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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Original Ghostbusters Theme Song


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:03 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

If there's somethin' strange in your neighbourhood

Who ya gonna call?



After summoning some ghosts, Morro found himself walking through Stiix as the ghosts created havoc on the above water village.

He turned to see Dareth, running away from Ghoultar while eating Puffy Potstickers and narrowed his eyes and smirked.

He joined the Foodie Ghost in his chase, easily catching up to the Brown Ninja who was now cornered.

''I know Zoojitzu and I'm not afraid to show it!'' Dareth told him, in a defensive fighting stance. ''The bat.'' He made squeaking noises and flapped his arms. ''The snake.'' He hissed, moving his body from side to side. ''And the goose.'' He made squawking noises and raised his hands.

The Master of Wind raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. ''So the Brown Ninja thinks he can defeat ghosts?'' Morro asked, sneering. He then laughed, the other ghosts joining him.

''Somebody help!'' Dareth screamed, flailing his arms.

The Master of Wind used his powers to lift the Brown Ninja into the air. ''Who's the Master of Air now?''


The Destiny's Bounty arrived at Steep Wisdom.

''Shouldn't we be going to Stiix? The longer we wait, the worse it'll get.'' Kai questioned his sensei.

''We need to stock up,'' Wu replied.

''On what? Magic tea that will make us invincible?'' Ginja asked, gasping at the thought. ''Give us special powers? Is it gonna give us four arms?''

'It's been some time since 'that' happened. Wonder when it's going to happen, Riské didn't say anything about how long it lasts...' (Y/n) thought, furrowing her eyebrows in thought.

''Sadly, no magical tea today. I had to sell the rest of the merchandise along with everything else.'' Wu spoke, breaking the Master of Illusion from her thoughts. The doors to the teashop were closed, with a white circle painted over them with a red 'x' cross over it.

''What? You sold your business?'' Zane questioned, confused. ''But that was for your retirement.''

''Ah! Hello again, Ninja.'' Borg spoke, the doors opening to reveal the wheelchaired inventor.

''While we were away, I had Borg use the money from the tea farm to create us some new toys to balance the scales. They are expensive, you know.'' Tea Obsessed Old Dude informed the ninja.

''It's been so long, I hardly recognize any of you. Lloyd looks older. I see a Water Ninja. A titanium Nindroid. Cole and (Y/n) are...are ghosts? And (Y/n) has fox ears? Huh? Jay looks shorter. And, and then there's Kai.'' Cyrus replied, looking at them.

''Hey. What do you mean I look shorter?'' Jay asked, glancing down at himself.

''I'm sorry, Dr. Borg, but cut to the chase. We don't have much time.'' Porcupine told him.

''Yes, always the impatient one. Come, let me show you.'' Cyrus replied, pressing up a button to bring up their vehicles on a platform. ''If you want a little muscle with that hustle, I've made Jay a lightning-fast Ghost Taker GT. Front spectral intake, rear incorporeal storage.''

''Oh, why did the Ghost cross the street? Oh, I don't know, maybe 'cause he saw me coming in that!'' Jay exclaimed, hopping onto his vehicle.

''Zane's Ice mech. Sure it appears to be the same, but I've equipped the underarms with Deepstone particle shooters, allowing you to freeze the competition.'' The Wheelchaired Inventor told Plain-Water-Flavoured Icecream Ninja.

''Super cool. And I mean quite literally.'' Zane replied, jumping into his mech.

''Cole, I've made you a Ghost Cycle. Twin carbine blasters, auto-evasive handling. Made entirely of Deepstone, perfectly moulded to fit the, uh...bodiless. And I've set all the radio presets to your favourite: soft rock.'' Cyrus informed the Spectral Earth Ninja.

Cole climbed onto his Ghost Cycle. ''I do love a slow jam.'' He replied happily, turning on the radio. ''Whoa!''

