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The princess lazed gently by the golden gate to which she was to protect the dappled light soaking into her olive skin, she wasn't one of those fair and fragile ones that you read about.

She was different, Princess Billie of the Shonem kingdom, she was a warrior of a princess- her hair was a dark green that faded to a paler green at the ends, her skin was a tanned olive colour, freckles evenly dotted about her oval shaped face and her eyes were a pale green colour, her arms were muscles and she stood around 6'0- Princess Billie didn't wear a dress either she wore just average clothes and carried a rapier that was not being bared in her hands.

Princess Billie stopped as she heard a faint sound of voices and laughter- they were young children. That's what she could decipher from their voices- in simpler terms, Billie was blind- she hadn't always been blind though- she used to be able to see colours and animals and all the simple things in life... But that time was no longer.

Billie got up from her slouched posture as quietly shifted around the trees and behind one so the children would not be able to hear her as she listened in.

"Just kill the butterfly already!"

"But I don't want to!"

Billie's stomach turned at the sound of them trying to kill the butterfly and flung out from her hiding spot. "Hey! Just what do you think you're doing to that butterfly!" Billie exclaimed! Raising her fist shaking it angrily.

"Ah! It's the creepy gate lady!"

"Let's get out of here! Forget the butterfly!"

She heard the heavy sound of feet running away, the noises blurring into the distance- Despite being an adult and them being children the words hurt her, they made her sound like a horrible old woman who sulked and who was useless, but never the matter.

Billie silently walked into the space as she kneeled. "Oh butterfly~." She cooed gently. Sticking her right index finger out, the butterfly landing on top, she felt the little weight on her finger. "You're just like me aren't you, you're afraid and you're beautiful, but we can't see it ourselves. Oh butterfly if only you knew how beautiful your wings are, I could write you a million poems about the beauty and the meaning you hold to me, butterfly." She said. "But we can not see the things we have, until they are gone. It's the same in my case, but darkness of the eyes does not mask the light of the mind and through that beauty arises from our body ourselves, oh butterfly." She paused for a few moments. "Fly, into the sky and let your wings take you to a better place." She said as the butterfly flew off.

Beauty is never about how we look, or how we can look at another. And neither is gender- don't let the Prince always slay the dragon.

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