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'Tsk! How dare he take my Maknae position without doing anything! He doesn't even look like the guy who works hard! I bet he's using his skills as an advantage,' I thought as I scowled.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a drink before going back to my room. I was about to watch the newest episode of Hello Counselor when someone suddenly took off my earphones and paused my video.

I turned my head to my right and glared at the person beside me, "What do you want?"

He frowned, "Why are you so mean to Baekhyun?"

"I just don't like him! He doesn't even look like he's excited!" I protested.

"He's nervous Sehun-ah~ Why do you only hate Baekhyun anyway? You seem fine with Jongdae!" Luhan inquired.

"None of your business,"  I murmured before putting my earphone on and continue watching the video I left off earlier.

Since the video was in its lowest volume, I could hear Luhan sighing before leaving the room. Once he had left the room, I paused the video before rolling around the bed, 'Byun Baekhyun, why are you taking everything from me?'


I was quite confused as to why Sehun hates me but I guess I'll just have to try harder so that I will get along with him.

"I'm so sorry about Sehun, he's kind of grumpy but once you get to know him, he's actually very nice," Luhan apologized.

"Oh, no! It's ok really~ I understand that he doesn't really like new people," I smiled.

"I'm glad you do~ Let me show you the room you will be staying at... I have to tell you though, your roommates will be Junmyeon and Sehun," Luhan bit the bottom of his lips as if he felt guilty.

I lightly patted him on the back, "That's great then! I get to try to talk to him more often since I am sharing the same room as him!"

Luhan grinned as he heard the words I said, "You're so kind Baekhyun-ah, I can't imagine seeing a person as kind as you~"

"Aniyo! Hyung, I'm not the kindest person in the world," I shook my head.

"Maybe not in the whole world, but at least from all the people I know, you are the kindest one," he beamed.

"Thanks, so umm... which one is the room?" I asked.

He pointed at the door on our right side, "That's the room. Be careful though, Sehun's inside and he's being very grumpy today... be prepared for all the mean things he's going to say."

"Does he do this to all the new trainees?" I questioned, pouting a bit.

"No, he's usually very accepting... I'm not really sure about today though. To be honest, he seems fine with Chen, I guess you'll have to try to find the reason," Luhan shrugged.

"Aah~ It's ok! I'll try talking to him and find out about it," I reassured him, even though I knew that it's not going to be that easy.

I went to the front door to grab my things but since I have so many things, I decided to get my luggages first since I can't carry them all.

"Need any help?" a voice asked.

I turned around and saw Chanyeol smiling really widely, "Yes please~"

He smiled even wider until I thought that his mouth was about to rip of but it didn't. He grabbed some of my other stuff and walked to the room with me.

As I opened the bedroom door, I could see Sehun laying down on the bed while watching some videos on his laptop. I stood in front of the door for awhile, trying to guess which one was my bed between the two empty ones when Chanyeol suddenly came with the things and told me that the bed in the middle was mine - beside Sehun's and Junmyeon's. I wonder if I can really sleep with Sehun's bed not far from mine...

"Back, why do you bring so many comic books?" he questioned, looking through all my books.

"I like reading comics! They are like the unmoving version of cartoons! It's wireless and entertaining when you're bored. I mostly read them in the car though, cause that's the time when I need to save most of my phone battery.

"Ooh~ Do you like video games then?" he grinned as he inquired.

"I do! I play games in my phone, and video games a lot actually," I told him.

"Jinjja! Then do you want to play in my room tonight?" Chanyeol jumped in excitement.

"Sure, why not! You better be careful though, cause I'm pretty sure I will win. Afterall, I didn't get the nickname 'BaekKing' for nothing," I smirked playfully.

"Woo~ Confidence, I like that! But you should watch out cause that nickname might be mine by tomorrow!" he snickered.

"We'll see then," I laughed before going back to organizing my stuff.

Chanyeol was about to get out of the room when he abruptly stopped and turned around, "By the way.... what's the date today?" he asked.

I was about to answer when...

"May 1st! Now can you freaking get out of the room!?! I'm trying to concentrate here!" Sehun protested.

"Geez... Are you having the time of the month?" Chanyeol mocked.

"YAH!" Sehun shouted.

Chanyeol grinned before running out of the door and shutting it close.

'Well... this is awkward,' I thought as I began organizing my things to get rid of the awkwardness.

"It feels good huh?" Sehun suddenly asked, obviously ridiculing me.

"Huh?" I frowned.

"You know what I mean~ Getting all the attention? Who are you really?" he continued, staring at me.

My hands started shaking and I got all nervous, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh please, you're obviously trying to get all their attention!" he muttered.

I took a deep breath, trying to get all the confidence I could before staring back at him, "I'm not trying to get all the attention so, can we be friends?"

He scoffed, "Friends? More like enemies!"

"B...but why?" I stuttered.

"Because it makes me want to puke just by looking at your face!" he spatted.

I looked down for awhile before looking back at him and slightly smiling, "I know I'm ugly but does that really matter?"

He put his earphones back on and ignored my question.

I sighed, 'Why do you hate me so much...'


GAHHHHHHHHH! I need to do a triple update today in order to finish the story on time ><
ㅠㅠ I'm so tired!!!!! 

Ooooooh! BTW, there will be a Book 2 for this since I realized that I planned the story too long and I just realized that I won't be able to finish it all by just 13 chapter.... so yea, I will still end this on Baekhyun's birthday but there will be a Book 2 and the Book 2 will be longer than this one~ WHO'S EXCITED!?! Well, I am xD

*BaekRuu Series*

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