Because This is How You Solve Arguments

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Tom rolled over, dangling his hand off the side of his bed. He had been awake for at least thirty minutes, staring at the ceiling, beyond hung over. His aching stopped awhile ago. Of course, it had been a week since Tord had taken that fucking picture of him— yes, he was still mad! To be honest, the anger spun from embarrassment.

Not that he would tell Tord that.

He knew Tord would keep the picture to himself, though. That was something he was sure of; the Norwegian may be a lying dickhead, but he kept his promises.

He glanced over to his nightstand. The clock read an ungodly 5:37am and a small growl of annoyance left his throat. Sitting up, he began to stretch.

A moment later, Tom was sliding off the bed, shaking gently. His vision dotted and he realized, yes, he should probably eat. First, he wanted to go and check the mirror to see if the bite marks Tord had given him were still visible. He hated wearing his sweatshirt tight, preferring it to be loose, but the more Tord marked him the more he had to tighten his hoodie.

He remembers the first time Tord gave him a shit ton of hickeys. He panicked and whipped his phone out, texting one of his female friends.

She had responded almost immediately, telling him to 'get your ass over here and tell me the deets, baby'.

Why he was friends with her, he didn't know.

The most important part was that she showed him how to use make-up to hide the hickeys, even going so far to give him the make-up she used.

Anyway, he had walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him whilst thinking. He didn't have his sweatshirt on, just his ASDF shirt, so his neck was exposed.

By the looks of it, the bite marks had completely faded. He let out a sigh of relief, caressing his neck and shoulder. He turned and opened the bathroom door, hand rubbing against one of his eyes.

He began to hurry back into his room, only to stumble back when a door flew open and hit him in the face.

"Oh, crap. Are you okay?"

Tom glanced up at Edd, pressing his palm against his forehead. "Sadly," he muttered, shaking off the stinging pain.

"Hey, so, are you gonna join Matt and I on the grocery trip? I know you haven't been coming for the past few weeks, but I just wanted to ask...," Edd trailed off, watching Tom intently.

And not be alone with Tord in the house? "Yeah, I'll come." He nodded in acknowledgment.

Edd's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

Raising an eyebrow, he said, "Mhm. When are we leaving?" He let out a soft yawn.

"Preferably when it's not six in the morning," Edd joked in response. "But, uh, yeah, we'll probably leave around six, so you have some time. We're gonna go to the movie theatre afterwards, so we decided to go late. But, go back to bed or something; you look really tired."

Tom scoffed. "I am really tired." Then, he passed Edd quickly, heading back into his room.

Closing the door behind him, Tom collapsed on his bed.

In a matter of moments, he fell asleep.


Tom sat at the kitchen table, tapping his fingers on the table impatiently. Matt was finishing up his breakfast while Edd and Tom waited for him.



Tom glanced up to watch the conversation as Edd asked, "Are you coming to the store and theatre too?"

Tom almost groaned at the question, silently begging Jehovah himself to have Tord say no.

Instead, he was met with a loud, "Sure, why not!"

Edd grinned, his eyes brightening at the answer. "Great."

Tom fought back the urge to slam his head against the kitchen counter as he stood. "Is Matt done yet?" he asked as he glanced at the ginger.

Matt nodded vigorously. "Let's go!"

Edd grabbed his keys as he left the kitchen, heading toward the front door.

Matt bounded after him as the other two reluctantly followed. Tom could hear the ginger shout, "I call shotgun!"

Tom felt a moment of panic and he was scrambling toward them. "But I don't want to sit next to Tord!"

"Too bad! I already called shotgun!" Tom was a foot behind Matt as he barreled out the door. He debated whether or not to slam the door on Tord's face for a split-second, but the Norwegian appeared there too quickly for Tom to take action.

He slowed down, accepting defeat as Matt opened the front left door, hopping inside. Tord pushed past him, almost making Tom fall. Immediately, he began to sneer, but didn't say anything to start a fight.

