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Harry's P.O.V

Sitting in Professor Dumbledore's office, I see the said wizard, then dear old potions master, Professor Snape, sitting next to the Headmaster's big oak desk.

"Now, my boy, you are here because you have to take your classification potion to figure out if you are an Alpha, Beta, or Omega. You remember the colors, yes?"

I groan at the Headmaster's words. "Of course, I paid attention in class." I snapped at the old Alpha. In the wizarding world, there are three classifications. Alphas: Who are the Dominant ones. The ones who call the shots in their relationships. Betas: Just normal wizards (The most common classification.) And Omegas: submissive partners and the ones that can bare their Alpha's children or pups. The colors are Red for Alphas, Green for Betas, and Blue for Omegas. You take the potion and it makes you glow one of those three. When your Omega goes into heat, the Alpha and Omega who are paired by fate will glow purple and you will feel instantly connected. It does not matter by age, social status, or consent.

I hope that I am not an omega. With my luck, I will.

I am interrupted by my inner thoughts by the headmaster.

"Of course you do, now please, my dear, take the potion from Professor Snape."

I groan more, that's why Snape is here. He has to, just in case something bad happens.

"Come now, Mr. Potter, I have important things to do."  Growled out, Snape.

It made me growl louder, causing him to stop himself and lower his head in submission.

I took the potion and soon, I began to glow. I groan in slight pain and soon, I am glowing Red.

Albus seems very pleased, but Snape seems scared. It made me confused but also feeling as if I need to help him.

"Dreadful taste, but at least I was not an Omega."  I say, which earned a laugh from the old wizard. The potions master just looked away. As if ashamed. What could make the damn git so shy?

"I am very proud of you, Harry! Now, you are allowed to go on that mission you wanted."  The old man said, I nodded and said farewell, then left. Wondering who my Omega was. But I also wondered who this Wizard was that I was meeting.

Snape's P.O.V

The growl from Potter made me want to submit. I couldn't stop myself from lowering my head in submission. Learning that he was an Alpha scared me. It would probably be someone else. Why would anyone like me? I am the greasy dungeon bat who was a spy for Dumbledore. 

After the boy left, Albus pulled me closer. "I know you are worried, little one. But it will be alright."

I couldn't help but nuzzle into the older alpha. I tried not to because no one but Albus and Poppy knows I am an Omega. Tom Riddle found out because he is an Alpha and I easily submitted. Not sexually...but every other way.

"Y-you don't think it is Harry, do you? My mate?"  I ask shyly. I am not mean, I adore kids. But potions can be dangerous, and even more, no one can know my true classification. I've been waiting for my mate for over 10 years. I thought it was Lily Potter nee Evens. But...she was an Omega.

"Little Severus, he may be. We will find out soon enough, won't we?"  Albus was right. My blasted heat was really soon. B-but I don't know if I want my dominant. Alphas are forceful. I learned that from James Potter.

*Flashback, Sev's 6th year*
I sat reading under my favorite tree at Hogwarts. No one bothered me. I know the rule is that we Snakes shouldnt be caught alone. But the Griffindorks were no were to be found.-
" Snivellis! What a surprise! How is it that you are all alone? You'll regret it." The voice of my bully, James Potter, cut through my mind. I try to get up and pull my want out. Only for him to cast a disaeming charm. Then he casted a spell I am not sure the name of. It made me levatate in the air helplessly. I was crying and squirming. He smirked and ran a hand down my front to my crotch. I hear a snap, then I felt my clothes disapear. I let out a strangled sob. Begging for them to leave me alone. James laughed, Remus looked away with sadness in his eyes, Sirius had on a smirk that proved that he was a Black, and Peter didn't give a shit as he was smirking. *

I shake myself from the painful memory, hoping I won't have to remember it anymore. Hopeing it will finally stop bothering me. I was violated. Not raped, but molested. I was forced to suck James off. It was terrible.

Apparently, I was tearing up. Because Albus softly wiped my tears away. I was so scared. I knew if my heat started that so many Alpha's are going to go after me. I am unmarked, unclaimed, and way too submissive.

"Shhh shhh, I know. Not all Alphas are forceful, little one. Harry is such a sweet boy."  Albus said, trying to comfort me.

I sniffle, " I-I...I know. But I was so mean to him...I was so mean t-to him! For 6 years!" I paled, I was mean to him! He must hate me...and i-if he is my mate...oh Merlin, I am in for pain. Worst is, I have to give him private lessons in mind magic. It's clear that we don't trust each other.

I pressed my face into my GodFather's robes, trying to calm myself. He realized, and made his scent stronger. It felt nice...I felt sleepy.

Meanwhile, with Harry-

Harry's p.o.v

Okay, I am an Alpha. That's great, but who on earth is my mate? I wonder if it could be Luna or Neville. I am gay, so not Luna...maybe Neville? No, he has an Alpha, Ron. Hermione? Again...gay.  Draco? Hell no!

I groan and as I walk, I hear footfalls in front of me. I pause and grab my wand.

"Who's there please?"

I still must be polite.

"Harry Potter...you don't have to be conserned. Please don't attack me."

He walked into the clearing.
I lower my wand in surprise. By Merlin's beard! Tom Riddle?

"Riddle? You were the wizard I was supposed to find, wasn't I?"  I ask and he nodded.

"You have to realize, I am not longer Voldemort. I have been trying to help people ever since. I would like to offer you something. I am Severus' adoptive father. He wears a glamour to hide what he really looks like. I blood adopted him, so he looks like me. What I want to say is, he is an Omega. His heat is soon. He is scared of getting an Alpha. Because your father forced him to pleasure him. He is still a virgin, however. I give you a request to see if you are his Alpha. "

At those words, I was shocked. I felt angry that my father would abuse the omega in such a way. No wonder why Snape hated me! Though, I have always found Snape's ass enticing. I've always thought he was an Alpha.

I smirked and nodded, I would find out if Snape was my Omega.

Meanwhile, I walked with Riddle back to Hogwarts. I have to admit, Tom isn't as evil as I thought. He also told of Severus' past. His abusive parents. Why he adopted the boy.

It made me want to protect him.

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