Chapter 2

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"Claire, did you take the file from my desk?"

"No," she said trembling slightly.

I stood on my chair,


The office shoosed down to silence.

" Wooh Dracula calm down, if you keep that up everyone will be running out on streets terrified." I glowered at Simon.

" Here drink this.''

I took a sip of the hot liquid and grimaced.

" What's this shit?"

" That shit is coffee with whiskey, I know we are on duty but frankly you need it" he looked at me from head to toe.

"What?" I snapped.

" I conclude the guy you took home last night didn't let you sleep?" he said wagging his eyebrows suggestively.

Hardly. He didn't even last 10 mins.

" Remind me never to act on your stupid ideas next time, and Simon move your arse outta my papers". He didn't move instead he planted himself firmly on my desk.

" You are obsessed with him," he said looking at my cubicle. Everywhere there were snapshots of the mysterious guy's head. Files were piled one over the other.

" Everyone should be, it's so damn frustrating"

" Yeah I know right"

No, you don't Simon, I screamed inwardly.

You aren't getting wet dreams about a psychopath. And you definitely aren't being haunted by his gorgeous eyes. Goddamn, I am 21 not a schoolgirl to be infatuated with men. I didn't know what was there to like, I didn't even know how he looked and yet I was senselessly, crazily attracted to him. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't figure it out and it was driving me nuts. Uggggggh.

" We haven't heard from him since 5 days."

" At Least we know what crime Mr. Lark committed, he practically stole money from the uneducated poor ladies."

"Kinda deserved it, but Zeus won't be getting caught soon."

" Now what do you mean by that?"

" Didn't you know? Butthead put together a team, it has pompous Walsh leading them, it will take another decade to put an end Zeus's antics."

" He has Walsh on it and he didn't consider me?"

" Hey it's better sticking to our regular cases."

" Yeah, like Mrs. Potsticker seeing ghost every night, or finding Mr. Kenny's dog every time he runs off".

I got up with a file.

" Where are you going?"

" To get myself invited to the party", I winked and walked walked to Colin's office.

I knocked quietly on the door.

Colin was talking on his phone. He signaled me to wait, he then went back to his call completely forgetting about me. I let out a frustrated sigh and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I would have waited even more on a normal day but this wasn't a normal day.

I had not slept in 5 days and I had lost all my patience.

I slammed the file on the table.

He raised his eyes angrily.

" I want to investigate this case."

He opened the file to see the first page, his lips curled in a small smile.

" I appreciate your efforts Sarah, but I would have to decline, it's dangerous."

" I don't want no for an answer."

" You are being adamant, and you are talking to your senior mind your tongue."

He paused as if something struck him.

" Fine, you are one of our best I know you will catch him."

I was surprised was an understatement, I thought it would take a lot many free beers and burgers to convince him.

" You agreed easily, I'm sure you want to do this because I smart and not because I'm the youngest here and in the race for winning the best officer award, and you surely won't want me to fail at such a difficult case and as a result snag the award yourself?"

" Sarah, you want in or not?" he exclaimed, his face was turning red.

" I'll get on with work right away sir," I said giving him a mock smile.

I sat on my desk with 3 huge coffee cups. I searched everything that I had on both the men, trying to find a link. Every time the answer came 'No Result' I let out a groan.

"Sarah darling, if you have finished groaning look at the time."

I looked up, the needle slowly approached 8.00 pm.

" I don't know about you, but I have a hot date waiting for me" Simon smirked.

"I'm sure you would like one of her friends."

" Last time I agreed to that, I was left alone extremely horny, get out now and try not to bore her with your how I once fought a 10 men story with nunchucks."

" Oh there won't be any talking, she will only be squealing with pleasure tonight'' he said winking.

" Grossss, I didn't need that extra info"

" By the way the nunchuck story is true," he said before swinging his behind out.

I finished my last sip of coffee, my muscles were aching, I packed up a few files.

" I hear you begged butthead to join my team," Walsh said in a sultry voice.

"Only because I want to find that bastard."

" I'm excited to spend some private time with you, as your leader you have to follow my orders.''

"As much as I appreciate your extremely pathetic attempt at flirting, if you don't stop I'll kick your ass to Timbuktu."

"That's not even a real place'" he said laughing.