Instead, he opted for walking to the left, opening the car door and hopping inside.

"Alrighty, guys! Make sure to buckle up," Edd said cheerfully as Tom slammed the car door shut, pulling the buckle around him a moment later.

He let out a sigh. Tord glanced at him for just a moment an Tom wondered if he should throw his head back and retaliate.

He just closed his eyes and waited for the car ride to be over, hoping for peace.

Instead, all he got was Edd piping up, "So, you two seem to not fight as much anymore. What's happened?"

Tom stilled, flaring up in panic.

Tord, the commie bastard, decided to answer for both of them.

"Maybe Thomas decided to finally grow up."

Tom immediately whipped his head around and spat, "Maybe Tord decided to finally learn how to shut the fuck up."

He heard Edd sigh as Tord bit back, "Maybe Thomas learned to to forgive and forget."

The sneer on his face was unmistakable; he was pissed. "Maybe Tord learned to not manipulate people!"

Tord was glaring at Tom, growling, "I didn't manipulate shit!"

"I beg to differ!"

"Then beg!"


Both of them shut up, though their anger had not been diffused.

"And I thought your guys' relationship was improving!" Edd continued. Tom began to look out the window, shrinking back. "You two better not make a scene at the store, let alone the theatre!" he threatened.

Tom huffed out a 'whatever', but Tord assured Edd no such thing would happen.

Always such a crowd pleaser, he thought to himself.

The rest of the car ride went without incident, despite the loud chattering from Edd and Matt.

The loud call of 'we're here!' startled Tom, and he flew up from the little daze he was in. Taking a moment to shake himself off, he unbuckled and exited the vehicle.

He was hit with the smell of fresh pavement, crinkling his nose in disgust.

Trailing being the trio, Tom began to glance around. It was getting late, almost six thirty, and the sun was almost completely set.

The doors slid open and Tom had to pick up his pace so he wasn't left behind. Edd grabbed a cart before tossing his head toward Tom and Tord.

"Go grab Frosted Flakes, you two. And don't even think about starting a fight!" he warned, Matt nodding in unspoken agreement.

It seemed like Edd was done with their shit today.

Tom twirled around in the opposite direction, his pace fast as always. "Roger that," he heard Tord say, followed by the Norwegian hurrying to catch up with him.

Not wanting to wear out the Norwegian(he mentally laughed at that insult), he slowed his pace just a bit.

"You know, you're in an exceptionally bitchy mood today," Tord commented, waving his hand dismissively.

Tom could feel the anger boiling inside of him, but Edd's warning flashed in his mind, so he forced himself to calm down. "You just have that ability on me, don't you?" he responded curtly, crossing his arms.

They turned into the cereal aisle; empty, like three fourths of the store. For a moment, Tom thought their argument was over, but that peace was broken. "No, but, like, you've been extra bitchy. Is it because of the pict—"

Tom spun around, grabbing the collar of Tord's hoodie. In the blink of an eye, their noses were touching as Tom snarled, "Yes! Is that surprising? I was drunk!"

Tord scoffed and Tom could feel his cheeks reddening with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. "You're always drunk. Plus, you said I could."

"That doesn't mean I don't have the right to be pissed about it," he said, watching as Tord narrowed his eyes.

Then, the Norwegian closed them for a split-second too long to be a blink. "Look, I'm sorry. But you just look so cute when you're filled with come."

Tom let out a noise of embarrassment with anger mixed in, his eyes widening. Then, he began to wonder if Tord was going to kiss him, because the Norwegian was staring down at him with that stupid cocky smirk.

The thought made him panic and he was pushing Tord away from him, turning around and taking up a brisk pace toward the Frosted Flakes.

The rest of the shopping passed in a blur; Tom avoided Tord the whole time and Edd seemed to notice the tension, but he didn't say anything.

Then, they were all loading in the car in what felt like a minute later.

"What movie are we watching?" Tord asked, breaking the silence.

