked, stomping on it and putting it out. He sighed.

''Hey, open the window! Let me in!'' Jay shouted, trying to get their attention. (Y/n) walked over to the window and let him in.

(Y/n) could hear Misako and Wu talking to each other.

'I feel like Misako is cheating on Garmadon with Wu.'

'No crap Sherlock, she thinks Wu is probably better.' (Y/n) told Morro, punching the training dummy. She then hit it, making it come off its hinges. She turned away, not looking at the now disconnected training dummy, but looking at the boys.

''I should have chosen you,'' Misako spoke.

Wu sighed. ''The past is the past.''

''Yes, but there's always the future.'' The old woman replied. The ground rumbled, fortunately interrupting their little ''session''.

''The ground moves. I fear our natural causes.'' Wu said.

The two came to the Dojo, seeing the ninja watching the tv while (Y/n) tried to hide a look of disgust at the pair.

''NGTV reporter Gayle Gossip on the scene of what appears to be an earthquake rocking the city of Ninjago. But it's an earthquake like no other, as scientists have yet to pinpoint the cause. And more frightening still, the aftershocks are getting stronger.'' Gayle reported onscreen, holding a microphone.

''What do you think this could be?'' Cole asked the others.

''Wouldn't be surprised if it was Garmadon. We haven't seen him for a while.'' Kai replied, looking at the others.

''He would never. Lloyd's father is evil, but he would never do anything to put his son in harm's way.'' The old woman told the ninja.

''Misako's right. He only tried to thwart his training. This is something else.'' Wu said.

''But what is it?'' Jay asked Misako.

Zane whistled and summoned his Falcon. ''My friend, be my eyes and look for danger in the streets from above.''

(Y/n) closed her eyes and listened. She could hear the sound of breaking pavement and the screams of terrified civilians, while a dog barked.

''We need to hurry!'' (Y/n) told the others, running out the door. They followed, with all the boys except Lloyd confused.

The ground fell under a woman, panicking as her dog barked for its owner. ''No, no! Stay where you are! Help! Help me!''

''Ninja to the rescue! Go!'' Lloyd shouted, jumping into the hole.

''Go!'' Zane said as he grabbed Lloyd's feet.

''Go!'' Kai said as he did the same

''Go!'' Jay shouted.

The boys formed a chain to reach the woman in the hole. Cole was at the end, holding them all while (Y/n) looked down into the hole.

''Few more inches, guys,'' Lloyd told the others. Snickers whimpered to Cole, who was carrying the Ninja, preventing them from falling into the hole too.

''Appreciate the support, doggy.'' Another chunk of the ground fell down. Cole quickly hopped onto the more stable ground and the ninja grunted. ''Ugh. Could have thought this plan through a little more.'' Cole said, and Snickers continued whimpering. ''No more help, please!'' He told the dog, grunting as he pulled the ninja chain up.

''Oh, thank you!'' The woman told the boys.

''No sweat,'' Lloyd replied.

''Speak for yourself. I did all the work.'' Cole said, tired. Snickers pounced on him, running over to their owner. ''Ugh!''

(Y/n) helped him up, dusting him off. ''Thanks.'' The Earth Ninja said, giving her a bear hug. He then slowly pulled out of it.

''You're welcome.'' (Y/n) replied, and the two looked to the others.

''These things keep coming with no warning,'' Kai said.

''That's it. A warning. The scrolls said the earthquakes would be a warning. A warning for something far worse to come.'' Misako replied, running over with a scroll in hand.

''Far worse? What could be far worse?'' Jay asked.

''Misako, the indestructible Stone Warrior we fought yesterday. Where did you find him?'' Cole asked the old woman.

''He was buried under the city,'' Misako answered.

Jay gasped. ''You don't think there's more, do you?''

''Be on guard, Ninja. We must be ready for whatever comes our way.'' Wu replied.

(Y/n) could hear the cries of Skales, and the sound of marching.

Zane's Falcon caught a glimpse of a Stone Warrior Swordsman.

''Sensei, it's as we feared. Another Stone Samurai Warrior is loose on the streets.'' He told the old man. The fist of a stone warrior appeared within their tight circle.

''It's the apocalypse!'' (Y/n) shouted as more Stone Warriors appeared.

''No. No.'' Kai said as the fists of the Stone Warriors broke through the pavement.

''No!'' Jay said as he saw more of them appear.

''We're under attack!'' Wu told the others, in his battle stance.

''As this army of stone statues sweeps over the city, no one is safe. Mayhem and destruction are their only want. Attempts at communication have failed, prohibiting even the desperate option of surrender! The mayor has already called for a massive evacuation!'' Gayle Gossip told her watchers as the Stone Warriors appeared.

A couple of citizens were trying to get away from the Ancient Stone Warriors, with Dareth running out of his dojo and accidentally bumping into Vinny.

''That's it, I'm out of here,'' Vinny said, running off.

''Quitter!'' Gayle called out after the running former cameraman. She then turned around and looked at Dareth. ''You! Wanna be my cameraman?'' She asked.

''Uh...not really,'' Dareth answered. He got up, holding the camera.

''Great! Follow me! I need this shot. You getting this?'' She asked as Dareth peeked around the corner to see a group of Stone Warriors.

''Uh, I hope so,'' Dareth replied, and pointed the camera at her.

Gayle cleared her throat. ''I'm standing outside Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo, training headquarters of the Ninja, only to find that even here, no one is safe.''

