Chapter 5

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    I quickly removed the attachments and headed out. Zeus was sitting on the sofa, his long legs were set on the tiny table.

" Soo... don't I get to ask questions?"

He didn't answer his eyes were trained on the tv.

I sat beside him, observing his every movement, he was like a Greek god, his actions were smooth, his hair was mussed perfectly, few strands fell in front of his eyes, I longed to remove his mask and see rest of his gorgeous face.

The bell rang and I wondered who would dare to come to Satan's house. In an instant, Zeus was on his feet. By his demure he was definitely expecting the said person, he unbolted quickly and I was greeted with a dazzling smile along with...... dazzling clothes. Her hair was let loose and she was showing way more skin than necessary but she was pretty.

" Who's that?" the girl squeaked, I was probably looking at her with a gaze of a child observing the antics of a monkey.

" Don't mind her, she's my baby cousin."

I didn't fail to notice the emphasis on the baby.

I raised an eye at him which was entirely ignored.

" Hello, nice to meet you" the girl came ahead to shake my hand.

" Hi"

" Why don't you wait inside.''

" Yeah sure, by the way why the mask?"

I perked up to hear his reply.

" I'm allergic to dust, and it's so dusty here, don't worry, I cleaned my room we can ditch all clothing there," he said winking.

I sunk in my seat ignoring the dull ache in my heart.

He appeared in less than a minute, I refused to meet his eyes.

" Don't ask her name and be a very very good girl and shut yourself in the room " he ordered.

" So she gets to see your face but I don't?"

" She isn't a cop who looked me in the eye and threatened to kill me."

" Who is she?"

" My fuckbuddy........for the day," he said without missing a beat.

My neck snapped involuntarily, I glared at him.

" Ciao" He announced, wholly ignoring my facial expression AGAIN.

Fuck him for ordering me around. I said while making some caramel popcorn and switching the channel. I heard giggles and then loud grapes which were quickly followed by moans.

He wasn't kidding, I should have probably listened to him, I thought as the moans started getting louder. I increased the volume to the max but it seemed that the bitch planned to bring the house down.

" Yes yes, please" she yelled and I gasped. The movie in front was long forgotten, my hands found my core and sure enough, I was dripping wet. I practically wanted to drag her and then take her place. The wild images flooded my brain. I got up and the popcorn fell all over, I didn't give a damn. I found the farthest corner of the house locked my self in.

It took all of my self-control trying to calm myself down, I blamed it entirely on Simon's dinky winky of a friend. The moans had quieted down but it was still hard not to imagine his muscles flexing over her, pleasuring her till she asked for more. The house went silent and I tiptoed to my room. I went out only to grab a sandwich and again shut myself. I would practically die if saw Zeus now.

After that intense session, I thought they were done........... apparently not.

I tossed and turned, stuffed cotton in my ears and then closed them up with pillows, nothing was enough to stop the noise. I got up did push-ups, made coffee, listened to music, ate but nothing worked, my treacherous mind kept on conjuring the wild rough image of him naked and his eyes piercing mine as he plunged in me. If I wanted to drag her out before now I was tempted to blow her brains out.

I hardly slept, the next morning I sat in front of the tv still dozing off. They had finished fucking like rabbits. The smell of bacon wafted in the air and my senses stood in attention.

He was standing near the counter, shirtless, frying off the bacon. I was almost happy to be woken up to the view............ Almost. By the way, his eyes squinted I knew he enjoyed my current state. He took his time making a big breakfast and just when I was about to ask for some, he carried the tray to his room. I would have given him brownie points for being a gentleman but then I remembered I wasn't on the receiving end.

     From that day on a movie began, a movie that was either playing on loop or stuck at a single point. Every day a new woman appeared and every day, I heard the loud loud sounds, he prepared breakfast for each one of them. He hardly looked at me, when I asked for something I was presented with three particular expressions. A nod, a glare, or poker face. At this rate, he would fuck the entire village and I wouldn't know a single thing about him. His eyes gleamed every time, I knew he was having fun torturing me.

It was another week and another bell rung, I didn't bother to lift my ass. I put on my ear muffs and increased the volume.

He must have said something funny because the girl cracked up and I wanted to strangle her, then I heard a breathy moan.

That's it. Enough is enough I said getting up from the sofa. I opened the door quietly and sneaked out, I didn't have a particular place in mind. I looked around, behind the house there was a slight slope and it was lightly covered with trees and grass. I started walking and heard the sound of water. I followed it. Soon I reached a small waterfall. The water fell from only a small height but it looked beautiful. Small wildflowers covered the area and the green of the grass was dotted with pink, yellow, and red. Butterflies fluttered around.

I heard leaves snapping and quickly turned to see the intruder.

He had brown hair. From the half of his face that was visible, he was definitely handsome, his eyes matched his hair. He raised his axe to chop some dried wood. The shirt clung to his body, and his biceps bulged out. I observed him for a while, he had not noticed me.

I looked between him and the waterfall, then I slowly stepped in the cold water, I paddled a little in. The water reached just above my eyes. I enjoyed it for a while, letting the cold water hit my skin, after a good swim I put my plan in action.

" Help, somebody help" I cried gasping on water.

He heard my cry but he couldn't figure the direction.

