Rude Awakening

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Imagine Dragons - It's Time


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:52 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

So this is what you meant

When you said that you were spent

And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit, right to the top


Wu banged a cymbal as he came into the bedroom while the ninja slept peacefully.

''Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!'' He shouted, waking them up.

The Ninja groaned as they tried to shut out the noise, though it proved useless.

''In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity,'' Wu told them.

Kai got up. ''Okay okay, we're up. But if you want us to reach full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest?'' He yawned.

Cole stretched his back. ''You call that a rest? I think my back had more lumps than the mattress.''

''We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters, I guess we lost track of time. Since the serpentine burned down our monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our head...'' Jay said, turning the tap on not noticing instead of water, some dirt came out of the tap. He spat the dirt in his mouth into the sink.

(Y/n) looked like a zombie, with her (h/c) hair messed up and below her eyes sat dark bags.

''What is our lesson today, Sensei? Mastering the strike of the Scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of-'' Zane asked Wu, but fell through the floorboards, coughing dust.

''I think today's lesson would be chores,'' Wu replied.

''Chores?!'' The boys exclaimed in disbelief.

(Y/n) only sighed.

''Ninja fight, Sensei. They do not clean.'' Cole told Wu.

''In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our new home and where we are from. And this place is a long way from becoming a Ninja headquarters. I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it.'' Wu said, walking out the door.

He banged the cymbal again before disappearing.

Cole helped Zane out of the broken floorboards.

Kai grumbled. ''This place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up.'' He complained.

''Unless we put more than our backs into it, huh?'' Jay said, winking.

''Ninja, go!'' Cole shouted. He cleaned up the room using spinjitzu. He took out all the trash and put it outside of the Bounty.

Zane threw his shurikens of ice toward the walls of Destiny's Bounty to freeze it. Kai used the Sword of Fire on the ice to melt it. ''Ninja, go!'' Both of them cried out. They used spinjitzu to clean the rest of the room.

Cole and Kai were fixing the machines inside the Destiny's Bounty. Jay uncovered a huge computer system and he tries to use the Nunchucks of Lightning to fix it. All the Ninja try to fix the canvas.

''Ninja, go!'' Jay cried out, doing spinjitzu to rid the Destiny's Bounty's deck of dust.

(Y/n) watched from a chair, sipping lemonade.

When Sensei Wu and Nya came back, they found the Bounty clean. The ninja sat in front of the tv, playing games.

''What took you so long?'' Kai asked, turning his head to face the two.

''Wow, this place looks... amazing. You guys did all of this?'' Nya asked.

''Ninja don't just fight, Nya. We clean.'' Cole replied, looking at her.

''Oh, you have exceeded my expectations,'' Wu said. A car honk was heard. ''...but can you keep it up?'' He asked.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at the boys, doubting they could keep the Bounty clean.

Looking out the window, Nya saw two old people in a jalopy, driving towards the Bounty. ''Looks like we're about have some visitors, and loud ones at that.'' She said.

Jay sighed. ''Ugh... it's my parents. Please, if they start yapping, just don't let them going, okay? They don't know when to quit. And if you start talking then they'll start talking, and suddenly half the day is gone before you know it ends-'' Jay was interrupted by Kai.

''We get it! They talk a lot.'' Kai replied. ''The cherry doesn't fall far from its blossom.''

The ninja stood on the deck of the Bounty, with (Y/n) leaning on the rail.

Jay acted happy as his parents arrived. ''Mum! Dad! What are you doing here?''

''Oh look! It's my baby boy! It's been so long since we heard from you!'' Edna exclaimed.

''Ma, I called you two days ago,'' Jay replied.

Ed giggled. The two hopped down from the jalopy and began to walk towards the group. ''Oh well... It's not soon enough, son. When are you coming out to the junkyard? You say you are coming you don't.'' Ed said.

'' we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?'' Jay said, embarrassed.