"Some horror movie that Matt suggested," Edd responded. You couldn't tell by the looks of it, but Matt actually liked scary movies. So did Tord. Edd seemed okay with them.

Tom... eh, not so much.

"But Thomas is a scaredy-cat!" Tord teased, turning to face Tom.

He smiled very meekly, too uneasy to say anything. "Guess I'll have to distract myself," he joked, but his words seemed dry.

"What, are you gonna jack off during the movie?" Edd asked with a snort, resulting in Tom's face bursting into flames.

Tord began to laugh, and through his laughter, said, "Y-yeah, he just finds the rotting demon so hot he gets— he gets a boner!"

"When was that in the cards?" he asked, crossing his arms. He listened to the roar of laughter from his friends. The joke didn't seem all that funny to him.

"Oh, we're just messing around, Tommy! Stop being so sensitive!"

Tom huffed, choosing to ignore the damn Norwegian.

He fell into a kind-of daze; no thoughts entered or left his mind. They had entered the movie theatre, gotten their tickets, but Tom was still out of it.

Then, he was snapped to attention when Edd asked him, "Yo, Tom, whadya want to drink?"


"Just a bottled water," he said. The guy at the concession stand nodded, asking Edd a question.

God. He hated horror movies. Fuck that, he hated jump scares. He hated that everybody else liked them and he had to go so he didn't feel left out.


"Theatre eight to the right," the man chirped once again, and Matt was handing Tom his water as they left.

He trailed behind them by a foot, clenching the water bottle. They entered the eighth theatre, Tord glancing back as he held the door open for Tom.

Scurrying in, he glanced around before slowing his pace to let Tord pass him. The Norwegian gave him a confused look but didn't say anything. Tom glanced around the theatre and saw nobody; the four of them would be alone.

A shiver ran down his spine for just a split-second. He ignored it.

They all settled down into their seats. Tom was on the right, the commie Tord next to him, the oblivious Matt next to Tord, and Edd next to Matt.

The movie started with that god damn creepy intro, and Tom rested his head on his hand.

He wasn't paying attention to the movie, not one bit. Of course, he still jumped at the loud noises, and tensed up when the main character first saw what was apparently the demon. God, he didn't know.

Then, a hand pressed against his outer thigh and Tom immediately jolted, his eyes turning white with surprise. He glanced at Tord because that hand definitely belonged to the Norwegian, but he had his eyes trained on the screen.

He shifted shifted so the hand he was resting against covered his mouth. If he knew anything about Tord, it was that the communist would take this farther.

You bet your ass Tom was right. The hand began to rub his thigh very slowly, making its way toward his inner thigh. Gently biting at his finger, he tensed.

Tord's hand slid to Tom's crotch and he bit down a little harder as the Norwegian began to press his hand down.

Tom twitched subtly, holding back the urge to push himself up against the hand.

Tord fucking squeezed him and Tom let out a quiet gasp, the Norwegian fixing him a smug look. He glared at him, but didn't say anything to make Tord stop.

Oh, god.

What if Edd or Matt looks over?

Rather than push the hand away, Tom opted to accept the rush of embarrassment. The thought of almost being caught— actually, fuck that. The chance of being caught made Tom's stomach just a little bit hotter.

He was uncomfortably hard at this point, the tip pressing against the zipper and Tom mentally cursed. He had to get off soon, with or without Tord's help.

A scream from the speakers echoed through the theatre, causing Tom to jump and the hand to retreat.

He could easily pretend he was too scared to watch.

A perfect idea.

Shoving his sweatshirt over his hard-on, he unsteadily stood and began to remove himself from the theatre.

As he was rushing to leave, he heard a soft, "I think he got too spooked."

That was followed by Tord saying, "I'll go coax him back into the inside. If he doesn't want too, I'll stay with him."

Tord's footsteps were behind him, but he kept his brisk pace. He was around the corner, almost to the doors, when Tord grabbed his hood and pulled him back.

