The Water Is Hotter Than You

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Tom turned the shower handle, sighing as cold water hit him. It dripped off of his hair and skin as he closed his eyes. He rain his fingers through his hair.

It was peaceful.

He liked showers. It was his time to get away from his noisy friends. It was his time to get away from Tord.

It had been four days since Tord pinned him against the wall. The day after, he couldn't sit without flinching. Tord would watch him with a grin as he sat down on the kitchen chair, wincing in pain. Edd asked him if he was okay, especially when he noticed Tom's lip. Tom waved it off as accidentally biting himself. He still ached. He wasn't sure if that was normal, but he could walk and sit so he figured he was okay.

He and Tord had been avoiding each other— when they weren't, they were completely silent or fighting. At one point, a fight had gotten so bad that Edd had to break it up and force them away from each other. Tom spat in Tord's face and walked away, the Norwegian yelling obscenities as he left.

He couldn't help it, okay?

Every time he looked at Tord, he would remember. He would remember the moaning, he would remember the sweat, he would remember how good it felt to be fucked by his enemy—

He slapped his cheeks as they began to heat up.

If he wasn't distracting himself by arguing with the Norwegian, that's all he could think about. And he hated it. He just wanted everything to go back to normal.

He was spooked out of his thoughts when the door handle clicked open. Frozen, he bit his lip as squeaking of the door made itself clear.

"Hey, Thomas." The door closed, Tom tensing up.

"What the fuck do you want, commie?" he spat in response.

The shower curtain opened, and there Tord was.


Tom let out an awkward cough, looking away.

"You know exactly what I want, Thomas." Tord was entering the shower, but Tom refused to look. His arms were covering his chest, crossed.

"That was one time and I want to keep it that way."

He stole a glance at Tord. The Norwegian was pouting like an idiot. "Come on. You had a lot of fun last time."

"Ugh— shut the fuck up, commie!" Tom hissed, shutting his eyes. He could feel how warm his cheeks were, but he didn't care. He just wanted Tord to leave him alone. He felt a hand touch his waist, eyes squeezing tighter. He was ready to fight back, but then, another hand was rubbing his inner thigh.

"Please, Thomas?" Tord cooed, pulling him closer. Tom moved his arms so they were placed on Tord's chest, eyes opening slightly.

His eyebrows were furrowed. Tord wasn't wrong; he did enjoy himself last time, and he'd probably enjoy himself this time. He let out a soft sigh. "Let's just get this over with, Tord."

"Good answer." Tord moved hand up and began to gently rub Tom, the Brit pressing his forehead into Tord's chest. "You're so cute, you know." Tom let out a shaky breath as Tord grabbed the bottle of lube they used previously— wait, when the fuck did Tord have a bottle of lube—?

Oh, for fuck's sake. Of course Tord brought it.

Tord removed his hand from Tom, squirting lube onto his hand. Placing the bottle to the side, he pressed his body against Tom's, mouth next to his ear as he moved his finger to Tom's hole. Tom grabbed Tord's shoulder, bristling as the Norwegian pushed a finger inside of him slowly. He shifted slightly, one hand reaching down to stroke himself, moaning softly when Tord added another finger.

"You have such a nice body," he purred as his fingers danced across Tom's back. "You really should show it off more often." He moved his fingers to touch Tom's nipples, and their piercings, making Tom arch his back slightly. "Plus, you never told me about these. They're so cute."

"F...fuck- fuck you," Tom hissed between gasps, biting his lip softly.

"Your ass is pretty nice, too. I can't help but stare every time you bend over." He had three fingers inside Tom by now, slowly coaxing the Brit open. "And when you blush. It isn't a stupid pink that dusts your cheeks, it's a bright red that covers your whole face and you look adorable when you're blushing."

Tom could feel his face heating up, worsening the blush Tord had just been talking about. "Shut-shut up."

"Do you know how good you look when you're needy? The way your eyelids droop, you bite your lip, and you try to pretend you're neutral? But you want it. You want me, isn't that right?" He was whispering directly into Tom's ear, which he nibbled at a moment later.

He could hardly stay still. His pumps were quickening and he was squeezing Tord's shoulder, a foot shuffling back.

"I'm right," Tord said smugly, removing his fingers. Tom whimpered at the loss. Then, Tord was holding Tom in place, stopping all movement. Tom tried to fight back, but that lasted maybe a few seconds; Tord's grip was tight, too tight for Tom to escape.

