Rebooted: The Bacteria Strikes Back

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: AC/DC - Thunderstruck


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:52 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

You've been - thunderstruck, thunderstruck

Yeah-yeah-yeah, thunderstruck

Oh, thunderstruck



Jay snuck inside the bathroom while Kai was singing, he stopped and noticed the Lightning Ninja. ''Hey! How about a little privacy, you—?'' the clip stopped, and Kai was in a classroom wearing a suit and operating a film projector.

''Whoa! This isn't supposed to be in here. Lights please!'' The Porcupine told his students, they giggled, seeing as he couldn't turn off the projector.

''Ugh! Seriously?'' Kai asked.

''We're only just trying to cheer up Remo!'' Said a boy. The little snake appeared, looking at Kai with an apologetic look.

''Come quick! Mr Zane's on the fritz!'' A student said, running in. The students laughed as they played with a remote, making the nindroid short out.

''Up. No, down. Whoa!'' Zane said, unable to control his movement.

''What's going on here?'' Cole asked.

''Brad got an ultra remote from New Ninjago City and it's controlling Mr Zane,'' Sally answered him.

Zane whimpered as Cole tried to turn it off. ''How do you turn this thing off?'' Cole asked the other students.

''Hurry up, Cole. My liquid spirit level is making me less level.'' The nindroid told Cole.

Cole ended up hitting the remote against the table, making Zane stop. The kids groaned.

''Ah,'' Zane said in relief.

''Mr Cole is the worst,'' Brad told him.

''I heard that,'' Cole replied. The bell rang, signalling recess, and the kids ran out, bumping Cole out of the way. ''Unh! Ah, recess. My favourite time.'' He said, sitting against the desk.


They were in the teacher's lounge, and Jay looked through the fridge for his pudding cup.

Jay sighed. ''All right! Who took my pudding cup? My name was clearly written on it.'' He told the others, putting his hands on his hips.

''I didn't see "Motor Mouth" on it,'' Cole answered, eating his pudding cup. He then tossed it into the trash.

''I'm telling the headmaster,'' Jay replied, turning to walk over to Wu.

''Leave me out of it. I'm on break, too.'' The old master replied, pouring himself a cup of tea.

''Relax, Jay, you can have mine,'' Kai said, throwing the lightning ninja his pudding cup, and Jay caught it.

''But this isn't cold,'' Jay complained. Zane flipped a switch in a panel on his arm and cooled the cup.

''Oh, give me. Mm. Is anyone else chapped that Lloyd gets to be the Golden Ninja and fly around accepting awards while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers? Ah. I miss our elemental weapons, and (Y/n).'' The Lightning Ninja told the others.

''What happened to the elemental blades anyways?'' Remo asked, on the edge of the couch. No one answered him, so he let out a sigh, frustrated. His belly grumbled, making him groan.

''Hi, Miss Nya. I like your dress, Miss Nya.'' A boy spoke as Nya appeared, closing the door behind her.

''Why is that when I teach, I get the feeling that none of the boys are listening?'' Nya asked the others.

''Hi, Miss Nya. I saved you some pudding.'' Jay told her, offering her his cup.

''What did we talk about?'' The samurai girl asked him, putting a hand on her hip.

''Oh, right. Boundaries.'' Jay answered.

''Hey, did you guys hear the news?'' Nya asked the others.

''There's trouble?'' Kai questioned.

''Danger?'' Jay answered.

''An emergency?'' Zane asked.

''Oh, a new menace?'' Cole replied.

''(Y/n)'s back?'' Remo asked hopefully.

''No. We got clearance for a field trip.'' Nya answered with a smile, making them groan.

''Really got my hopes up,'' Remo replied crossly.

''Not just any field trip. A field trip to tour Borg Industries.'' Nya said.

''Ah! Not the Borg Industries. As in home to super-genius reclusive savant Cyrus Borg? Inventor of the hovercar and everything else cool in this world?'' Jay asked, freaking out about his idol. He groaned as Zane kicked him.

''Who cares about Cyrus Borg?'' Kai asked the others, going over to the tea machine. ''If you ask me, people should concern themselves win the lessons of the past. Not waste their time on the disposable fads of tomorrow when—'' He groaned when he realised everyone else was already gone.

''Why can't we take Ultra Dragon? Or the Ultra Sonic Raider?'' Brad asked, sitting on a bus seat.

''Because they don't have one of these. Pretty cool, huh? I'm on a microphone. I am the MC. The Mighty Cole.'' The Earth Ninja replied, throwing the microphone to his other hand and catching it.

Remo sighed and looked out the window.

''Mr. Cole is the worst,'' Brad mumbled.

''I heard that,'' Cole told him.

''So we really are going back to the city. We haven't been there since—well, you know.'' Kai said, looking at the Earth Ninja.

''Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We only have today. Or else this offer expires. Get a move on, Nya.'' Wu ordered the samurai girl.

''Aye, aye, Sensei,'' Nya replied, saluting and driving off to Ninjago City.


''Welcome to New Ninjago City. The future is what we make it.'' Cyrus Borg said on tv as they arrived in New Ninjago City.

