Sleep With Me Tonight

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Tom let out a soft yawn, bringing his hands up to stretch. Edd was next to him, snoring louder than a roaring engine. By the looks of it, Matt was asleep, too. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm. Tord, on the other hand, was on his phone. He probably didn't even realize the movie ended.

The television was set to shut off in five minutes, so Tom didn't bother to get up and shut it off himself. He nestled back into the couch, ready to fall asleep.


He was too tired to be irritated, so he just responded with, "Mmh?"

"Remember what I said... uh, last time?"

Tom furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"I said I would make it worth your while."

He opened his eyes, eyes flickering toward the Norwegian. "Right now? But what if we wake up Edd and Matt?"

Tord stood, brushing his legs off. "Don't worry, we won't." When he spotted Tom's unsure look, he held out a hand and said, "I promise."

Reluctantly, he took Tord's hand, standing up as well. "So, what is it?" he asked as Tord led him toward his room.

"Well... I don't want to ruin the surprise. Though, I do have one condition."  They were walking down the hallway to Tord's room now.

"I thought sucking your dick was enough. What's your 'condition'?" The Norwegian opened his bedroom door and pushed Tom inside, closed it, then rushed toward his closet.

"You have to wear..." Tord was rummaging around inside his closet, but then spun around with a grin on his face. "This!"

In his hands was a pair of panties. Tom's eyes widened at the sight. "You want me... to wear women's clothing... so you can 'reward' me?"

"Yup! Literally nothing but the panties."

Tom placed his face in his hands, letting out a big sigh. "And it'll be worth it?"

"You'll probably be asking to do it again."

Tom took a few steps forward, snatching them from Tord's hands. "F-fine. But you can't watch. Turn around."

Tord let out a small laugh, but threw his hands up in surrender and turned around. "Remember, nothing but those."

He scoffed and fought the urge to hit Tord. Glancing down at the pink, lace panties, he sighed. He pulled his sweatshirt and his shirt off, glancing at Tord every now and again to make sure the Norwegian wasn't watching. Next, he had to get his jeans off. After a moment of tugging, they were completely down, quickly followed by briefs. He took one quick glance at the panties before swallowing down his pride. He leaned down and got one leg through one of the holes when he realized how skinny the string was.

"You need some help?" Tord asked, though he kept his promise and didn't look at Tom.

"You're dead to me," he hissed out, finally sliding the panties up his legs. He glanced down at himself, wincing. Already half-hard, you could see his bulge, and the back of the panties showed his whole ass. His cheeks felt like they were on fire at this point. "I got it on."

Tord turned around, a smug look on his face. "Damn. You look hot." Frozen in place, Tom watched as the Norwegian stared hungrily at his body. Then, Tord opened his mouth and, with a smooth voice, said, "Turn around, Thomas." Tom shivered slightly, but did as he was told. It was silent, and Tom debated on asking Tord what he was planning to do when all of the sudden he felt warm hands touch his ass, causing him to jolt.

The hands would squeeze his cheeks before moving to a different location, then the cycle would repeat.

So, in short, Tord was feeling him up.

"Is this my reward? Because if it is, then it's not a very good one," Tom snarled. To be honest, he was getting more and more hard the longer Tord teased him.

"I'll give you your reward after you answer my question," Tord hummed into his ear.

"Then hurry the fuck up and ask it."

Tord huffed out a laugh, spreading Tom's asscheeks. "Was I your first?"


"Jesus Christ, I was." He placed his head onto Tom's shoulder. "God. I'm sorry. I would've been more gentle if I knew. I thought you were experienced, so I was pretty rough."

"No, it's okay! I like it— I don't mind it when you're rough!" Tom said quickly, stuttering over his phrasing. Tord began to laugh.

"I'll be sure to remember that." He placed his hands on Tom's shoulders and forced the Brit around. "Really, though, you should wear panties more often."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Sure, whatever."

"Sit down," he ordered, turning to rush toward his nightstand. Tom raised an eyebrow but didn't protest, settling down on the Norwegian's bed. He began to tap his fingers on his leg as he watched Tord, who was pulling out a small, red box.

"What's that?" Tom asked curiously as Tord opened the box.

"It's a toy box!" he replied cheerfully as he pulled something out of it. When he turned around, Tom almost choked on thin air.

He was holding a ball gag.

"Since you can't keep quiet on your own, I figured this would help," Tord explained, climbing in front of Tom. "That's okay, right?"

"Y-yeah," Tom stuttered out, unsure of how to react.

"Good. Open your mouth."

Tentatively, he did as he was told. Tord placed the ball in Tom's mouth, tying the ends together.

"Is that comfortable?" he asked, running his fingers down Tom's side.

Tom shivered at the feeling. He let his tongue run across the gag, eyes narrowing slightly before he nodded.

"Alright. Since you can't speak, if you need me to stop, just snap your fingers, okay?"

Tom decided not to dwell on what that meant, nodding again.

"Good boy," Tord said with a purr, settling down on the bed and pulling Tom onto his lap. Grinning, the Norwegian began to rub Tom's sides, slowly moving his hands farther and farther down until they were at his legs. Tom spread his legs a little bit further, trying to entice Tord into touching him.

Tord let out a gentle laugh.

"Not yet, baby." He continued to rub Tom's legs, inching closer and closer to the panties. Trailing his fingers around Tom's hips, he grabbed Tom's ass, watching as the Brit got more and more heated. Tord suddenly removed his hands from Tom, reaching for the red box and pulling it closer, then opening the top drawer of his nightstand. He pulled out the bottle of lube.