''He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard,'' Edna told the ninja. She looked at Nya. ''Oh... and who are you?'' She gasped. ''You are so cute! You are just my son's type.''

(Y/n) watched from afar, feeling left out.

''Mum!'' Jay exclaimed.

''It's a pleasure of meeting you. I'm sure if you want, Jay can give you a tour. He worked very hard on it.'' Nya said, looking at Jay.

''We'd love a tour!'' Ed and Edna exclaimed.


After giving the tour to Ed and Edna, the ninja wished them goodbye.

Ed turned on the headlights. Everyone grunted as they shielded their eyes from the blinding light.

''Heh, like 'em? I used a little extra juice.'' Ed said as he turned off the blinding headlights. ''Yep. Bye, son. I couldn't be more proud.''

''And bring Nya with you, will ya? I can see why you like her.'' Edna exclaimed as the couple drove away.

''Mom!'' Jay said, frustrated.

''Now that they have left, maybe Jay can teach us the art of kissing pillows...'' He said, snickering. The others laughed.

''Ugh!'' Jay groaned in frustration, walking back onto the Bounty.

He passed (Y/n), who gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.


''Sure got a lot of junk piling up. If only there was a place we could get rid of it...'' Kai said, walking past with Zane.

''If you don't mind, I'm trying to focus,'' Jay told them.

Cole passed by, pretending to be on the phone. ''Hi, mom and dad. Of course, I'd love to visit. What kind of son would I be if I didn't want to?''

''Heheheheh. I know what you're trying to do. Okay, look, I might have promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate.'' Jay told them.

Nya walked in, with (Y/n).

Jay wiped his mouth. ''Hehe. Hi, Nya.''

''Hey, what about me?'' (Y/n) asked, crossing her arms.

''Hello, (Y/n),'' Jay said.

''You gonna visit your parents, today?'' Nya asked him.

''Uh, sure am. Just about to leave.'' Jay answered.

(Y/n) facepalmed. ''He's changed his mind so quickly...''

''Tell them I say hi,'' Nya told Jay, before walking out of the room.

The others looked at Jay.

''What? So my plate's not that full.'' Jay said.

(Y/n) crossed her arms, sitting on a chair. ''Well, it seemed pretty full a moment ago.''


The ninja were walking to the junkyard. Wu tagged along as the dragons flew away, playing the sacred flute as they walked.

Zane helped (Y/n) walk, and Jay sighed. ''Of all the days to lose our ride...'' He said.

''That flute. You've never told us why it's so special.'' Zane said, looking at Wu.

''Long ago there were many flutes, created to combat the powers of the Serpentine and drive them underground. But over time, Ninjago's forgotten its ancestors' wisdom, and now this is the only one.'' Wu answered, before playing the flute again.

''I get the lesson: respect your elders or suffer the consequences. Boy, you guys are laying it on thick.'' Jay said, walking ahead of the others.

Wu chuckled. ''Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear.'' He said.

Jay stopped. Nya walked closer to him. ''What is it?'' She asked.

''It's quiet. My family's never quiet.'' Jay replied. He ran and heard Ed and Edna's mumbled grunts in a locked fridge. He kicked it open.

Edna and Ed sat there, in chains and their mouths taped.

''What happened?'' Jay asked. ''Who did this?'' He took off the tape covering Edna's mouth.

''Sweetheart, you came!'' She said with a slight hiss in her voice.

Jay took off the tape covering Ed's mouth. ''Oh, you gotta get out of here. You shouldn't have come, it's the snakes!'' He also said with a slight his in his voice.

''The bite of the Fangpyre!'' Wu exclaimed. ''Once they sink their teeth their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete.''

Ed turned around, showing a small snake tail starting to grow.

The Fangpyre snakes hissed, with a toxic green wrecking ball appearing.

The Ninja got into their positions, ready to fight. ''Is that wrecking ball staring at me?''

''Duck!'' Jay shouted.