''Wow. You leave town a short while and—Ahh!'' Nya said, gazing around at the futuristic tech. She then swerved and slammed into the Postman's vehicle.

''Ugh! Who here still uses wheels anymore? Get with the program!'' The Postman shouted.

''Don't worry, we'll free you up. Time for some old-school muscle tool.'' Cole told him, using his strength to move the vehicle.

''Stand back, pedestrian.'' A robot spoke, approaching him.

''Who you calling pedestrian?'' Cole asked.

''It appears our help is not welcome,'' Zane told the Earth Ninja.

''Well, I prefer travelling the old-fashioned way—on foot. Besides, it's not like we can't find where we're going.'' Wu replied.

The group saw someone fly overhead on a hoverboard, getting off it when they reached the doors to Borg Tower. It folded up, and they hurried in.

Kai grunted as he tried to get past the automatic doors, which had closed on him.

(Y/n) was there, talking to a silver-haired robot before turning to the group that had arrived.

When Remo appeared, he saw her, and launched himself at her, happy to see her again. ''Woah there, I'm guessing you missed me?'' (Y/n) asked the little snake, who nodded.

The boys smiled at the sight of the girl, while Nya rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

''This is Pixal.'' (Y/n) introduced them to the female android.

''Welcome to Borg Industries. I'm P.I.X.A.L., Cyrus' Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Life-form. I'm sorry to hear about the traffic accident.'' Pixal told the group.

''Wow, news travels fast,'' Cole replied.

While Zane and Pixal talked, the others chatted to (Y/n).

''Hey, where'd you go?'' The Earth Ninja asked.

''Somewhere, top-secret.'' (Y/n) answered.

''Are you a secret spy?'' Jay asked.

She chuckled. ''If I told you it wouldn't be much of a secret.''

''Mr. Borg would like to see the Ninja on the 100th floor. If the others would follow me for the rest of the tour.'' Pixal told them, and Kai escaped from the clutches of the automatic doors and caught up with the others, while (Y/n) stayed with the group.


''Mr. Borg believes technology is the key to making our dreams come true,'' Pixal told the group, with Nya and (Y/n) walking at the head of the group.

The students gasped as they entered a room with cool gadgets and machines, while (Y/n) chuckled.

''That's their usual reaction from what I've seen so far.'' The Orange Ninja told Nya.

''Whoa! Cool beyond cool.'' Brad commented.

''Awesome.'' A kid said in awe.

''Uber-mega. I'm, like, wow!'' Brad said. The students chatted while looking at the machines, with virtual reality game testers being revealed.

''Awesome,'' Brad spoke.

''Even now, he is working on a where the gamer will be digitally scanned in to take gaming to another level,'' Pixal told the group.

''Whoa! They have a Perfect Match Console.'' Sally said.

''What's Perfect Match?'' Nya asked.

''It's the latest craze. If finds your perfect partner with flawless results. You should try it, Miss Nya.'' Sally told her. ''Oh, and (Y/n) too.''

'Yeah, ''flawless''.' Morro said, sighing.

''I doubt a machine could know someones—'' Nya replied, stepping onto the heart.

''Hello, Nya. You are an independent, self-confident young woman who refuses to be in a boys' club. Analyzing match now.'' The machine told the samurai girl, and the hearts lit up.

''Of course it's gonna be Mr Jay,'' Marla replied, watching the screen.

They all gasped as they looked at the screen, showing a hologram of Cole.

''Promise you will not tell anyone,'' Nya told the others.

''I'll just pretend I never saw anything.'' (Y/n) replied and stepped on the heart.

''Hello, (Y/n). You are a dreamer, a caring young woman who has not let anyone stop her. Analyzing match now...''

The machine's heart's lit up, before the machine started to shake, and then collapse.

''Gonna need someone to fix that!'' (Y/n) exclaimed. A girl with short black hair and glasses appeared, with a toolbox. She set it down and began to fix the machine.

''Looks like it'll take ages.'' A girl commented.


''And this factory line where—This is will be the end of your tour,'' Pixal told the group as her eyes turned red.

The manufacturing machines came towards the group and started to attack. Wu dodged a saw and used his bamboo staff to keep Pixal away from him.

''Stay back and stay together,'' Nya told the kids, while (Y/n) electrocuted a machine that had gone to attack her. Nya returned the favour, kicking away a machine that tried to attack her.

''This way. There's a way out!'' Brad said, seeing what he thought was an exit.

The students followed Brad, before getting stuck between two machines on the conveyor belt.

''No! Do not break formation! Why don't boys ever listen to me?'' Nya asked, grunting as she kicked a machine into a saw.

The machines faced the fighting three, ready to attack again.


The group dodged another laser aimed at them.

''Run! Jump and kick!'' Nya said to them, jumping over a laser and kicking a machine that was in their way.

'''Everyone get to the window.'' Wu told them.

''Whoa!'' The group said as they saw an incinerator.

''How do we stop it?'' Nya asked, before seeing a panel. The kids were getting closer to it, but the boys appeared, firing a laser to hit the panel.

Nya and (Y/n) helped the kids up, as well as Wu, and (Y/n) helped Nya up and they went to Zane's hacked vehicle.