Tom let out a confused noise through the gag when he glanced at the box. His eyebrows raised in slight concern, but Tord payed no attention as he squirted some onto his fingers. He reached across Tom, pushing the panty string to the side. Looking up at him as he jolts, he pressed two fingers inside of the man. Whining quietly, Tom squeezed his eyes shut.

"You're a good boy when you got something inside of you, hmm?" Tord teased, scissoring his fingers as the Brit nodded.

He added another digit, smirk growing bigger as Tom spread his legs even further. He was subtly begging Tord to touch him, but now wasn't the time.

He removed his fingers from Tom, wiping them against the bed. He reached into the red box, Tom watching him intently. He rummaged through it before pulling out two pink, egg shaped toys. Tom titled his head in confusion, narrowing his eyes when Tord laughed at him.

He coated them with lube before pushing one inside, moving it around until it nestled into Tom's sweet spot, confirmed by a moan. He pushed in the second one, careful not to move the first. They were followed by strings, which led to a small device with a dial on it. So, Tord turned them both to their lowest settings.

Tom's eyes widened immediately, squeaking. He began to squeeze Tord's sweatshirt, pressing his face into the Norwegian's shoulder.

"Do you like it?" Tord purred, his lips trailing past Tom's neck. The Brit only let out a moan, followed by a squeak as Tord bit down into his skin. He continued to leave nasty hickeys on Tom's shoulders and collarbone, occasionally tugging on his piercings.

The vibrations were gentle, but it was enough for Tom to writhe, plus having Tord sucking and biting at him didn't really help. The Norwegian removed himself from Tom, watching him as he twisted.

He needed Tord to touch him. The need was so strong that he'd beg if he had to.

"I'm going to raise the level," Tord warned. Tom let out a grunt of acknowledgement, eyes opening just a bit. Tord turned the dials once, twice, and Tom was reeling. He closed his legs to try and rub his cock against his thighs, but Tord quickly caught him, spreading his legs.

He pushed the Brit off of his lap, forcing him against the bed. His hands were still on Tom's thighs, giving him the perfect sight of Tom. His cock was definitely smaller than Tord's, but it wasn't tiny. It had an delightful, irritated pink head, a color that matched his cute little hole. He pulled the panties down to get a better look. Really, seeing his enemy bending to his will was quite a pleasant sight.

"You're so adorable, Thomas," he cooed, rubbing the Brit's inner thighs. He responded with a whine through the gag, twisting and turning under Tord's touch. "Alright, I'm going to set it to its highest setting. Get ready, baby."

He moved the dials twice once again, and Tom reacted immediately. He began to curl up, tears pooling at the edge of his eyes, which he squeezed shut. He could hear Tord let out his stupid laugh, but Tom was honestly too close to care.

"Classic, stupid Tom," Tord purred as he finally began to stroke Tom, whose legs were still wide open. The Brit whined and moaned through the gag, drool dribbling off of his chin as he opened his eyes. The heat pooled in his stomach and he was so close.

He came with a jolt, come splattering on his stomach and Tord's hand. The Norwegian turned off the vibrators and pulled them out. Forcing Tom to sit up, he tossed the toys to the side. He quickly untied and removed the gag, still staring at Tom with a smug look on his face.

Tom didn't retaliate. Really, he just needed to catch his breath. For maybe a minute, the only thing heard in the room was loud panting before it slowed into a normal pace.

"You finally got your breath back, baby?" Tord said, running his fingers through Tom's hair.

"Yeah," he answered, eyes flickering down. Tord was hard. "You know, you could've jacked off instead of paying attention to me."

Tord chuckled, wrapping his arms around Tom's waist. "Maybe, but that wouldn't have been any fun." Tord leaned in so his mouth was a few inches away from Tom's. "Besides, it was fun watching you squirm." With that, he pressed his lips into Tom's, the Brit closing his eyes.

The kiss was soft and slow. Tom could feel himself leaning into it. Tord was usually so rough, which Tom didn't really mind, but having such a gentle moment was nice.

Finally, Tord pulled away. It quiet between the two as Tom opened his eyes. The Norwegian was staring at him with this dorky grin. Like he had just won a goldfish at the carnival.

Tom sighed and reached over, undoing Tord's jeans. With a grin, the Norwegian leaned back. Tom pulled his cock out, giving it lazy strokes as he yawned. Really, he just wanted to get this over with and sleep. He leaned down to place his mouth over, but stopped when he noticed pre-come dribbling out from the slit. Reluctantly, he stuck his tongue out and licked it.

Okay, so it wasn't that bad.

He continued to stroke the cock as he rolled his tongue around the tip. Glancing up when Tord let out a low groan, he let about an inch slide into his throat.

Without a warning, come exploded into his mouth. It was thick and salty, and Tom definitely wasn't expecting that taste.

He removed himself from the cock, ready to spit it out when Tord said, "Swallow it."

Tom glanced at the Norwegian. He wasn't exactly sure he wanted to do it, but the way Tord had said it... well, it made him want to obey.

Not that he would ever tell Tord that.

He swallowed, feeling the warm, thickness of the come slide down his throat. When he got it completely down, he opened his mouth to take a deep breath. He wouldn't mind swallowing again.

"Good boy," Tord said as he began to clean himself up. Tom rolled his eyes, despite the little shiver that went down his spine from the two words, and sat on the edge of the bed. He peeled the panties off, placing them next to him, then grabbed his shirt and sweatshirt. "Tom?"

"Hmm?" he replied as he pulled the two pieces of clothing over his head.

"Sleep with me tonight."

Tom's eyes widened slightly. That sounded awesome, but... "What about Edd and Matt? Won't they notice?"

"Probably not. Besides, we can just clean up together."

Tom paused, thinking for a moment. "...okay."

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