''(Y/n), your favourite, also your hoverboard, with a few modifications so you can still use it, as well as a few upgrades.'' The Wheelchaired Inventor told her with a bright smile. ''It has upgraded speed, as well as increased battery life.''

He then looked at Remo. ''I'll see about getting a ham sandwich maker for you,'' Cyrus said, making the little snake's eyes brighten.

(Y/n) hopped onto her hoverboard and chased Jay as he drove around the place, having fun.

''And for you, Kai.'' The Wheelchaired Inventor said, tossing the Fire Ninja a red headband.

''A headband,'' Kai replied, disappointed.

''A personal embroidered headband. Thirty-two thread count, easy tie capabilities. I apologize. I lost track of the time building the other vehicles. Eh, same goes for you, Lloyd. To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure you'd be making it back.'' Cyrus told the two.

''Hey, I'm just happy to be here. We'll take any help we can get.'' Green Bean replied with a smile.

''I hear Morro has opened a bridge between our two realms. It'll take time for the Preeminent to cross.'' The Wheelchaired Inventor said softly.

''Which is why we need Lloyd to use his powers to destroy the Realm Crystal before that happens. If Ninjago is cursed, the other realms are sure to follow.'' The Old Man replied.

''But they'll be expecting us. And Morro still has the Sword of Sanctuary. Even with all these fancy new vehicles, how are we supposed to get close?'' Nya questioned.

''Yeah, we're supposed to take on an army of Ghosts?'' Jay asked, slowing down to a stop. (Y/n) did the same, looking at the others.

''Maybe I can lure him out. He said he always wanted to be the Green Ninja.'' Lloyd told the others.

''No. He will not leave the Realm Crystal unguarded until his master is freed.'' Wu replied.

''But even with our powers back, he's seen all of our moves,'' Cole said. (Y/n) fished the stick of lipstick out of her pocket, and looked at it in thought.

''Then we'll show him something he hasn't: a Water Ninja,'' Kai replied, pushing Nya to the centre of the circle.

''But I've just started my training. I haven't even found my True Potential.'' The splash-and-ghost-goes-poof girl said.

''Nya, when our parents passed, you were there for me. Now, I'm here for you.'' Fire Boy told his sister, putting his hand on her back.

''He's right. She's our greatest weapon.'' Cole replied.

''And as brother sharpens brother, the same goes for a sister,'' Zane told the girls.

''Our greatest power isn't what we can throw at him. It's what we have right here. A united team.'' Lloyd told the other ninja.

''So, what do you think, Nya? Are you ready to lead them into battle?'' Wu questioned the Water Ninja.

''I'm in. But if they know we're coming straight for them, how about we show them not every path is a straight line?'' Nya asked the Old Man.

(Y/n) held up the Toxic Kiss lipstick. The Green Bean looked at scared, many thoughts flashing through his mind out in fear.

Kai put a hand on Lloyd's back to try and reassure him, and the Green Ninja glanced at him, turning his gaze back to the lipstick in the Master of Illusion's hand.

The others noticed his expression, their faces filled with concern. ''What's wrong Lloyd?'' Jay asked. The Green Bean looked at (Y/n), and she nodded.

Lloyd swallowed the lump in his throat. ''H-he kissed (Y/n).''

''Morro?!'' the others exclaimed in disbelief.


The Master of Illusion walked over to Lloyd, hugging him. The others did the same, the two in the middle of the group hug. They stood there, mumbling apologies to the two Prophesised Ninja, who were silent.

When they pulled out of the hug, the others did NOT look happy.

''So Nya, what's the plan?''


While Wu & Misako provided a distraction, Kai passed out food to some Ghosts.

''I'm starving. I'm deadly hungry. Give me food. I want burgers. I'm just—so good.'' The Spooky Ghosts demanded as the food was handed to them.

''Anyone have eyes on the Realm Crystal?'' Kai asked through the secret communication device on his wrist.

''It appears to be inside what used to be Ronin's pawnshop in the centre of town. Morro's there, and it's highly guarded.'' Zane answered.

