Landlubbers Beware

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Les Friction - Who Will Save You Now


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 5:42 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Alone with this vision

Alone and blind

Go tell the world

That I'm still alive


She knew she was dreaming.


While she walked through the streets of her dream, she felt an odd presence.

Someone else was there.

Her wheelchair was nowhere to be seen as if it never existed. She felt a cold wind rush past her, making her cold.

She looked behind her, to see the white-haired girl, holding her supervisor's hand as they crossed the road.

It was like she was a ghost, as no one here heard her steps nor looked in her direction. She could feel a pair of eyes on her, and suddenly she was in a verdant green field, stalks of grass swaying in the gentle wind while petals floated on the breeze.

The sun was shining, with a few clouds lazily flying past. She looked around and stopped when she knew the one watching her was near.

Someone appeared, with short black hair that had a green streak in it. He was slightly transparent, and the worn traveller's cloak he wore gently swayed in the wind, while his dark green eyes glowed with something she couldn't recognise.

''I will always be there for you,'' Morro promised, though in the locked away parts of his conscience (Y/n)'s couldn't reach was a darker emotion.

She woke, hitting her head on the wall.

Lloyd punched Kai's hands while the Fire Ninja wore oven mitts.

''Good, keep it up,'' Kai told the Green Ninja.

''Ha! Fists of fury! Unh! You can't even see 'em move, I'm so fast! Ha!'' Lloyd exclaimed, confident.

''Save the gloating. It can only be used against you by your enemy.'' Kai told Lloyd.

''Oh, please. I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me.'' The Green Ninja replied, kicking Kai until he was thrown backwards.

''Whoa, grasshopper. You're not even ready to face my pinky toe.'' Kai said, wiggling his pinky toe to emphasize his point. Wu watched the two.

''I see the student has become the teacher. You will learn fast, Lloyd, with lessons from the four Ninja.'' Wu told the young prophesied saviour.

''Great, now that lesson is over, how about some target practice...on Kai?'' Cole asked.

''You'll each get your turn, but first, I don't want you to be late for your next lesson with Nya,'' Wu replied.

''Aww, but when will I learn Spinjitzu?'' Lloyd asked.

Wu sighed. ''Patience. It will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found.''

Lloyd groaned and walked away to see Nya.

''Ha, sounds familiar?'' Cole asked the others.

''I wasn't that whiny.'' The porcupine answered.

''No, you were worse,'' Zane told him.

''Much, much worse.'' (Y/n) added, crossing her arms.

''Hehe. Guys, I know we're trying to prepare Lloyd for the future, but it's hard to give him the best training in these conditions.'' Jay said to the others.

''Jay's right. I miss the Destiny's Bounty. Too bad it's gone.'' Cole replied, agreeing with the Lightning Ninja.

''Hmm. I see your point. Perhaps we could find somewhere else to aid his journey.'' Wu spoke, looking at the ninja.


''It's time we search Ninjago City for a more suitable place to train Lloyd,'' Wu said to the ninja.

''Oh, but Sensei, Ninjago City is huge. It'll take us all day to find it on foot.'' The mouth of lightning told his sensei.

''And without our Golden Weapons, we have no Spinjitzu vehicles. How are we going to get around town?'' Zane asked.

''You'll learn to travel with these,'' Wu replied, holding out a coin.

''What are those?'' Cole asked, looking at it.

''Not crocs obviously,'' Remo replied. ''I can't wear those. 'Cause well, I'm a snake.''

''They can transport you anywhere you want to go in the city,'' Wu answered.

''Like a magic portal?'' Cole asked.

''Ooh! Or a Spinjitzu vortex?'' Jay guessed, excited.

Cole took the coin and examined it. ''Hey, wait a minute, these are bus tokens.'' Wu chuckled.

''No crap Sherlock.'' (Y/n) replied, crossing her arms.


''This is where Lloyd is going to train?'' Cole asked as they looked at the place. Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo is what they read on the sign, with a white ninja silhouette.

''Hehe, it's better than our dumpy apartment,'' Jay replied.

Zane helped (Y/n)'s wheelchair up the stairs, they entered, and everything had a different shade of brown, save for the bead curtains that covered a doorway.