I rolled my eyes.

" Wait, is it? Anyway welcome to the team "

" I think I'll be fine on my own, and about orders, I don't even listen to Colin, if you think I'll follow your lead  then you are dead wrong."

" Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

" Won't even mention it" I said taking rapid steps out of the building.

I took a taxi, I desperately needed a hot shower and some chicken noodles with fried chicken. I placed my order. It will be just in time.

I entered my cozy room and turned on the water. My muscles relaxed, I poured in shampoo and gently massaged my scalp, just when I started applying soap the bell rang.

Maybe I miscalculated just a little. I covered my body in a towel and tiptoed to the peephole, I could see the back of the delivery boy, I took out the money and cranked the door open.

He turned and green eyes stared at me,

" YOU!!"

"YOU!!!" I yelled and pulled him by his collar in, I used my arm to hold him against the wall.

" You Scoundrel!"

" Maam, Maam, I'm sorry....I'm early?"

My head snapped at his voice and I looked at his eyes again, they were brown. I promptly put him down. I couldn't help the blush that crept on my face.

" Oh god I'm so sorry."

He looked stunned, he just handed me the delivery keeping his distance from me as if I was going to eat him alive. I didn't blame him.

" Mon...ey?

" Right, here", I handed him extra dollars as tip.

"I'm so sorry I confused you with someone else," his gaze traveled to my towel covered body and he forced himself to look away, I held the towel closer.

" Have.... a good day'' he shuttered and left.

I held my head in my hands.

I went and looked at the mirror, my skin was pale, there were dark circles under my plain brown eyes , anyone could tell that I had not slept in a long time. I changed and looked at the file again.

" You Are Driving Me Insane "I shouted pointing the masked figure.

The aroma of chicken wafted in the air. I opened the lid and switched on the tv. The chicken looked like golden sunshine, I picked up a huge piece and let the juices run down my chin, the noodles looked inviting too, and I ran to my spoon.

When I came back the tv showed static, I stopped in my tracks as the familiar face appeared. I saw the blue eyes and I pinched myself hard,

No, I wasn't dreaming.

Detective Jared stood there in a similar white glass. The spoon in my hands clattered down the floor and I jumped back at the noise, Jared was one of the most reputed detectives, he was bright and smart. Now he just looked dejected.

The mechanical voice came.

" Children you know the drill, run to your room. Adults I guess you too know the drill. I don't want to go through the same thing over and over again, last time your police officers failed to catch me, this time I hope they do a better job".

The camera zoomed around, there wasn't anything particular about the room. I shut the tv, grabbed my keys, and started the live stream on my phone.

Slowly, smoke started pouring in the chamber, Jared looked lost, he made no attempt to shout or beg, it was as if he had already given up.

"You have 15 mins" the voice called. The camera focused on his green eyes and I shivered, goosebumps pricked on my skin.

" That's it I'm going to kill you. "

The video ended with white letters spelling Zeus.

I put my car in gear, I knew exactly where he was, even though there was nothing particular about the place, I recognized the colors of walls, it was Jared's own house, he was killing him in his own basement. My phone rang.

" Sarah, get to the station."

" Walsh, there's no time, I know where he is, get to Jared's house now" I ended the call and stepped on the accelerator. I drove like a maniac.

His house was 20 minutes away, maybe just maybe I would reach in time, my heart pumped as I drove, I had long crossed the speed limit.

The video was playing in a loop on my phone.

I was angry, I was angry at Zeus for killing people, I was angry at him because I had to leave my chicken noodles TWICE ,I was angry for making me ridiculously attracted to him. I was even angrier at myself for reacting like a hormonal teenager.

The video blinked and Jared appeared, he was choking on air.

"I'm going to find you, I'm going to find you, then I'm going to find out why I'm so crazy about you, and then I'm going to put a bullet in your heart''

I saw the time 3 more minutes, my GPS showed 5 minutes, I stepped on the accelerator again, I saw his house looming in the darkness, and stepped on the breaks.

It was time, Jared was dead. I heard the faint sound of sirens, there was a single car parked on the side alley, I snuck near it, with a crowbar I opened the trunk and slipped in.

" It's my turn to play now pretty boy".

Heyy my readersss,

I hope you loved the update😘😘😘.

Love you guys.

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