" Help me, I'm ..... helppppp" I cried again before dunking in water.

He threw the axe on the ground and removed his shirt, then he jumped in. He swam quickly towards me and held me from waist above.

" I got you, don't worry I got you" he reassured.

He was handsome enough to make the cold water feel warm.

I shivered slightly as the chill air hit my skin.

" Thank you."

" Here you must be cold," he said handing his shirt.

I discarded my shirt, I could feel his eyes on me as I stood in my laced bra.

" I haven't seen you around."

" I just got here a couple of days back."

" Thank you soo much, it was foolish of me to get in, I slipped on the rock and I don't really know to swim," I said sheepishly.

" That's all fine," he said flashing his smile.

" I should be on my way, when should I return your shirt?"

" I'll accompany you, I'm Brad"

" I'm Sarah," I said giving my best smile.

I took a step ahead and winced.

He was instantly by my side.

" What's wrong."

" I must have sprained my ankle, it will be alright though" I took another step and winced again.

" Wait stop, you will only worsen it, where do you live?"

" That house, " I said pointing the white outline through the trees.

" I will carry you."

" No-no, I don't want to trouble you anymore"

"Believe me it's no trouble at all," he said hoisting me up.

The warmth of his body radiated through my cold skin and I looked at him carefully. He took steady steps but I could sense his purposeful smaller strides.

" So how are you related to Alex?"

" Alex?"

" I assumed you were his guest"

" Oh I am, I'm his cousin"

" I don't want to sound corny, but I'm almost glad you slipped."

" I can say I'm glad too," I said laughing.

We reached the doorstep and he didn't bother to put me down. He rang the bell.

The door opened, Zeus now Alex had his mask on which I could see was a hasty effort. When he saw me holding onto my rescuer his arms in all the inappropriate places, his jaw tightened.

" Heyy, " Brad greeted.

"I sprained my ankle and almost drowned he saved me," I said looking doe-eyed.

He didn't respond and Brad put me down gently on the sofa.

" Dude, what's up with the mask."

" I have allergy "

" Oh, take care, by the way, you should put ice on your ankle "

" yes, I will, thank you again. You are such an angel" I said winking.

" I am anything but that" Brad chuckled

Zeus narrowed his eyes at me.

Brad clutched Alex's arm and whispered.

" Bro, if you don't mind, I would love to take her on a date."

He clenched his fist so hard that they turned white and I resisted the urge to giggle.

" Sure," he said through clamped teeth.

" Bubye I'll see you soon and keep my shirt. I like it on you" he said before winking.

As soon as he left Zeus focused his full attention on me.

" You almost drowned," he said disbelievingly.

I jumped up from the sofa and slowly unbuttoned the shirt.

" State-level swimmer but somethings can distract you ........ easily"

" And you sprained your ankle,"

" Did you see how hot he was?" I said ignoring him.

" I think he will ask me on a date," I said while sipping juice.

" You aren't going anywhere, my house my rules" he barked.

" Fine, then I'll stay at his house anyway you don't miss my company and, I'm sure we both would love to play by his rules"

He watched me and his gaze fell on my chest it lingered there for moments before he forced his eyes away, I could see his patience slipping. I whirled to go to my room.

He grabbed my arm, his eyes didn't leave even mine.

"What do you want?"

So it did work. That's right I'm the boss.

" One, stop fucking like rabbits, two I want answers"

I was inches away from him his eyes burned through mine, our breaths mingled but I refused to back down. After minutes of staring and glaring he opened his mouth

" Fine."

"Is your fuckbuddy gone?"

" Yes"

" Already. Aww did she have to leave because I disappeared?"

He shot me another glare.

" Your name isn't Alex is it?"

" No"

" So what is it?"

" I'm not dumb I won't say anything that will disclose my identity, " he sat on the sofa, I wore Brad's shirt again.

" Fair enough"

" What's your favorite food?"

" Pizza"

" Mine is chicken noodles."

" I thought this was a one-way deal." he huffed.

I made a face and asked the next question.

" Why are you killing people ?"

" Because they escaped the law"

" You can't take it in your hands, you can submit proofs and get them."

" Doesn't work, I tried."

" Try again"

" Do you want to ask anything else or should I go"

"No no stay"

" Would you go to a fancy restaurant or prefer dinner in the woods"

" Dinner in words"

" Good choice."

I asked him many such questions, each seemed foolish but I was actually assessing his personality. Shockingly it was completely different from what I expected. He was in fact mentally stable... well to some pint and our views matched to an extent.

Finally, I ran out of questions.

" This shouldn't happen again." He said

" We will see"

He glared again.

I lay on my bed and clutched the pillow tightly, I slipped off Brad's shirt and threw it on a chair. I closed my eyes, thinking about all the answers. I had learned a lot about him yet I was on point zero regarding why was I so magnetically attracted to him.

The door creaked open, even without opening my eyes I knew it was Zeus. He sat on the chair. His eyes were scorched through my body it was becoming impossibly hard to stay still under his heated gaze, then he got up. A finger traveled over my face making its way down my shoulder. I held my breath, trying to will my body to stay still. He stood there watching me as I pretended to sleep. After some time he got up.

"Good night kitten" he whispered. He took a step ahead then came back and snatched Brad's shirt and left.

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