Pixal grabbed (Y/n)'s foot, keeping her back. ''This will be the end of your tour.'' the robot told her. (Y/n) kicked Pixal away, and went to join the others.

Nya jumped onto the cleaner's platform they had used to transport the kids, while (Y/n) unfolded her hoverboard and followed them.


''Get to the academy as fast as you can, sis. We need the Golden Ninja.'' The Fire Ninja told his sister.

''What about you guys?'' Nya asked them.

''We must protect the people.'' The old master answered.

The citizens of Ninjago were screaming as the technology around them turned rogue. Lucinda was chasing a robot that had decided to steal her GDVT (Great Devourer Venom Treatment).

''I'm on it. Ninja, go! No one calls me pedestrian!'' Cole shouted, using spinjitzu to get over the bus and tearing the wires out of a robot.

''I always said Mr Cole was my favourite,'' Brad said as the other kids clapped and cheered.

The bus then drove off, leaving the ninja to deal with the rogue robots.

''Alright, so these Techno Blades can hack into their systems,'' Kai said, huddled with the others in a circle.

''So, what do you say we do a little hack-attack?'' Jay asked.

''Zane, Kai and (Y/n) you take to the skies. I want Cole and Jay on the ground. And I'll do what I can for the people.'' Wu told the ninja.

''Heh-heh! Anyone else feeling all tingly inside?'' The Earth Ninja asked the others.

''I've got that same feeling.'' (Y/n) replied with a grin.

''Ninja, go!'' The boys shouted as they did spinjitzu and went to do their jobs.


They fought the robots, with Kai using his Technoblade to hack a jet that had come his way, while (Y/n) used her hoverboard to evade a pair of jets. (Y/n) looked forward, seeing two more jets fly towards her, glancing behind her she saw the two other jets still following.

At the last moment, she flew up, and the first two jets crashed into the other two. Jay saw her upside down still on the hoverboard. ''How'd you do that?'' the Lightning Ninja asked.

(Y/n) looked at her boots. ''These are electromagnetic boots, keeping me on the hoverboard when I'm using it.''

Jay looked amazed. ''That is so cool!'' He said, making her chuckle.

She smiled. ''I agree.''

''We have to get the Techno Blades out of the city,'' Kai told the others.

''But what about Sensei?'' Zane asked the Fire Ninja. ''We can't leave without him.''

''There! I'll pick him up and meet you guys at the intersection of Wilfert and Fleming.'' Kai told the others. ''I can't find a place to land.''

Robots surrounded the ninja, there was no way out. ''There's too many! We'll never get out!'' Cole told the others.

''Keep fighting. They'll have to run out of batteries at some point.'' Kai replied, destroying a few machines.

''Well, I'm not so sure about that,'' Zane said.

A golden light appeared, and the attacking robots stopped.

The ninja cheered as Lloyd appeared, on his golden dragon and wearing a golden coloured gi.

''Robots versus Ninja? Heh. Dare I ask?'' Lloyd asked the others.

''All right!'' Cole cheered, and the group hugged their friend. Lloyd noticed (Y/n) and gave her a hug.

''You are a sight for sore eyes,'' Kai told the Golden ninja.

''So you couldn't help yourself. The Golden Ninja, we meet again.'' The Overlord spoke, appearing on a screen.

''Overlord. I defeated you once, I'll defeat you again.'' Lloyd said, walking forward.

''Oh, I don't want to fight. I just want your power.'' the digitalised bacteria replied, and the robots turned back on, going towards the ninja.

''No, Lloyd, your power is only making them stronger,'' Wu told the golden ninja, holding him back.

''But how do we fight?'' Lloyd asked.

''We don't. We need to get you and the Techno Blades out of the city.'' Kai answered.

''I don't think he'll let us leave,'' Cole replied.

''I have an idea, but I don't have much time to explain. Listen close.'' Wu told the others, and they huddled in a circle.

After the old master finished explaining, they went to do their part. ''Ninja, go!'' The boys shouted.

''I hope this works,'' Kai said.

''At 4.2 per cent chance of success, I'd say our hope is slim,'' Zane told him.

''That's why it's called hope, Zane,'' Jay replied.

After the Overlord went after Wu and found he didn't have the Techno Blades, he rewinded the footage to see that the old master had slipped the Techno Blades to Kai.

''We have to go back for him,'' Lloyd told the others.

''We will, but only when you are safe,'' Kai replied.

''He wants these weapons, and for some reason, he also wants you. Remember, this was Sensei's plan. They can't break him.'' Cole said.

''Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has yet to come. We need to worry about today.'' Zane reminded the others.

''You said it, Zane,'' Jay said, and (Y/n) nodded in agreement.

''We will come back to New Ninjago City. And when we do we'll be ready.'' Zane told the others.

''But for now, we find someplace safe to hide. They'll be looking for us.'' Kai said.

Don't mind the Extra Strength Lysol chapter, that'll be moved to the art book soon.

Did anyone get the Thunder Before Lightning reference? (It was a certain person who's not Lucinda appeared)

As always, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story if you love it! <3

See ya, Bookworms!

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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