"Would you let me go?" Tom hissed, tugging at Tord's hold. Tord forced Tom to turn around, gripping Tom's wrist as he pulled their bodies together. His hot breath was on Tom's neck, a small shiver running down his spine.

"I want to fuck you until I can feel your sweet little hole clenching around me," Tord purred, running his fingers up Tom's side. The Brit's breath hitched at the words, stilling. "Do you like it when I talk dirty?" He released Tom's wrist, but the Brit didn't try to escape. "God, you make me so hard." He pressed his cock against Tom's entrance, only the tip entering. "You have to be quiet, though. Edd and Matt are home and I'm sure you don't want to be found like this."

Tom huffed out a small laugh. "Look at that. You're right about something for once." The Norwegian responded with a scoff, wrapping his arms around Tom's waist and pushing himself slowly inside. Tom placed his hands over his mouth, muffling the whimper that escaped.

"It's so hot inside of you," Tord said with a grunt, squeezing Tom's waist as the Brit rolled his hips back.

"Shut the fuck up." The phrase was muffled, but Tord understood what he said, chuckling.

He started with a slow space, listening to Tom's harsh breaths. His nails were digging into Tom's sides, watching as the Brit sank down on him. Sweat was dripping from both of them, Tom panting from the heat. The warm water wasn't helping, either, so Tom moved one of his hands away from his mouth to make the water colder. The moment his palm touched the handle, Tord was pushing him against the wall and speeding up his thrusts, moving to tug gently on Tom's piercings.

Tom was trying to keep himself quiet, but now Tord was rubbing against his prostate and there was heat pooling in his stomach. He was slipping from how wet the wall was, so he moved his other hand to steady himself, and, oops, that was a really loud moan.

Tord's eyes flared, releasing Tom's piercing and shoving his fingers into Tom's mouth. His other hand was gripping the Brit's side so hard that he winced. Tord worsened his pace, wreaking chaos on Tom's body.

"What the hell was that?"

Tom shivered at the menace in the Norwegian's voice.

"Do you want to be caught?"

Tom knew better than to talk. He was terrified of upsetting Tord, especially in such a vulnerable position. So, he just shook his head.

"Then you're so pathetic that you can't keep quiet?"

He shook his head again, tears pooling at the edge of his eyes.

Not that he was upset at Tord's words. They exchanged insults all the time.

It was just the nails digging into his side and the fingers being pushed into his mouth. It was the way he was rolling his hips back to meet Tord's thrusts despite the abuse. It was the way he was enjoying how rough Tord was being.

"You might've gotten us caught! Is that what you want, Thomas?!"

He shook his head again, whimpering softly as Tord sunk his nails even further into Tom's skin.

"Is this what you wanted, then? To make me angry so I would fuck you roughly?"

Part of him wanted to nod, to forget about himself and let Tord ruin him. He wanted Tord to fuck him until he was drooling. But, he also had his dignity. So, he shook his head.

"Then you are pathetic!"

Tord dug himself as far inside of Tom as he came. Tom was coming as well at the feeling of Tord filling him, the warmth rushing around in his insides.

Tord gently removed himself from Tom's body, hands and cock. Tom was panting harshly, placing his forehead on the wall. He moved one hand to press it into his side. It had a burning sensation.

Was it bleeding?

He brought his hand back. There wasn't much, but there was definitely blood smeared on his hand.

"Shit, are you okay? I took it too far." Tord placed a hand on Tom's shoulder, raising his eyebrows when he realized how hard the Brit was shivering.

"Get... get out."


"I said get out." Tom whipped his head around to glare at Tord.

Tord hesitated, but nodded. He was moving the shower curtains to leave, sending one more glance at Tom before he left, face contorted in concern. Tom sank to the ground, hand still on the wall.

After a couple moment of shuffling, he heard the door open then close. Tord was gone.

Jesus Christ.

He wasn't supposed to be gay. He liked girls, but he liked Tord, too. How would Edd and Matt react if they found out? Would they be disgusted? Would they kick him out?

Maybe it was just his body reacting to Tord's touch. Yeah. He just... didn't have control over how good it felt.

A tiny bit of uncertainty hung in the air.

He would have time to test his theory out. After all, if he knew Tord even somewhat, that definitely wasn't going to be the last time.

He let out a soft sigh.

He wasn't gay.

Sorry, guys. I've hit a pretty rough writers block, plus I'm not very happy with this chapter, especially with the lack of words. I'll update, but the updates will be slow.

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