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Park Aera's mansion;

Park Aera's POV-
I wake up on 8 a.m. I didn't noticed when did I fall asleep. So far that I remember that I was thinking of the first time I met with Taehyung and then I cried so hard. I could tell that my eyes are red because of too much crying. I get up from my bed and walk towards the bathroom to take a bath. When I enter the bathroom, I could see few of branded beauty essentials product that Taehyung gave to me two weeks ago. It's 'Sulwhasoo' Korean beauty product. Taehyung bought the full set of the product as a gift for me because he knew that I really love to use them. I sigh hardly, "aishh..focus Park Aera!" I put all of the beauty products away."You're not gonna use it anymore, you'll buy the new one!" I spoke to myself.

After I've finished taking my bath, I went to my closet room to pick on my outfit. I've decided to wear a dress for today so, I walk towards the dresses compartment in my closet room. I take a look on each dresses to pick which dress should I wear but then my eyes laid on a dress that was hang on the left of the compartment. It is a nude halterneck dress. I don't really mind if it's a halterneck dress or other dress but what I really care is, that dress was given by Taehyung for me on my last birthday. I take the dress with me and then I quit from the closet room. I stare around my whole room. Almost half of things in my room were given by Taehyung.

When I take a look on my bed, there's Mr V, the huge teddy bear that Taehyung gave, there's a red-heart cushion that have Taehyung's name sewed on it. On my dressing table, there's a box of jewellery box, few pendants, necklaces, rings and hair clips that Taehyung gave to me everytime he surprised me on our dates. There's even few branded make-up sets such as Misha, Innisfree and Banila.co on the dressing table. I have not mention about few branded perfumes such as Victoria Secret and Amouage Interlude that he bought for me everytime we go for shopping together. In the closet room, I could say there's a lot of branded outfits, shoes, heels, handbags and purses that Taehyung bought for me everytime he went for outstation.

I could say that Taehyung really loaded me with money and branded things which he knew that I really love those luxury things.

"How do I get rid of him? His memories are everywhere in this room!"

I talk to myself. Then, I take a seat on my bed. "Park Aera..you really need to start a mission on how to forget your ex-boyfriend!" I whispered to myself. I stand up and start to search for a huge box to fit all of these gifts from Taehyung. Yes, I've decided to throw or give away all of these gifts so that Taehyung's memories will no longer stay in my room. I take every single gifts that relate me with Taehyung and throw it inside the box. After spending few minutes on clear all of those gifts, I take a break on my bed. Then, my eyes laid on Mr V. I take Mr V with me.

"Mr V..I'm not feeling like throwing you but..I have too or else, I will never be able to forget Taehyung" I said to Mr V and bring that teddy bear to the big box. I hug it for the last time before I put it together with the gifts, "bye Mr V..I'll try for not missing you everytime I'm going to bed" I said sadly. Eventhough Mr V is not as branded or as expensive as the other gifts that Taehyung gave but, Mr V is the most precious gift for me. It's Taehyung's first gift and I really need to sleep with Mr V every night. Since I've decided to throw it away, I guess I have to try to sleep alone tonight without hugging Mr V.

I am about to lift the box to put it away from my room but then my eyes caught something on my room's wall. There's a few photos of me with Taehyung were hanging on the wall along with the fairy light that I decorated long time ago. There's a picture of both of us when we first met each other at the high school music room. Then, there's a picture of us on the day that Taehyung proposed me to be his girlfriend. There are few pictures of us going on vacations together. Few pictures of me and Taehyung celebrating our birthday and more pictures that captured our moments together.

I stare at the picture of me hugging a huge teddy bear, which is Mr V with Taehyung standing beside me and hugging my shoulder. It was the day of our first date that we declared ourself as couple. I still remember the day that Taehyung asked me to be his girlfriend, it was one of my best day ever..

8 years ago;
I keep on staring at Taehyung who's being quiet for 5 minutes straight in front of me. We're having our lunch at Through Cafe. This cafe is one of our favourite place to hang out together. Just now at school, Taehyung met me and told me that he wanted to go for a lunch with me at this cafe but now, it feels like I'm eating alone because he doesn't even say a word to me.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung!" I shout making him shock. "Ne, waeyo?" he asked with his blur face, I sigh, "oh, come on! If you keep on shutting your mouth without talking to me, I think it's better if I leave!" I said to him. I pretend to leave him alone but then he pull my sleeve to prevent me from leaving. "No, Aera..please, stay" he asked and then I sigh. I sit beside him, "you know what, I'm not a mannequin for you to ignore, I'm a human and I need your attention! I'm not going to eat like I'm alone at this table" I pout.

Taehyung laugh, "hey.." he called me. I glared at him, he pat my nose softly, "yah, stop it!" I said. Taehyung shook, "I'll keep on doing this if you still ignore me" he said to me. I face him, "look, who ignored me at first?" I asked, "okay, I admit it's my fault, Aera..my bad, I'm sorry" he apologized. I bid a smile to him, "it's okay to admit your fault tho, Taehyung but may I asked why were you being so quiet just now?" I asked. Taehyung shook, "nah, I'm just thinking of something serious" he answered.