''Welcome to Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo. I am Grand Sensei Dareth, and I Dareth you to join my dojo. Heeya!'' Dareth grunted as he kicked.

The ninja sighed. Dareth did some fight moves, before getting wrapped up in the bead curtains. He got out of the bead curtains and walked over to some trophies.

''Face the wall of karate trophies. If you look closely, my name is on all of them. That is because I am a highly-skilled karate machine.'' Dareth told them.

''I'm pretty sure he got those from Ronin,'' Remo told (Y/n). ''They're fake.''

''Look, Dareth, we're wondering if we could share your dojo. You see, we've been put in charge of training this little guy to become the greatest Ninja in all of Ninjago.'' Kai told the Brown Ninja.

''Not possible, for I am the greatest in the land,'' Dareth replied, making (Y/n) sigh. ''How many trophies do you have?''

''Look, pal, we're the guys that just saved the city from that giant snake,'' Cole said, and Jay crossed his arms.

''Ha! Am I looking at Lord Garmadon? Because unless I'm stupid, and I'm not, Lord Garmadon destroyed the Devourer.'' Dareth told them.

''Hehe. That's been a huge misunderstanding. Actually, we were the ones who dest—'' Jay started but was interrupted by the Brown Ninja.

''I'll let you train here but only on one condition. You can defeat me. If you succeed, we will share the dojo. Unh! That's right. I, Grand Sensei Dareth, master of all Animal Fighting Styles, challenge one of you to a battle.'' He proudly announced. ''I know the tiger. Rawr. The python.'' He hissed. ''Penguin. Awk, awk!'' Kai then used spinjitzu on him. ''How did you—''

''You might know animals, but we know Spinjitzu.'' Kai replied.

''You can train in my dojo anytime.'' The Brown Ninja said, bowing.


Jay and Lloyd were balanced atop some wooden beams. Lloyd went forward, to strike at the lightning ninja, but he dodged.

''You must be light on your feet. Hiya!'' Jay told him, returning the strike and Lloyd dodged it.

''When you strike with your fists, concentrate. You may be small, but you're strong.'' Cole advised the young green ninja, stacking a board on a pile of wooden boards.

(Y/n) was doing a handstand on one of the beams, ignoring the boys looks as she hopped from beam to beam using her upper body.

Lloyd then struck the boards, making everyone fly back. Jay was thrown back into (Y/n), and she yelped from the pain.

Realising what happened, Jay blushed and helped her up. ''Heh heh, sorry.'' He apologised.

''It's alright.'' (Y/n) reassured him, dusting herself off.

''That was the power of the Scythe of Quakes. And you did it without the Golden Weapon!'' Kai exclaimed.

''That must be why you have the potential to be the greatest Ninja. You can harness all of the Elemental Powers.'' Zane replied, looking at the Green Ninja.

''Really?'' Lloyd asked. ''Cool.''

''With this power, you must be careful. You must control it before it controls you.'' Wu advised the young boy.

''I have to admit, not bad for a kid. But instead of ten boards, how about fifty? Stack 'em, boys.'' Dareth ordered his two companions holding two board stacks.

''And perhaps if I, Grand Sensei Dareth, can break through them all, you will allow me to join your team and become...'' He put on a ninja hood.'''...the Brown Ninja!''

Jay snickered. ''The Brown Ninja? You gotta be joking!'' He said in amusement.

''Sorry, pal. Club's already full.'' Cole told him.

''Okay, okay. Then maybe this demonstration of my superhuman strength may persuade you. Jeffy, Phil, are we ready?'' The Brown Ninja asked the two boys.

''Yes, Grand Sensei Dareth.'' Jeffy and Phil replied.

''Observe,'' Dareth told the others. ''I call upon the greatest animal to give me strength, the Dragon. Heeyah!'' He then hit the stacked boards with all his might, ending up with him screaming in pain. They laughed, with the exception of Jeffy and Phil and (Y/n).

''Oh, man. Ow!'' Jay laughed, clutching his chest.


The ninja went outside after hearing the trouble the pirates started.

''Oh, that's our ship!'' Jay exclaimed, pointing at the now purple Bounty.