The wrecking ball swung at them, and Kai picked (Y/n) up and ran away before it hit. Jay saved his parents before they could get hit.

Ed groaned. ''Thanks, son.''

''Lloyd!'' Wu shouted, looking at the boy.

''Hello uncle,'' Lloyd replied. ''Looks like we're not the only family reunion. I'm glad you brought the Ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash. Muahaha!''

(Y/n) sighed.

''If we want to turn your parents back, we need the antivenom in the staff,'' Nya said.

''Second dose, to the dirt!'' Cole shouted. Everyone plunges to the ground as the wrecking ball attacks.

''Easier said than done, sis,'' Kai said. ''We're a bit outnumbered.''

''Nobody messes with my family!'' Jay exclaimed, running forward with his nunchucks. He leapt into the air, and when he hit the ground, he knocked the fangpyre snakes in his way to the ground. He did spinjitzu, knocking out more fangpyres. The wrecking ball swung his way, and he slid under it.

''Ninja go!'' Cole Kai and Zane exclaimed, using their spinjitzu to get rid of the snakes.

Wu was surrounded by snakes. He played the sacred flute and the snakes covered their ears. Nya came in, knocking a fangpyre snake to the ground and defeated the other ones before joining Wu. ''I don't know, Sensei. I think we make a pretty good duet.'' She said.

Music started to blast from the speakers, and (Y/n) looked at him. ''Young nephew, must I teach you whose side you should be on?'' Wu asked, pointing his bamboo staff at him.

Lloyd turned up the music. ''Sorry, uncle. Can't hear you!''

A fangpyre appeared behind Wu, and Edna appeared, knocking the snake away with her trusty frying pan.

''Man, I gotta get me one of those.'' (Y/n) said, watching her.

''Yeah, way to go, Edna!'' Ed exclaimed.

''Ninja go!'' The ninja shouted, doing spinjitzu and chasing after the snakes.

However, when they came around the corner, what was formerly one of Ed's inventions, now a Fangpyre robot.

''Ah! What is that thing?'' Jay asked.

''It was supposed to be in your honour, son, but do you like it?'' Ed answered.

''Thanks, but no thanks,'' Jay said. The ninja ran away as the robot swung its nunchucks, hitting the ground where they just were.

Looking ahead, Cole saw the seemingly sentient wrecking ball staring at them. ''Why'd you have to be born in a junkyard?'' He asked.

''I know. Tell me about it.'' Jay replied.

(Y/n) watched, sitting in a tyre.

The wrecking ball swung at them, and when they landed on their feet, they realised Jay wasn't with them. ''Uh, wasn't there four of us?'' Kai asked.

The ninja looked up, seeing Jay on the wrecking ball. He did a backflip, landing on the roof of the cockpit before kicking the fangpyre driver out. ''Let's see if I can work this,'' Jay said, moving a handle.

The fangpyre robot attacked Cole with its giant nunchucks. He used his scythe to block it but struggled to keep it up. ''Don't worry, I got it.'' He said.

Jay used the wrecking ball to save Cole, knocking the fangpyre robot into a pile of tyres. As Jay ran to stand by the others Cole looked at him. ''I told you, I had it,'' Cole said.

Lloyd looked down at the now fallen fangpyre robot, then at the ninja. ''Retreat!'' He shouted. A green snake helicopter appeared, and Lloyd and Fangtom hopped on to make a getaway.

''He's getting away with the staff!'' Nya exclaimed.

Cole sighed.

''Right now would be a good time to have those Dragons,'' Jay said as his parents walked over to him.

''It's okay, son,'' Ed said, putting an arm on Jay's shoulder.

''There is still a way,'' Wu said.

''How?'' Jay asked.

''Part of reaching your own full potential is understanding your weapon's potential. Once it is in tune with a focused heart, its secrets and powers can be unlocked.'' Wu told the ninja.

''Oh, this is not the time to be cryptic,'' Jay replied.

''He's saying our weapons are vehicles themselves,'' Zane said, looking at the others.