''Are you sure you can't send me in to uh, do my part of the mission?'' (Y/n) asked.

''Right now it's too risky.'' One of the ninja mumbled.

''Do you think we can get Lloyd in there to destroy it?'' Jay asked. ''I don't know if we'll pull Morro away long enough.''

''Yeah, well, that's the plan. Everyone in position?'' The Spectral Earth Ninja questioned.

''Let's do this,'' Kai replied. ''Tea, anyone?'' he asked the ghosts.

''Yes, please.'' said a ghost.

The Hair-Gelled Ninja ''accidentally'' spilt the scalding water on the ghost, making them poof. ''Uh, oh.''

''You fool.'' Said another ghost, and they chased him, allowing ''Luh-Loyd'' to slip past.

''Hey, move back! Thanks!'' Jaybird shouted as the ghosts watched to see a crate let down by a crane. ''Luh-Loyd'' continued on.

Frosty the Ice Ninja "accidentally" dropped a bucket of water, almost splashing two nearby Ghosts. ''Oh!''

''Watch it!'' A ghost growled.

''Sorry. It slipped.'' Zane apologised.

''Get ready. It's almost time.'' Wu told his students.

Cole possessed a phonograph to make it play music faster. A Dragon roared, signalling it spotted "Luh-Loyd."

''Look what we have here.'' Soul Archer spoke, pointing his loaded bow at the ''Green Ninja''.

''The Green Ninja. So rude. Hasn't anyone told you it's not polite to be late to the party?'' Morro asked, and the ghosts stopped ''Lloyd'' from going anywhere.

''Now that we've got him, what do you want us to do with him?'' Bansha questioned Windy Weather Boy.

''Surely it's not just you. I know your Ninja are never far. Come out, come out, wherever you are. I have your beloved Green Ninja. You think you can come into my home and steal the Crystal I rightfully earned?'' Morro asked.

''You think I'll just hand it to you, just like the green gi was handed to you? Tell me. Tell all of us that I'm better than you, and I'll let you go. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?'' He then took the Green Ninja's hood off, revealing Nya.

''Sorry, I couldn't hear you. I'm still a little wet behind the ears.'' Nya said, creating a sphere of water.

''She's a Water Ninja. She's...Protect the Realm Crystal!'' Morro ordered his ghosts.

Nya destroyed a few ghosts with the water and attacked Windy Weather Boy who used his powers to keep it at bay. (see what I did there?)

''Yeah,'' The Water Ninja said as she vanquished a few more ghosts with her powers.

''Chill out! Hahaha. It feels good to have our powers back. Ice!'' Frosty the Ice Ninja exclaimed, freezing the two small dragons who were about to attack Nya.

''It's time we get these people out of here. Everyone, stand back.'' Wu told the others in the cage with him, summoning his elemental dragon to break out of the cage.

''Even better to have a new ride.'' Lightning Mouth spoke as he appeared in his vehicle. A Ghost then slashed his Ghost Taker. ''Hey, you scratched my brand-new car!'' He shouted, capturing the ghost. ''Haha, sucker.''


''You have to, Nya. You can do it.'' Kai told his sister who was struggling to fight some ghosts. He then ziplined with his headband to escape Soul Archer's arrow. ''Ha! Thirty-two thread count.''

Ghoultar's scythe got stuck on Jay's vehicle. ''You monster.'' He said as the ghosts were released. ''Ugh!''

''Is that all? Is that all you've got?'' Morro asked after using his wind to knock Nya into a wall.

Green Bean then used his Energy to get rid of the ghosts surrounding the Water Ninja. ''Hey! Looks like this is just between us.'' He told the Master of Wind.

''The green gi belongs to me now,'' Morro replied, holding up the Green Ninja mask, laughing. You think I'm gonna make this easy? Let's see how good you are.'' The two then commenced their fight.

''Stay strong, Lloyd.'' Nya urged the Green Bean.