''But pirates?'' Lloyd asked, confused.

''Pirates haven't been around for centuries,'' Cole replied, glancing at Lloyd.

''I sense Lord Garmadon is somehow behind this,'' Zane told the others.

''How are we gonna follow them?'' Lloyd asked.

Kai held out a bus token. ''Perhaps this can be of some use. I can't believe I'm saying this, but follow that ship!'' He ordered the bus driver.

(Y/n) had stayed off the bus, and used her wheelchair to follow it, surprising herself with her speed.

The ninja watched as she went past them, following the flying ship. They had been stopped by an elderly woman, whose bag had broken and left them stuck there with nowhere to go.

Taking a shortcut, (Y/n) quickly headed into an alleyway, with Remo taking care of the thugs that resided within the dark depths of the narrow space. She grabbed a good and strong pipe that lay on the ground, and used the alley as a ''runway''.

She held the pipe in her hands, and sped up the wheelchair, sticking it into the ground and vaulting into the air. She landed on a flat roof, and Remo quickly appeared, the two looking at the flying ship that was to bypass their spot.

'Save your energy.' Morro told her, sounding concerned.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. She used her lightning powers to close the gap and land on the deck. She then hid, behind some barrels.

Dareth then leapt onto the flying ship, in his brown ninja gi. ''Heeyah! Surrender, or face the Brown Ninja.'' He challenged the pirates.

''Pajama Man! Get him!'' Captain Soto ordered his crew.

''The wolf.'' Dareth howled. ''The spider.'' He chattered. ''The hippo.'' He snorted. Captain Soto then used his sword to rip open Dareth's shirt. ''Those swords are really sharp.'' He was then tied down. ''Aw, nuts.''

''Mates, keep an eye out for any other silly masked pyjama people,'' Soto told his crew.

''Oh! Please! Help!'' Dareth begged. (Y/n) sighed.

Remo slithered over to Captain Soto and wrapped around his non-peg leg. The Captain looked down at the snake and tried to shake him off. While the little snake did so, (Y/n) crawled over to Dareth and began to untie the rope.

The crew, which had been mostly concerned with getting the snake off their captain's leg didn't notice the girl, who was silent and stealthy.

Remo was flung off Soto, only to land on No-Eyed Pete, who screamed as he struggled to get the little snake off. ''Left! No, your other left!'' His parrot squawked uselessly, fortunately not trying to peck the pesky snake.

Finally, (Y/n) was finished with untying Dareth, and the pirates stopped to look at her.

''A landlubber!'' A pirate exclaimed.

''Son of a biscuit eater.'' (Y/n) mumbled under her breath.


After getting some costumes, the boys appeared on the sides of the ship, watching Captain Soto and his crew.

They then saw (Y/n), tied up with rope. They pushed her out on the plank, laughing.

''We have to save her,'' Jay told Kai.

''We can't get close enough without blowing our cover,'' Kai replied.

''Who here wants to see her go splat?'' Soto asked his crew, who cheered.

''Who here wants to see her live?'' Jay spoke in his best pirate voice. The pirates cheered, but soon all died down in confusion.

''Hehe. The plank's getting shorter, huh?'' Soto asked the girl, who knelt on the edge of the plank.

She turned to him, winking at the boys. ''Maybe, but here's a reminder: Samurai beats Pirate.''

The ninja and the pirates looked at each other in confusion. Soto kicked the girl off the plank. The boys gasped, watching her disappear over the side of the ship.

''I can't see her,'' Soto told the pirates, who groaned.

There was a roar as the Ultra Dragon appeared, with (Y/n) and Lloyd at the reins.

The ninja used spinjitzu to change into their ninja gis. ''More pyjama men?'' Soto asked.

''Where? I can't see.'' No-Eyed Pete replied, turning his head to ''look'' around.

''Ninja versus pirates. Who will win?'' Kai asked.

The ninja got out their weapons. Cole leapt off Jay and used his scythe to take Soto's little red feather off his hat. The Pirate Captain looked down at it, before turning his head to the ninja.

The pirates and ninja fought, when suddenly, Lloyd and (Y/n) turned up.