Dareth saw a Stone Warrior approaching them. ''Uh, Gayle, um—''

''Hey. I talk, you film.'' Gayle told him.

''But Gayle—'' Dareth tried to warn her.

''No buts.'' She replied, before screaming as the Warrior grabbed her, but Zane appeared and kicked the Stone Warrior, catching Gayle.

''You seem in need of assistance,'' Zane said, holding her.

''Thanks, Mr. Ninja.'' Gayle replied.

''Stay strong. Show no weakness.'' Cole told the others, facing the city invaders.

Lloyd, Wu, and Misako arrived on the Ultra Sonic Raider, knocking out the Stone Warriors in their way.

''We have to protect the people. Gather as many as you can and get them to our evacuation point.'' Wu said, hopping out.

''We've got problems with that evacuation point, guys. I can't find a safe place to land!'' Nya told the others, from the Raider's screen.

''The NGTV office building has a helipad on the roof.'' Gayle replied.

''Yes. Higher ground. Lloyd, tell Nya to head there.'' Wu told the Green Ninja.

Gayle focused the camera on herself. ''Citizens of Ninjago who have yet to evacuate the city, head to the NGTV building rooftop. Our heroic Ninja will evacuate you from there! But hurry. We're running out of time.'' She told her watchers.

Somewhere in Ninjago City, a girl that some may know as Lucinda was selling vials of Great Devourer Venom to the citizens of Ninjago.

''I'm not letting any more of you gain tunnel vision! The Ninja Ball Run was an example that was fixed by the Orange Ninja!'' Lucinda shouted, gaining the attention of some of the Stone Warriors.

She looked at them, before grabbing a small pouch and throwing it at the ground. A cloud of pink smoke appeared, engulfing the stand she'd used to sell the Great Devourer Venom Treatment.

When the smoke disappeared, so did the stand and Lucinda. The Stone Warriors looked around in confusion.

''Uh-oh. There are more of them.'' Lloyd said, looking at them. The Ultra Dragon appeared and knocked them out. ''Yeah! Haha!''

''Lloyd, did you practice your Elemental Quakes?'' Wu asked the Green Ninja.

''Who needs to practice when you're a natural?'' Lloyd asked. The boys, Misako, and Wu get on the Raider. ''Thanks, boy. Now see if you can help us find a way out of here.'' Lloyd jumped onto the raider and the Ultra Dragon froze the Warriors, making a ramp. ''Good. Now save yourself!'' He told the dragon.

''Wait!'' (Y/n) called out to Ultra. The four-headed beast landed and looked at her questioningly.

'We're getting the scroll.' (Y/n) said to Morro.

'I know where it is.' The Master of Wind replied. 'Near Jamanakai village.'

''Ultra, let's go to Jamanakai village, there's something we need to get.'' (Y/n) told the dragon, who roared before flying into the air and headed towards the mountain village.


The four-headed dragon dropped below the clouds, and the village came into view. A few children looked up, pointing at the powerful beast which had appeared.

Morro told her the directions to where it should be, and she leapt off the dragon, as there were no good landing spots. It then flew up to the village, to wait for her.

Levitating herself before landing on the ground, she searched, the winds messing up her hair.

Then, when the pair started to give up, not seeing the scroll, there it was, nestled between two rocks and about to blow away in the wind. (Y/n) grabbed it, and looked for a place to hold it until she got back up to the village.

'You can fly, remember?' Morro asked.

'Yes, but I'll be exhausted once I get to the top...' She replied, gripping the scroll.

'You can rest while the dragon flies back.' He told her. 'Now go, we don't have much time.'

(Y/n) groaned and proceeded to fly up to the village.

When she arrived, there was a crowd of kids surrounding Ultra, while one tried to get on the dragon and fly away on him.

''Hey kids, uh, got Ninjago to save here.'' She told them. ''Gonna need him, he's going to be a saviour too.''

The kids gasped, and half of them ran towards her, swarming the Orange Ninja. ''Oh my, it's an Orange Ninja!''

The other half stayed with Ultra, with one brave kid offering a piece of chicken to the huge beast. From afar, an old woman watched and smiled at the Orange Ninja, who was too busy with the kids to notice.

(Y/n) walked over to the kid who gave Ultra a piece of chicken. ''Hey brave one, look after the others for me, will ya? I have some saving to do.''

The little kid nodded, looking up at her with big eyes. ''Y-yes, ma'am,'' they said, and the other kids snickered. (Y/n) hopped onto Ultra, holding the scroll.

''See ya, kids.'' She saluted to the kids, before flying off on Ultra. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes.


The dragon dropped her at the rooftop, before flying off. She hopped onto the Bounty as Wu jumped off.

''What'd I miss?'' She asked the others.

''(Y/n)!'' The boys exclaimed.

''Where'd you go?'' Cole asked.

''To grab this.'' (Y/n) replied, holding up the scroll.

Suddenly, Misako and Wu landed on the deck of the Bounty.

''What?'' Wu asked, shocked. His hat flew away in the wind, as well as the picture. Misako caught the hat, but not the photo.

Misako gave Wu his hat back. ''The past is past, remember?''

''But there's always the future,'' Wu replied, and the two held hands while Lloyd and (Y/n) looked at them, while the Bounty flew out of the city. She tried to hide her look of disgust, before going down to her room to avoid the rather inexcusable sight.

Misako be cheatin'

As always, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story if you love it!

One nice comment makes my day :D

Have a great day/night.

See ya, Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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