''I'm stronger, Lloyd. I always have been. And I've been inside your head. I know what you're afraid of. You could never do it alone, could you? Weak. You need others, but I, I only need (Y/n).'' The Master of Wind told him.

''The Preeminent is about to arrive. Lloyd's running out of time.'' Wu informed Misako.

''What are you waiting for, Lloyd? An invitation?'' Morro asked. ''If you want the Realm Crystal, earn it.''

''I did learn a thing or two with you in my head,'' Lloyd answered, using Airjitzu to get closer to him, only for the Master of Wind to use his powers on the Green Bean. ''Whoa!''

''Lloyd!'' Nya exclaimed.

''Watch your step. The fall can be a doozy.'' Spooky Wind Boy taunted, using his wind to push away the platform Lloyd was about to land on. ''What's wrong, too hard for ya? This is the end of the line, Lloyd. I'll miss you.''

''Better late than never. I saved a lot for this moment.'' Ronin spoke, pouring his savings onto the Windy Weather Boy.

''It's raining money!'' (Y/n) exclaimed, appearing beside Nya whose mouth was wide open in shock.

''Where's Morro? He's gone.'' The Thief told the others as he could find no sign of the Windy Weather Boy.

The Green Ninja was about to destroy the Realm Crystal.

''Stop! Please, don't.'' Morro pleaded.

''This isn't your world anymore, Morro. You had your chance. The Realm Crystal must be destroyed. The First Spinjitzu Master never wanted us to have it.'' The Master of Green- I mean Master of Energy replied, backing away.

''But-but if you destroy it, you destroy any chance of ever saving your father.'' The Master of Wind told him.

''There he is,'' Kai said, looking through a window.

''Lloyd, get out of there,'' Nya told him.

''Yes. Yes, I've seen him. He waits for you...'' Morro replied.

''Windows are blocked.'' The Fire Ninja spoke.

''...locked up in the Cursed Realm. Destroy the Crystal and, and the gateway will be wiped out.'' Windy Weather Boy told him.

''Use your Spinjitzu!'' Kai shouted.

''You'll never get a chance to see your beloved daddy again.'' Morro finished.

''Lloyd, get out!'' Frosty the Ice Ninja yelled.

''''ve seen him?'' Lloyd asked.

''Lloyd!'' Kai shouted.

''No. He'd do everything to save Ninjago, and you would do everything to destroy it. The Realm Crystal must be destroy—'' As he was about to destroy it, a tentacle came out of nowhere, grabbing his arms and restraining him.

''Lloyd!'' The Fire Ninja shouted.

''What is that? It's taken him. No!'' Nya yelled.

''Oh, no,'' Kai said.

''The gateway is complete,'' Morro told the Green Ninja.

''No!'' Zane yelled.

''My master has arrived.'' The Master of Wind said.

''Lloyd!'' The Ice Ninja shouted.

''No! It must be destroyed.'' Lloyd said, and the Preeminent grabbed the Crystal. ''No!''

''What now?'' Nya asked.

''This isn't good,'' Kai answered.

The Master of Wind laughed evilly. ''You have it wrong. Ninjago must be destroyed. Say hello to your father for me.''

The Preeminent then dragged Lloyd into the Cursed Realm, with the others watching.

''No!'' Zane yelled.

(Y/n) looked into the room, checking she was ready, she used her ghostliness to phase through the wall, and Morro turned to her, a smirk on his face as she appeared.

''Not going to kiss you today.'' The Master of Illusion told him. ''Just got a Green Ninja to save.''

''Hm, let's change that.'' Windy Weather Boy replied, pulling her into a kiss.

When they pulled out of the kiss, (Y/n) fished an Uno Reverse Card out of her pocket, as well as the Toxic Kiss lipstick.

''Ahem, No u.''

Ight Ima go to sleep

Hopefully, this makes sense in the morning

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Have a great day, or night, wherever you are!

See ya Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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