''Ninja, go!'' Lloyd exclaimed, leaping off Ultra and swinging off a rope, knocking out Zane and Soto.

(Y/n) quietly flew onto the deck while the others fought, and snatched a sword from a pirate.

''Pirate, go!'' Soto exclaimed, going to strike at Lloyd but Kai intercepted.

''Hey, that's our saying!'' (Y/n) replied, narrowing her eyes.

''Lloyd! You're not supposed to be here!'' The Fire Ninja told the young Green Ninja. He then placed the boy in a barrel, but Lloyd walked around in it and accidentally pushed the lever for the anchor. The Green ninja took out another pirate, accidentally making Kai fall off the Bounty.

Captain Soto was trying to hit Lloyd, but he evaded the pirate captain's sword. He then spun around, before doing spinjitzu.

''Woah. Spinjitzu. I just did spinjitzu.'' He said proudly, putting his hands on his hips.

Soto elbowed the boy, and (Y/n) appeared, whacking him in the back with a stick she found. The pirate captain backed away quickly, putting one hand on his back while holding his cutlass.

Lloyd hit the lever by accident, fortunately saving Kai from the anchor hitting a gas tank.

Garmadon peered from the doorway at the bottom of the steps, seeing Lloyd and (Y/n) there, facing Soto.

''My son, (Y/n). They're growing stronger.'' He muttered, watching them.

Lloyd grunted as he summoned a ball of shining green energy. He then was surrounded by a bubble of it.

''Lloyd! Don't! Your powers are too uncontrollable!'' Kai told the young boy.

The ball of energy went towards Soto, but at the last moment, it changed direction, going through the base of the mast. The mast fell, on top of the ninja.

They crawled out, before hearing the clank of Soto's cutlass against his metal hook. ''You lose, Pajama People.'' He said, pointing his cutlass at them. They turned themselves around, seeing swords pointed at them. ''Now you're walking the plank.'' The pirates laughed.

There was a thump, making a pirate's rum in his cup shake, and Nya in her Samurai mech appeared, putting the mast back in place after using it to bring the pirates to their knees.

The ninja got up, and walked over, and Nya jumped out of the Samurai mech, using her circular blade to get down, tearing the fabric of the sail in the process and landing on Soto.

''Who wins between pirates and Ninja? It's Samurai!'' Jay exclaimed.

''Told ya so.'' (Y/n) said, grinning. She high-fived Nya. ''Nice.''

The samurai girl chuckled. Jay gave a lovestruck sigh, looking at Nya.


''Good work, team.'' The police told the ninja.

''Don't forget to include these two,'' Kai said, talking about Lloyd and (Y/n). He then gave Lloyd a noogie, making the young boy laugh.

''Uh, that your ship?'' The policeman asked, pointing at the Bounty.

''It sure is,'' Jay replied proudly.

''Then why do I see Garmadon standing on it?'' (Y/n) asked.

Garmadon stood on the deck, looking down at them. ''Sorry, you snooze, you lose.''

After Lloyd stepped closer to the group, Garmadon then flew off in the Destiny's Bounty, laughing as he did so.

Dareth snuck up behind Jay, whistling. He attempted to sneak attack the lightning ninja, but Jay grunted and flipped the Brown Ninja over his shoulder.

''Oh, come on, guys. I Dareth you to forgive me.'' Dareth said, and the others laughed.


(Y/n) read her book, turning the pages. Morro watched from (Y/n)'s vision, reading every word and looking at each picture.

'The kitsune, a fox with more than one tail.' Morro said in her head.

'What?' (Y/n) asked, stopping.

'Known to have powers such as creating illusions so elaborate they are indistinguishable from reality, lightning and/or fire powers, flight, invisibility, shapeshifting, mind control, and more. These mischievous creatures are known tricksters, using their ability of illusions to prank people, wherever it be malicious or benevolent. They are also known guardians, and the Zenko, (good foxes)-' Morro stopped.

'What? You like reading?' (Y/n) asked.

The Master of Wind was silent.

''Alright, I'll just close this book-'' She said, before closing the book. Morro sighed in frustration.

Welp, now for my break lol

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See ya, Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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