He grunted slightly at the feeling, then Tord had him pressed against the wall, the Norwegian hovering over him. Tom's hands were pinned above his head, and Tord's other hand was cupping his face.

"You seriously decided to rile me up while we're watching a damn horror flick?" he hissed, keeping his voice quiet.

Tord let out a low chuckle that sent shivers up Tom's spine and goosebumps that swallowed his skin. "You didn't seem to mind it. What, do you have an agrophilia kink or something?"

His face reddened even further because, maybe he fucking did, but Tord didn't have to humiliate him for it.

The Norwegian leaned down so his nose was pressing against Tom's and his hand that wasn't holding Tom was back at his crotch.

Since he couldn't escape Tord's grip, he began to bite his lip as the Norwegian pressed his hand against his clothed cock. He didn't bother to hold himself back, rolling his hips into the touch.

Tord pushed his mouth up to Tom's ear and murmured, "You're so eager, aren't you?"

Tom didn't know what else to do other than let out a whimper, Tord pressing a kiss into his ear.

"I didn't bring lube, so I won't be able to fuck you. Is that okay?" Tord backed up and began to look into Tom's eyes, so he turned his head away.

"Yeah, but what about Edd and... Edd and Matt?" he asked, tilting his head.

"The movie's got another hour left at the least, and I told them I'd stay with you," he explained, letting go of Tom's wrists.

Tom wrapped his arms around Tord's neck. Within seconds, Tord was kissing Tom and grinding against him, causing him to let out a groan against Tord's lips.

One hand was rubbing Tom's hair and the other one slipped under his sweatshirt and shirt, gripping at his waist, nails digging into his skin.

Tom broke the kiss off, pushing Tord back and off of him.

"Everything okay?" Tord murmured quietly, concern in his voice, almost making Tom sick to his stomach because Tord wasn't supposed to care about him.

He was unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, Tord following suit has he tugged the jeans and his underwear off.

Tom glanced down at Tord's cock and realized the Norwegian was only at a semi, causing him to narrow his eyes in slight frustration. Grabbing Tord by the hoodie, he pulled the Norwegian closer.

By the looks of it, Tord almost tripped but steadied himself by placing his hands on the wall behind Tom.

Tom took a deep breath because he had never led in a situation like this; it was always Tord who took control. This time, however, the Norwegian wasn't doing anything.

So, he pushed their cocks together and began to rub them gently.

Tord let out a grunt, surprised, as Tom gasped in pleasure. The Norwegian had a hand on each side of Tom's head, preventing escape.

Not that he wanted to, anyway.

His eyes fluttered closed as Tord began to kiss his chin, trailing up to his mouth and then they were kissing again, but this time it was much more heated. Tord's hands were in his hair, on his waist, cupping his cheeks, and just touching Tom in general. He wasn't sure whether he liked it or not, to be honest.

Heat began to pool in his stomach, threatening to flood. He let out a whimper against Tord's lips, and the Norwegian began to smirk, so Tom sped up the pace. He tensed at the feeling, breaking the kiss as he threw his head aside, he sputtered, "T-Tord, I'm gonna come."

Tord hummed in understanding, finally taking the lead as he replaced Tom's hand with his own. Tom whined out in appreciation before covering his mouth with his hand.

It took all but two seconds for Tom to reach his peak, Tord's pace not slowing for a second.

Then came the torture because even though he was done, Tord wasn't, and the Norwegian continued to rub their cocks together. Tom didn't say anything or push Tord away. Instead, he began to writhe beneath Tord, wanting to let the Norwegian finish.

He did just that a few moments later, signaled by the hitch of his breath and the stilling of his body.

They sat there for a moment, basking in each other's exhausted breathing.

"I guess we should go clean ourselves up, hmm?" Tord cooed the moment he got his breath back. Tom didn't say anything, just nodded his head in agreement.

This was gonna be a long night.

school is starting today **jazz hands**
but nah; after this, I'm gonna do some heavy bondage then tentacles, so be excited for that lmao
thanks for reading, pervs

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