''Don't tell me I have to ride this thing like a broomstick,'' Kai replied, looking at his Sword of Fire.

''Up!'' (Y/n) spoke, making the ninja look at her. ''What?'' She asked with a confused face. ''I love books...''

Wu turned to the Lightning Ninja. ''Jay, concentrate on unlocking your Golden Weapon. Let your heart guide you. Imagine you're taking flight.''

Jay looked at his nunchucks, before swinging them around and doing some sort of dance.

Lightning crackled as he spun around in a transparent sphere, before there was a flash of light and Jay, in his jet, appeared. The hatch opened, and Jay looked at his jet in amazement. ''Whoa! Haha, did I just do that?'' He asked.

The other ninja did the same, making vehicles appear. They then chased after Lloyd, with Nya, Wu and (Y/n) watching them.

''Does your flute turn into anything?'' Nya asked the sensei.

Wu looked at his flute. ''I wish.''

As Jay fell after his lightning jet disappeared, Nya caught him in the Jalopy, with (Y/n) watching the other ninja behind them. ''Heh, nice catch.'' He said.

''Aw, I knew I liked this girl,'' Edna said.

The jalopy turned around, pulling to a stop behind the other ninja, who faced the army of fangpyres.

''Huh? Why isn't this thing working?'' Kai asked.

''Your weapon is merely an extension of your mind. If your mind is immobile, so is your weapon.'' Wu told them.

''Oh, boy. Oh, gosh. Oh, golly, oh, duh. Get in, boys!'' Ed said, and the ninja hopped on.

''We have to get back to headquarters!'' Jay exclaimed. Nya put her pedal to the metal and they drove off, with the fangpyre army chasing them.


The ninja ran onto the Destiny's Bounty, with Nya carrying (Y/n). With Jay's parents, they went downstairs to reverse their snake state.

Nya put the antivenom in the cups, and Ed and Edna drank, laughing as they turned back into humans.

''Ugh, I don't get what's wrong. I spent forever on this. It's supposed to work!'' Jay exclaimed, frustrated.

Ed walked over to Jay. ''Uh, son? Maybe I can help?'' He asked.

Jay gasped ''Dad! You're okay!''

''You're darn tooting. Oh, let's have a look.'' Ed fixed the wiring to the button. ''Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Oh, that should do it. Now try it.''

Jay hit the button, and the Destiny's Bounty opened its wings and thrusters, allowing it to fly away.

Nya struggled to keep her footing, dropping the staff. It fell off the Bounty, hitting a Fangpyre snake on the head.


(Y/n) sat on her bed, looking at her legs.

Jay walked past, stopping when he saw her sitting there silently.

''What's wrong?'' He asked, concerned.

''I have a dream, to be one of you guys. But with my broken legs, I guess that's not possible.'' (Y/n) replied, looking away.

''Broken legs can heal,'' Jay said quickly. (Y/n) looked at him.

''But it takes time.'' (Y/n) replied. ''And I don't have the patience for that.''

The two sat there in silence, thinking.

''You want to know something?'' (Y/n) spoke. Jay looked at her. ''I'm really jealous of you, how you were born in a junkyard.''

Jay blinked. ''Really?'' He said, surprised.

(Y/n) nodded. ''If I was born in a junkyard, I'd want to know how to build stuff, and maybe make something for me to fight our enemies.''

Nya walked past. ''Jay, I need your help.''

Jay looked at her. ''What do you need?'' He asked.

''Come and see.'' She replied, looking at (Y/n). She then walked away.

(Y/n) patted him on the shoulder. ''Go get 'em, tiger.'' She encouraged him. Jay looked at her with a smile, before running after Nya.

(Y/n) sighed, grabbing her book and opening it. She read until her eyes grew tired, and fell asleep.

Grammarly really hates me, there's like 29 ''incorrect grammar'' warning thingies

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See ya, bookworms!

WriterAgreste, over and out! 

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