"What is it? You can share it with me"

"Nothing, Aera.." he was hesitated. I nodded, "okay then if you insist" I answered. "Aera..may I ask you something?" Taehyung asked, "what?" Taehyung move his body to face me. "Do you like me?" his questioned make me puzzled. I lift my eyebrow, "what do you mean? Of course I like you" I answered. Was that even a question? Taehyung shook, "no..I'm not talking about that 'like', I mean do you like me more as your friend?" I'm frozed hearing his question.

"Why did you asked?"

I try to act normal in front of him but the fact is my heart is beating so fast. I do understand his question. It's clear that he was asking about my feelings towards him.

"Because.." Taehyung didn't finish his words. He pull me close to him, close enough for me to feel his breath on my neck. I was startle and I can't react towards his action. "Tae..Taehyung-ah" I called his name, he ignore me and pull me more closer. Then, he whisper something to my ear, "cause I'm falling for you" he confessed. I'm shock. I look at Taehyung with my unbelievable look, I could not believe that my best friend is falling for me. Kim Taehyung is falling in love with me?!

Am I dreaming?

Please tell me that I'm not because to be honest, I feel the same too. I fall for him too but I'm not that brave to tell him. I'm afraid that he will reject me and we could not be friend anymore.

"Aera.." Taehyung called my name.

"Nae?" I respond, "I've confessed my feeling towards you and now it's your turn to answer me" he said. "I..err...I.." I could not answer, what am I going to do? Taehyung hold my hands tightly, "look, it's okay if you don't feel the same way..I can accept it and we're good" Taehyung comfort me with his soft smile. Oh my, please save me! His damn sweet smile is killing me inside!

"I'm falling in love with you too, Taehyung" 

Finally, I managed to confess!

Taehyung look at me happily, "seriously? God, this is unbelievable! You really driving me crazy, Aera! I fall in love with you since the first time we met and I can't believe that you fall for me too! Thank God!" Taehyung almost shout happily. I bid a big smile for him, "it's your fault for not confessing to me earlier" I teased. Taehyung smile, "I need to wait for the right time, Aera..if I know that you feel the same too, I would confess to you earlier" Taehyung said.

"It's okay, you're not too late" I answered.

Taehyung look at me and I could tell that he's expressing his love by his deep look. "Park Aera.." Taehyung called me again, he's stroking my hair softly and then he move his hand to my face. He touch it softly and all I could say is I love his touch. He really know how to make me flutter. "If you really love me, will you accept me as your boyfriend?" he asked. I smile, from bestfriend we become a couple?

"I will" I answered and automatically Taehyung grab me to his hug. "Thank you, Aera..I appreciate it so much, I really do. You have no idea how happy I am when you accept me as your boyfriend, I promise I will take care of you and I will give you all the affection that you need" Taehyung said to me. I nodded while I'm hugging Taehyung back. I lean my face on his chest, his scent is killing my heart. "I promise to love you with my whole heart, Taehyung" I said to him, "can you please let me hug you for a little bit longer?" I asked to him. Not going to let him go.

Taehyung laugh softly, "of course..I'm all yours plus..I love the scent of your hair, it's daring and attractive" he said honestly. He hug me more tight until I can feel that I'm running out of breath. His love is something that make me feel special. That's why I decided to let myself drown in his love.

Back to reality;
I bit my lips, try so hard for not tearing up again.

Should I throw all of this pictures too?

"You must be strong Aera! You have to forget Taehyung!"

"Aera, you love him..you shouldn't have to throw all of this"

I'm confuse.

My mind keep on reminding me that Taehyung was no longer my boyfriend but my heart keep on saying that Taehyung is the one for me. What am I going to do? "Aera..just throw it, erase all of those sweet memories with Taehyung!" I said to myself. You can do it, Aera! You can! I start to tear all of the photos and throw it inside the box. After almost half an hour working, I went to my closet room again. Well, I'm still in my bathrobe. I pick the burgundy aline dress in my dresses compartment and wear it.

I could say that my heart feel much better after throwing all of gifts that Taehyung gave. It's true that I need a new start for my life. No more Kim Taehyung and it's all about Park Aera. I was wandering, what else could I do to make me feel better and to help me forget about my ex-boyfriend? I'm not going to say his name again and again because I know it will hurt me. I'm hurt enough and I need a cure for this wound.

"Since I've threw most of my things from this room, why don't I go to shop for the new one?" I whispered to myself.

Yes, Aera! Shopping is the best cure!

Dear self, get ready to spend a lot of money cause I'm going to buy the whole mall!

Heyyo, another update for Our Love! I know this story might feel a little bit boring because I keep on repeating the same POV but trust me, the up-coming update will be more interesting! This is just the beginning of Park Aera's life and you'll find out more if you keep on supporting this story. So, stay tune for more updates from me. Do not hesitate to press on the star🌟below to vote on this chapter. Also, please leave some of your comments and feedback for this chapter. Your vomment will mean a lot for me. Saranghae, readers!❤💋

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